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Postby Xelhes on October 15th, 2011, 5:35 pm


Mortal Form ; Evening

Ethaefal Form ; Stargazer

Physical Characteristics

Under Syna

Secret :

While the sunlight still tints the part of the world Xelhes resides on, his hair becomes straight and black, the hair slightly longer on the right side. Bags can be seen under his eyes all the time in this form, as well as a slightly skinny, almost curvy, body build. The skin color he has is also rather tan, retaining the color it once had in the past despite being an Ethaefal of Leth. His voice is like most males, though a key higher, but this is normally something unnoticed unless an individual is looking for it, or has excellent hearing. He stands at roughly five feet and eight inches, and has skin that does not seem to gain much color aside from the nature tan color it already has; even his blushes having little to no color.

Under Leth

Secret :

From the moment the first rays of moonlight brush his skin, Xelhes believes that his true form is created, one closer to what he possessed back in the realm of gods. His hair becomes messy; standing up, which serves to make him appear more handsome, his face gaining more shape and his skin gaining a luminous glow when the moons rays hit it; the tan replaced by a pale white. He grows slightly taller in this form by about two or three inches, muscle definition also appearing throughout his body. His voice becomes deeper as well, and his eyes seem to gain almost a sparkle that is easily seen, horns of snow white protruding from his head with a similar sparkle.

Winter colors: Hair - Silver; Horns - Violet
Fall colors: Hair - Pale gold; Horns - Yellows
Spring colors: Hair - Lavender gray; Horns - White
Summer colors: Hair - Black; Horns - Harlequin green

Character Concept

When Xelhes fell from the heavens, his faith in his gods deserted him, for the gods themselves had allow his fall to occur. Broken and bruised from what he believes to be betrayal, he has become a wanderer of Mizahar, detached from others due to the fear that he will be abandoned once more, and even more damaged. Yet, even though he acts cold, blunt, and even scared of others, Xelhes is a living proof of the saying 'the brighter the soul, the darker the Forsaken.'

Beneath the walls he has constructed around himself is a very kind and once happy individual, and at times even the toughest of his walls form cracks that allow small specks of light to escape. With time, he is beginning to accept that he has no way to return things to the way they once were, and is slowly adjusting to the world he now inhabits. Despite his fear of people it is only with the aid of others that he will be able to awaken the person he once was, instead of the warped shadow that he is now.
Last edited by Xelhes on April 9th, 2012, 1:00 am, edited 23 times in total.
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Postby Xelhes on October 15th, 2011, 7:21 pm

Character History:

Since the day the gods' realm cracked and Xelhes fell, his mind has been a broken window pane. As he fell from the heavens, tearing across sky; plummeting into the Storm Bay, and with the impact felt everything he knew shatter into small fragments. Acting on sheer instinct, he began to flail his limbs to propel himself towards the shore not far away, displaying a very awkward form of swimming. Making it to shore and collapsing, Xelhes tried to sift through the broken memories in his head. Everything was scattered, fragmented, and then covered in a haze. He knew what he had been, an entity beyond the mortal realm, yet now he felt mortal, bound to flesh once more. He could recall a world far more wondrous than this, but he could not comprehend how, or most of the memories he had of it. As well, his name itself from that world, the only thing truly clear, was something his vocal cords could not form, there were simply no sounds available to make it audible. The closest thing he could come up with his past name was Xelhes, and even that was a far cry from what was once his identity.

Slowly collecting his thoughts and what memories remained, Xelhes began to walk away from the shore, the remnants of the sun's light warming his back. With in minutes he began to understand his situation. He had to find shelter, a village or some form of domestication, or else fend for himself in the wild, a difficult thing indeed. Making his way forward, he began to try and examine his surroundings, looking for any possible food in case civilization could not be found. As the last of the sun's rays vanished totality, Xelhes felt himself change. His mind began to clear, memories becoming comprehend-able, and other memories arising, memories from past lives...memories that no longer had purpose. Though most of Xelhes' fall was still a mystery to him, he knew one thing. Syna and Leth, neither had prevented it, and instead allowed it to occur. They had left him, sent him back to the mortal world, and for that, he had no faith in them. What were gods who had disposed of one who had been loyal to them? Gods who deserved nothing, though the thought of having no faith to place in a diety was an odd one indeed. It felt like a sin, something unacceptable, but he knew nothing of the other gods, or how to prove loyalty to them. It was only then he noticed his hunger and thirst had vanished, and he realized it was during the night that he once again became closer to the being he once was.

Moving forward, and collecting a small amount of what seemed to be edible berries, paying further attention to his surroundings. This current form felt less mortal than the other, but the mere fact that he still existed in a physical form gave proof that he could most likely get hurt, or die. Progressing further, Xelhes eventually reached the settlement of Denval, where people were seemingly warm, but only when they believed he bore news of the outside world. He was unable to answer their questions, for he knew nothing of the outside world, only what fragments remained of his memory. Memories that dated back years ago, when the world was a different place. His world was long gone and replaced with this. He was given cloths to cover his naked body, as well as nourishment and shelter when needed, though for each he was to perform errands for the individuals supplying. During this time, he would read novels, dictionaries, and such in order to try and expand the limited knowledge he had, and to better communicate with those around him. His various odd jobs also helped him expand his knowledge on various things, as well as develop personal skills as well. It did not take long though for people to see how distant Xelhes was. He would talk to others, but never smiled, and seemed detached from the world. It was obvious he did not view social interaction as necessary, and only did so in order not to seem ungrateful for the kindness the various inhabitants had shown him .

During this time as well, Xelhes' curiosity in books grew, as he craved knowledge. This was the world he was stuck in at this time, and if we wanted the best chance of survival, he needed to know as much as he could. While searching through various books, he came across an old one that spoke of the art of Morphing, the text battered, worn, and seemingly hidden so no one would ever know of its existence. Taking it upon himself, Xelhes kept the book, the owner not seeming to notice, or care. He read it often, trying to memorize what he could in the faded text, learning about the basic theory behind the art, and how one needed to understand a subject anatomy fully before any form could be truly learned. Keeping his knowledge of the art secret, in fear that others would fear it, or magic itself, Xelhes slowly began to accumulate money of his own, gaining enough funds to afford food, his own clothing, basic survival equipment such as a flint, shelter, and far more knowledge than when he first entered the settlement. Though he still lives in the general area of the settlement and visits it often, he still remains as distant as the first day he arrived, if not more so. He has no friends in the area, only people who have aided him in the past. Once he has come to better understand the world, he plans to travel to other regions and further develop his skills, maybe become faithful to another deity, and possibly even gain a travel companion. However, his fear of abandonment still constantly plagues his mind, for he never wishes to feel the day he did when he fell from the heavens, and will do what he can to prevent it from occurring ever again.
Last edited by Xelhes on February 11th, 2012, 10:53 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Postby Xelhes on October 18th, 2011, 7:47 am

Mental Skills
Skill Score Level Comments
Botany 7 Novice 5 Starting Package, 2
Cryptography 5 Novice 5 Starting Package
Astronomy 10 Novice 10 Racial Bonus
Herbalism 20 Novice 15 Starting Package, 2, 3
Rhetoric 5 Novice 5
Intelligence 5 Novice 5
Plant Identification 5 Novice 2, 3
Spelunking 1 Novice 1
Interrogation 5 Novice 5
Storytelling 2 Novice 2
Observation 5 Novice 5
Philosophy 5 Novice 5
Teaching 2 Novice 2

Physical Skills
Skill Score Level Comments
Drawing 5 Novice 5 Starting Package
Archery (Shortbow) 15 Novice 15 Starting Package
Bodybuilding 1 Novice 1

Magic Score Level Comments
Morphing 5 Novice 5 Starting Package

Seasonal XP; Winter 511 A.V.: Herbalism - 3xp


*Anthropology (Basic)
*Odd Jobs Man
*Undirected Prayers
*Understanding Me
*Missing One's Horns
*Recognising A Symenestra
*Basic Symenestra Anatomy
*Competent Symenestra Culture
*The Viratassa
*Bitten By A Symenestra
*A Stone of Great Importance
*Memories of Isolde
*An Exchange of Memories
*Returning the Stone
*Lore of Past Life
*Falyndar Lotus
*The Story of the Amber Tree
*Lore of the Blessed Game
*Lore of Storytelling


Common - Basic

Equipment and Possessions

* 1 Set of Clothing (cloak/coat & footwear)
* 1 Waterskin
* 1 Backpack which contains:
* 1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
* Food for a week
* 1 Eating Knife
* Flint & Steel
*20 Shortbow Arrows
*Climber's Quiver


* 100 gold rimmed mizas
-30 gm (Shortbow)
-1 gm (20 Shortbow Arrows)
-20 gm (Quiver)
+3 sm
+411 gm (Seasonal Wage; Winter 511 A.V.)
=460 gm 3 sm


* 1 basic 20x20 single room cottage (400 square feet) with a hearth, bunk, chest, chair, and small table.
Last edited by Xelhes on April 8th, 2012, 7:05 am, edited 23 times in total.
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Postby Xelhes on November 24th, 2011, 6:31 pm


Secret :
The Amber Tree
Summary: A memory back in a previous life of Xelhes; the most recent past life he had, and the one he feels closest to.
Status: Complete

Fall, 511 A.V.:

Secret :
Late Night Readings
Date: Fall 17th, 511 A.V.
Summary: Xelhes meets an Isur named Vanos Strongarm, and the two have a brief conversation.
Status: ---

Date: Fall 37th, 511 A.V.
Summary: Going to look at the Chapel, Xelhes meets an Symenestra named Veldrys and learns about the Symenestra as a culture. From their conversation Xelhes gains a possible teacher.
Status: Complete
Reward: Rhetoric +5, Intelligence +5, Body Building +1

Lesson: Gnosis Marks
Date: Fall 41st, 511 A.V.
Summary: Attending one of the classes in the Lyceum, Xelhes meets Louie in the form of a teacher, making for an interesting pair with possibly conflicting views.
Status: Incomplete

Trade a Smile
Date: Fall 50th, 511 A.V.
Summary: While wandering Xelhes comes across Syllke and attempts to befriend the man, in an effort to become more friendly towards others.
Status: ---

Winter, 511 A.V.

Secret :
Supply and Demand
Date: Winter 1st, 511 A.V.
Summary: Xelhes goes to Jarret's Clinic, with the possibility and hope of obtaining a job.
Status: Complete
Reward: Spelunking +1; Plant Identification +2; Botany +2; Herbalism +2

Date: Winter 2nd, 511 A.V.
Summary: Xelhes meets Seodai.
Status: ---

Date: Winter 10th, 511 A.V.
Summary: Xelhes returns to the chapel to speak with Veldrys again and a lesson in herbalism goes astray.
Status: Complete
Reward: Interrogation +5; Storytelling +2; Observation +5; Plant Identification +3; Philosophy +5; Teaching +2

Within the Fold
Date: Winter 14th, 511 A.V.
Summary: Sela and Xelhes meet.
Status: ---

End Game: the Crucible
Date: Winter 77th, 511 A.V.
Summary: An attempt to fix the Solduvan Stone ; Denval Citywide Plot
Status: Incomplete
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