![]() ![]() ![]() Appearance Mazirion stands about five foot three and weighs 196 pounds. He has light green eyes and long, brown hair, and wears a few strands of it in a plait which he holds together with three beads - one green, one brown and one red - at the end of it. He also has a long-ish, wispy beard. He ties his hair and beard round his neck when he works. Concept/Personality Like most Isur, Mazirion is distant and doesn't like to make small talk with his customers. He is a blacksmith and weaponsmith and dabbling metalsmith with many years of experience. While not a renowned blacksmith, he is of competent skill and his customers usually come back. He is distrustful of Nuit, being walking corpses as they are, and has a slight bias against anyone who is taller than he is, which is basically anyone that's not Isur - he is unusually tall and thin. While normally of steady character, he takes any complaints about the quality of his work as a personal offence and has gotten into fights and heated legal debates over it. He enjoys the presence of fire - controlled, naturally - be it a roaring furnace or a small campfire. He finds it calming. Mazirion is slightly cynical and often overcharges for his work in anticipation of being haggled down. He doesn't care who uses his weapons, tools or even horseshoes so long as they maintain them. If he sees someone soiling his works he will often break them himself and offer no refunds. Despite this aggressive behavior, he is afraid of violent conflict. If he is in a fight, he will often simply knock out his opponent, kill them if necessary and then run away. He follows Izurdin as he seeks to understand him. Mazirion is 39. his birthday is 472 AV. he speaks Common and Isur. he lives in Syliras. Skills Blacksmithing 15/100 (5 pts - starting package and 10 pts - racial bonus) Weaponsmithing 10/100 (10 pts - starting package) Mathematics 10/100 (10 pts - starting package) Metalsmithing 15/100 (15 pts - starting package) Weapons (Hammer, Light) 10/100 (10 pts - Starting Package) Lore of Patient Smithing (Starting Package) Lore of Isurian History and Customs (Starting Package) Gnosis: Izentor Equipment 1 linen shirt 1 pair of leather breeches 1 pair of low boots 1 undyed woolen cloak, gray 1 leather jacket 1 waterskin 1 Backpack, containing: -1 set of toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap) -Food for a week -1 eating knife -Flint and Steel 1 Isurian steel light hammer (Heirloom) Ledger 100GM (Starting Package) Note: Common standard of living. Housing 20x20 Apartment with a hearth, bunk, chest, chair, and small table Personal History Born into the Terras clan to a middle-class blacksmith's family, Mazirion grew up almost exclusively around women. Taught from a young age to shape metals into any shape - weapons, tools, horseshoes - he has innate skill with metal, which is not unusual for Isur. More so than his father, he understood the value of doing a job well - he spent a week perfecting every flaw in his first ever horseshoe, asking his father and others repeatedly for advice. His father taught him to read and write after his mother gave him a book of poetry in Isurian at age thirteen. As such, he reads Isurian very well, but Common only if he must. He usually only writes in Isurian, but can write in Common if he needs to. He speaks both languages fluently, however. The first time he courted a lady was at age twenty three. He was her companion for three years, at which point it emerged that the whole relationship was an arranged pairing between her family and his. He swiflty left her, to the shock of the local community and the outrage of his parents. He spent the next few years in a semi-isolated state, socially speaking, while he finished his apprenticeship in his father's smithy. Upon finishing his apprenticeship, he left Sultros owing to his now tenuous relationship with his parents at that point. After roaming the world wherever the most heavily armed caravan was going, he settled in Syliras and found work at age 39. His experience with taking his time in a job allows him to produce metal items above his skill level's quality if he takes an obscenely long time perfecting them over and over and over again. Thread List