Breathe and Start a Riot (Closed)

All things come back to haunt people. No matter how small or why, there are always those that remember the past and wish to give the devil his due.

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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]

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Breathe and Start a Riot (Closed)

Postby Archelon on October 13th, 2011, 2:51 am

Participants: Darik, Lyth, Mok, William Nightwish, Shai.

oocAmple enough time for people to join has been given. I reserve the right to instill a posting order later if necessary and other assorted blah blah blah. If you do start and wish to 'bow out' of this thread, your character can do so at any time as long as you rp a probable way for your character to do so. I will only do *direct* moderation if something I feel is required, otherwise: I'll be very free with a loose hand. This moderation request was put in by Darik :P.

46th of Fall, 11PM; 511av;
Near the Sunset Quarters, and the Docks...

It was the best of times, it was the worst of- oh petch it all. Fall in Sunberth hadn't been all rosey as many might believe. There were food shortages from the water drying up, and only recently had their been any attempt to make good from it all in an attempt to fix the problem.

Damnable times it was.

Tempers were up, people were thinking towards the winter. Many wondering how many they might have to kill for their meals then. Especially if an early snow fall came. Sailors, those who could sign up on departing ships wanted to make headway towards more prosperous regions. Such as Zeltiva, or perhaps the Suvan Sea to take their chances. Everyone was in a bad mood. Looking out of the corner of their eyes towards others, remembering slight slights to each other. Marking them for the possibility of their first victims.

Fighting would soon be common as tempers flared. The atmosphere was rife indeed, one could practically feel the tension in the air...
Last edited by Archelon on October 25th, 2011, 6:58 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Thank you all for the privildege of moderating, unfortunately with deaths in the family and ailing health I am retiring. All thread grades I had on my pc have been forwarded to founders and paragon, so expect them posted soon.
It's been a mixed bag at times , but with all the good and the bad and mixed signals, I can honestly say: Thank you. Please support the next mods of sunberth as well as you have done me.
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Breathe and Start a Riot (Darik, Lyth, Mok; Open)

Postby Darik on October 13th, 2011, 9:05 pm

WINI love you Arch. Also seven pcs? AWESOME!!!! :D
Lyth+MokLook at the timestamp. ;)
They say your actions always come back and haunt you. But in reality, anyone who utters that line is an imbecile. There are many examples were it’s proved false, like in Dariks case. He ran into one of the most guarded establishments in town and wrecked the place. And you know what? He escaped without a scratch on him. He led them through twisted alleys till he lost even the fastest runners. When he stopped running, he headed back towards his home. He didn’t get ambushed or have to take any detours. He just walked straight back to were his bed was located. And you know what? People didn’t attack him the next day or the next day or the next day. Finally, after a week Darik realized he could get away with anything. Or could he?

Darik wasn’t cautious on the forty sixth of fall. Why would he need to be? I have already stated that consequences do not apply to people like Darik. So he had no problem whatsoever about being out and about on the twenty first bell of Sunberth. He had a good cause of course, Darik never does anything for no reason. Unless, you know, he feels like it.

The reason Darik headed towards the dock was a worthy one. He planned to swim out into the ocean and pull in dead bodies. It was an odd adventure but Darik had heard bodies that washed into the sea contained riches beyond his wildest dreams. That wasn’t the only part. Darik also couldn’t swim. So, he probably shouldn’t have trusted the crazy old cooks that told him not to worthy about his swimming skills and that the bodies would be so close to shore he wouldn’t even have to get his feet wet. They sounded and even looked suspicious, but he believed them anyway. Money beyond his wildest dreams must be colossal, because if Darik could do one thing properly, it would be dreaming. He verified his decision beyond a reasonable doubt by realizing that the only thing the adventure could waste was his time and he had lots of that. It’s not like he would get mugged, beaten up, or even bruised. Because he was invincible! Or at least… that’s what he thought…

oocWait a second... is Darik the devil?
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Breathe and Start a Riot (Darik, Lyth, Mok; Open)

Postby William Nightwish on October 14th, 2011, 9:26 pm

William walked around Sunberth without caring one bit about safety, he had out run, or at least out maneuvered almost all of the people who chased him. William walked along the coast holding a small bottle of liquor trying to forget the past and have a little fun instead of always running. William took a sip and made a face, strong liquor was the type William liked but it taste was one to be dreamed about. He looked at the sky as it was dark and no one in their right mind would be out, but then again that's the fun of being in Sunberth no one was IN their right mind. William just walked and walked taking sips as he went and his face reacting as such. He kept looking and dreaming about the sky and the stars, "Oh, how this night, is so, beautiful" William half slurred half whispered. He kept walking at a very slow pace, just dreaming and thinking about the world that surrounded him, until he tripped that is, over the dock that led out to what seemed a place for you to drown others. He looked up from the deck which he crashed over and looked at the small bottle, broken just as he suspected. William got up and cursed. He looked around for the first time in a while.

William saw a man or a boy, a male figure if you will, walking toward the beach with a purpose in his walk, William looked surprised the boy however looked very skinny like most of the people in Sunberth were, but had an agile bounce in his step. William got up slowly trying not to gain the attention of him, because if he was out at the ocean then he was a force to be messed with, or at least that's what William believed.

When William stood at 5'3" he didn't really make a big impact on the boy's sight, or at least he hoped. Murphy then thought to himself, if he can walked fearless, and I was walking kinda fearless, then maybe, I could strike a deal or something. William did a few notations in his head real fast about how to walk and where to aim to intercept this boy perfectly. William walked and put his head making it look like he wasn't paying any attention. He took a step and saw the boy close up, because William was so short. William ran into the boy and William snapped his head down looking at the boy who seemed shocked, or angry, either way it didn't matter. "Hello, why it seems, we both are enjoying this beautiful night now aren't we?" William spoke friendly and gently. He stuck out his hand making sure it was the hand with out the brace on it.Haven't seen you around, my name's William, how 'bout yours?"
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Breathe and Start a Riot (Darik, Lyth, Mok; Open)

Postby Lyth on October 14th, 2011, 10:32 pm

Lyth sighed, his boredom etched into his face in the form of a permanent frown as he wandered through Sunberth. Talcum didn't approve of him spending time out where people could come to recognize him, but petch it all he could not stay cooped up in his home any longer! His work was finished for the week, and he was finding that he didn't know what to do with himself. He almost missed the chaos that he had been thrust into at The Pig's Tavern, which he could no longer visit. He'd have to repay Darik back for that little favour somehow. It wasn't as though there weren't other taverns he could spend his nights in, they just didn't offer the same amount of peace.

The half blood found himself walking through the now deserted market, thinking on what he had seen earlier. Food shortages were never fun, especially when it was happening to a city where folks generally didn't need a reason to rip each other apart. Give these people something to fight over, and it would unleash Hell. Well, maybe the lack of food would take care of the rat infestation, though that was doubtful. They'd probably resort to eating themselves. He briefly wondered if it was possible for the citizens to stoop that low, before remembering that there were Myrians in the city.

"Amazing, I'm so bored that my thoughts have run away to such gruesome topics." He mumbled, a twist of a smile pulling on his features. "I should really get myself a hobby." Maybe he could become a hunter. That still appealed to his interests, though he doubted he could find much at this time of year. Maybe he would pick it up later. For now, he'd continue his wanderings in the hope of coming across someone the city wouldn't miss. Though, it seemed that the inhabitants of Sunberth had become intelligent overnight; no one seemed to be out in this area. With a huff, Lyth changed direction.

Two figures caught his attention near the docks, stepping into the shadows to obscure their vision of him. If he wasn't mistaken, one of those was his little Mouse. If he hadn't been already speaking with someone, Lyth may have gone over to strike up a conversation. Anything to distract from his boredom. Still, now his curiosity wished to know what the two were speaking of. If only they were near a building, he could climb to the roof and listen in. That was the downfall of the docks; the paths were so far from any building. Straining his ears, Lyth tried to catch what they were saying on the ocean breeze.

OOCThe Devil? Come now, that's giving him waaaay too much credit X3
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Breathe and Start a Riot (Darik, Lyth, Mok; Open)

Postby Shai on October 15th, 2011, 2:43 am

ImageShai clung to the side of a wall staying as much ass possible in the shadows. She had been watching a ship from a distance for a few days now, and tonight was it's last night in port. Her hood was pulled back so her range of vision was larger than usual so she could get a better view of the port. A plan had finally come to her regarding how to get on board the ship, seeing as she couldn't swim and didn't want to kill the guards it had taken a lot of thinking. When Shai had heard that the ship held one of the last remaining out bound shipments of fresh fruit she knew she had to get enough to last at least until the end of Fall.

Just as she was about to act a figure in her peripheral vision caught her attention. Leaning on her side to peek around the corner, Shai watched the young man soon to be visited by another man. She didn't recognize either from her previous nights although they were too far yet for her to be certain and so she waited to see what they would do. Perhaps, they'd provide a distraction so she could simply sneak on board. Either way, Shai was going to observer until she knew how they would effect the situation.

Crawling across the wall, she repositioned herself to watch the encounter. Additionally, Shai replaced her hood to hide her charcoal colored hair and shade her pale face. Holding as still as she could, her arms began to ache not from holding herself to the wall, that was effortless, but the angle of her arms was another story. No matter how often she repositioned her arms it was uncomfortable, finally she lowered herself with a soft thump of bare feet on the ground. Holding her cloak tightly around her, she peeked out of the darkest shadow she could find. Amethyst eyes watching in the dark.
Last edited by Shai on October 18th, 2011, 12:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Breathe and Start a Riot (Darik, Lyth, Mok; Open)

Postby Mok on October 17th, 2011, 6:23 pm

It is hard to stay together in this town. It is a city where the truth isn’t always the truth. If you can understand this concept you will be successful. Thieves, bandits, lowlifes, and scum are the bottom feeders. These are the weaklings. Those who prosper are the syndicates, the dealers, smugglers…the gangsters. Those who kick all reason to the curb have success here. That was Sunberth and Mok loved it.

Walking through the streets at night was risky business, but Mok didn’t care. He would fight anyone or anything that crossed his path. No questions. No hesitations. Only action. Flashing blades with Mok meant a fight. In a heartbeat, the warrior would be ready to fight and die. The myrian is always the first to fight and always the last to quit. That was the way he liked it, cruel and tough. Never back down and always be faithful to your comrades; these were rules that Mok lived by. The way he figured, if he compromised during certain situations he would not be alive this day. The myrian knew what he was doing, whether or not people understood.

Mok wasn’t malnourished or starving, but he was definitely inconvenienced by the draught and food shortages. Although the myrian could eat human flesh whenever he wanted, the flesh of Sunberthians were never tasty and always salty. Mok feared he would never get used to eating flesh in Sunberth. This meant that he needed to eat normally as well. Mok could not afford to lose muscle mass or weight. He needed to remain in top physical shape, and that included eating a lot.

That being said, the half-blood was pissed off that night. Mok was just waiting for a reason to explode. He had not eaten in half a day and it was getting to him.

Walking towards the docks, the myrian was looking for trouble. The fully armored warrior was attentive and ready to fight, steal, and kill for his next bite of food. If nothing came about, then the myrian would roast the flesh of his next victim.

Red = Myrian
Bold = Common
"If you want some, get some, bad enough, take some,
But watch the sword by my side,
Because it represents me and the motherpetching east side"
-one of Mok's mottos
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Breathe and Start a Riot (Darik, Lyth, Mok; Open)

Postby Lyth on October 18th, 2011, 10:03 am

Lyth had caught bits and pieces of what was being said between the two boys, but a lot of it was hard to make out, what with all the sudden noise around him. The sudden realization that something or someone had to be making the noise caused the symestra to stiffen. It was quiet, just the faintest hint of moving cloth. And it had come from somewhere above him. Slowly, as to not draw attention to himself, Lyth looked up. All he saw was shadows, flickering in movement every so often.

Watching closer, he realized that the shadow's weren't moving erratically, as they normally would. There was a mass in their depths, moving around. Was it someone sent for him? Or was he not the only one interested in the exchange happening out on the docks? Did he want to risk finding out by calling whomever it was down to his level?

It seems he didn't have to, as the shadowed figure dropped down nearly on top of him. He could feel the brush of a cloak against his skin as it did. Insatiably curious, Lyth crept silently closer until he was almost touching the dark figure. Could he make this person into a victim? He had been dying to find employment; a practice kill wouldn't hurt. Still, that would give him away to Darik and whoever he was talking to, which would mean that his chances of listening in would dwindle.
"I don't mean to startle you, but you did nearly drop on me." He said in soft voice, hoping to grab the figure's attention without making too much noise.
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Breathe and Start a Riot (Darik, Lyth, Mok; Open)

Postby Shai on October 18th, 2011, 12:29 pm

Image Shai's breath hitched.She replied quietly,“I have little reason to be startled; if a shadow is caught in the dark it is the shadow’s fault.” She spun around before he'd even finished his sentence, already debating whether she'd have to kill the owner of the voice or not. How careless could she be to not notice him beneath her or maybe it was more a matter of his skill. Regardless, she'd been found and pushed off worrying about it until after the situation at hand was dealt with. Her cloak rustled as she turned but she continued to be quiet, she wasn't ready to be noticed by those on the street yet either.

Reasoning that she was relatively safe because he’d spoken to her instead of outright attacking her, well at least as safe as anyone caught unaware in Sunberth could be, she took a moment to look him over from toe to head. Human. . .human. . .legs are somewhat long could still be human. . .my what long hands he has too. . . oh my what white skin he has. . .on no As soon she reached his face her eyes locked onto his. Her eyes widened and her lips formed a clear but silent ‘oh’. He was the first Symenestra she had seen in years, since she’d gone through Alvadas. It even took her a moment to realize his height meant he wasn’t full blooded, but that didn’t really seem to matter to her as it surely would have in Kalinor. She reverted to her most comfortable but least used language, Symenos, and whispered “Shall I call my eyes traitors? They didn’t inform me that you were here initially and now. . .”

She wasn’t entirely sure how to deal with his presence, but the first thing she should do is not make him her enemy. Sunberth was too far for a harvester so most likely he wasn’t in any way connected to Kalinor but she had to be sure. She’d much prefer whatever facade her web had concocted for her disappearance remained intact; she could give them at least that much for dirtying their name. If he wasn’t involved with Kalinor, they had no problem but if he was this exchange would get messy very quickly. The last thing she wanted was her web knowing what had become of their daughter, a thief was not a good occupation for a well to do Symenestra.
Last edited by Shai on October 18th, 2011, 5:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Breathe and Start a Riot (Darik, Lyth, Mok; Open)

Postby Lyth on October 18th, 2011, 5:44 pm

Lyth forced his smile to stay in place as he heard the voice of a woman emit from the figure before him. He really should have just killed her when given the chance. It would have been so much easier before she knew he was here behind him. Well, too late for that now, he had made his choice. It was rather amusing to hear her call herself a shadow. That hinted that she walked on the other side of the law.. if Sunberth had had one to begin with. Was she a hired killer like him? He doubted that, but if in the event he was wrong, it was clear that murder wasn't he passion. He couldn't hear that same infliction in her voice that graced those who took pleasure in the ending of lives, him included.

The moon caught her eyes in such a way that the amethyst colour seemed to glow, allowing him to see her size him up. Most likely to make sure he wasn't posing too big a threat, as there was always a threat when conversing with others in Sunberth. He waited patiently, watching her expression change as she looked him over. Ah, there it was. She recognized something in him. It wasn't that hard to figure out he was partially symestra if you took a hard look at him. When she started speaking Symenos, however, he was taken off guard. With how fluidly it rolled off her tongue, there was no doubt that she was Symestra herself. That explained how she was clinging to the wall earlier.

He couldn't exactly understand what she was speaking, not being so comfortable with what should have been his native tongue, but he could catch most of it and put the pieces together. Call Eyes...Me eyes? No no, My eyes. Something akin to liar. Call my eyes liars. Not..something he couldn't quite catch... of you. 'Call my eyes liars. Not...told? Yes, told. Call my eyes liars. Not told of you.' That took a petch of a lot longer than it should have. He'd have to brush up on his Symenos, though that was difficult when you knew of only one other person who spoke it.

"I never, dreamed that I could- would see another Symestra." Ugh, he was even worse at speaking Symenos. The language was meant to be smooth and roll off the tongue. He sounded as though he were tripping over his words, becoming tongue tied so easily. He gave the woman a lopsided grin. "Forgive me, but my symenos isn't the best. May I ask we stay in the common tongue?"
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Breathe and Start a Riot (Darik, Lyth, Mok; Open)

Postby Mok on October 20th, 2011, 5:39 pm

Finally reaching the docks, Mok embraced in the inner flame. The myrian walked through the bay with bounce in his step. He was the big money right now. He had the myrian backbone swag. He walked with confidence and anger.

Thoughts began to race through his mind as well. Mok couldn’t piece together the jumble of memories in his mind. There was no reason for the warrior to be active at this time in the night, especially here. Shrugging, he decided it was too hard right now to figure it out. It was probably the mushrooms he ate earlier…

…whatever… Mok would figure it out in the morning. For now, he would live for the moment. He was ready to risk everything to gain it all. This was the true gambler. Not the petty kind that always lose money and never learn. Nor the ingenious ones that use tricks and cheats to win. Not even the high rollers. NO. A true gambler will bet and risk just for the rush you get.

Betting your life is the highest risk, but it also means you are gaining the highest rewards…. And the thrill was amazing!!

Licking his lips and smiling, Mok cried out to the mid-night air, “Where is Bob when you need him! He is a true gambler!! You should be here my friend!” Stopping for a moment, the myrian thought about what he just said and laughed. Who was he talking to anyways? He knew Bob was nowhere to be found. Oh well, he must have been talking to himself. On a side note however, where was Bob at this time? Only the stars could tell.

Anyways, that moment of laughter was short lived. Now, it was back to business. Patting down all his armor, Mok made sure that he was ready to go. ‘Here we go, make everything count. Everyone moment like it is your last,’ he said to himself before he began to stride down the docks.

Running his way through the dirt, Mok finds a drunkard with a half bottle of brandy. Grinning, Mok picked it up and kept running. He was trying to figure out what to do. He was lost. He could destroy something with the brandy, or at least light something on fire.

Scanning his surroundings, Mok caught the eye of two men talking. Whatever… a drug deal undoubtedly? What interested him more however was the ship docked 50 feet away from them. It was full of sailors. Those sea-scum didn’t deserve the salted pork more than Mok. The way the myrian figured it, he had the same claim to it as the sailors did. Grabbing the brandy, he dipped a piece of cloth from his shirt into it, making a liquid fire bomb.

Standing directly out in the open, anyone secretly watching Darik and Nightwish, would be able to hear and see Mok.

Spinning in a circle with his arms stretch out, Mok prepared to make his statement. Kneeling down the crazied half-blood produced his flint and tinder and began to spark a flame. A minute later, Mok produced a lit and burning “bomb”. Taking three steps to wind up, Mok flung the bottle as far as he could. For several moments of suspense, the lighted bottle flew through the air.

Crack. FHHOOOOSHH. The ship began to burn.

Red = Myrian
Purple = Common
"If you want some, get some, bad enough, take some,
But watch the sword by my side,
Because it represents me and the motherpetching east side"
-one of Mok's mottos
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