Baine mentally went over the contents of his backpack again: filled water skin times two, check; water purifier, check; hunting kit; for a second Baine panicked, patting his pack for the hunting kit he'd purchased, but not finding it. “What the..” he asked the air, then settled as he felt the kit hidden under his sleeping roll. hunting kit, check, he continued, oil, check; nuts, check; honey; che...
“Baine?” Came a shout from the family room. “Baine, it's six bells.”
“Thanks Mum, I'm coming.” he called, grinning. Count on his mum to call out to him to make sure he was ready to go. With a deep breath, he ran his hands down his pant legs and grabbing his cap, fixed it firmly, to his head, hefted the backpack to his shoulder, and gave his room a quick scan before heading toward the kitchen.
The room was not only the warmest in the house because the oven and stove both were going full tilt, but also because there she stood, the most beautiful woman in Coolwater Hold. Leaning down, he gave her a kiss. “Thanks for calling me Mum. Wouldn't want to miss my grand adventure." His eyes sparkled, a swirling mix of lavender and indigo.
A small woman, Binta Coolwater turned, and standing on tip toe, to kiss her eldest son. Then giving his cheek a light smack, she smiled at him before warning, “You be careful and keep your feet dry.” She warned motioning him towards the steaming bowl of oatmeal she had for him at the table.
“Always.” He responded. Not daring to grin at her admonishment, even though she herself wore a soft smile. It was the same thing she said to all of them when they left to go on any sort of trip. Be careful, keep your feet dry. When he was little, and he heard his mother say this to his father and uncles, he wondered at it. He began to carry old rags in his coat pocket...just in case there was an emergency foot wetting accident. The memory had him grinning, as he shoveled
“What's got you happy boy?” His mother tone was cool, though her eyes were still lavender, so he knew he wasn't in too much trouble.
His head wobbling back and forth, “Ah, it's just excitement Mum. Happy to be going. Speaking of which...” He shoved the last of his oatmeal into his mouth, and grabbing his pack, started out the door when his mother's voice stopped him.
“Baine, forgetting something?”
Frowning he turned to her. Then, shrugging leaned down toward the petite woman, and kissed her once more. “Thank you for breaking my fast Mum, blessings to you and good fortune upon you.” He said formally, before turning toward the door again.
“Ah.. mmm.” Came that noise that people make when they want to stop you from doing something, but don't come out and say it.
Baine turned again, arms wide, eyes a swirl in shades of gray, eye brows questioning her for him.
She stepped to the left corner, behind the tall cupboard, where he'd left them and retrieved his javelins and knife. “May need these.”
His eyes pinked to match the shade that had risen to stain his chest and cheeks as he took his weapons from his mother. “Thank you.” he choked out, closing his eyes for a moment, but the excitement of the hunt course through him yet again. Flashing a grin, he asked, “Good to go?”
With a wink and a laugh, his mom Cracked her towel across his behind and went back to her chores. “Love you.”
“Love you Mum.” He called with a laugh as he made quick time out to meet his companions.
It was such a beautiful day. Baine took deep breaths of the clear, cool air. “Thank you Morwen for the beautiful day.” He addressed his goddess out loud and into the open air as he walked to the clearing. Winter boots crunched through the hard pack snow beneath his feet as he took long, steady strides toward his destination. His snow shoes were attached to his pack. No reason to use them here. The snow was packed down nicely, but who knows how far they were going or how deep the snow would be when they got there, he mused.
His mind wondered over what sorts of animals they might have the fortune to see, but his wondering didn't last long. The sound of low timbered voices brought his attention up and he realized this was his group.
“Greetings and well met everyone.” Though he was acquainted with Kaiilee, Jaiun, Grain and Silvy, he knew none of them well, and Kendall, this human visitor, not at all. Though still, he had longed to go on a hunting trip, and was grateful to be accepted into this one. He'd been reading as much as he could on hunting in Avanthal's library. He'd even sneaked out and made a mock hare and thrown his javelin at it. Truth be told, he wasn't very good, but still, he'd get a shot in once in awhile. Same with the knife. It was well balanced, and once in awhile, he'd hit his target. Blue eyes looked from face to face, nodding to each one in turn. He was especially pleased to note that there were three Kelvics. Two bear Kelvics. Maybe they will talk about the icewatch. One could hope. He grinned to himself. Dang, Better calm down some or they will think I am a puppy kelvic. He took a calming breath, trying to steady himself and bring his eyes back to gray.