The Fall Hunt (Open, Sira, Fois, Kovac)

A hunt worthy of any Endal and their Avora.

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

The Fall Hunt (Open, Sira, Fois, Kovac)

Postby Shayth on September 29th, 2011, 11:26 am


25th day of Fall

It was a beautiful thing, the sunrise over the mountain, like a living painting slowly coming to life. First, the blackened sky would ever so slowly lighten, till it was as blue as the oceans of Svefan. Then, like the soft caress of a newborn child, gentle hues of purple and pink would swirl through the sky. As time wore on, the colours shifted even more, oranges and greens marring the horizon. And finally, in an etheral burst of light, Syna herself would pour fourth over the rocky outcrops and sweep across the land. Firey tones licked everything they touched like some glorious paintbrush, rivers and lakes shimmering like glittering jewels. From the very rocks themselves, tiny minerals dazzled eyes that dared look at them. Early winds of fall sailed across the nooks and crannys of the mountain face, blowing around the misty fog that clung to the top.

Shayth watched it all, perched on the opened wall of the airee whilst Turiska dozed beside her. Morning was her favorite time of the day. It was the only time of the day where everything seemed to just pause, before the hustle and bustle of life took over. The wind drifted across her face, pulling scarlet locks of hair away from her crisp blue eyes and throwing it around like some string toy. Around her torso, the cotton sheet she had stolen from the bedroom as a makeshift garment flapped in the breeze, pulling away to expose one long leg swinging in the emptiness under her.

She always seemed to wake up before the avora that dwelt in her residence. Habit? Maybe...or the fact that the man was a drunk. Lately, he had been away more. And drunk when he came home. That wasn't a suprize in itself. It was more just how severly drunk he was. Or so it seemed. But the endal didn't ask, and he didn't tell. Perhaps, she really didn't want to know. It was healthier that way.

Getting up from her seat as the sun beamed across the morning scene, Shayth walked passed Turiska, scratching her massive feathered cheek as she went. Moving inside, she languidly strolled to the bedroom - allowing the sheet to fall from her figure and pool on the floor. Crawling up on the bed, the crimson maned woman pushed her hands through the furs and towards the warmth of a prone body.

"You need to get up, at least half a bell ago. I am not going on this hunt with a bunch of other endals on my own. I may possibly stab someone." Grabbing the warm furs tightly, she yanked them off quickly, exposing the man to the cold fall air.

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The Fall Hunt (Open, Sira, Fois, Kovac)

Postby Sira on October 5th, 2011, 11:52 pm

Sira yawned lazily and stretched in the bed next to Aidara. She extended her arms and legs as far as they could go, wiggled her toes, and arched her back slightly before relaxing and rolling on her side draping an arm over the healer next to her. "Addy," Sira whispered in her ear, "It's time to wake up. We're running late." For once Sira had not risen early, and it was a rare thing for both of them to just be waking up. Usually Sira would have gotten up a few hours before her lover and started prepping equipment, ordering up breakfast, and getting everything ready for the day ahead. But this day she had not, and even so she was still not in any particular rush. Sira took her time gently waking Aidara and even when she did wake they cuddled next to each other for several chimes, enjoying the comfort and warmth of one another. Maybe it was because she was pregnant and her hormones were making her lazy, or maybe she was just tired, but it took Sira a while before she was ready to get up and go. When she finally did she dragged about the aerie lazily as they got everything ready. Sira ordered food brought up and they had to wait for that because Sira refused to work until she had food in her tummy, and once they were finally ready she was still yawning and stretching the sleep out of her.

Of her own possessions Sira packed into the saddle bags an outfit, katinu, boots, some snacks, a quiver and arrows, her bow, talon sword, and eating knife. She didn't bring a full set of rations for herself mostly because she wasn't sure if this was to be a one day hunt or several. Once all her stuff was packed up Sira moved on to helping Aidara, and a few chimes later they were ready to go. Well.. almost. There was still the epic struggle to saddle Sira once she shifted into her wind eagle form, but after that they were ready to go. Sira hopped off the ledge and dove down the side of the mansion, her rider safely on her back, and before long they were soaring out over the valley on their way to Thunder Bay.

The road was busy as people went to and from the waterside settlement already preparing for the coming winter even so early in the fall. The Inarta were diligent workers and were trying their best to make sure the coming winter would not be a bad one. Hopefully this hunt would help with that. It wouldn't be a long flight down to the Thunder Bay settlement but it wasn't a particularly exciting one either. Sira decided to the time with conversation.

So this should be interesting.. Do you think Kovac will be with Shayth?

OOCYou can finish the flight down. Sira will stay in her wind eagle form once they arrive unless it looks like they are going to be there a good while.
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The Fall Hunt (Open, Sira, Fois, Kovac)

Postby Aidara on October 6th, 2011, 1:02 am


Unsure of the weather, or maybe simply unable to pack light, Addy placed her carefully folded clothes into the largest saddle bag. She had her leather sandals at the bottom with a few spare pairs of bryda and matching Vantai on top, covered by the heavy Katinu. She had seen Sira pack her own heavy coat and it made the healer doubt her choices in light clothing. It was only half a season until winter, and it would suck to be stuck in the cold. Another heavier woolen pair of bryda was tossed in for good measure as well as her choice sleeping fur; it was dark brown and plush, the hairs tipped with gray throughout. The pelt had come from Avanthal many years ago, from a dire wolf she was told by the Skinner (though who knew if that was really true), and it was her favorite.

Perched on the edge of the bed, Addy was still lacing up her knee high, leather-and-fur boots when Sira announced she was ready. A furtive glance to her saddle bag showed it still open and with only half of her other necessities packed. Of course by now Sira had caught onto her love's inability to get ready quickly and was atop the bag trying to force the catch closed before Addy even had a chance to coyly ask for help. The efficiency in which they worked together made the woman smile. Sira took care of everything they needed... and Addy took care of getting Sira ready for flight.

"You're so lucky I love you, because otherwise you would owe me rations every time you threw the saddle." Grumbling softly to herself, though she knew Sira could easily hear her, Addy was stooped to retrieve the saddle that Sira had shook from her back. "Do you want me to like, just set it there and let you fling it around for a bell or two? I can go take a bath and you can call me when you're ready."

Feigning seriousness, Addy wasn't very careful as she plopped the saddle down onto Sira's feathered back, turning to troop noisily back through the Aerie door. From behind her there was an indignant squawk, as if Sira forgot her beak couldn't wrap around the Nari language, before...

Be nice to me, I'm pregnant. There was an injured tone to her voice, and even if she was faking, Addy couldn't keep walking away. Instead she turned right back around and stopped with her nose mere centimeters from the wickedly curved tip of Sira's beak. "Be nice to me then. I have to deal with you being pregnant."

After that, the epicness of the saddling was reduced by much. Sira sat still, shaking only once Addy had cinched the girth, complaining that it needed to be let out a few notches to include her new "puffy state", as she so coyly put it. Accomitations made, Addy had one foot in a stirrup when she suddenly remembered.

"Oh! Hold on! I have a surprise!" Hopping lightly back down, the little healer raced back into their home, was gone a few chimes, and returned with a big, black mass under her arm. Trooping proudly back over, Addy lifted the edge of her bundlet to show her love.

"A net! For fishing! And trapping!" They had tried the no-kill cages, which worked surprisingly well, but were ungangly to carry when more than one days supplies were needed. This net hung neatly over the top of the saddle bags and was strapped flat there, adding almost no weight that Sira would feel. Proud of herself, Addy finally mounted and then were off.

The initial drop sent her stomach into her mouth, as always, though it sunk down to it's rightful place after they leveled out for their coast towards the Bay. It wasn't a long journey, but it was a more interesting one for Addy, who loved to people watch. The road was packed, Addy leaning over to the right and left sporadically to peer around Sira's wing. She found a smile on her face at the sights, watching the carts trundle along with their ant-sized people and beetle-sizes horses. It was a view that the healer hadn't been able to enjoy since her bond with Sira.

Her lover patiently indulged her childlike awe of what was below, tipping a wing this way or that to accommodate her riders movements. At one point, she even followed a thermal down to fly lower over the people below, giving Addy a better look. Though the healer was enraptured by the sights, Sira was quickly bored, piping up inside Addy's head with an interest of a different kind: Their companions.

So this should be interesting.. Do you think Kovac will be with Shayth?

The names wiped the smile from Addy's face and she sat back up in a proper riding position. This caught Sira by surprise, who had to dip sharply left before she could level herself out, winging back up to their original height with a rather irritated shriek that made those below look up in surprise.

I don't know, probably. When she leaves her Aerie, she has him close in tow. Like a puppy she's trying to break in. Her voice almost spit with venom. The wind that whipped past no longer had an invigorating coolness, and the loose strands of hair that lashed at her face were now extremely annoying. One would think that Addy was the pregnant one, with mood swings as sudden as this.

Who else is coming? You only mentioned her. Crossing her fingers that there actually were other hunters joining them, Addy looked out ahead of them. Sira's prowess had brought them quickly to their destination; Addy could almost see where the water met the shore.

Fois, eh? I don't think I have had a chance to meet him since we bonded. I know he's never come to the infirmary, and I never see him at the Weather. Plus, I still have to thank him for saving your life. It's little things like that that endear my to a person. With a teasing mental laugh, a little excitement lit her voice now. With a third Endal pair, there would hopefully not be as much tension between Addy, Kovac and her.

In a gentle, lazy spiral that allowed a good view of the bay and it's bustiling activity, Sira was able to find a place to land on one of the emptier docks. Deks, Yasi and Avora all scampered out from under the looming shadow of the landing eagle, allowing Sira enough room to light comfortably on the wooden planks. Stretching her wings before shuffling them down against her sides, Sira hopped once, then twice, stopping next to a pillar onto which Addy could dismount.

"Thank you." Her laugh was light and she was quickly onto the dock, her hands on the girth when Sira stopped her.

Unless you want a recap of earlier, I'd leave that on until the others arrive. I can't see us doing much hunting here. Sounding a bit irritated, Sira was eyeing a pair of Yasi that was edging close to her side, their hands out stretched as if they could touch her when she wasn't looking.

Replacing the few buckles she had undone, Addy moved to Sira's head, gently taking her beak in hands and pulling her head so that she received kind of a birdy-nuzzle to the side of her neck. Her free hand shooed away the children while she returned to their mental conversation.

Are you going to be alright on this trip or are we going to have two temperamental women to deal with? Though, I guess it's alright cause at least you have an excuse.
She was of course referring to Shayths reputation of being a cranky britches towards her fellow Endal. And also..... are we really the first ones here?

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The Fall Hunt (Open, Sira, Fois, Kovac)

Postby Fois on October 6th, 2011, 9:31 am

Fois checked his backpack to see if everything he needed was there. He had prepared the items and equipment in the evening but he preferred to be sure in the morning. Once satisfied, the Endal took all with him to the nesting chamber, which he was not surprised to find empty. Just like him, Seleer started his days early and took the time that Fois spent having breakfast and readying the equipment to stretch his wings. If the rider had taken some time to think, he might have noticed that it was probably him who was like the Wind Eagle in that aspect and not vice versa, since as a Yasi he was quite fond of enjoying the extra warmth and cosiness that beds tend to provide in early mornings. ”I’m ready,” Fois reached out to Seleer and soon his ears caught the sound of giant wings beating against the air just before the eagle landed on the cliff. The ordeal of saddling the bird followed but was made bearable by the Wind Eagle’s chatty mood.

”I’ve been to see a few new fledglings.”
”Oh, the late ones?” The statement piqued the rider’s curiosity as he was strapping one of the belts.
”Yes, those ones,” Seleer twisted and turned a bit to make the saddle sit more comfortably on his back. ”Hatched only a couple days ago, but a lively bunch, from what I can tell. One would think something might have been wrong with them given how unwilling they were to enter the world, but those that I've seen will be champions of hunting.”
”I haven’t seen any of the new Wind Eagles this year,” a hint of disappointment squeezed through into his tone.
”Well, those birds aren’t going anywhere, so you have plenty of time for that.”

With all the preparations done, the pair soon set off into the sky and towards the Thunder Bay. They knew they were coming early so the bird let himself gently soar through the air after an occasional couple of strong beats. Comfortable with such pace Fois barely held on to the reins, his fingers touching them just in case a need to suddenly grab them arose. Down below it appeared that the day was going to be quite busy as there already were quite a few Inarta beginning their day’s work. As Seleer was flying around the small settlement, the rider’s eyes searched for other Wind Eagles, which would have been hard to miss. Just when he remembered that Sira could have been in her human form his partner delivered his own search results: ”They’re not here yet.”

Having time to spare, the two decided to fly away from the bay into the sea. The view and sensation were powerful arguments to choose this method as a way to kill time. The Wind Eagle descended quite low, low enough for them to get wet if the waves had been bigger that day. But the sea was calm and the rider was only engulfed by the wind. ”We don’t go fishing very often,” it was hard to tell whether that was a complaint or recent realization. ”Well, I’m not very good at fishing,” Fois just shrugged. ”Doesn’t stop you from going on hunts,” now the bird was clearly teasing. ”Funny…”

After a while the Wind Eagle rose higher and dropped his right wing to turn back. The sight of Thunder Bay and Mt. Skyinarta behind it when approaching from the sea would have probably been the best part of going fishing, Fois thought on their way back. From there it seemed that life in Wind Reach offered everything that one might have needed. It wasn’t true, but then again his main duty was to make it come as close to reality as possible.

The Endal immediately noticed and recognized the Wind Eagle that was already waiting at the Thunder Bay. He even knew how her talons felt like. The Inarta by her head must have been Aidara, a healer and a rider. Fois had the chance to see that it was true when Seleer flew close past them before turning around and landing uncharacteristically softly nearby. ”It seems we are almost ready,” he said to the two Endals, noticing that there was only one rider still not there. ”Are you feeling ready?”
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The Fall Hunt (Open, Sira, Fois, Kovac)

Postby Kovac on October 6th, 2011, 8:34 pm


Kovac had heard Shayth stir, noted the swishing of the swirling blanket as she wrapped it around her and padded out of the chamber. He had no idea what time it was, and he didn't care. His head hurt. But Tanroa stopped time for no one, most certainly not for hungover mongrels, and Kovac knew he had to crawl out and face the day. Even as the rider slipped back onto the bed, Kovac peeked out of slitted eyelids at the nude endal, pretending to sleep.

"I am not going on this hunt with a bunch of other endals on my own. I may possibly stab someone."

"Well petch, I don't want to miss a good stabbing." He retorted almost painfully. "You really need to learn to get along with your kind, this hunt could be a real warm fuzzy for you. At least on this one you will be there when things all fall to shyke." The avora referred to the last long hunt he went on with Renol, Sairque and Aidara. A bear had attacked, nearly killing Renol, and Kovac had been bitten by a venomous viper. Aidara had managed to save both of thier lives. "You sure you don't want to slip back under these covers with me?" The avora snarked with a forced grin.

The half-blood groaned as the redhead yanked the warm furs from atop him, leaving him naked and exposed. He winced as he rose from the pile of furs and cushions, squinting at his girlfriend. Had his head not been pounding, he would have made another suggestion at the convenience of their mutual nakedness and not caring if the others had to wait. But, as it was, he just frowned and retreated to his room to dress.

Chugging a mug from the water barrel and pouring it over his head, Kovac willed himself awake as he donned his bryda, boots and knife belt. He regretted, as he always did, the amount of wine he had imbibed the night before. He admitted it was almost as bad as before he met Shayth. Maybe it was just stress, or concern over his newest student Rista. Or maybe he was having trouble dealing with his feelings for Shayth. Slipping a sontav onto his left arm, Kovac looked back out the doorway to hers across the main room. He wondered how working together in a group would pan out.

The next quarter bell was spent preparing his gear, loading his field pack, checking his bow and examining each hunting arrow he slid into his quiver. Kovac knew a lot of inartans looked at him as slacker, a drunk or a general ass. But none of them questioned his professionalism on a hunt. Kovac did take his job seriously.

With his gear in his arms, katinu, scarf and gloves piled on top, he made his way towards Turiska's aerie. "Morning glory." Kovac quipped to the giant eagle, who appeared to have been waiting a while by the look the raptor shot the hunter. Kovac helped Shayth saddle the eagle and stow the gear securely onto the harness. The hammering ache in his head had subsided and, anticipating getting out the crater for a while, Kovac's mood lightened. "Alright Red, everything looks squared away, shall we off to the bay?" The avora concluded his suggestion with a kiss.
Last edited by Kovac on October 14th, 2011, 11:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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The Fall Hunt (Open, Sira, Fois, Kovac)

Postby Shayth on October 7th, 2011, 9:31 am


Ignoring the avora's suggestive snark, she watched him as he retreated from the room, blue eyes hinting at concern for his yet again self inflicted condition, if for a moment, before she too turned to her own clothing. Dressing in her usual bryda and vinati, the tall redhead pulled on her black embroided sontav as she walked across the room to find her boots. Sitting on the edge of the bed to tie them on, Shayth felt a sudden flurry of nerves in her belly. This was the first time, in ever, she had gone on a communal hunt. Turiska didn't like the idea much, and had argued with her about it the evening prior. But it was a good thing to do, a normal endal thing to do. The bird was just going to have to learn to be more social...just like herself.

Lost in thought, the rider reached up to braid her thick tresses into a tight and functional weave not unlike the rope they used in the city. Tying off the end with a strip of leather, the feather woven into her hair hung out of the end. Standing, she collected her knife and tucked it into the belt hanging loosely from her hips, along with a canteen and a pouch containing firestarting equipment. Picking up her saddlebag, the endal didn't need to check it. She knew the contents were the same as last, some travelling food and basic necessities on the wing, as well as a skinning knife and twine. Taking up her bow and quiver, Shayth carried them on her arm along with the thick black riding cloak hung near the doorway.

Leaving the room, the scarlett haired woman followed Kovac out into the airee and smiled slightly as he approached Turiska with a chide comment. It wasn't a trusted and bonded friendship, but the eagle and avora had formed something of an understanding - and Turiska had finally accepted that Kovac was part of the household now. Reaching the pair, she welcomed the man's assistance in saddling the feisty bird and strapped her things to the saddle. Stepping back to assess their handy-work, Shayth welcomed the morning kiss. It was a nice feeling, having a kiss because you cared about someone, not just because you wanted to...swallowing the endal shook of the thought quickly. Throwing on her riding cloak, the woman smiled.

"Sounds good. Let's just hope that the others actually come." Climbing up into the saddle along with Kovac, the rider sent her silent signal to her feathery counterpart. They were headed to Thunder Bay, a place well known for its rich hunting grounds. Ultimatly, a good haul for the inarta would be ideal. Shayth didn't want to return empty handed. As Turiska swooped off the edge, the riders attention focused on the eagle, working as a team as they soared through the morning sky towards the docks.

It was easy to spot their companions as they sailed over the dock. Slowly circling around, Turiska brought the pair to land near Seleer, her golden eye looking over the company with shrewed suspicion. Whilst they came down, the endal scanned the vast bay with her piercing blue gaze. Staying on the bird, Shayth nodded to Fois. Her eyes travelled towards the other two and a feeling of immediate discourd swirled in her. Aidara. Lovely. The sarcastic thought filtered through to Turiska, who sat with feathers slightly puffed in irriation.

"Glad to see you could all make it." She said with a slightly flat tone, before shaking off the feeling with a crack of her neck. Glancing around at the dock, she frowned. It was a busy day. Around Sira, yasi reached to touch her and awed at the eagles. Turiska snapped her beak at one of them, elicting a satisfying squeal. Looking at her companions, Shayth cleared her throat.

"I was looking over the other side of the bay as we came around. There are walrus' on the rocks, and they've all plumped up in preparation of winter. We could take a couple, the fat would be useful and the skin makes a waterproof leather." She paused, allowing someone else to make a suggestion if they had a better one. The walrus' would be a good haul, and the ivory would be tradeable from their huge tusks. But that being said, they were dangerous to hunt. The eagles could swoop down on them, but if one of the tusks were to pierce a talon or foot, the eagle would be out of service of a while. And for the inarta, the big heavy beasts were a disgrunted sort. Bites, maulings, crushings...all real risks. And arrows had to be precise - eyes or mouths or throats - the rest of the skin was thick and protected by blubber.

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The Fall Hunt (Open, Sira, Fois, Kovac)

Postby Sira on October 14th, 2011, 12:07 am

As Sira flew she didn't mind at all tilting from side to side so that Aidara could get a better view. The pair had not been flying together all that long and Sira expected the excitement to last a full set of seasons at least, since each one would bring its own sights for Addy to marvel at. Sira did mind when Addy suddenly sat bolt upright, causing her to shriek loudly in surprise and sharply realign herself. Sira ignored the curious glances from below and pumped the muscles in her wings, bringing them back to a safer altitude for flying. If Addy was going to be making sudden movements Sira would rather not crash into the ground and die.

Sira kept her mouth, or beak rather, shut in regards to Addy's comments about Shayth. She knew it was a sour subject, but that was in part why she had agreed to come along on the hunt. At some point or other they would inevitably be assigned to work together and Sira thought it best for the two women to clear the air on their own terms rather than being forced to see one another. It was all part of her plan, part of the whole wise wind eagle role she was supposed to be playing, even if she didn't always seem very wise. Of course there was a good chance Addy would deduct the reason they were there, Sira always had some ulterior motive behind the things she did and the hunt was no different.

After they landed and Addy had dismounted Sira stretched her wings, enjoying the feel of the cool breeze coming in from the bay and the fine mist that came off the waves and coated her feathers, causing the tiny droplets to glisten in the morning sun like a thousand little diamonds all over her feathers. Sira thought it looked rather pretty and hoped Addy would notice and pay her a compliment, though she wasn't about to ask her for one. Yes, Sira could be vain from time to time, especially when it came to her feathers. The yasi were lucky that Aidara shooed them away when she did. If they had messed up Sira's feathers the wind eagle might have been eating a second breakfast that morning.

Sira looked up when the eagle swooped past them, noting the rider on the eagle's back. Seeler and Fois are here, she commented to Addy, though the fact was quite obvious since the eagle landed nearby and Fois announced that they were almost ready. It's good to see you again, Seeler. Sira addressed the eagle first, as was proper, before saying hello to the rider. And you as well, Fois. I'd like you to meet Aidara. You can call her Addy. Using her beak she nudged the healer in he other rider's direction. Addy was a name reserved for friends, and as far as Sira was concerned Fois was a friend. He had saved Sira's life, so even if for some strange reason Addy objected to him calling her by the nickname it didn't matter, Sira had already decided the two would be best of friends. Whether they wanted to be or not.

When Sira spotted the third eagle approaching she knew it had to be Turiska and Shayth. Nudging Addy again she brought her attention to the sky and privately mind whispered, Here they come. Be nice. When they landed Sira greeted the both of them. Hello, Turiska. It's a pleasure to finally meet you. And good to hello to you as well, Shayth. Sira had seen Turiska from time to time but had never really had a chance to introduce herself. Turiska was as anti-social as her rider, it seemed.

Shayth seemed quite uncomfortable with the group, mostly in part due to Addy, Sira assumed, but she still managed a courteous greeting before getting down to business. If Sira had eyebrows at the time she would have arched one with piqued interest. Shayth suggested hunting Walrus, a bold move. Walrus were large, dangerous, could escape underwater, and were often hard to get at due to the rocky formations they like to lounge on. Such game was usually reserved for experienced teams, or boastful youths. Of course Sira was the youngest of all present, and prided herself in being able to tackle even the deadliest of prey, so she had no problem hunting the animals.

Yknow.. that net you brought could come in handy for this, Sira said privately to her rider, We fly by and toss the net while the others follow and take them out. You should suggest that. It'd be a lot safer, plus you wouldn't have to do any killing. Sira could have told the group her self if she wanted to, but it was the riders who were supposed to take charge while the eagles sat back and laughed with each other while they made fools of themselves. Sira didn't want to deprive Addy of that.. plus she wanted the healer to get a chance to assert herself and prove her worth to the other riders. She didn't have to say why she couldn't kill, if she just used Sira's explanation and left out the her not having to hurt anything part it would still be a good plan. Giving the healer a friendly nudge to make her speak up, Sira played the part of the "wise" eagle and waited patiently for her rider to step up and take charge.
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The Fall Hunt (Open, Sira, Fois, Kovac)

Postby Aidara on October 18th, 2011, 5:19 pm

With her eyes turned to the sky, Addy spotted the approach of Seeler and Fois before Sira. A mental nudge to turn her Eagles eyes skyward as well, Addy lifted a hand and waved at the pair as they circled and prepared to land.

I hope they like me. Erm... well, I guess I hope they don't think I am useless, since by default they are the ones that I am going to be hanging out with. Sira might be the only one that would be able to dicpher Addy's nervousness and extreme negativity towards Shayth as it was: her lack of self confidence.

Though she might actively seek out negative things about the other female Rider, it wasn't because of pure hate. It was almost a defense mechanism. Addy assumed that Shayth would be mean and rude, so she figured she would get a head start and jump in as well.

Fois, Addy had heard quite a bit of, as he and Sira had gone through quite an adventure together, automatically giving himself a place on the healers good side. When the pair landed, Addy inclined her head to Seeler, still not used to using the telepathy that being Endal allowed, and offered a dimpled smile to Fois.

"Yeah, we're almost ready. I think we're just waiting for the final two. Are you guys excited?" It was the first time as a full Endal that Addy had participated in a hunt with riders other than just Sira. She was very excited, nervous and of course unsure of herself all at once.

And then the awkwardness ensued.

Here they come. Be nice. Those words echoed loudly in Addy's suddenly empty mind. They. So Kovac had joined them.

As the trio landed and Sira extended her curtious welcome to all, Addy smiply inclined her head and offered a small smile, determined to keep her mouth shut. Green eyes sought out those of Shayth, Kovac and Turiska each, firmly meeting their gazes before looking away at last.

Shayth outlined her plan and Addy simply nodded along. Only Sira and Kovac would notice her uncharacteristic silence, though she doubted that either of them would comment on it. Kovac would most likely pretend she didn't even exist.

That's actually a good idea. I'll wait to present it when we actually get out there and see what the game is like. No need getting everyone excited if the walruses aren't even in today. The insecurity reared it's ugly head again, causing Addy to shift from foot to foot as she tossed her thoughts at Sira.

"So.... are we ready to go now?"

OOCSorry for the blah post after making you wait for so long. What are we going to do about Kovac?
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The Fall Hunt (Open, Sira, Fois, Kovac)

Postby Fois on November 4th, 2011, 1:42 pm

Seleer turned his head to examine the company while Fois seemed to be more preoccupied with searching the skies for the remaining members of the party. ”Wonderful to see you’ve decided to fly by yourself this time, Kelvic,” the Wind Eagle teased for a greeting. The Endal returned his attention back to the group and nodded at Sira and Addy. ”Hi,” he responded with a smile. ”Well, I hope it will be more fun than what me and Sira had on that hunt.” Seleer found the comment as an opportunity to chime in: ”I thought that was most excitement you had in a while.” Fois gently shook his head looking down at his partner: ”Not most fun though.”

While waiting for the rest of the hunters to come the rider took his time to casually observe Addy. She was quite a recent Endal as far as he knew and bonded to probably the most unique Wind Eagle. Envy of Sira’s nature was always awoken in him when he would see the Kelvic, but he wasn’t certain if he was jealous of what Addy had. Understanding of the two women’s relationship was beyond him, but Fois suspected that he preferred to be a bond mate to a regular Wind Eagle, if such thing even existed. There already were pressures in being partners with Seleer, so it was difficult to imagine having to cope with the constant reminder by someone like Sira that she had what he never would.

It wasn’t long before Fois noticed another Wind Eagle in the sky approaching them. ”Now we’re complete,” he announced not knowing whether the other Endals spotted the bird. Soon the new companions landed nearby and the rider looked over at Shayth and the mongrel she had sitting behind her. Fois didn't think he knew the man and neither had he much talk with the rider outside of arranging the hunt, so he didn't have much to say, like it was often the case. ”Four hunters should be enough to bring back a good game,” he nodded.

The plan that was outlined sounded quite exciting and challenging, and it was the latter part that made him feel a bit uncomfortable. Hunting walrus implied the need of very accurate shots to the few weak spots that the animals had, an area in which Fois was not greatly confident, but he didn’t object. ”Great that you came here with a plan already,” he complimented Shayth on the idea. ”Hope everything will go as smooth as this part.”

Fois looked back at Addy who seemed to be in agreement with the plan as well and took the reins into his hands preparing his body for a take-off. ”I think so. We can work out the details while looking for the walrus.” He was prepared to shoot out for the hunt without much additional arrangements while on the ground and Seleer felt that. Without asking for the confirmation the bird jumped forward flapping his wings. They flew just above the water surface for a while before the Wind Eagle brought them higher with a few strong beats. The Endal glanced back to see if the rest of the company followed and turned to the general direction to where they were supposed to be flying.

OOCSorry about the poor content-to-time taken ratio
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The Fall Hunt (Open, Sira, Fois, Kovac)

Postby Gossamer on October 31st, 2012, 11:06 am


Character: Shayth
Experience: +1 Observation
Lore: None

Character: Aidara
Experience: +1 Planning, +1 Observation
Lore: None

Character: Sira
Experience: +1 Planning, +1 Observation
Lore: None

Character: Kovac
Experience: +1 Planning
Lore: None

Character: Fois
Experience: +1 Observation, +1 Planning
Lore: None

Additional Note: Another fragmented thread. You need to start getting these finished Aidara. Nice to see everyone planned and packed well though.
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