by Lyric on October 16th, 2011, 2:38 am
Lyric's mouth was a gape in wonderment at the city. There was green and plants everywhere. As she was walking along a path she passed a tree with what looked like a doorway carved into it. Twitching her nose and ears, she poked her face in and peered around. A simple sleeping room it seemed like. No one was there, so she cautiously wandered in. Slowly, she padded around the room, sniffing objects as she passed them, taking in their scent. Coming to what seemed to be a table, she hunched her hind legs and sprang onto it. Not paying attention, she flicked her black tail to the side and knocked over a bowl. Surprised at the sudden clattering sound, she yelped and the fur along her spine bristled. Realizing what had happened, she sat down, licked her paw, and drew it over her ear, embarrassed at herself.