Fela's Scrapbook of irrational fears

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Fela's Scrapbook of irrational fears

Postby Oracle on October 17th, 2011, 5:15 am

Oracle - Lists, because I love lists

To Do List
  • Grade Threads in Office
  • Post in Active Mod threads
  • Send out PMs to pending Mod requests.
  • Finish Fela's Posts
  • Update Fela's CS
  • Update Zeltiva Wiki with University NPC's
  • Update Fish Market NPC's
  • Have fun.
  • Kick Ass
  • Relax
  • Listen to Hearts Of Space to Achieve above action.
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Fela's Scrapbook of irrational fears

Postby Oracle on October 31st, 2011, 4:18 am

Oracle - Short pic post

I love alliteration...

Tardis pumkin. :D looks better lit up...

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Fela's Scrapbook of irrational fears

Postby Oracle on October 31st, 2011, 7:19 pm

Oracle - Halloween fun!

So I posted a Tardis pumpkin yesterday. Now for the rest of my Halloween adventures! Enjoy why I have been so absent from the site lately...

(this is a rushed post so sorry if the cometary is less than stellar.)

Roasted pumpkin seeds, I roasted them with sugar and salt for a nice treat!


Not the best picture, but I cooked several things today from our pumpkins. There is bread, Indian spiced soup and seeds.


The bread! :D


Our traditional pumpkin and our Tardis pumpkin.


Ignore the green ink, we haven't cleaned it yet. This is my goddess pumpkin..sadly the design was a little big but you get the idea.


And last but not least the infamous puking pumpkin.




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Fela's Scrapbook of irrational fears

Postby Fela Meason on November 1st, 2011, 3:31 pm

Fela Meason - Reborn!

Fela has been sleeping these last few months, barely opening her eyes to wink at a passerby. No more. Now she will awaken and start back up her posting duties with a new found passion for words and letters. She has been aloof and scarce to find, she has been overlooked and trampled beneath a flood of new comers, she has been lying in wait for the spark to rekindle itself. I say here today that the spark has not died, but now is reborn and a new era will emerge from the mists.

OK, dramatics all aside here. I believe it is time for me to renew my love of writing for my PC's. Lately I hate to admit it, I have been so wrapped up in Mod duties that keep me busy that I forgot the whole reason I started this site to begin with: my love of writing. It's time for me to embrace that once again. Build no relationships, finish old threads, start new ones, buy that horse I have been talking about IC, fall in love, have her heart broken, bond again...

Who knows where this next month will take my character but I feel with all the additional participation from all the other players that it will not be difficult to throw my character into the mix and watch her blossom into what ever she decides to be.

Watch out world: Fela is awake and this kitty has claws.
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Fela's Scrapbook of irrational fears

Postby Bolden Denusk on November 1st, 2011, 4:08 pm

Yea coz Fela is back! Let's do another dream thread! :D
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Fela's Scrapbook of irrational fears

Postby Fela Meason on November 6th, 2011, 7:38 pm

Fela Meason - On the well of never ending ideas

....it does end.

Yup. The eternal spring of creativity in your mind does run dry, or have dry spells, and when that happens it sucks. I find myself looking to modern pop music for inspiration and you know...as awful as it sounds I think Ke$ha is helping.


Yeah...she is the antithesis of everything I enjoy in music and society mainstream morals or lack there of. I really dislike most things mainstream, yet something about her catchy tunes that will haunt me for days and make me feel dirty seem to be helping me over come my writer's block. Damn you pop music and your repetitive beats!!

I really think that if anyone that knows me well could hear my play list on Spotify for the last hour they would be ashamed...not because the music is bad or anything (that's up to each individual and their tastes.) but more likely ashamed at me because of how often I speak out against most pop music... OK guilty pleasure alert.

As much as I dislike most things mainstream for my own varied reasons...I love most pop music. I can't help it...it's just fun music. Not what most people think of when they think of pop music, I mean really poppy music. Club music...techno...Britney Spears...Ke$ha...Cascada...Justine Timberlake...90's Boys Bands...80's Boys Bands...

Repetitive beats and lyrics that are far from masterful...yeah that's the ticket.

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Fela's Scrapbook of irrational fears

Postby Oracle on November 7th, 2011, 4:08 pm

Oracle - Any sticklers in our mists?

Sticklers come onto me! You know who you are, you see grammar mistakes and you feel the urge to start spitting green pea soup. I know the feeling. I may not always be grammatically correct but I try and follow the big ones at least. You know the ones: your vs you're, effect vs affect, using irony correctly, etc...

So I just have a question for the sticklers dealing with an essay I am currently working on and I am always scrambling for feedback of some sort. Or at least typing it out, even just working it all out onto web space will knock something loose and answer my own question...we'll see.

The little girl walks quietly up to the front of the class, clutching her paper between shaking hands. The teacher asks her to share with the class what she wants to be when she grows up. In a quiet voice the girl answers “a writer”. There is some laughter, some nods of approval and even a broken and forced smile by the teacher. This mixed reaction comes from many different viewpoints on the definition of the word writer and the way society holds those definitions in their own warped light.

In this paragraph where it says "This mixed reaction.." I was wondering if this is correct. While doing out peer review in class my partner is always quick to point out any grammar mistakes and for the most part they are things I overlooked in my quickness to get the words on paper (editing is a must for me!). In this case I just wonder if it is a mistake or not...

My partner insisted that is should be "Those mixed reactions..." instead. Since mixed is describing reactions and there were multiple ones this would make sense to make it plural, but mixed by definition implies that there are multiple factors. So in this case would reaction be a singular noun to describe the entire "mixed reaction" of a group, or would it still be plural? Mixed reaction though use has somewhat become it's own compound noun, but would it be plural or singular?

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Fela's Scrapbook of irrational fears

Postby Kendall Saarinen on November 13th, 2011, 5:23 am

Thought of you XD
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Fela's Scrapbook of irrational fears

Postby Kendall Saarinen on November 15th, 2011, 4:02 am

Sorry, double post. This one reminds me of you too though XD
"I'm burning and I'm blacking my lungs.
Boy you know it feels good with fire back on your tongue."
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Fela's Scrapbook of irrational fears

Postby Colombina on November 15th, 2011, 7:21 pm

Hi Fela!

I can see where both you and your fellow student are coming from. My opinion is neither is perfect. While a grammatical argument can be made for both, the natural flow/ connotation of the words aren't perfect. These vs Those is kinda the voici (look here) and voila (look there) of French. One implies physical nearness the other distance. 

In this context, I would use either "The" or "These". "The" can be used for both singular and plural strangely enough. (The wandering geese/ The wandering goose. The varied opinions presented/ The popular opinion). 

I say this because as an essayist you want your voice to have a certain amount of authority and proximity. It's part of the reason passive voice is discouraged (though I frequently ignore this latter rule).

And while mixed does imply a variety, I find it is easier reading when the plurality of the adjective and noun agree.

If given these sentences, I would rewrite them as such:

"The/ These mixed reactions are a product of the differing viewpoints of what constitutes a writer and how society often views the role/profession/term/title in a warped light."

That's my 2 cents! I admit it is based more on gut feeling than articulated rules.
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