47 Fall 511 AV Laaaaaadiesandgentlemenboysandgirls STEP RIGHT UP! FIRST onthedockettoday a HANDSOME young man bythenameof Lariiiiccc. Born of Human blood and a skilled craftsman, he'll make quite an addition to any businessman or stable owner. Let's start the bidding at 300 gold mitzas: 3-3-3 canIseea3- FOUR! hundred mitzas totheyoungladyinback. Who'sgot5-5-5canIseea5 ... "Happiness in slavery," Zaniss mused as he slipped through the crowd. Ravok's Slave Market was teeming with patrons, but none among them was there for the same reason as Zaniss. He was looking for a slave to serve a different, some would say "more sinister", purpose. SOLD! tothegentlemaninback. Ladies and gentlemen our next specimen is a LOCAL! Yes, yes he is little more than a boy - not good for grownsman'slabor but he can READ AANNND WRITE! Yesyouheardright the young man can READ ANNDNDD WRITE! We'llopenthebiddingat500goldmizvas canIseea5a5a5- anybodygot5? No? Let'strya4anda5a4anda5- 450 people a BARGAIN forsuchapromisingspecimen. The adolescent did not sell and, as Zaniss watched the handlers lead him back through the open-air tent, he knew he had found his prize. The Nuit infiltrated the crowd, weaving and squeezing between businessmen and whore-mongers until he had sight of the teenager. He moved inconspicuously through the open-air tent, keeping liberal distance between himself and the slave's handlers. At length they deposited him at his cot and secured shackles on his hands and feet. The slave sat and stared at some unseen object on the ground. Zaniss approached but did not look at the boy. As he passed, he let a pouch made of fox's scrotum drop at the boy's feet. He continued on, shuffling slowly until at last he heard what he was waiting for: "Sir? You dropped this." Zaniss continued shuffling but turned his head and looked over his shoulder - a blank expression on his face. "Sir? Sir! YOU DROPPED THIS!" the boy shouted this time. Zaniss stopped and made an about-face. His eyebrows flicked up, one hand outstretched to the slave. "My dear boy, how sweet you are! How honest, how noble!" He shuffled forward and ruffled the boy's hair affectionately then knelt before him. Zaniss made sure to place the teen between himself and line of sight of any handlers and, perhaps unexpectedly, palmed the boy a makeshift file. The slave's mouth clapped shut when he felt the file and Zaniss held his gaze for only a second before rising. |