[Location] Heart of Steel

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Home of the Konti people, this ivory city is built of native konti stone half in and half out of the sea. Its borders touch the Silverwood, and stretch upwards towards Silver Lake, home of the infamous konti vision water. [Lore]

[Location] Heart of Steel

Postby Alice on June 27th, 2011, 2:43 pm




Located at the center of Mura, the local weapons shop is a small white house with a rectangular shape. The architecture is unusual for the Pearl of the White Isle in a sense that there are no outside decorations except one: a large window of stained orange and yellow glass dominating the front. Thin cobwebs of steel as well as the dark shapes of swords, bows, quivers and Suvai divide the glass into particles, allowing the passers-by to catch a glimpse of the sort of goods the shop offers.

The main room, accessible through a simple wooden door, presents the customer with a lot of free space. At the center demonstrations and test duels are often held with melee weapons to guide the customer through the decision making process. Shelves made of light wood carry the weapons on sale, divided into four sections: Towards the entrance there are knives and similar small weapons. That is also the place to look for Suvai, the Konti’s special weapon made of whale bone. Also on display are bows and arrows, swords and other blades as well as a small selection of light armor, although most of the leather and wood pieces are covered by a thin film of dust. The last section is forbidden from direct access by the customer: It is a collection of wood cases and scabbards resting in the shelf behind the counter. They contain the smith’s most prized works of all time as well as the pieces she has purchased from traveling merchants that are incredibly valuable. She will only give these weapons to people who are, as she believes, destined for wielding them. Most of the time the weaponsmith and shop owner will sit behind the counter, going through some paperwork or polishing blades, and greet any entering customers with a friendly look and a “Hello, how can I help you?” She will then inspect the person from head to toe to gauge what kind of weapon would best fit them.

Also behind the counter is a door made of light steel. It leads towards the work area that is about as large as the front room, housing a furnace and a large variety of tools for weaponsmithing, leatherworking and carving. Upon coming near it, one can feel the heat seeping through the gaps between door and wall. Naturally, however, this area can also not be visited by the customer.


Dagger – 2 gm
Knife – 4 sm
Suvai – 15 gm
Iron fan – 25 gm
Crossbow – 40 gm
Crossbow Bolts – 1 gm/10 bolts
Shortbow – 10 gm
Arrows – 2 gm/20 arrows
Fishing arrows – 2 gm/20 arrows
Harpoon – 7 gm
Short sword – 10 gm
Two-bladed long sword – 100 gm
Cord armor – 10 gm
Light/Medium scale armor – 25/70 gm
Soft Kelp Armor – 7 gm
Wooden Shield – 3-7 gm
Scabbard – 2-4 gm
Custom designs – +20-100 gm


K'Sein :

ImageK’Sein radiates the aura of a professional. She loves her craft and considers it an artform, even if she is making kitchen knives. Considered a workaholic by her sisters, she remains near the furnace all day long, sometimes even on her free days. Considerable proficiency with numbers allows her to run the shop entirely on her own. When tending to customers, she prefers to show, not tell which weapon suits them most. Avalis has blessed her with the gift of knowing which weapon type, sometimes even which specific weapon, suits someone’s personality best and thus she is often more of an advisor than an assistant during the purchasing process. Apart from that, K’Sein is honest and open, always ready to accept special requests as challenges.

Gnosis Marks: Avalis - 1

Skill List: Weaponsmithing – 55 pts, Carving – 28 pts, Leatherworking – 26 pts, Sketching – 11 pts
Mura ... Starting Guide ... Konti

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It looks the same, she says, but it is not. It looks as they expect, but it is not."

Gregory Maguire, "Wicked"
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[Location] Heart of Steel

Postby Keyta on June 27th, 2011, 5:43 pm

43rd Day of Summer

Today was a very special day for one particular Kelvic, today was the day that a fruit bat was born in Ravok and now she lives in Mura. While out collecting a few fruit like normal, this one year old Kelvic was found wandering the streets. Sticking out like a sore thumb with her dark orange and black clothes and orange colored hair, Keyta was trying to find something new she could call her own. Running down the streets, she caught a glimpse of a building she had not yet seen before, a building full of metal objects reflecting their light back outside through a colored window. The small girl carefully entered the building and started taking a look around; almost everything in the shop was as tall as she was, and easily outweighed her. She worked her way around the store, careful not to knock anything over to see if anyone was even in the shop. Suddenly she was greeted but a woman from behind the counter, "Hello, how can I help you?"

Keyta's face began to blush as she coward behind one of the many decorative weapon holders. Keyta nodded to the lady and tried to control her expressions since it seemed like most of the women on this island didn't understand that she was just simply a shy little girl. Standing upright, Keyta continued to look around to see if anything would fit her taste
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[Location] Heart of Steel

Postby Liel on June 28th, 2011, 2:55 am

27th Day of Summer, 511 A.V.

If she was going to leave, she at least needed one weapon. Sume had his spear, and she had what? Some herbs?

But as she stepped into the strange, simple building, she found she was intimidated. She wondered how many felt this way. Liel swallowed, softly biting her lip. Was she suited to use such things? She was small, she appeared fragile, and her mind was the only strong thing about her – everything else could be pinned down to a little Konti, the stuff of fairytales. She approached the desk.

The most familiar thing in the store was a Suvai – her mother had one, somewhere in some drawer. She smiled at K’Sein.

“Hello, how can I help you?”

“One Suvai, please.” She handed over 15 GM.

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[Location] Heart of Steel

Postby Sa'Flora on October 1st, 2011, 10:35 pm

30 of Fall, 511 AV

Sa'Flora walked into the Heart of Steel awkwardly, anxious about buying a weapon. She had never used any sort of weapon, and she wasn't sure what she'd be good with. But she had this nagging feeling in her gut, like she'd be leaving Mura soon, and she felt like she needed to learn a weapon. Just in case.

So she walked up to the woman she saw, knowing that she was the shop owner and spoke. "Excuse me, but I am in need of a weapon, but I'm not sure what I should use. I've never had to before, and--"

"You'd be a good with a fan, I think," The beautiful Konti woman said. She smiled at Flora, and continued on. "A fan, or maybe throwing knives. But I think a fan would be lovely for you."

Sa'Flora looked at the woman in confusion. "A .. fan? For fighting? How in the gods' names would I fight with a fan?"

"It's a special fan, child," The woman said with a laugh. "They are made of metal, just like swords and daggers; they are sharp, but not always used for cutting. They're good at distracting your opponents, so you can land a quick jab or kick to them while they're not looking. Yes, I think you'd be good with a battle fan."

The idea of battling with a fan fascinated Sa'Flora; it would be beautiful and dangerous.
"Okay," she told the woman. "I'll take one of your fans, please." She smiled sweetly to K'sein.

"25 Gold Mizas, please," she said as she went to retrieve the item. Sa'Flora placed the money on the desk beside her, and gladly took the iron fan out of her hands. It was much heavier than she had expected, of medium size, but Flora was happy with it.

"Thank you so much," She said as she exited the shop.
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[Location] Heart of Steel

Postby Xavier Goban Terras on October 11th, 2011, 11:20 pm

1. fall 511 Av

The city was far different from his home city yet Xavier enjoyed what he saw as he moved about. At last finding the place he was told about. It was different in the sense of less art but still clearly a building that did fit in the city.

The Isur pushed the door open and let his eyes wander from the walls first to the counter. He knew he stood out the most in the city yet that did not even make him stop and think for he grew up around mostly females as it was.

As he thought of his past when he was growing up his mind went down the path of seduction and how he learned the steps and semi art of it. The stages of seduction came rushing back, the look, openning line, the witty conversation, starting stages of intimacies and then just when and where. Yet as he thought and looked around his own body slowly moved in place feeling more at ease around weapons as he flashed a smile towards the two females behind the counter.

"Greetings, I was told I may find someone in need of my talents. I am a weaponsmith and I plan to stay in Mura for awhile. Would you happen to have a openning by any chance or was I given the wrong information?"

The isur said as he still held on to that smile which he had formed when he walked in the shop. As he waited for a reply from either lady he had his head tilted just ever so much to the right side watching them.
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[Location] Heart of Steel

Postby Cachet on October 15th, 2011, 8:37 pm

Xavier please continue Here

Listen to the island
The waves and wind
That is the pulse
Note it, feel it
And become one with serenity

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