Runas' Scrapbook, "Little Red's Handbook of Surviving"

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Runas' Scrapbook, "Little Red's Handbook of Surviving"

Postby Runas on July 9th, 2011, 10:41 am

Well... I was just mulling over some possible titles for a scrapbook when I remembered recently reading the unaltered, unabridged version of Little Red Riding Hood by the Brother's Grimm. If anyone has read that quaint, adorable little version where the wolf dies and Granny is still alive, let me break your hearts now.

The Brother's Grimm wrote the darkest fairy tales that I've ever had the pleasure of reading. Little Red is just a piece of the cake. Some adaptations included the Wolf forcing Red into cannibalizing her Grandmother, and/or had them mate before the Wolf ate the girl. This was not the case originally.

In the original, the Wolf eats Granny. She doesn't live, and she most certainly isn't a ninja as she has been portrayed recently. But, instead of the Wolf being the main power here and having his way with that darling girl, a Woodsman comes along. He kills the wolf and then takes Red as his personal sex slave. He forces their consecutive children to go out and bring him more women and I'm sure Red regrets letting him kill the Wolf before it eats her.

Dark, eh?

As this story's nature, I am a dark piece of work as well. Before I joined Mizahar, I was writing fanfictions for my friends, working on a rough draft of a custom story I dreamt up years ago, and generally ruining lives. The stories I right have always been dark. There's always been at least three people dead, for various reasons and due to various story progressions. Currently, I am rewriting one titled "NIGHT", which is based off of a Final Fantasy game, where the lead character and the namesake of the story, Night Valentine, falls into eventual insanity and loses her life.

But, I digress.

This Scrapbook is entitled "Little Red's Handbook of Survival". Originally, I considered 'Diary' over 'Handbook', but I figured 'Handbook' would be better. This is the place I shall post my thoughts, my character designs, my everything. I'm not a blogger or maybe I'd also access there, but once again... Digressing from the point, which is vague enough in my opinion.

I will be posting miscellaneous pictures here, maybe even sketches or rough drawings of a few characters who have interested me. I'll even post links to my Writer's Cafe and Fanfiction so some people can wander along and read what I've written, but I won't mind either way. I haven't been on either to write for a while, due to the impossible nature of typing full stories on a phone... Well, maybe not exactly impossible, but very difficult. I'll also be searching out music to describe my character, as I've done this already with a character I've constructed for 'NIGHT'. The song for Night Valentine is 'I Disappear' by Metallica. For now, Runas' song shall be 'Animal I've Become' by Three Days Grace. Coincedentally, Three Days Grace is an amazing band that convinced me Canadian music isn't always that bad. Billy Talent (Thank you Hugh Dillon and Keith Callum Rennie in Hardcore Logo), Fefe Dobson, Headstones... Oh, I so love listening to music as I write. It's good inspiration.

Anyway, I just can't seem to stick to a solid topic. : p My next post should be more straightforward, but I make no promises.

Goodnight, Mizahar!

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Runas' Scrapbook, "Little Red's Handbook of Surviving"

Postby Runas on July 20th, 2011, 1:17 am

So now, describing me~ Runas, Marrow, Asara, Inirria (I'm retiring her already).

Name: Teresa... But please. Reza is more preferable.
Age: 19
Sex: Male. Lol. Just kidddding! I think my name would NOT be Teresa if I was male. I'm female.
Nationality: United States. A more defined location is Miami Florida.
Currently Living In...: Canada. Well... Regina, Saskatchewan. Not going to give you an address. So skadoosh!

:3 I have also been known as Mother Teresa in like... Grade four at my elementary school. Don't call me that. I'm serious. I'll go berserk and get mad. <-< You honestly wouldn't like me angry.

Currently, I am having this major girl crush on Sigourney Weaver. I just watched Alien and Avatar and I think she's only grown sexier! O: I should use her as a model for Marrow. Omg. She's like... So beautiful.

I also have a crush on Macabre's old model for Seven Xu. But shhhhh. Don't tell him. >-> That guy made me think of my ex. The model is hot, and my ex's voice suits his face. Just... Don't ask.


Sigourney Weaver. Horror movies (think John Carpenter), gore movies, 80's music, those happy go lucky movies done by the Brat Pack, but mainly ones like Sixteen Candles, the Breakfast Club, Strange Science... Speaking of Strange Science (could also be Weird Science), Robert Downey Jr is in it, and there is a Nuit here using him as his model. I think that Nuit should watch this movie of the famous actor and laugh. The puppy dog face he uses in it is utterly priceless.



More Likes:

Potatoes, any Harvest Moon game, CoD, Coco ( o-o Just in case he's reading this ;D ), roleplay, Sims, my Blackberry (who has been very reliable for posting on Mizahar... Btw, my Blackberry's name is Tidbit, but until anyone knows him well enough, they are to refer to him as Mr Tib. Final.).

I used to roleplay via chat sites. Not a fun way to do it, but at the time it was the best. I'm still friends with my first 'clan leader', who lives in Ottawa/Hull. The leader of the LaRose clan. I was so in love with him. xD I guess, at that age, it would be referred to as 'in lust', but I never lusted after the man. He's like... 22 now. I got him on my Facebook and msn. :) He's good company. An awesome friend.

I'm a person that likes attention. I've tried to make my PCs represent different aspects of my personality. Like, Runas would be the part that finds amusement in almost anything. I could fall down and laugh like an idiot with whomever is watching. Marrow is my need to laugh and smile, even when I feel like crying. In Creative Writing, we once wrote these little messages for eachother (me and my classmates), and half of my page was dedicated to my smile. My teacher even commented about it. I almost cried right then and there. xD

Well... I also like to draw and read and write, and I enjoy anime and manga. I've begun drawing characters from Mizahar and I'm thinking of how I'm going to sketch scenery. When I hit up a scanner and laptop when University starts, I'll post them on deviantArt and show you guys. :3 As it is, I have a FanFiction page you should look up. I haven't been able to update anything, due to the fact I can't figure out Word on Tidbit, but it'll be updated when I hit up a new laptop.

Je t'aimme, mi amis!

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Runas' Scrapbook, "Little Red's Handbook of Surviving"

Postby Centari on August 24th, 2011, 7:56 pm

Dear Mizaharians! Namely the ones who read Teresa's Scrapbook!

The writer of this character, Asara Willow, Marrow Moontide, Inirria, and Velaa, will not return. She doesn't feel welcome here anymore, sadly, and I'm passing on her apologies to any she is threading with. Recently she has been hospitalized, but there has been some issue with the IP of this mobile and email accounts and she doubts she'll come back now, so I'informed Founders Gossamer and Cayenne of our immediate quitting of the game. :3 I'm Brookelle, and I don't feel anything she does, but even I admit that I'm tired of this bs. Teresa can't take critisism (Seven Xu), and she can't stand being berated. I can, but I've lost the desire to play anymore and I will post something alike to this on my own account.

Finally, before I leave this scrapbook, I have a little free-written poem Teresa wrote while in the hospital. It's raw, so please don't be mean about it and ruin her moods even more.

We know what you think of us.
We see it, we hear it, when you are near to us.
You tell us what we are,
Dictate to us our nature.
You scowl at our skin, our eyes and hair.
You mock our voices and our knowledge.

We are stupid,
We are lazy.
Ugly and poor.
Drunk and pathetic.
We are what you make of us.
You don't accept the truth.

We are taken from our mothers,
Forsaken from our fathers.
You whip our children.
Beat them, starve them, utterly mistreat them.
Are they not children?
You wouldn't do that to yours.

What is wrong with our skin, hair, eyes?
Don't you bleed red?
Can't your eyes and hair be dark?

We are beautiful,
We are strong.
You can tell us what we are,
You can dictate our lives to us,
But you'll never break us down again.
We are strong.
We are we, you are you.
Let it go.
Do as I say, or die.
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Runas' Scrapbook, "Little Red's Handbook of Surviving"

Postby Runas on August 29th, 2011, 11:11 pm

Teresa is going to TOTALLY act like Centari's post doesn't exist.


So, I've been gone for a while. Many things have been happening, but through it all I've gotten registered for University, and I am considering majoring in International Studies with a focus in European Studies with a minor in Psychology. Speaking of Psychology! I was haunting Macabre's scrabookie yea few days ago and I saw something intriguing. He described a condition alike to what I envisioned my Asara to suffer from. I suggest you look at it for clarification, as I don't feel like reposting his whole paragraph. :) it was excellently written!!!

Now, Teresa will address the rumours of her quitting The Game.

As it is, I am uncertain. If the Founders wish me to quit, than I will, but I do so like Mizahar and I don't wish to be blocked in such a way that I can't read posts from a few of my favorite people. I would love to stay on and continue writing, but it is up to the Founders what should be done.

Until a decision is made, I shall haunt Miza as a writer.

:) btw, University starts on the 7th or so, and I'll be very busy. As well, I recently got a job with Toys R Us, and it's very fun~ It fills my schedule quite a bit, though, so same deal as the university bit.

Thanks! Merci! Danke!
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Runas' Scrapbook, "Little Red's Handbook of Surviving"

Postby Seven Xu on August 30th, 2011, 3:12 pm

You are right on one count, dissociative fugue would be like what Asara suffers from, but not entirely. You've got the dissociation part down, though. I'm gonna throw my best guess out there as to what's going on with Asara's poor damaged brain.

The fugue state I outlined has nothing to do with physical trauma (as you've outlined Asara has; perhaps a blow to the head, recurring headaches, etc), it's basically just an inner trigger that's switched on and off between two personalities that are unaware of the other. I'd liken Asara closer to a sufferer of DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder), not dissociative fugue.

Suffers of DID experience multiple personalities (particularly "voices" of other people in their heads), severe memory loss, and headaches/other body pains. They're also prone to panic attacks, paranoia, and depression as well as a veritable shopping list of irrational fears, obsessive compulsive behavior, and eating disorders.

Basically, how this comes about (like many other multiple personality disorders) is a brain's defensive mechanism to rid itself of a traumatic memory/experience, "cutting off" the memory of whatever had happened only to have it later surface from their subconscious as another personality entirely. Maybe her lust for human blood has manifested itself as the voice in her head after her conscious mind purged it long ago.
DID usually goes hand in hand with a multitude of other lovely psychological disorders ranging from schizophrenia to to epilepsy.

My $0.02.

ps. I lost
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Runas' Scrapbook, "Little Red's Handbook of Surviving"

Postby Runas on August 30th, 2011, 3:39 pm

Oh God. I've been reading Runas' old posts with Seven, and Victor, and Lucas, and I've come to the conclusion that she has cracked. @-@ Imagine the sound of Asara's finger breaking, but then make that sound figurative and implied to Runas' grey matter.

She laughs like a "petching" insaniac when she hits Victor. Is she even sane at all?

Who knows~

^3^! I was pleasantly surprised to read this. You majored in Psych, right? Ohmygosh. Can I like, come to you when I have questions? I will declare you a ninja. An honourary ninja sharing the ranks with people like Granny, Sig Weaver, Gary Senise, uh, Julian!, and Jack Frost. (Jack Frost only got to join because when I watched Santa Clause 3 and Martin was talking to that little girl and she said "Okay, okay! Chill!" And he screamed "I INVENTED CHILL!!!" I laughed).

xD I digress.

I like this. I really do. Asara needs a psychiatrist, or at least someone who understands the mechanisms of the brain to speak to. This condition, the DID one, has me intrigued. I look forward to being able to look it up to better understand it, but you've given me quite a bit. ^^!!!

I'll be considering Asara's personalities now. :3

When I read over this, I realized my post is lacking. I apologize for this.

PS. You're a ninja. It's physically impossible for you to lose.
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Runas' Scrapbook, "Little Red's Handbook of Surviving"

Postby Seven Xu on August 30th, 2011, 3:45 pm

She did take an offer for tea a little too hard, I must say. :/
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Runas' Scrapbook, "Little Red's Handbook of Surviving"

Postby Runas on August 30th, 2011, 3:53 pm

Correction: Runas is a psycho bitch. :3 Asara is a bloodcrazed uh... IC Seven Xu likened her to a beast, but I'm hesitant on using that word. Sym's get enough bad press as it is IC. Asara Willow is a bloodcrazed undomesticated quadruped. ^^ Suits the bill, yeah?

Marrow I haven't had much work with, same for Inirria. Velaa on the other hand... She has her own scrapbook. But, Velaa is an extremely sad character. I want that to be clear. She's depressed, suicidal, and lonely. Her saving grace is Zanril. I hope to stick around long enough to develop that particular relationship.

I knooooow. I be sorry, cupcake. ;D I had no idea I was playing such a bitch until I read over it.
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Runas' Scrapbook, "Little Red's Handbook of Surviving"

Postby Aaeesha on October 12th, 2011, 8:19 pm

Thought I should post this here. I've been itching to do it all day, but Blackberry is having problems worldwide apparently.

Anyway, I recently realized this character's writer is who I've been looking for. I thought it prudent to make an official notice here to those people who are waiting on her to reply to threads.

She isn't coming back.

Not going to tell you why or what happened publicly. I've known this for some time now, I've been looking for this person, and here she was.

Have a great day.
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