by Colombina on November 15th, 2011, 7:21 pm
Hi Fela!
I can see where both you and your fellow student are coming from. My opinion is neither is perfect. While a grammatical argument can be made for both, the natural flow/ connotation of the words aren't perfect. These vs Those is kinda the voici (look here) and voila (look there) of French. One implies physical nearness the other distance.
In this context, I would use either "The" or "These". "The" can be used for both singular and plural strangely enough. (The wandering geese/ The wandering goose. The varied opinions presented/ The popular opinion).
I say this because as an essayist you want your voice to have a certain amount of authority and proximity. It's part of the reason passive voice is discouraged (though I frequently ignore this latter rule).
And while mixed does imply a variety, I find it is easier reading when the plurality of the adjective and noun agree.
If given these sentences, I would rewrite them as such:
"The/ These mixed reactions are a product of the differing viewpoints of what constitutes a writer and how society often views the role/profession/term/title in a warped light."
That's my 2 cents! I admit it is based more on gut feeling than articulated rules.
[Insert awesome picture of scantily clad woman and something with wings here]
Feeling very poorly lately, have mercy on your absentee merbadger. (2/20/13)