(Seasonal Quest)Signs in the Mist: Ancient Cries Pt. I

Seasonal quest Pt:1; Finale players will be drawn from those that participate in this thread. Levi will be working on another chapter:pt 2. ;) Watch for it.

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A lawless town of anarchists, built on the ruins of an ancient mining city. [Lore]

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(Seasonal Quest)Signs in the Mist: Ancient Cries Pt. I

Postby Tikon on October 19th, 2011, 1:35 pm

Tikon cursed under his breath. He had gotten Zandelia to admit she was meeting the Symenstra later that day. So he figured he would tag along. The woman was respectable enough for him. She had been true to her word in the brothel heist. She had his back and he in turn had hers. So she had proven her honor and her word. Which was important to him in more than one way. She had proved she was reliable, and that was all he needed to know that it was possible for him to trust the two women. So, out of everyone he had met so far they also had proved to be the most useful. So he knew they had something to teach him and well he still admired the Symenstra for her little running up walls trick. He knew that she couldn’t teach him that exact trick. But maybe she could teach him something else. And he would teach her how to snap someone’s neck or something. Useful information he supposed.

But now there was some sort of horrible fog out in the streets. People were panicking….for some reason or another. He shrugged it off and figured he would go and meet Zandelia and the Symenstra. They were meeting in the Castle Commons somewhere. But in this fog…well he wasn’t sure if he would be able to navigate himself there effectively. But he could try. He pulled the hood down on his Shadowsilk robe. He had a feeling he would be glad he wore his scale mail by the time all of this was over. It felt dangerous out here. And the more he ventured out into the fog the more he began to feel it. Something wasn’t right. Something inside him was telling him to go home…go indoors…go anywhere but here. However he couldn’t find his way back now. He didn’t know the city that well. He had walked to the castle commons the day before last…so that was still fresh in his memories. Which would likely be his only saving grace here.

He kept his hand tight on the hilt of his sword, knowing he would likely have to use it before the end of the night. He was growing increasingly uncomfortable here…he needed…he needed to be somewhere among associates. He needed company or safety. Whichever he didn’t care. He continued to walk and well he finally had come to an idea of where he was…or he thought he did. He was lost again. This fog was driving him insane. Turning him about endlessly in its grip. He didn’t know the city that well so how was he supposed to navigate in the fog? He was now seemingly wondering aimlessly. He was growing increasingly irritated as he raged in frustration kicking a nearby crate and cursing.

Petching endless stupid, never ending confusing fog.” He kicked the crate pieces again and cursed some more.

Funny thing was that didn’t make him feel any better. The fog was still there gripping him. He sighed and just decided he would roam around to see what he could find. Maybe he would eventually reach where he was supposed to be? He had no clue. He had followed his mental map from a few days ago to the letter. But he didn’t see the Symenstra anywhere. He should’ve gotten more particulars out of Zandelia. That way he would know where he was heading more accurately. Little did he know he was a stone throw within reach of Zandelia. She would likely hear him bashing apart a crate and she would definitely hear him cursing. But what she did was her decision. She would likely recognize his voice.

“If I could slay you I petching would!” He said cursing the endless fog around him. He was growing more and more annoyed with it by the second. And being that he had no clue where he was…well that didn’t make anything any better.
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(Seasonal Quest)Signs in the Mist: Ancient Cries Pt. I

Postby Zandelia on October 19th, 2011, 10:56 pm


Zandelia had spent some time conjuring up her chances, sifting through her memories and trying to sieve out as much information upon her current situation that her sense of purpose and direction could bring her. She had come to the conclusion that she could tell herself that she knew three things for certain. From her past truly well know position, and taking into account her cautiously picked journey through the mist, she was south of Castle Commons and its marketplace - not more than a ten minute journey to her desired destination. She also knew that there were hardly any other people out in the mist this evening – the alleyways she was currently navigating usually packed with all manner of reprobates. However, they were suspiciously absent from them now, replaced by the mist’s presence. Lastly, she could be fairly sure that the mist was definitively not natural. She had spent a good handful of minutes watching it, musing upon it and feeling it.

It’s got a bloody aura of its own, I’m sure it does! Like a personality of some kind she thought to herself as she continued her hidden crouching and thought processes.

She did not mean in a human sense, of course, but in a way that was profoundly alien to her. She did not have much experience with magic, she would be the first to admit, but she was certain this was not created by such a process. No, it was too alive. And that was the only way she could express her misgivings, by saying that a petching mist was a living being of some sort. In some way she supposed that made her insane, but the way the mist curled about her, as if probing her and feeling her out, was by no means mundane and unintelligent. She had tried swatting it away but it had merely slid around her movements and become thicker where she had flailed – as if in mockery to her efforts.

“This is damned insane, you know that don’t you Zandelia? Bloody living mists and a sense of unnecessary fear. Pull yourself together woman!” she growled at herself, breathing into her cupped hands to keep them warm.

It was then an utterance was carried to her ears, muffled and dampened by the thing surrounding her, but still slightly audible. She strained her ears, eventually picking out a set of heavy footsteps, crunching through the fog and echoing in ways that made her skin crawl. Words could be picked out, fragmentally and with great effort. She shifted her weight to lean around the corner her back was pressed against and her eye tried to penetrate the solid wall of grey. There was a shadow there, developing as it gained ground upon her position, and seeming to melt into existence before her – a short figure with robes as dark as her own. As she watched and listened from her concealed corner she could not help but grin as her new foe was slowly transformed into an acquaintance – and a welcome one at that. She could use all the help she could get, she knew that very well.

No one but Tikon could be both that short and that grumpy about some fog she thought to herself with an inward chuckle.

“I wouldn’t try it if I were you though Tikon, it might not like it very much. I have the feeling this bloody thing has a mind of its own” she spoke up herself, smoothly rolling around the corner and striding towards the Isur, her head twisting from side to side as she looked at the mist herself – its oppressive nature starting to grate upon her now.

“Still, it’s good to see a friendly face,” she continued, “or a face at least. I could use some help getting the petch out of here and to the Castle Commons I think it’s only a short ways away, but as to which direction….your guess is as good as mine” she stated simply, gripping the man’s wrist firmly as it was offered. She thought she sensed some relief in the man, but she could never be sure of an Isur’s emotions.

Not even Auristics help with other species for me, not yet she told herself, her attention briefly focused fully upon Tikon before it was deflected back to their surroundings.

“Come one then, we might as well pick a direction…” she cast her memories around, trying to sound confidant enough for the both of them, though she felt far from sound in her abilities this night. “That way feels vaguely familiar. Let’s get going man, Shai needs us I’m sure” she finished, suiting her words by padding slowly through the mist down the alleyway – Tikon next to her.

Zandelia just hoped she could help lead them to their journey’s ending without stumbling across something far more troubling than they could handle. Her heart was growing darker by the minute, something not feeling quite right to her. Though nothing specific jumped out at her as its source, she could not shake the feeling that they would be lucky to survive this night.

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(Seasonal Quest)Signs in the Mist: Ancient Cries Pt. I

Postby Tikon on October 19th, 2011, 11:28 pm

The frustrated Isur cursed at the fog some more and kicked yet another soft target. It seemed he had a knack for finding targets he could break with a powerful kick. He really wasn’t paying that much attention to the fog around him. Why would he? Anything that came out of it he was sure he could handle. But the godless fog was beginning to frustrate the living hell out of him. He cursed again and just simply had almost given up on getting anywhere near the Castle Commons today. He knew that he didn’t know the city well enough to traverse them like he would need to in order to get there…especially in this oppressive fog. What he needed was someone who knew these streets like the back of their bloody hand…well maybe not bloody hand but whatever. He needed someone familiar with these streets because he was far from it. And well the only thing he could do now was kick in a door and hope to stay safe from whatever it was that he was feeling was here.

Then just like that a familiar voice called out to him. He turned around and there was a familiar figure among the fog…Zandelia. Well the gods be praised just the person he was looking for. And aside from her scarred face she was just the angel he was looking for…mind you she was just as pretty as any angel he could imagine in his head. He nodded and laughed.

“If this fog not liking it, then it can come and get some! Good thing be if it has a mind then it can be killed!” He said with a laugh of relief looking at Zandelia. It was clear he was indeed happy to see a familiar face.

“You are quite the site for sore eyes yourself! You know I was just thinking about how much I needed someone like you right now. Can’t make my ass from a hole in the ground right now.” He extended his hand and they shook; almost as it to affirm that they were both really here. Who knew with this fog about?

He was having the same feeling she was though. Something about this fog…wasn’t right. He knew that when he ventured off into it. Sure at the beginning he shook off the feelings, but now…he was sure something was wrong. And knowing that Zandelia even picked it out made him even more nervous. Because she seemed to be in tune with her feelings and stuff…more than he was. And if she was feeling that there might be something out here to kill them. Well then she may just be right. There might actually be something out here that could gut them alive. So he posed the question to her as they moved in the direction she specified. He liked that she chose the direction because he really had no idea where they were in reality.

“Do you ever feel like something is watching you? Like from beyond the fog?” The question was a simple one but he posed it to get a feeling on what she thought right now. Because he certainly felt like something or someone was watching them right now. Maybe it wasn’t the fog, or maybe he was just a little spooked from how this fog made him feel right about now. He wasn’t sure, all he knew was “Something isn’t right…” he said aloud broadcasting his thoughts clearly.
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(Seasonal Quest)Signs in the Mist: Ancient Cries Pt. I

Postby Zandelia on October 20th, 2011, 12:12 am


Zandelia kept up her slow but steady pace, trying to pick their way through the mist for them both, Tikon having just admitted to her that he had no idea where they truly were – a thought which had not contributed overly well to her fount of self-created confidence. In an attempt to bolster the small amount from draining away completely she set about keeping as much of her focus upon their journey, her single emerald green eye gazing about them at all times – her head not still for more than a few seconds. Information, she was beginning to know, was truly power – and the power in this scenario was one devoted almost entirely to survival. She knew intrinsically that if they were to get through the mists together ten they would need to be wary enough to see any dangers coming. After all, in their current environment, where long distance was measured in metres, reaction time was of prime importance.

Still, we are both worried. Both of us are fearful. Though I’m thankful the damned fog blocks bloody sound too she thought to herself testily, trying to push back her initial desire to gag the Isur’s words. She was not overly cruel though, knowing he was talking to help ease both of their worries.

“I’m not sure I’m the best one to ask that question of Tikon, I always think something is watching me from beyond somewhere. I suppose that would make me paranoid if I trusted those who have told me that enough to credit them” she told him, a small smile creeping onto her full lips as the man fell silent as he processed her unnecessarily convoluted phrase.

It quieted him for a few moments, which was enough for her to put her hand upon his shoulder to halt them both, edging up to yet another corner and peering around it. She looked down at him and cocked her head, tapping his shoulder to let him know to stay where he was for a few moments. She slipped around the corner silently, crouched once more and slinking stealthily a good ten metres until she recognised a small sign – a leatherworker’s motif – that told her where they were. The particular store was perhaps a short jog from the edge of the marketplace, but at their current speed it may have well been hours away. No, it would take the both of them around a third of a bell, at the very least, to get to where Shai would generally be. She cursed to herself as she slunk back to Tikon, crouching down to be closer to his ears for a few moments.

“We’re about a half-bell’s journey from where I was going to meet Shai, Tikon, at our current speed. Normally I would speed up, but tonight…I’m not so sure. Slow and alive might be more preferable to fast and dead. Still, keep your hand on your sword” she noted, nodding to where his hand had been all this time.

Least he’s ready to draw some steel. If we meet trouble what am I going to do? Poke it with my sticks? I’ve a feeling that whatever is prowling about tonight would just look confused by my assault she thought to herself as they picked their way down the alley, together this time.

“As to this…mist. Yes, I feel like my skin is crawling at its touch and my insides feel knotted as if they know they’re prey for something around us. Still, this is Sunberth. That could mean anything from a Daggerhand to giant rat. So it’s probably best to take that with a pinch of salt” she jested to him, not feeling her own feigned lightness at all.

It took them another long and winding session of ducking from doorway to doorway to gain access tot heir next three alleyways. It was an arduous affair, the both of them unable to move beyond a slow crawling speed, and that being slowed further by their desire to be as invisible as possible. Zandelia knew that they both felt something intrinsically threatening about Sunberth this evening, and few things could make Sunberthian’s scared int heir own town – not when daily business included possible knifing. If there was needed any proof that something alien was at work in the city it was the fact that a populace who loved a spectacle were locking themselves away from a mist.

“Still, at least we probably won’t have to worry about them so much, I’m not sure even Daggerhand’s are stupid enough to go mugging in this,” she continued in a tone just above a whisper as they stopped in another doorway for a brief rest period, “and as to ourselves – well as soon as we find Shai I vote we get onto a roof somewhere and wait it out” she told him as she blew into her palms once more. She was beginning to feel the cold now, the icy tendrils penetrating her clothing.

You never know, we might get lucky and find it all dissipates in a few hours she hoped with little heart behind the thought.

They eventually came upon the Castle Common’s marketplace fringes, noticing the wooden skeletons of closed stalls looming out of the mists with a cringingly horrific gravitas. They found their footfalls coming to a stop next to one of them, the pair of them leaning upon its shell with a casualness akin to suicide. Still, she could not bring herself to care now that they had finally arrived.

“Well, we are here. Now all we have to do is find her”she chuckled to the short man, trying not to let the depressing torment of their situation get the better of her.

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(Seasonal Quest)Signs in the Mist: Ancient Cries Pt. I

Postby Lyth on October 20th, 2011, 2:20 am

Lyth frowned, finding himself casting his gaze nervously all around him. It was strange, he had gotten so accustomed to traversing by rooftop, knowing that he wasn't threatened. Now that he was at ground level, there was that innate knowledge that something could jump down on top of him.

It may have been an unnecessary fear (he had never met anyone who also ran on the roofs), but it was still one that refused to be pushed away. The safest place to be would be in an open area, or the middle of the street, should that threat be present. Yet he couldn't force himself to leave the side of the wall.

That is, until the wall ended and he was walking out in the open. He wanted to turn and continue following the wall, but he knew that wasn't the way home. He needed to walk forward a ways before he came to his turn. But with not being able to see where he was going, it was going to be nigh impossible to navigate his way there. The sound of footsteps caught his attention, turning to face where he believed the sound was coming from. Peering into the mist, Lyth could just make out the shape of people walking this way.

But there was something strange about them, something that told him he needed to get out of their way. Casting his gaze around, trying to find somewhere to hide, but finding only more mist. Making a small clicking sound, Lyth turned away from the crowd of joining people and heading further the way he had been travelling.

He found another building, skirting around its corner to hide away from the crowd. They had seemed to know where they wanted to go, and he didn't want to be caught in their path again.
"It's as if the whole city has gone mad with this mist.." He spoke quietly, trying to push his own nervousness down. "What the petch is going on on?"
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(Seasonal Quest)Signs in the Mist: Ancient Cries Pt. I

Postby Zenai on October 20th, 2011, 3:44 am

After a hard day's work and feeling like spending a few extra coins as a reward to himself, Zenai decided to partake in the more "refined" taverns in Sunberth. When he says "refined", he really meant there's less blood on the floor. The tavern-keeper seems to care a little bit more about cleanliness and hires an extra hand or two just to clean up the tavern every so often. He also wipes his bar counter quite often enough that Zenai suspects the tavern-keep has an obsession with hygiene. Having another look around, the tavern would have been considered as more affordable to lower-class merchants, guardsmen and artisans. Zenai was that guardsman and he enjoyed something a little less dirty when he eats and drinks his dinner. The usual broth-that-will-give-him-the-runs is alright as a staple in Sunberth but sometimes, he gets this craving for food that's more acceptable to his gut. Many a times Zenai feel like going back to Wind Reach and enjoy his mother's catch and cooking. She does a good roasted rabbit. Zenai dismissed the thought. No point going back now and he might as well get used to his new home. Zenai went back to chewing on his sausages.

Zenai heard some thumps and he notices that the servers are putting away the stools and chairs as well as cleaning up the place as well as the tavern-keeper counting his day's profits. Zenai quickly rushed the food into his maw, chewing and swallowing as fast as he could. He almost choked but some watered-down ale solved that by liquidating the chewed-up food in his throat and letting it slide down his throat much more easily. Making sure his plate is clean, he emptied his entire tankard of ale while he tries not to remember that funny joke he heard some time ago. Done with his meal, he puts his utensils and tankard on the plate for easy pick up by the servers who's gonna clean up his table. He got his belongings together and paced quickly towards the tavern-keeper who smirk on Zenai's approach as the tavern-keeper continue to count his coins. Zenai got some of his coins outs and paid the tavern-keeper. "This should cover it. Good day to you." Zenai said politely before going for the exit but something or someone grabbed his sleeves.

"Where are you going, boy?"
"Uh... Outside? Home? Not here?"
"No, you stay here."
Zenai suddenly felt spark of fright in his mind. What in the world does he want to do to me? He thought. The tavern-keeper looked at Zenai's pale face and chuckled.
"No no no... Wipe that worry from your face, boy. See that fog outside?"
Zenai took a look at the windows and it was indeed foggy.
"And what of it? It's just fog."
The tavern-keeper shook his head.
"Yes, fog but not the usually kind of fog."
Zenai raised an eyebrow questionably and the tavern-keeper sighed.
"Look. You look like a nice boy so I'm gonna do this one good deed of the day and tell you to stay in my tavern. Take one of the rooms. It's safer."
The tavern-keeper then tossed a key at Zenai.
"Upstairs. Room on the far left. Make sure the window is shut tight so you don't let the fog in."
Zenai looked at the tavern-keeper for awhile before nodding and made his way up to the room.

When Zenai was out of sight and the tavern-keeper heard the thump that signals the closing of a door, the tavern-keeper continues his counting. "Nice boy. Hope he does better than others."
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(Seasonal Quest)Signs in the Mist: Ancient Cries Pt. I

Postby Shai on October 20th, 2011, 3:05 pm

Image Another shiver fled up Shai’s spine. Was this how humans saw every night? How could they navigate at night with only a few feet of visibility? It was a horrifying concept and gave Shai a whole new respect for the foolishness of humans. She tried to keep her mind thinking, to drown out the sound of the footsteps. How many footsteps is that now? Ten? A hundred? A thousand? She was losing her bearings startlingly fast. As a Symenestra she’d had vision in both light and dark all her life and to now be afloat in a sea of mist with almost no vision at all she was feeling vulnerable for the first time in years.

Perhaps it would be more natural if her eyes were closed, then maybe she could make sense of what she was hearing. So following that thread of thought Shai closed her eyes, and made the worst mistake thus far. As soon as her vision was taken from the picture her only way to make sense of the world was her hearing. Her hearing that was bombarded by silence and footsteps, so many footsteps.

In reality the footsteps could have been made by as few as five people constantly moving but in Shai’s mind there was no number to place to these noises they’d become her living nightmare. She failed to recognize that her breathing had come to mimic the foot falls, making her breathing far too rapid for a humanoid. Her mind was going in several different directions both trying to think of anything but the footsteps but continuing to wander back to them unable to ignore them. Shai sharpen your tools when you get home and this mist is gone, why are they so loud? Remember to go out and buy some fruit before it is all shipped off this year. I must be surrounded by people, so many footsteps. It was at this point that Shai became acutely aware that her heart was racing, trying to pound right out of her chest. Shai didn’t understand the situation but drenched in sweat, breathing erratically and with her heart running a marathon She knew she had to get off the side of the building before she passed out.

Reopening her eyes Shai began to crawl at an agonizing pace up the wall, all the while her vision diming. But the new objective had been a blessing in disguise, having something vital to focus on finally forced the footsteps out of her perception. Finally after what seemed eternity Shai pulled her body back onto the roof where she lay while she concentrated on the texture of the roof beneath her hands. Slowly, so very slowly, Shai’s breathing began to return to a reasonable rhythm and her heart followed suit shortly after. She wasn’t sure when but she had stopped sweating at some point because all she felt now was cold and clammy. It was over, whatever it was. She was never going to mention this episode to anyone, she didn’t know what had caused it or even what it was but she knew it was something best kept to herself.

Shai lay on the roof for at least ten minutes, although she had trouble telling them. This time around she was able to simply accept the sound of the footsteps, they didn’t cause the same attack to reoccur. She had finally decided that perhaps Zandelia wasn’t coming but she also determined it would be best to wait out this weather right where she is rather than get stabbed by trying to traverse the alleys. So just as she set herself in for a wait a new cadence of footsteps joined the others, somehow she could tell it was different. If she hadn’t been deprived of her main sense of observation and so intent on hearing the footsteps she would never have noticed the difference. And when the owner of these new footsteps chose the side of her building for refuge, she knew her chance at come. She smiled when the voice to accompany the steps spoke.

Moving with renewed sense of purpose Shai quietly crawled over the backside off the roof and down the wall. She walked around the corner towards Lyth's voice to see who would become her company in this cursed fog. She spoke in a hushed whisper, “I mean no harm, but I’m not certain that can be said true of this fog. Whatever you do to live on a normal day does not apply today; I will not harm you if you can extend the same courtesy. “
Last edited by Shai on October 20th, 2011, 4:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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(Seasonal Quest)Signs in the Mist: Ancient Cries Pt. I

Postby Tikon on October 20th, 2011, 4:21 pm

Tikon followed her as quietly as he could. This fog was indeed hindering his vision and swallowing sound as well. It was odd but he knew that this would only help him be quieter in the environment. He knew that he stood a good chance of survival with Zandelia. She knew the streets better than anyone else he had encountered hence far. She knew landmarks and he bet she may even know the streets by the way they felt under her feet. Another skill he wished someone could teach him but he knew that sixth sense was an acquired one. Maybe after he was here for a little time he would be able to know where he was by using stores and allies like landmarks. That sure would help him out especially in times like this. So he quietly stepped with her and switched on his survival mode.

He would watch her back making sure nothing was coming up behind them. He would also watch the rooftops, windows, doorways, streets everywhere threats could come from. Every sound would prick his interest and cause his attention to be focused on the location of these sounds. He also knew he had to watch his footing. He didn’t want to cause any undue attention. He didn’t want to draw anyone to him. Because only TRUE predators would be out and hunting in this fog. Only the true killers would dare to be out here right now. Predators that could indeed wreak havoc if he didn’t react fast enough. He was holding his and Zandelia’s life in his hands. And that weight was indeed heavy; causing his attention to super focus.

She tapped his shoulder and then went to get a reading on where they were. He put his back against the wall and his hand on his hilt. His eyes scanning the entire time and his ears really stretching to hear anything in the fog that surrounded him. He swore he could hear her footsteps just dissipate into oblivion. He didn’t want her to leave him, even though she was relatively untrained in combat but he KNEW another set of eyes would be his savior.

She’ll come back…yes she will come back… He told himself as he waited nervously for Zandelia to come back. He had never been this nervous before now. This fog was indeed something different…something was very wrong. Shen she returned she would see relief come across his face. He was glad to see her again. When she was finished he spoke to her a whisper knowing he didn’t want anything to hear them.

“Yes, quiet will save our lives tonight.” He whispered as he then nodded and tapped the hilt of his bastard sword indicating he was indeed ready for a fight.

He hadn’t been in Sunberth long but he knew in a normal day there were all kinds of predators about. But now…there were none to be found. He didn’t see any. Which was odd to say the least. There weren’t any thiefs nor assassins out and about…he had a feeling that there was a much more dangerous predator about. But he couldn’t know for sure. Maybe this fog was just an experiment of some kind…yes that was possible. Zandelia spoke of finding a roof and Tikon nodded.

“A roof would be nice, so would be finding Shai. I think we need to find her make sure she is ok.” Did he sound worried? Yes he was showing actual concern for shai’s well being.

But to him she was useful, skilled and a good contact for him. Her death would be disheartening to him because there weren’t many Symenstra he felt he could trust with anything. And he felt a Symenstra ally could prove to be very helpful in the future.
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(Seasonal Quest)Signs in the Mist: Ancient Cries Pt. I

Postby Lyth on October 20th, 2011, 11:56 pm

The sound of the voice startled Lyth out of his thoughts, a momentary fear of being attacked passing through him before his mind registered what the voice had spoken. It was rather difficult to hear what had been said when the woman talked so quietly, the fog muffling her voice further, but he was able to discern the meaning behind her words from the parts he had heard. He turned to the sound of the voice, frowning lightly when he could not yet see who had spoken.

"I give you my word that I will not attack." He said, oddly sincere. Even if it was a woman, Lyth would rather keep her company than wander around aimlessly and alone in the perpetual mist. The half-blood narrowed his eyes, peering into the mist to try and catch a glimpse of who it was who was speaking to him. It wasn't until they moved in close to him that he could begin to see them, and even then, it was just a black shape emerging through the mist.

The blindness was probably what he feared the most. He couldn't see if this woman had been lying and was holding a weapon, he wouldn't be able to see anything about her, recognize her face. All he had was her voice. And her eyes, the bright amethyst shining through the mist like two gems. Taking a rather large leap of faith, Lyth moved to meet her, bringing himself within her striking distance.

"Have you seen the crowd of people heading this way?" he asked, keeping his voice quiet as well. Hopefully the woman knew something about what was happening. Even if she didn't know what exactly was going on, anything she knew would be of help. The more the two of them knew, the better a chance they had.
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(Seasonal Quest)Signs in the Mist: Ancient Cries Pt. I

Postby Darik on October 23rd, 2011, 4:01 pm

Darik had experienced every humiliating thing in the world. Or so he thought. Getting whipped like a common household animal was soon added to that very, very, very, long list. And there was even a worser part than the action. It was who had done it. A midget. Yes, a freaking midget. A midget had whipped Darik like a horse. What a jerk. Ohh well, Darik eats midgets for dinner.

The sound of the whip cracking came much too fast. Darik didn’t have any time to react. Maybe if he was aware of his surroundings and not yelling curses to the world he would have dodged, but it isn’t well for your mental health to dwell on the impossible. So the leather hit Darik right around his back. The sackcloth on his back only absorbed a little of the blow. It was so weak that were the whip connected it actually ripped. Great, now he had to deal with a midget and get more sackcloth. Of course, he didn’t need to buy more of those types of clothes, he could just scavenge for them.

Darik turned around slowly with a smile on his face. He had lost the ferret but at least he could enjoy skinning the intruder. When he finally faced the intruder, he was downtrodden. It was Bob, he should have known. Only Bob could make such a high pitched laugh. Bob was an obnoxious imbecile that liked annoying Darik. He was always at Darik’s mercy, yet Darik didn’t kill him. It would just be a waste of time and blooding his dagger for no reason. Bob didn’t have money and he was a loser in all aspects. He had no friends, no skills, no nuthin.

Even though Darik wasn’t going to kill Bob, he could still be pissed at him. ”Bob” His voice went icy when he said the short man’s name. If it was possible the very mist could have become icicles. ”you better have a great reason for doing that.” What do you think was Darik going to do if Bob didn’t? Well, don’t even wonder, because I already know. He would tie him up and hang him, leaving him alone in the mist. Then it wouldn’t be his fault if Bob was never found again.

oocEhh, another raw post.
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