Talen looked attentively at the healer as he was about to speak, a mild frown crossing his brow when he turned away without words. The healer's uncanny silence was met with nothing but the steady, although very careful, footsteps of the guardsman. Talen still followed the healer closely, shifting his eyes between the supports, the ground and the shadows as if he expected something to appear out of the forsaken darkness at any moment. Droplets falling on his head almost made him jump, and the strength of his wooden torch was tested by strained fingers. “Allri--“ The breath of air hit Talen like a slap to the face, and he almost spun a complete circle around himself as he reached for a non-existant longsword before he regained his temper. A thud echoed in the darkness. "Shyke!" The hiss was low, and followed up by a grunting noise. Talen hobbled through the sudden, clingly darkness 'till he came into physical contact with the healer. His breath was heavy, as he looked and spoke to the man he couldn't see. "Can you relight the torches...? Y'think Semele's gone mad 'cause we're invading her house?" Even with his apparent stress, there was a calm, cheerful trust in his voice as he hunched with his healer in the bowels of the earth. |