Show Me the Way [Aidara]

Jameson finally makes his way into Wind Reach, only to find himself lost. Hopefully a stranger will come along to show him his way....

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

Show Me the Way [Aidara]

Postby Jameson Kindle on September 26th, 2011, 3:52 am


Timestamp: 22nd Day of Fall, 511 A.V.
Location: Wind Reach, The Courtyard of the Sky
Purpose: Lost.

The unsettling feeling crept into Jameson’s chest once more. This time there was no denying it: He was lost. The man at the gate had been kind enough, he supposed. Kind enough to welcome him into Wind Reach and urge him in the right direction. Jameson put a hand to his forehead as he sighed, pushing back his dark honey-hued hair. The cool autumn weather would soon urge him to let his fair and facial hair grow out a bit. It never seemed to promote warmth, but it seemed like a legitimate excuse to let it go unkempt for a while.

As he walked on, keeping to himself so as not to stir up direction, he tried to recall the directions the Gatekeeper had given him. The details escaped him. With a disheartened sigh, he made his way up to what he didn’t recognize to be Courtyard. Amused by his surroundings, he squinted, peering through the weak lens of his right eye in a feeble attempt to further inspect his whereabouts. The Valintar certainly wouldn’t be found here, though Jameson felt it was certainly time for a break. He walked across the Courtyard to find himself a seat, where he rested his head in his hands, and his elbows on his knees. He was tired from his journey. What was he thinking, anyway, in coming to Wind Reach? What did he honestly expect to find? Knowledge. Of what?

The meek smile of his mother’s face haunted the insides of his eyelids, projected from his mind’s eye. It was his only real hope of ever seeing her again. Whenever he needed a push in the right direction, she was there, her smile encouraging him. That was all it took. He lifted his head and breathed in the strange scents of the brisk mountain air. Just a short break before backtracking to find the Valintar.
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Show Me the Way [Aidara]

Postby Aidara on September 26th, 2011, 7:35 pm



Ah, the first bite was always the best.


The skin was really crisp. What a good choice. How delicious. Yay.

Marching through the inner warrens on her way back from the Kitchens, Addy was all consumed by her apple. This exact scene has happened more than once. Like her twin, Addy enjoyed the delicious freshness of fruit and devoured it whenever she had the chance. It was only made easier by the fact that as an Endal, she could pretty much get whatever she wanted.

Much and more had to be done that day, while great chunks of progress had already been achieved in the eight or so bells since Addy had awoken this morning. There was still patients in the Infirmary and Endal-y things to be done, but not right now. She needed a break. And what better to do on a break than eat and sit in the sun?

So, as she traipsed her way to the Courtyard, the apple was quickly consumed, the core passed off to a passing Drudge with a smile and a nod. The juices that ran down her chin were wiped away with the back of her hand, which was then mopped up with the hem of her shirt. She would definitely be bathing later now. Sticky hands and clothes just would not do.

The sun was directly overhead now, coating almost the entire Courtyard in sunlight. Since there were no lack of places to lounge, Addy headed to her favorite spot along the bordering stone wall, adjacent to a pillar against which she could rest her back. The small woman was just reading herself to pounce onto the wall, her hands flat on the stone as she fell into a crouch, when she heard a sigh.

But she ignored it, pushed herself into the air and spun herself around before she landed back on the stone so that she was facing into the courtyard. Addy was almost situated when yet another sigh caught her attention. Green eyes narrowed, darting to the small shadows that lingered here and there, looking for some hiding and forlorn, sighing creature that was disrupting her otherwise cheery afternoon.

Expecting a Yasi or sad-looking girl on the brink of womanhood, Addy was surprised when the sounds in question brought her eyes to Jameson. She had seen him when she first entered the Courtyard, of course. He was attractive, after all, and almost everyone knew that Aidara had a thing for attractive people.

"Well that just won't do." Less irritated and more intrigued, Addy slipped back off the stone and made her way over to where Jameson sat, his head in his hands. The small woman stood quietly in front of him for a moment, sure that he would see her cross the yard towards him, her hands clasped behind her back and a smile lingering on her lips.

When he didn't look up, the smile faltered. Was he intentionally ignoring her? How dare he! Those were her games to play...and an outsider to boot! The distinct lack of firey hair had been the first thing she had noticed. He stuck out like a Snowy owl among Crows. The fact that the normally friendly Inartan's gave this sulking man a wide berth told Addy a lot; There was something about him they didn't trust, other than his looks. The mystery sparked a further intrest in this man to suppliment that already in place thanks to his good looks and forlorn posture.

Enough waiting.

"Ahem." A polite clearing of her throat, and Addy had her dimples framing a glowing smile when Jameson lifted his head to look at her. If he straightened where he sat, they would almost be eye level. "Are you alright?"

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Show Me the Way [Aidara]

Postby Jameson Kindle on September 27th, 2011, 4:11 am

The feminine voice startled him from his reverie, but he gazed up at her with a weakened sense of vision. Red hair burst forth from her scalp, framing a rather lovely face that held two emeralds set as eyes. Her crystalline voice sounded off the stone around him and generously, he stood. It was not at all polite. He rubbed his rough, calloused hands, beaten with scars. The beautiful youth before him was one of exotic appearance. Never had he seen such vibrant dark red hair, even with his disability! It looked soft, and though he wanted to touch it (as he did most things), he decided against it. Having stood in front of her now, he realized how small this woman was. He was nearly a full head taller than she, putting her at around what he guessed to be approximately five feet, give or take an inch. The splatter of color across her nose – freckles – made him smile. They suited her quite nicely.

”My apologies. Uhm, yes, I suppose I’m fine. Just lost.” After a moment’s pause, he continued. ”Rude. Rude of me, madam. Good day, I’m Jameson. I’m visiting your beautiful mountain city here, and I’m to find the Valintar’s office, but I seem to have gotten turned around.” Best leave out the blind part, for now, he figured. It seemed that most people were opposed of the trouble it took to assist a blind man, or in Jameson’s case, a near blind man. It was a disability he had fought with for years and years, learning how to work with it, to use it to his advantage. Unfortunately, when you can’t see, there’s not a whole lot you can do alone.

Somewhere in the back of his mind, the fleeting image of his mother smiled. He was sure she was with him even now, in some manner of speaking. She would always be a piece of him. Beautiful young ladies were her topic of choice. She used to tell him, ”Jameson, love, one day you will have a lovely woman of your own. You will bear handsome children as I have, and they will carry your legacy with them always.” This was usually cause for a good eye-rolling. Even here now, standing before one of the fairest women he had ever seen (or tried to see), he could see what she meant. But he remained with but one woman in his life – his mother, Cecilia. He never stayed in one place long enough to consider courting a woman, but if he did, he would wish to find one like the one before him.

The woman before him. Oh, she was still there. He scratched his head, running a hand through his hair, awaiting her response.
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Show Me the Way [Aidara]

Postby Aidara on September 28th, 2011, 12:42 am


"I am Aidara, though I prefer Addy. It's nice to meet you, Jameson. It's not often you see many attractive outsiders stop through here.."It was like Addy didn't possess the ability, or self control, to not flirt with every attractive human being she saw. She had noticed the squint, however, and the curious way that he seemed to pause before he spoke. So Addy watched him carefully, trying to pick out the exact little nuances that could direct her towards what the newcomers problem was... That sounded harsh. Addy was just noisey, and liked to try and figure people out the hard way: Through careful observation.

"Oh, well that is easy enough. You passed it already, on the way from the gates. Did Val not give you proper directions?" How had he missed the ornate office, with its stained glass windows and the constant traffic going in and out of it's doors? Having never been to a new city herself, Addy chalked it off as being completely overwhelmed by a new place. Of course she found the Valintar's office obvious; she'd lived here all of her twenty-four years. "I can show you, come, follow me."

Smiling brightly as she offered her services, having to tilt her head back now that Jameson had stood, Addy spun on her heal and traipsed off across the courtyard, rather pleased with herself for doing something helpful. She hadn't the same predijuces against outsiders as her fellow Inartans, and who knows how long he would have been left sitting there, lost, if she hadn't come along?

Addy had stepped into the shadows of the corridors leading to the inner warrens when she realized the only footsteps echoing off the walls were her own. Stopping and looking over her shoulder, her good-looking stranger was no where to be scene. A little confused, the woman retraced her steps, squinting into the sunlight as she stepped back out into the yard.

"Jameson? This way." He had stopped again, halfway across the yard, still squinting as he looked around. Maybe the sun was too bright for him. Did he come from an underground place? Maybe he lived deeper in a mountain than even the Inartan's... but no, his skin wasn't pale enough, and his eyes had color, so he wasn't a cave dweller... Waving a hand and taking another step closer, Addy smiled when she finally saw the man catch site of her and moved to her side.

Addy bit the inside of her lip, deciding not to comment or joke about getting lost in a wide open space. Instead, she took his hand before starting back towards the Valintar's office. Such physical contact as hand holding was minor to Addy and the Inartan's in general; she didn't even think twice about it, or how a stranger would react at being touched within moments of meeting. Unaware if he did act strangely, Addy just kept moving ahead.

Many twists and turns later, they arrived at the office in question. Pulling them off to the side of the door, Addy released his hand and gave him a pat on the arm. "It's easy. You'll just have to go in for a chat to state why you are visiting and what your intentions are. Are you staying here for a while?" Her head tilted, red tendrils falling from one shoulder to the other as she watched his face. "If so, you'll need to be assigned a caste and a job for the duration of your stay." It wasn't too much to take in, but still Addy supplemented the information with a dimpled grin and a comforting rub to his arm. She could tell there was some hesitation about this man, as if he were unsure of himself or his surroundings, she couldn't tell which. It never hurt to give a little extra kindness.

"Do you want me to wait while you go inside?"
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Show Me the Way [Aidara]

Postby Jameson Kindle on September 28th, 2011, 10:02 pm

Jameson allowed her name to slide off of his tongue, giving it sound through his own voice. ”Addy… It’s nice to meet you.” As her eyes watched him, he wished he could have heard her thoughts. Attractive? How bold… And flattering. A small, awkward smile crawled up onto his lips as she informed him that he had missed the Valintar’s office, and would take him back there. Such a generous young woman, he concluded.

Though he tried his very best to keep up with her, she proved to be of rather fast gait. The sun caused him to squint, and as he looked up, she was back in front of him. Seemingly without regard for what he may do or say, she reached out took his hand, pulling him along behind her. The rosey hue of a blush crept into his cheeks. Her hands were delicate and soft compared to his, and felt small in his grip. Though the only person to ever hold his hand was his mother, he was comfortable with this woman. Here she was, offering her very own time out of her day to assist him to the Valintar’s office.

The fleeting, weak smile of his mother wisped across the back of his mind, and he felt the ever familiar pang in his chest. Addy reminded him of his mother. Kind, helpful, lovely. She offered to wait for him.

”Thank you, Addy. I’m honestly not sure how long I plan on staying. I have never been to your city before. I’m hoping it will be a pleasant stay… But yes, I would love for you to wait, if it wouldn’t inconvenience you.” Upon offering her a moment’s parting smile, he turned and place his hand on the wall, feeling his way into the Valintar’s office.
Last edited by Jameson Kindle on November 10th, 2011, 2:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Show Me the Way [Aidara]

Postby Flicker on October 4th, 2011, 2:52 pm

What greeted Jameson's fingers most frequently was the cool, smooth surface of glass. His tentative steps revealed some furniture, a strange wire contraption that sqwauked and bit, and another open door. The fragrant aroma of books and the shockingly invigorating scent of something food or beverage related battled for dominance as he familiarized himself with the small reception area. This all washed away in a breeze of crisp humidity that ebbed and flowed with unregulated power.

The creature somehow tied to the wire construct shuffled about, but when it stilled sounds emenating from the open door reached Jameson's ears. A quill scratching, pages turning, delicate glass clinking, a throat clearing. Silence.


"It's a lovely lake, isn't it? You don't look familiar, did Valterrrik send you up from the gate?" a gravelly voice, though with such warm intonations that one might imagine the stones creating it had been softened with heat and left glowing, asked from the direction of the open doorway. His clothing rustled, as though he fiddled with a particular article. "Come on in, would you like something to drink after your long trek up the Sanikas Road?"

The voice dimmed and faded, pulling away from Jameson, as the man that owned it led the way back to his desk.
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Show Me the Way [Aidara]

Postby Jameson Kindle on October 4th, 2011, 10:01 pm

Interesting sights, sounds, and smells filled the temple that was Jameson’s body. His right hand twitched nervously until he took it in his left, wringing it until the skin turned warm. Outside Aidara, the red-headed beauty, was waiting for the verdict of this peculiar visit. The voice came, questioning Jameson.

”Uhm, yes, the lake is…nice...” He agreed, though he hadn’t exactly been able to see much in Wind Reach yet. ”And yes, I am a recent arrival in the city. I was sent from the gate, but I’m afraid I got a little turned around. Thank you for your offer, I would gladly accept something to drink.”

He hadn’t even noticed the dryness in his throat and mouth. His tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth, creating a sticky film coating inside. It had been a long journey indeed, and he hadn’t imagined the city to be so large. At the same time, he wondered if getting “turned around” in Wind Reach was a frequent thing, or if it was just his lack of sight.
Last edited by Jameson Kindle on November 10th, 2011, 2:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Show Me the Way [Aidara]

Postby Flicker on October 11th, 2011, 1:55 am

"Come, have a seat," Kaden called from the other room, the sound of hot liquid pouring into a delicate glass creation accompanying it. A soft tink of glass meeting glass and then glass sliding across smooth, polished wood preceded the rustles of the wiry man settling into a chair.

"There will be many opportunities for you to get turned around in this city, I highly suggest you avoid the inner warrens if you had trouble just getting from the gate here," though the words could be taken for a rebuke, his cheerful tone bordered on chuckling. "Perhaps we could make sure you get situated far away from any labyrinthine corridors. What are you here for, visitor? I don't know how much Val told you, if you're planning on staying here for long you'll be needed a job in order to eat. And your job will dictate your caste, your position within our city. Will you be here long enough to warrant such a thing? And if so, what skills have you to offer?"
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Show Me the Way [Aidara]

Postby Jameson Kindle on October 11th, 2011, 2:21 pm

Jameson followed the sound of Kaden’s voice into the adjacent room where he took a seat before the man. He felt nervous, like he was being interrogated for some great crime, and yet he felt at ease. The building was a marvel to behold, and serene at that. He listened to Kaden’s words intently, picking them apart for reasoning, as he accepted the offered tea and sipped. So there was a chain system here, castes, they called them. His mind wandered back out the door to Aidara once more. What caste was she? He waited a moment to be sure Kaden had finished talking before replying.

”I was born and raised mostly out in a vast open area. I have yet to spend large amounts of time in cities. And your city here beats all I have ever seen.” He scratched the back of his neck as he considered the answers to Kaden’s questions. ”Honestly, I more or less stumbled over the idea of visiting Wind Reach. I was more curious than anything, I think. I usually don’t stay in one place very long, but if you’ll allow, I can most definitely see my stay here to be a lengthy one. I am hoping to be placed so that I can use my gift from the Goddess Eyris to contribute to your city in some way, as well as learn something from your people. What that may be, I remain completely open-minded, and rest assured that I will take it in my stride and be thankful. Beggars can’t be choosers, afterall.” He chuckled heartily before sipping his tea again.

He was unsure of what sort of skills he had that he could contribute to the city, but he was sure that no matter which path he took, it would be a memorable one.
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Show Me the Way [Aidara]

Postby Gossamer on November 7th, 2011, 3:56 pm

Kaden smiled slightly. He looked the visitor over and then took pity on his ignorance of Wind Reach and the wya things worked. Kaden had never been to the outside, though it was something he was planning on doing eventually. He knew other cities were different, and that people could easily buy and sell what they needed, trading sometimes the mundane for the extraordinary. They were places food flowed freely. Here, that simply wasn't the case. "I don't know how much Adiara has told you, but this meeting with me here might be the single most important one of your time spent here. Wind Reach is not like other cities. Food is always an issue, especially in winter. And Winter here comes faster than you know. The people that work, simply put, eat. The people that don't work, don't get to eat. Death is common here and rank is everything. If you are unskilled, you are less than a slave. It's a harsh system, but we need to be harsh. I cannot assign you a rank just by the fact a Goddess has marked you... one I am unfamiliar with at that. I need to know, young man, what your skills are. What is it that you can do to contribute to this society... can you feed us? Can you craft things that will aid in our survival? Tell me please, otherwise I have no choice but to give you no rank at all." Kaden said, looking thoughtful.

He took a seat at his desk which was surrounded on three sides by worked stained glass that cast his features in a rainbow of colors. "Also, an introduction would be the correct thing." The Valintar of Wind Reach said.
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