Timestamp: 3rd of Summer, 506 AV.
Carsten walked along the docks, the pain in his back was retreating. His workout session earlier that day had been absolutely brutal; he would have to avoid bending too much in the duels. As he neared the place where “The Ramming Boar”, a former warship that had been bought and changed into a merchant vessel, lay, he saw a small crowd assembling. The First Mate, Enar, was known for arranging duels before his ship set out, to ease the men he said.
As Carsten approached the crowd, he saw that there were several captains and first mates there. Unusual, the duels were normally fought by midshipmen and sailors. “Carsten!”] a voice yelled from the crowd, and Captain Diego jogged towards him. Diego was the only sailor that liked Carsten, and a very fine fencer as well. “Diego,” Carsten said with a slight smile. The Captain grinned, revealing coloured teeth, and the lack of at least five. His large nose had been broken several times, and he had a problem with his eyes blinking too often. His arms and legs were covered in scars, and his skin was dark from several days at sea. He was losing his hair on the head, but seemed to compensate with a large, dark beard. “Carsten, you bastard, you made it!” he growled with his deep voice. Carsten had never understood why he kept insulting him, but assumed it was a sailor thing. “I would not miss this opportunity to test myself against the sailors of Zeltiva.” Carsten stated, as he shook Diego’s hand, and they walked to join the crowd. “It has already started, I see.”
The duelists were two sailors, both fighting with cutlasses. One of them threw himself at the other, completely mindless of his defence, and the other disarmed him by a swift cut across his thigh. “No, that’s just to entertain the crowds. I heard Enar has something special in mind tonight. You can see all the high ranking folk, can’t you?” Carsten just nodded as he looked. Then First Mate Enar walked down the ramp from his ship. The crowd fell silent, and the duels stopped as he began to speak. His voice was softer than you would think from his appearance. His head was too small for his broad shoulders, and he moved as if something on his back itched. “Tonight will be a night to remember. For tonight, we shall have a tournament. You will be put in eight groups of ten each. Only two from each group will go on. Move into groups now.” He said it as a command, and the crowd that had a minute ago been standing around with no organization, quickly moved into groups of ten.
Carsten eyed his competition, five sailors, none looked too competent. A Second Mate and his Captain neither looked too tough, though the Second Mate might prove a problem. On first sight, his worst opponents looked to be the two Midshipmen. Large as golems and they looked meaner than Carsten had ever imagined a golem, they seemed to be veterans.
Then Enar explained that each group would fight one fight at all times, that the duel was to first blood, that the weapon had to be agreed upon by both parts, and that one victory meant one point, the two with most points continued on. Then the duels began.