(Seasonal Quest)Signs in the Mist: Ancient Cries Pt. I

Seasonal quest Pt:1; Finale players will be drawn from those that participate in this thread. Levi will be working on another chapter:pt 2. ;) Watch for it.

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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]

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(Seasonal Quest)Signs in the Mist: Ancient Cries Pt. I

Postby Archelon on October 17th, 2011, 5:49 pm

Signs in the Mist: Ancient Cries Pt. I

Date: 20th of Fall, 511av.

A Storm was coming from below the city streets of Sunberth. A storm not of the fashioning of the gods, or of the elements of nature. But a storm literally forged from out of this world. In the darkness of the depths, an ancient creature was pupating out of the shell which had bound it. Shirking the chains of those who feared its insatiable drive to truly know another.

A creature whispered about in the legends of the world, a being termed by many descriptors. Monster, Destruction, Carnage, Desolation, jaberwocky, and yet, those upon Mizahar's boundaries knew it by another name... a plainer name, or perhaps planar was a better term. To them the name they knew it by was simple, almost incorporate to the true horrors of the creature's nature.

To them, it was simply known by the term: Journeyman

And now, after hundreds of years of waiting, watching,... and growing it began to wriggle free its confines. Destroying the rusted magical chains which bound its dormant form from renewal. It's arms tearing at the yolk sack of its larval egg to fall heavy upon the ancient dust of the catacomb's deep within the sealed confines. Within the darkness, and the decrepit tomb, a mewling cry of a faceless child began to wail, as the grey skinned creature began to raise itself to its feet. Eyes, still blinking with new-formed lids looked above, to see what had freed it from its captivity, long enough to note an ancient pedestal lying broken, with faint footsteps marked within the grime about its base.

Someone had freed it, it seemed, and it sensed, and it had a strong desire to Know whom had done so. Sensory organs which served as ears began to listen, as it noticed the pattering of some creature ahead and just around the central entrance to its once shielded chamber. It slithered now, it's back taking upon the guise of a dhani's tail, as from its forearms the three pronged claws of an ancient reptilian predator formed. It could hear the voices, It had to understand, had to feel for itself... It had to Know what the strange noises were coming from.

Soon, its eyes spotted the fleshy mass walking away from it towards somewhere else, where it didn't know but that didn't matter. The fleshy mass was there. That was enough for the moment. Slithering quickly it gained ground and in the haste of its passage towards the thing of flesh it knocked an urn aside. It's reverie of thought was broken, as the fleshy thing screamed and it reminded itself of what it wanted from the being. Darting forwards it's raptor claw grabbed the unknown creature by the head and flung it sideways into a hard surface. The flesh being didn't appear to like this as it grunted loudly and kicked its legs into ... into Its chest. Yes that was the correct term: chest.

Black ovoid orbs began to stare into the fleshy thing's eyes, as the creature's ancient instincts began to wildly manipulate the djed in the area. For an instant the eyes of the Journeyman and the eyes of the flesh thing in its grasp met... and it began to Know.

The creature's name was Bernster, a thief. What was a theif? It was someone who stole from someone else. What was stealing? The act of taking something which didn't belong to you. Ah, then It was a thief was it not? As thieves must be those that wished to Know?

As the creature began to absorb the information from the mind of its victim, the screams howled into the darkness as the man's mind was turned to mush... and the body withered. Soon enough, the husk of a shell which was formerly known as a man called Bernster was dropped to the floor, and the Journeyman pondered what else there was to Know. In the back of its mind it sensed that up above somewhere there were many things to Know… and swiveling around it began to stumble forwards to find its way up through the catacombs, always seeking a path which would lead it upwards…


Within the swells of Baroque Bay, in the midst of Lodestar Isle, a mist began to form above the demesne of Leywellin Manor. A mist that first baffled the eyes of those Daggerhands stationed there was forming upon what had been a cloudless dawn. Slowly it came together and began to thicken, spreading from a few faint whisps of moisture to a deep shroud above the area which continued to grow, and spread.

Slowly, the cloud began to move upon its own. Pushing against the wind it drifted over the bay and towards the shores of the sleeping town as it continued to grow, rise and thicken. The uncommon mist swept up from the water’s edge, beginning to move with an impossible swiftness as it traveled, and newborn children shivered and cried in its wake as it began to settle upon the town. Soon, the mist so thick that the common eyes would not be able to see very far ahead of them as it blanketed the streets of the town proper, becoming thickest at the doors of the Church of the Unknown God.

In the graveyard of the Dust Bed, Old man Jebediah immediately closed all burial services of the day and made a warding motion with his hands. This was moments before consigning his employees to go home without an explanation before he followed his own advice to shut himself away in his hut to lock an bar the door. If any might see him inside, they would have noticed him reach into an old chest to pull out a flagon of wine, a giant block of cheese and an well-worn crossbow before he locked and barred the door. In response to something that only mothers knew, wives with children locked their doors and sent their children to bed before begging husbands to stay home. And many men whom had ever felt the crawling fey touch of ghostly hands shivered, and began to perspire uncontrollably. Other more susceptible sorts suddenly stopped talking to their fellows and jerked like marionettes before their voices could be heard again. This time, strange cultured tones mouthed noble sounding platitudes and excuses to their companions and comrades before they inextricably gathered up their weapons and began to march towards the ancient church like moths heading into a flame.

In a small shop, in the midst of stumble alley, a hermit of man named "Bashful" Doler looked upwards out the window of his shielded room towards the church proper and then back towards his desk. Muttering a bit to himself he stood up and marched frantically towards a glass display where inside a bluish flame of ethereal fire mysteriously snuffed itself out. With horror and dread in his eyes Doler scrambled towards a locked chest and began to rummage inside, as a frantic look began to come to his eyes…

Within the square by the gallows a man hanging from Robern Dalanger’s noose kicked once or twice before saying a few simple words which no one upon the ground could make out besides, “Yes…” At the utterance the mist swirled around him like some primordial predator, enveloping him from sight. The Daggerhands guard murmured and coughed as their eyes suddenly became watery as they scratched them. When the itching had stopped the guards looked back at where the man had been only to see the empty swinging noose. The body of the hanged man had vanished without a trace.

But around town, these scenes and several similar ones were repeated over and over, and the more cautious men of the city would bar their doors, and prepare for the worst. While the bravest, and the foolhardy would serve to brave the city’s streets.

Far to the west, those nearest to the Haunted Falls would swear they heard the waling keen of the dead echoing for miles.
In response to the strange goings on, a crystal of ice appeared upon the water's surface. This was soon followed by another, and then another. Spreading quickly the ice soon choked off the waters of the falls themselves, effectively damming the life giving waters of the hillside springs which fed the farms of sunberth. For now, the effects would be slight, but soon it would cause draught unless the situation was reversed.

Something had come to sunberth today. Perhaps several something‘s worth… but all the common man could ponder, was perhaps it was best to stay inside. For those with sterner stomachs, or more foolhardy then they seemed, this would be a series of days that would forever be scarred into their souls. Yes, something or multiple somethings had come upon the town of Sunberth… and it seemed for their own reasons they wanted to play.

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And now a word from our sponsors :
Greetings you foul rapscallions of Sunberth's beaches. This... is a thread open to all with a few decided changes from the norm you need to consider first to see if you have time to join in.

I. This will not be run like a normal moderated thread with direct moderation to all parties. If there is something that draws the eye then yes, we , your sunberth storytellers will shed some scary evil twist of this monstrous tale in your direction, but now before joining we pray that you judge correctly if you have enough time to partake in this thread of derring do. (Mainly we pray you all work together ... or apart) to forge your own paths through this turbulent, traumatic time that is about to sweep through Sunberth.

How you ask? Read on.

II. In each post there will be a certain set of objectives which will be noted for you to all (as a group... or not) to achieve and we will allow free posting for a certain amount of days. I REPEAT: THERE IS NO POSTING ORDER, That means- you may post as much or as little as you like, with no clear posting order. However, as it nears the end of its course, we reserve the right to institute temporary orders as necessary. If the plot must be moved along, and there are people missing post: IT will STILL be moved along as necessary in the timeframe allowed after those certain amount of days are up.

Another post with a modified objective will be given based upon player contributions. As we stated before the opposition will be large scale, so you are free to call shots on any mooks, crazy possessed people, ants, ardvarks, antelopes, wolves, etc, etc as you wish in order to complete the objectives. Just remember: BE REALISTIC TO YOUR SKILL SETS. Make it plausible for your interactions here. As such there will be an ooc thread set up as well for you to coordinate together.

There is only one exception : WE CONTROL THE JOURNEYMAN. Do not have your pc's start in the catacombs. They will be used as a setting for the follow up.

III. At the end of the thread, only a few who undergo a specific story quirk we shall administer shall be the lucky ones to face the glorious combat against this abominable creature known as the Journeyman, within a subsequent... fast (and bloody) follow up thread.

IV. Grading of this thread will tallied throughout as characters post and the results will be revealed at the end of this thread.

V. As we said before, this is a TIMED thread. Those who wish to participate can do so. If you *absolutely* have to drop out midway, that is fine so long as you can find a plausible manner to take your character to a safe place as the rest continue on. We're not mean, in that we'll randomly maim, injure, or kill PC's, (unless you do something completely stupid). If you are struggling to keep up with the pace of this thread. Please, by all means tell those you are threading with so they are not left hanging back waiting for a post that never comes. For if that happens, you may disclude them from realistically continuing their participation.

VI. You're involvement in this thread implies your agreement to these things which were priorly stated.

Thank you for your time in reading this fully and understanding it completely.

The First Objective is simple- find interesting and varied ways to enter this thread xD. Ingenuity to move things onwards will be justly rewarded. You will have till Oct 28th to do so before the next post.

Sincerely, your plotting fiends. Erh- we mean friends. Yeah - Friends.
~DS- Levi
~AS- Archelon
Last edited by Archelon on October 19th, 2011, 1:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
Thank you all for the privildege of moderating, unfortunately with deaths in the family and ailing health I am retiring. All thread grades I had on my pc have been forwarded to founders and paragon, so expect them posted soon.
It's been a mixed bag at times , but with all the good and the bad and mixed signals, I can honestly say: Thank you. Please support the next mods of sunberth as well as you have done me.
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(Seasonal Quest)Signs in the Mist: Ancient Cries Pt. I

Postby Darik on October 17th, 2011, 11:06 pm

It was a normal day when the unthinkable happen. Wait a second, screw that definition. The unthinkable always happens in Sunberth when Darik’s involved. A much better description is it was a boring day till something came to liven it up. So bare with me as I describe all the monotonous details that led up to a journey of a lifetime.((You know, symbolism is important in stories like this. ;) ))

Darik was holding a ferret when the mist started to form. Why? I don’t know, it’s not like I am a god of unimaginable talent who can view things in the past. Ohh wait, I am! He was holding it because he was supposed to groom it. One of the senior grooms had demanded Darik do the job. Only one problem, Darik didn’t know how to groom a ferret. He barely knew how to groom a horse! When he questioned the older one how, he got a curt response. ”Figure it out.” In layman’s terms it meant the older groom didn’t know how either.

Darik sat there trying to figure out how to succeed at his task. As he finally realized that the dog brush could probably be a very reasonable tool, an eerie mist penetrated the stables. The animals all started to squirm against there restraints, but none of them broke free. That is, unless they were in a certain human’s arms.

The ferret was a squirmy mess as Darik tried to retain his hold on it. He was starting to regain control over it before he sidestepped into a man. Simply put, his name was Bob. The ferret flung out of his arms and ran out of the stable as Darik was momentarily distracted. ”Look what you did Bob! Killroy is gonna kill me. Anyone want to go get that for me?” He looked around the room to see lots of shaken no’s. They all seemed ready to bolt to their houses. ”I am so killing you Bob when I get back.” After taking one last look, Darik bolted. He didn’t turn around to see the stablehands preparations for the worst.

The mist was thick, but by some lucky chance Darik caught sight of the ferret. He followed it, through Sunberth’s labyrinth of streets. It was faster, but Darik had been in the city longer so he could take shortcuts to make up for the speed difference. He had it cornered when it disappeared out of thin air. Darik, being a logical fellow went to the nearest wall and inspected it. Just like he thought, there was a ferret sized hole in it. ”petch, Petch, PETCH!” Darik screamed into the lifeless air. Now he would have to tell Killroy he had lost one of his “precious” pets.

Now were was he? Darik couldn’t see clear enough to pick out any identifiable landmarks. He should have been scared by the mist, but it was just a bloody mist. An annoying one at that, but it’s was still just a mist. No need for any superstitious nonsense to cloud his thinking. Now how was he going to get out of this mess?
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(Seasonal Quest)Signs in the Mist: Ancient Cries Pt. I

Postby Darian on October 18th, 2011, 6:54 pm

Time: Midday
Location: Near the Pig's Foot Tavern

There was a hiss of breath and then a fist came crashing through the mist, slamming hard into the side of Darian's face and sending him stumbling into the stone wall. He only just caught himself when it came at him again this time in low thudding into his gut and knocking the breath from his lungs, and he couldn't help but fall to his knees, his chest leaning over as he crumbled up. The rough hand covered in chain mail now gripped the back of his head, pulling at his hair through his shadowsilk cowl to rip his head back, his face forced to look up at his assailant. Darian grimaced as he looked at the man who towered above him, his sturdy shoulders, emerald eyes, and steel armor easily seen now that not so much mist separated them. The man's lips curled into a cruel smile and he opened his mouth to speak, but before he could get the chance, Darian pursed his lips and spit on the man's armor. Try as he might to prepare himself for the hit, he still was stunned after the man slugged him hard, the hit knocking away the loose cloth he used to cover the lower portion of his face and likely leaving a imprint of the steel rings in his burned flesh. A shudder ran through him, and he barely resisted when his head was wrenched backward again to stare up at the snarling man.

"Think it's a game, think you can tell Raoug what to do by getting his brother beat up" the man growled, slugging Darian hard across the face again, and again. Finally the man got bored with hitting him in the face, and let him drop to the ground with a splash into a small puddle that had gathered there, and Darian kept his eyes closed as he felt the cool water counteracting the pain radiating from the torn and bruised left side of his face. Underneath his side, his hand fumbled underneath his leather armor, hand firmly wrapping around the hilt of the assassin dagger he kept there. The man above him spat on him, went on and on about how Darian had really messed with the wrong people, and shouted a string of obscenities before finally settling on kicking him a few times in the side. "If Raoug didn't want to see you alive, I'd finish you myself" the man snarled again, his voice dripping venom. The harshness of his speech and the way he took it so personally made him think that maybe this man was the one responsible for guarding the poor boy, and suffered some kind of punishment in return. Knowing Raoug only in passing, he could only guess that it was none too pleasant.

The man shifted above him, and Darian opened his eyes at the sound of a metallic clang on the ground before him. A sword rested on the cobblestones just feet before his eyes, the man standing over him, fumbling with the ties on his breeches. His vision darkened on its edges, and he was in and out of lucidity, but whether it was because of the cold water, or the sight of the man hovering over him preparing to secure his victory, a all to sharp moment of clarity came over him as he realized there was nothing he could do about it. His hand could barely hold the dagger, much less manipulate it while he was laying on it, belly down on the ground as he was. So he simply shut his eyes as the man relieved himself on him, and everyone and a while coherent curse came to mind before his mind sank back into the haze of pain that so disoriented him. Faintly he could hear the man walking away, growling one last time about coming to collect him later on that night, but that wasn't important anymore, all Darian wanted to do was rest there, just a few moments spent against the cobbles with his eyes closed was all he asked. Slowly his eyes drifted closed, really meaning to only stay closed for a few moments, but such things did not always happen, especially to disoriented people, not when the mist seemed so comforting. Where is that Myrian woman..

Last edited by Darian on October 18th, 2011, 8:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.
I have retired Darian, and I apologize for any inconveniences this has caused with anyone threading with this character. Feel free to NPC him in any threads that he is involved in if that is of course ok with the moderator. Again, I am sorry for any inconveniences.
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(Seasonal Quest)Signs in the Mist: Ancient Cries Pt. I

Postby Zandelia on October 18th, 2011, 7:10 pm


South of Castle Commons - Early Evening

Zandelia’s day had gone from a rather bad situation, to a worse situation and now it had passed the area that could be considered ‘bad’ and had skimmed happily across the waters of misfortune and into the jaggedly criminal harbour’s of ‘depressingly tortuous’. She was not so much unhappy that she had gained twice as many bruises, had to deal with three times as many street thugs as normal, nor even the fact that she had a slicing cut across her upper left arm – shallow though it was – decidedly bandaged under her Shadowsilk Robes. No, it was the fact that on top of all of her day’s trials she now not only had to make her way towards the Castle Common’s Marketplace, a session in acrobatics scheduled with Shai the Symenestran, but that she was now moored within a boundless mist as thick as a bunch of Daggerhand lowlifes. Direction was pointless, all landmarks other than the few feet around her erased from eyesight.

Bloody petching mist and it’s decision to mess around with my damned day! she cursed the world in general as she loitered within a small doorway of some kind. The doors was well sealed, of course, just as every other one she had tried to open had been.

“Whole city is scared of something, and I’ve a good damned idea what it is” she grunted to herself, eyeing the gathering fog around her as if it were an enemy threat. On some level, somewhere in her heart, she felt a small voice tell her of its significance as a foreboding feeling – as if racial instinct were trying to jab her in the ribs. She merely shrugged it off and tried to decide what she was going to do.

She was far from an altruist in nature, she knew that well, but she could not help but feel a sense of regret that Shai might be stuck in the same situation as she was. For a Symenestran the lass was not so bad, when all things were considered. She had offered to help pass on some of her race’s own grace to herself – with teaching and a price, naturally. No, the little woman was most probably just as lost she Zandelia was, only Zandelia knew where the little woman would be. Castle Commons had been the chosen location, the marketplace to be exact – the perfect setting for some acrobatic delegation. So, in truth, it was Zandelia who was lost in a rabbit warren of streets and alleys – and Castle commons was as good a place as any to try to find, it being connected to every other part of Sunberth.

Need to do something, at any rate, before I kill myself for idiocy of the highest order she told herself with a nod, pulling the hood lower over her face and stepping out into the mists once more.

She was cautious, as cautious as a fox stalking its prey. With her visual field limited to naught but arm’s length, and even audible noise somewhat dampened by the hauntingly new environment, it was her only shield against anything that might befall her. After her day she was not taking any chances – one wound being enough for her within the same 24 Bell period of time. She slunk from doorway to doorway, keeping close to the walls of nearby structures when she could, peering around corners with her back to them as and when they materialized in front of her. Most of her time was spent in a form of half-crouch, minimizing her visible form – not that she thought many would be able to see her even if they were only ten yards away. Still, habit was hard to break and since working for Tua had begun she had picked up her fair few. She now knew that those who planned upon being unseen often were unseen – caution being the prime building block of stealth.

“Still, need to figure out where I am or I’ll be at this all bloody evening” she uttered to herself under her breath.

She came to another corner, pressed her back towards it and peeked around once more – already knowing she would merely see more mist, only ever more bloody mist. She threw herself across the gap and rolled smoothly, coming up onto her feet at the opposite corner of the alleyway, pressing the back of her head into the wall through her hood and trying to think upon what to do.

Come on Zandelia, you know Sunberth well enough. Where are you? Where bloody are you?! she railed at herself, trying to conjure up the layout of Sunberth in her mind’s eye from her purchased map and her job as a word runner. She thought about the last position she had known she was located and tried to work out what her route had been from there.

She merely hoped she could find her way to her destination, or she was like as not to be found with a knife in her back come the mist’s end.

Last edited by Zandelia on October 18th, 2011, 8:22 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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(Seasonal Quest)Signs in the Mist: Ancient Cries Pt. I

Postby Lyth on October 18th, 2011, 7:56 pm

Lyth had been in pursuit of a new target that he had received that day, walking along the roofs of Sunberth's homes. The mist hadn't been there moment's before, but once it had rolled in, Lyth found that not only had he lost his prey, he was trapped on the roof. He couldn't see three feat in front of him, unable to judge the distance to the next building. There was no way he'd chance jumping into thin air, finding nothing to catch himself with.

"Petching mist, I'll find him again once it clears." He mumbled, frowning in irritation. Slowly and carefully, he inched himself to the edge of the rooftop, lowering himself down gently until he was hanging from the edge. Gods, he couldn't even see the ground he knew could be no more than four feet away. He was, for all intents and purposes, blind. And it terrified him, more so than anything before. With a deep breath, he let himself drop.

His heart dropped into his stomach as he was in midair, feeling as though he was falling forever. That is, until his feet touched ground, curling into the impact. Darkness was a natural blindness, one he knew he could deal with. This mist.. There was something wrong with how it seemed to blot out everything. Could he even get back home? He knew the way, it would just be a matter of feeling his way down the streets.

And hoping to any god who would listen that he didn't run into someone quick to draw their weapon.

He kept to the right side of the road, knowing he needed to take a right turn at the castle commons to get to the road he needed to be on. Good how he wished he could see. This mist was starting to get to him, making him shiver. Something was definitely wrong with this mist. He had lived here so long, and had never seen the weather act this strangely.

It madde him feel as if there were something in the mist, ready to strike out at him. But that was just his nerves speaking, trying to keep those thoughts out of his mind. He needed to keep his wits about for any real threat.
Last edited by Lyth on October 19th, 2011, 1:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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(Seasonal Quest)Signs in the Mist: Ancient Cries Pt. I

Postby Rayage on October 18th, 2011, 10:08 pm

Sunberth, the city was not quite as the nuit had expected it. Did he have any expectations? If he did have any they were forgotten by the reality of the situation here. The city he went to for an escape from the lab had turned into something even more dangerous than his own mind, and his own experiments. At least in his laboratory he could attempt to control the reactions with his complicated art, his world magic of Alchemy. Here, well here he had no control, he had no power, and he couldn’t control the people –who were the most random variable in this entire situation—this was proven countless times over. This city was more than he had assumed, and he was paying for it. The nuit knew that he would be taking a ship out soon, but first he needed to get what he came here for: research material.

He had only been here five days. Five long days that had given him a pretty good picture of the culture here, but it was somewhat enjoyable. A fresh scene from the lab, it was just what he needed. That, and he would have to put up with this, and these people, oh yes, the people were the worst. A ridged frown was upon his face as he thought about the events of the last days. He had been wandering, and exploring the place, though this day he preferred to stay near the town.

The new city was just that, new, and he had no map of it he could follow in his head. Five days of wandering and searching, for what else would one do? He did not need to sleep, eat, dink or anything that bound the living to their state of live. He was above that all, he was above them, he was different and through that difference he was better. Or so he liked to tell himself.

Stopping, he surveyed the land, the building, what was in front of him. Everything was getting hazier, darker, and more obscure. The nuits multi-colored robes breathed slightly in the wind that passed. There was a mist, a fog, gathering and the most peculiar part was that it was moving against the wind. It was driven by some unnatural force that was for sure, but what? Smiling, now this was interesting. The mist crept more towards the nuit and the wizard took a cautious step back as if the mist was fire. He didn’t trust it yet. Though, in time, his stepping back would get him nowhere as the fog seemed to circle him, surrounding the nuit, as if knowing of his caution, before it collapsed in on him like a giant wave.

Stumbling backwards as that happened, if he were living he was sure his heart would be pounding and he would be sweating. ”What are you?” he asked the fog half expecting an answer. This fog felt… different, but what made it different the wizard knew not. What kind of creature could make such a mist? Even looking through it was near impossible. Shuddering he took a cautious step forward, a hand reaching out to the air feeling if for any sort of obstacle. This, this was annoying and utterly unacceptable. To take away his vision, or at least most of it with this petching fog. A slight growl came from to illustrate his frustration with this whole situation. Even H1-A was uncomfortable in it. He could feel the fuzzy lizard come closer to him, the soft white fur rubbing against his neck and once again Ray could feel the warmth of life. ”Shhh” the mage raised a hand to pat the lizard on the head.

Shambling forward the nuit made his way through the town, step by step, slowly. Everything was going well too until his foot hit something on the ground, causing him to stumble, but luckily he caught his balance and stepped backwards, ”What is this?” he asked his foot reaching out to poke what almost made him fall, it was soft, and… well, smelly. Taking another step back he felt H1-A jump from his shoulder, ”H1-A” he called sternly, but the lizard had plans of its own.

Crouching down he reached a hand down to feel what he stumbled over. It was a person, out in the street, unconscious… Though still alive. Seeing the dark outline of H1-A in the fog he watched the creature as it rubbed itself against the persons face. The lizard was always too friendly for its own good. ”Hey, you” the nuit poked the man again, he stunk of urine, ”get up.” it was more of an order, ”I don’t think this is exactly the right time to take a nap.” he informed him. Why did he even bother? He watched for a couple seconds, no movement. Turning away he started walking away, ”H1-A, come.” he ordered the creature and expected it to follow, but it did not. Ray would wait a couple seconds to feel the familiar scamper of claws up his cloak to get to his shoulder, but even that never came, ”H1-A” he turned back to see the furry lizard was still occupying itself with the unconscious man as if it never seen a body before. Or maybe, which was probably correct, the thing enjoyed the body heat of the living, preferred it over his undead state.
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(Seasonal Quest)Signs in the Mist: Ancient Cries Pt. I

Postby Bob Barton on October 18th, 2011, 10:58 pm

Stupid fog! It made it so that Bob could not even leave Killroy's. Sunberth was already far too dangerous from people randomly jumping out on you for a little mugging to give them a further advantage of being concealed by the fog. It could work both ways and Bob could just get to where he wanted to be unseen and unmolested but he did not have the confidence of navigating through the city or moving around silently. Then he would need Jinsen and that dog would let anyone know Bob was around from a mile away. So Bob was stuck in Killroy's until it was all over unless he really needed to go out.

Inside it was work as usual if you were a Bob and that means the easy ones since he already tricked some other poor fool into doing the ones he didn't like. What does this mean? Doggies! Those were the only animals he looked forward to taking care of if the two main stock of Killroy's were compared together. Yes, the dogs may be a little bit vicious but those horses were just so big. However today, they seem to be a little bit more docile. "Are you worried about the fog?" he would ask especially to the jittery looking ones. Bob felt it from the unnatural fog too and so he thought that the dogs would need a little bit of reassurance. "Don't worry, you are safe here" with Bob, he would tell them as he pet them. At least it worked on dogs, if he told that to a person they would break down. But the dogs just came closer. Happy with how accepting they were Bob just gave them what they wanted which was more petting and assurance such as knowing that "it is all alright" while he finished off the job.

Finishing the job meant doing the actual work Bob had to do. Who actually gets paid to make sure that the dogs were calm and collected in the Kennels? Not Bob but he did it just because it will make his job a whole lot easier. He can't have any of them jumping out and attacking him each time he returned with food and water. Hopefully they will "remember me?" as the person who has been working with them for nearly a season and the guy who just tried to calm them down. Nevertheless he just opened the door to their cages slowly to see their reaction before shoving the bowls into them and slamming the cage shut.

Only once he had a little trouble. The dog had its back turned and looked like it was asleep so Bob did not foresee anything and just opened the cage like there was nothing wrong. As soon as he did that..."WHAM!" the dog darted out, using his face as a launching platform and jumped over him to head for the door. "Shut that door!" he yelled to get the attention of anyone who was nearby so that they can stop the dog before it escaped. Once they had the dog trapped, Bob told his new assistant "you come from the left and I come from the right." The assistant of course did not want to follow Bob's orders because he was somewhat the bottom here unless you took into account his other achievements like "who was it that saved you guys from the rats last season?" That's right, Bob took on an entire swarm of rats and they already forgotten it about it so soon these ungrateful shykes. "Well? Unless you want me to forget to help you next time..." which would probably be a rare occurance so it would be better to give him a reason to obey now with a stronger threat. Bob took up one of the whips at the side and flicked it once at the dog to stop it from running away and another time at the boy to get his attention before continuing to say "...or want me to remember you everytime I have this whip!?"

To show the boy what he meant by remember, Bob swished the whip in the air a few times and shot it right at the boy hitting his arm saying "opps, now see what happens when I remember you?" While Bob did not like mistreating other people he still had a job to do and that meant not letting the dog escape. The boy understood and nodded in agreement and Bob began the countdown "one...two...three..." and the both of them leaped at the dog and held it down by the legs before Bob carried it and headed back to the cage with a word of "thanks, and sorry for the whip earlier."

Bob was not the only one with problems working on the animals. The dog on his hands struggled to get free causing Bob to move from side to side along with its movements so that he wouldn't have to waste too much energy controlling it until...he smacked into one of the other people who was having the same problems. The weasel which Darik was grooming took the opportunity to escape and with good reason. Darik was no good with animals. Taking care of them meant mistreating them for his sadistic pleasure. Bob on the other hand was not like Darik so "why are you running away doggie? Come back!" he yelled after the dog which took the same chance to escape as the weasel, only deeper into the kennels.

A job was a job but when someone like Darik thinks he can threaten you, you need to take action. Bob was not fast enough because he was staring at the dog, torn between chasing it or getting at Darik while everyone else shook their head in refusal. In the end he decided to teach Darik a lesson and told the boy "you'll have an easy job getting that dog. I need to tell Darik how much I remember him too" and grabbed the whip along with his cane to follow Darik. An act which would probably gain the approval of most because...everyone knew that Bob never had anything good when it came to Darik. They always had this friction everytime they bumped into each other in the Kennels.

Following Darik was a lot more easier than following a weasel because Darik was a lot more bigger. Bob was also motivated and that made it all the more easier to just keep his eyes on the boy imagining what he would do once he catches up. Bob followed the chase through the fog until they all reached where exactly? The fog was just too thick to see much. Just movements like when Darik finally stopped. Bob stopped to catch his breath after all that running. Darik was a very fast boy, the mist was getting into his lungs and disrupting his breath but somehow he caught up. Getting Jinsen must have been a good thing because the dog forced him to run with it everyday and that must be the reason why he was able to catch up with Darik who has been running from all the dangers in Sunberth his whole life.

Not this danger though. While Darik was thinking about the ferret and his troubles Bob took the opportunity to get closer. He did not have to worry about being seen because the mist would do a good job of concealing him. All he needed to worry about was not being heard until Bob could nail Darik. With what exactly? The whip because Darik was really a fun target to use it on. Bob swung the whip to build up its strength and then "Swish!" sent if flying straight at Darik along with a maniacal laugh.
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(Seasonal Quest)Signs in the Mist: Ancient Cries Pt. I

Postby Darian on October 18th, 2011, 11:07 pm

His head felt stuffed of cotton, and even in the blanket of mist his eyes stung at the change of lighting as his eyes fluttered open, or at least one of his eyes did. Half of his face still submerged in the small puddle, that eye opened to the stinging pain of the brackish water before he promptly shut it and pushed himself up on his elbows, sputtering as he did. His arm flew to his eyes as he scrubbed his face against the soft nightleather, eager to make the stinging pain in his eyes fade away, while his right arm, fist still clenched around the dagger, held him up. A resounding pain and wave of nausea spread down from his head, and for a moment he struggled to keep his balance, the soreness of his head and body almost too much to cope with so fast. Something brushed up against the side of his leg but he was to busy coughing up blood to really take notice of the thing, but after a few moments, he managed to spare a look at the side and was quick to scramble away across the ground, to startled to notice the intense odor that clung to him.

"What the petch is that!?" Darian shouted to no one in particular, continuing to scramble back until his back bumped into something. Still reeling in shock, his head looked up, his eyes possessing a wildness to them as they settled upon a balding middle-aged man with oddly colorful taste in robes. He reflexively gulped down spittle, and looked back to the lizard, his knuckles whitening as he gripped the dagger tight. "That furred thing yours?" He growled, grabbing the corner of a building beside him to pull himself up while his eyes constantly darted from the furred beast, to the man he presumed to be the owner of the curiosity. As he stood another wave of dizziness shook through him, and taking a deep slow breath he stopped shifting his eyes so quickly from the man to the creature, and instead settled on looking at the curious creature while eyeing the man out of the corner of his eye. His hand still kept a firm grip on the dagger in case the other man tried to attack him, but seeing as Darian had been pretty much helpless on the ground, he didn't really fear the man trying anything against him. It was the creature that worried him. For the first time, Darian took a deep breath smelling the strong tang of piss soaking him, and then calmly turning around to face the small alley between the shops, threw up onto the cobble stones, turning around after he was finished to eye the older man with a mixed look of curiosity and distrust, his forearm coming across to wipe of his mouth. "What is it anyway?" He continued as if nothing had happened.

I have retired Darian, and I apologize for any inconveniences this has caused with anyone threading with this character. Feel free to NPC him in any threads that he is involved in if that is of course ok with the moderator. Again, I am sorry for any inconveniences.
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(Seasonal Quest)Signs in the Mist: Ancient Cries Pt. I

Postby Shai on October 19th, 2011, 1:23 am

Shai waited above an alley way just off of Castle Commons in the thick of the fog listening to unidentifiable footsteps.

Earlier that Day

She was always excessively early for appointments or meetings so that she could stake out the area. The fact that her meeting was with Zandelia, someone she actually liked, didn’t stop her from arriving hours ahead of the appointed time. Shai had spent hours relaxing on roof top and peering around the corner of the chimney every so often to look out at the crowds. So consequently she noticed the rapid departure of people when the fog began to roll in. What was odd is the fog seemed to stack on top of itself, getting thicker and thicker and thicker. Unbeknownst to her it was thicker still in the middle of the square, but she was still stuck in some of the thickest fog in the city.

When the fog first rolled in Shai had assumed it was just an off weather pattern, it was strange for weather to scare off humans but apparently they hated mist. What a strange characteristic she’d thought, until the fog continued to thicken. Then she had to wonder if maybe this was some sort of uncommon weather she’d never experienced before. It was on this train of thought that the shiver ran up her back and Shai froze. The chill hit her core and in that moment Shai knew this fog was unnatural. It was simply too thick, she felt like she might be able to take a bite out of it if she was hungry.
Now she had to decide, wait for Zandelia or get home? She’d have no way to tell Zandelia if she left and who knew how far this fog extended, could she even find her way home from here? Looking out she realized she couldn’t even see the edge of the building across the small alleyway that she normally could have jumped with ease. If she got lost in this fog she might be forced to wander until it past, getting hopelessly lost. If she stayed at least she had the hope someone was coming her way. On the other hand, if Zandelia was smart she would have turned back when this fog had begun, she would have gotten shelter.

Was she about to make a judgment call based on the good will of a civilian of Sunberth? She was insane, no two ways about that idea it was crazy. She didn’t even know Zandelia that well; they’d only met five days ago. What would I do if I was her? Shai realized then that she would have continued on, if only because if she was traveling to this spot she would have been alone. Something about this mist actually made her nervous to be alone. Shai decided to wait it out, she figured Zandelia would still head here and if not then she’d be no worse off here than if she were lost wondering in the fog.
The next step Shai needed to take was to make sure Zandelia could locate her in this damned mist. Shai knew that fire could be seen much farther in mist than on a normal day so that was one option and her second was sound. With so many fewer people in the commons perhaps she could make some sort of distinctive sound but what sound would Zandelia be able to recognize to know it’s her? The answer was simple, there wasn’t one. Nor could she be certain a light would draw Zandelia either.

Shai finally decided that a sound was her best course, but as soon as she reached that decision, she heard something. At first the sound escaped her ability to comprehend it, but as it came closer, she knew it for footsteps.

Early Evening (Present time)

Shai had crawled down onto the wall of the building she’d been perched on. It was in hopes of getting a better view of whoever was coming. As she hung there on the wall she began to perspire although she wasn’t in any way exerting herself. What is going on?
Last edited by Shai on October 19th, 2011, 12:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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(Seasonal Quest)Signs in the Mist: Ancient Cries Pt. I

Postby Rayage on October 19th, 2011, 2:26 am

The nuit kept on watching the man, for some reason H1-A wouldn’t move. Useless lizard. He knew that he should have brought a little cage for the fellow, as to not let him venture out of reach. Soon however there was movement, the guy was trying to get up. Watching the struggle brought a smile to his lips, how pathetic one could be when beaten down. He had not seen that in a long time, and it made him wish he was more, more, physically capable. Though physical strength was a small price to pay for immortality that was for sure. ”So, you have woken.” he muttered more to himself than anything, but the guy could take it as a comment of him actually caring. A subject that was laughable.

The man still reeked, the smell was not too pleasant, but then again the bitter taste of defeat was sometimes not enough. One had to take it a step further, add salt to the wound, to make a point. The nuit was all too familiar with the practices of such brutes. The man was lucky it was just urine. Seeing the struggle of the man getting to his feet the nuit just stood there, watching, he did not want to help someone that dirty. The undead tried the best to stay clean at any costs, and this person was not clean.

Watching him scramble back the nuit made no move to get out of the way. When the man bumped him Ray looked down and met the mans eyes as he looked up at him. Exactly how that should go. It was in that moment that he really felt powerful. Looking down on people, ah, that brought him joy, and that is what he was missing in Sahova. He saw the wild look and smiled, almost laughed, ”Boy, Im not here to piss on you.” he told him as if somehow reassuring him. ”The furred thing is mine, yes, H1-A” he called to it expecting it to listen this time, ”Come.” and just like that it scampered up the mages robes, its sharp claws digging into the cloth and sometimes flesh of the nuit to achieve the feat of perching on his shoulder.

The man then puked. How delightful, but Ray would puke too just because of the smell, but… He did smell much worse than that in the summer time. The man tried to clean himself up using his arm to wipe his mouth Ray noted the question, “What is it?” a hand reached up and stroked the creatures furry little head, ”It’s a product of an art form that I doubt you would ever be able to comprehend.” he told him, his voice dull, but filled with pride, ”This creature is named H1-A which stands for Homunculus 1-A.” he did not go into the details of explaining what a homunculus is or even that H1-A itself wasn’t a true homunculus, but he instead went on, ”A product of Alchemy.” he said his voice almost dreamy as he said the word ‘Alchemy’. ”Though there are queerer things to be worried about right now, such as this fog.” Ray looked around and grinned, ”Its not normal fog.” he told him, laughing at his own statement like it was some kind of joke, ”not normal at all.” and that fact got him excited another laugh escaping him.
“Method is more important than strength, when you wish to control your enemies. By dropping golden beads near a snake, a crow once managed to have a passer-by kill the snake for the beads.” ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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