Oktuberia, Oktuberia:why am I seeing two of you? OPEN/Circus

[Castle commons]The oktuberia fest arrives and drunken mayhem abounds with entertainment.

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Oktuberia, Oktuberia:why am I seeing two of you? OPEN/Circus

Postby Archelon on October 17th, 2011, 4:05 pm

OOC Notes :
1. All brawling is to take place in the Castle commons. The fields in the center there are set up with stalls serving brew and other open spaces.If you didn't know the word "commons" means a field for a town or city. There is a set of three fields here that are 100 yards by 50 yards with the shops of the location around it in a square. There is to be no damage/fire to the city shops or the circus tents... or severe IC events will probably kill you off. -_-' I don't care what you do in the brawl, have fun, but don't use weapons. Pots, pans, beer mugs , plates, water filled barrels with apples in them for dunking are all acceptable: be creative.

2. Several key npc's may 'pop in'. They will have *major* support/ bodyguards. Interactions or attempted interactions with them may be allowed, but they are primarily there for moving the story along swiftly *-* Please be considerate to all in the thread and don't bog things down too much.

3. All those who are in this thread are to mark their character's locations in one of two ways in a header in each post.

Code: Select all
[b]Castle Commons Grounds...[/b]

Code: Select all
[b]Inside the Circus Tent...[/b]

4.As with any thread: I have a very loose hand on pc's actions, but reserve the right to instill a posting order, or move things along as I choose at a reasonable rate I can determine. Since this is hopefully, *not* going to have any to the death pvping (I will be annoyed if I have to mod something like that in a giant thread that's supposed to just be fun -_-' and the guards are likely to just knock and sword drawing barbarian's out cold. As I said, BRAWLING is fine. Have fun :P. If you want to interact with non named npc's at the stalls/etc: go nuts but keep it plausible.)

5. Have fun :)... and beware... muahahahahah
6. All drinks/alcohol/food can be base festival price of 2 copper mizas for this thread only :).
7. Modderation today requested by the grumbling of circus pc's everywhere :)

42nd of Fall to 45th of Fall, 511 av.

42nd of Fall:

Oktuberia Festivals. They came once per year, and the peons and farmers came out to show their wares to the masses. Sunberth might be a rough city on the inside, but the surrounding fieldgoers didn't seem to care on these three days alone. The syndicates vying for power used the festival as a means of showing their power, or their heads magnanimity towards the 'little people." Occasionally giving out rewards and trinkets, a ring from their hand, a sliver of coins for those who caught their eye. They always made an entrance, sometimes speaking veiled threats to each other across the breadth of the event with their bodyguards in between.

Such was an interesting play in Sunberth, a drama for the masses to see only once per year. Robern's daughter was even known to have her guards drag any man (or woman?) who caught her eye out of the crowds for some of her 'sport.' Be it torture or mutilation, or soft kisses and sighs of pleasure. Whichever suited her fancy at the time. Some years even the old man might appear.

Several of the Dragoon Leaders would strut about the stalls with hordes of their armored cronies , drinking and harrassing them for free beverages. Or even wading into the inevitable brawls. Hell, the entire third field was designated for the wonderful free-for-alls that always seemed to abound. Anyone could brawl on that field, but the unwritten rule of the syndicates was they didn't want to clean up any bodies unless they were the one's that killed them.

Crow and the Raven almost never came to such events, but their presence was felt in the pickpocketing of beggars and thieves that circled the nearby streets seeking to prey off the revelry goers. Not to mention the whores of Brega's and Ruby's spying for a quick way to make a buck in a nearby alley. But they left the stallkeepers and farmers hauling their ales and tonics in largely alone. Especially those who were in good relations with them, maybe from farms nearest the Plantation who kept a sharp eye out for suspicious people who seemed too interested in their operations.

The farmers and brewers set up their stalls in the second field. Word was that tavern owners might take a day off to test the wares to see which they would by in quantity. In fact, Old man Merv from the Pig's Foot had staked out a tent to await the day, and looked viciously at anyone who approached the second field. Sizing them up as a thread... or a potential supplier of brews for his tavern. Red the Elder was pretty much the same way.

The third, was reserved by people who wished to see a circus... and the tall pavilion of those 'persuaded' to perform on shortest notice would be absolutely a mingling point where many of the key players would make an extravagant entrance, putting on a show of their own as they watched the attractions.

Whatever the case, this was the festival that the city came together for. Drank For. Ate for. And then dealt with the consequences of their irresponsible actions later.

In short: This was Oktuberia Fest, in all of Sunberth's Debauched, Decrepit, and disgruntled glory...
Last edited by Archelon on October 17th, 2011, 6:02 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Thank you all for the privildege of moderating, unfortunately with deaths in the family and ailing health I am retiring. All thread grades I had on my pc have been forwarded to founders and paragon, so expect them posted soon.
It's been a mixed bag at times , but with all the good and the bad and mixed signals, I can honestly say: Thank you. Please support the next mods of sunberth as well as you have done me.
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Oktuberia, Oktuberia:why am I seeing two of you? OPEN/Circus

Postby Lyth on October 17th, 2011, 4:45 pm

ArchelonHey hey, Cica was out of Sunberth by day 30 *Stares back*...though she is much better suited for this thread *flail*

Castle Commons Grounds...

There was an obvious cheer in the air around the commons today, most likely from the relatively low cost of the booze that flowed unending from the stall vendors. Ah, Oktuberia Fest, a day of celebration, the city wide hang-over be damned. Lyth hadn't the foggiest idea how he had convinced Talcum to let him attend this year, though he was glad for the opportunity. The atmosphere just seemed to lift the mood, no matter what worries filled your heart before. Sunberth itself seemed more light hearted than it had in ages.

The half blood felt the beginnings of a rare true-smile tugging on his features, drifting from stall to stall to browse what they offered. Though, he had to keep well away from where Merv had set up; the gods be damned but that man could hold a grudge. Soon there was a drink in his hand, the lightest of mead (because he couldn't handle much else), and Lyth found himself watching as the first of many brawls broke out. Two drunken (already?) men vying for a lady's attention. It was quite comical to see the haphazard way they tried to throw a punch.

A small circle of people had gathered, cheering on one side or the other. The half-blood briefly wondered when the two men would notice that the lass had already wandered off with a third man, before he too joined in the crowd. Why? Because it was always enjoyable to watch two men beat themselves senseless.
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Oktuberia, Oktuberia:why am I seeing two of you? OPEN/Circus

Postby Darian on October 17th, 2011, 7:08 pm

Castle Commons Grounds...

The time for Oktuberia was upon Sunberth again in all its wretched glory. Men and women feasted gorged themselves upon a whim, and hardened mercenaries let themselves go amidst the drunken revelry. It was all so disgusting to Darian, but then again he hadn't much come to drink himself into a drunken stupor to forget his childhood. He was here to look, learn, and see just who held power by the showy entrances that would inevitably involve lots of bodyguards and rich clothing. Power shifted with every season it seemed and Darian found himself clueless as to who exactly held what in the dangerous city, and that was precisely why he was here.

Leaning against the wooden stall, his body clothed completely as always, it might have seemed rather odd to passing peasants and the like but he figured they wouldn't quite remember a man wearing dark colors anymore than they would remember one another, and from the looks of things his outfit by far wasn't the most flashy out of everyones, quite the opposite. He held himself up easily on the stall as his hand worked furiously to scrawl out a note on the parchment with the cheap quill he had had gotten with the parchment from the woman, only bothering to write what needed to be written. Every once and a while a merchants guard would give him a odd eye, but didn't do anything about it for after all who would think to start something in the festival, especially so openly? Still he didn't much like such attention, and slamming a gold piece on the wooden table of the woman's stall, he grabbed up a mug of mead after folding the parchment and stuffing it into his pocket and started a leisurely walk, occasionally bringing the cool glass to his lips and pretending to drink the swill inside.

The silky feel of it on his lips, its sour smell staining his mouth, all made it rather revolting but still he kept up the charade, his eyes ever scanning from under the cowl of his cloak, hazel eyes finally focusing on a man. Before him a man possessed of a thick black beard, broad chest, and thick arms drank heartily with his fellows, a group that all rather resembled butchers what with their leather aprons stained with dried blood, and the leather gloves each decidedly wore on their hands. The group chanted as they joined in unison to cheer the black beared man on as he attempted to chug as many flagons of ale as he could before one of his friends. It was too bad the swill was likely watered down. That will have to due. Mixed cries of joy, and anger echoed out as the bearded man won and bets where settled amongst the men.

His tongue presses against the roof of his mouth as he clicked loudly, drawing the eyes of the winner, his fellows quick to abandon him with fresh coin in their hands, and the losers too sore to stick around, likely off to console themselves at the hands of a hired woman. Drunkenly standing up, the man pointed a stubby finger at him, swaying where he stood as he slurred something incomprehensible out. "My friend, it's been too long" Darian said, his hazel eyes shining from between the cowl of his cloak and the simple cloth he used to cover his mouth. The man smacked his lips noisily at that, and leaning forward peered to stare more as his arms drooped at his sides. "Who be you?" The man slurred, looking almost as if he could barely hold himself up, much less speak. Darian only chuckled at that, and holding his arms out wide, moved as if to greet the man like an old friend. As he stepped in close though, his right hand holding the mug swung in as he attempted to dash it against the side of the mans face only to miss and end up overbalancing and falling into a table. He winced as his jolt upset more than a few drinks on the table and sent them clattering to the ground, only a few mugs breaking in the progress, but that was the least of his worries as the man, obviously not as drunk as he appeared, was now swiping at him with both fists. Throwing his weight to the side he barely got out of the way of the slamming fists, Darian slamming to the ground just in time to see the man's thick fists hit the edge of the table hard and splinter wood as the strike dented the cheap wood. The man seemed to be able to ignore the pain though, and eyes narrowed on the crawling Darian he started forward again, winding his arm back for another heavy slug.

He threw himself into roll after roll across the cool grass, the world spinning before him as he struggled to put distance between himself and the bear man. At last a few feet from the man, he jumped to his feet, and just barely managed to get his bearings when the man was swiping at him again, the heavy slug aiming to take a few teeth from him. Darian dunked reflexively under the heavy stroke, and moved forward to slam his shoulder into the man's portly stomach. He gasped as he came to a full halt against the man's bulk, and it was all he could do to wrap his arms around the man as the butchers knee came in hard to slam into his midsection, nearly doubling him over. Darian could feel the mans fists thumping against his back, but they had less power when he was as close as he was and for that he was thankful. Another kick knee slammed into his gut, knocking the breath out of him, and Darian struggled to keep his left arm around the man as his right hand rummaged in his pocket for the folded parchment. Again the knee thundered into him, and he could feel his ribs bruising under the blows that made his eyes clench shut, but at last between his two nimble fingers he had the note, and reaching up quickly to plant his right hand against the man's chest, he slipped the note into the aprons front pocket, even as he left arm let go of the butcher and he pushed off the heavier man to land hard on his back, the grass feeling none to soft after the punishment he had received.

Still the man came on, and even got a solid punch to Darian's face that snapped his head to the side, before he finally lost interest in continuing the fight and helped Darian up, even dusting his shoulders off. "Ah, Craevan. It's been a while has it not" The black bearded man slurred, patting Darian roughly on the back before stumbling off in search of more mead most likely. His whole body ached with every movement, and his tasted blood in his mouth but taking the beating had been worth it, he'd managed to get the note in after all. Spitting out a glob of blood that had gathered in his mouth, Darian walked slowly back towards the stall he had come from, and underneath the simple cloth he wore over his mouth, he smiled.

oocThe note has this written:


Come by Stumble Alley, we'll have a repeat of the last performance in the house.


I have retired Darian, and I apologize for any inconveniences this has caused with anyone threading with this character. Feel free to NPC him in any threads that he is involved in if that is of course ok with the moderator. Again, I am sorry for any inconveniences.
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Oktuberia, Oktuberia:why am I seeing two of you? OPEN/Circus

Postby Essik on October 19th, 2011, 8:47 pm


Inside the Circus Tent…

Was it really time? Was this whole thing actually playing out before him? Essik had been more upset when the “leaders” of Sunberth were requesting that the circus perform for the festival. It had been what he wanted to avoid; getting noticed by the powers that be. No one knew just who would show up to the festival, but there were always big names from across the city there. Dozens of horrible possibilities were running through his head each second. But he wasn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth. If everything went well, then this would be their big chance. A great opportunity to get the money they desperately needed to get the equipment they were missing on their own. A chance to get the money needed to travel to other cities and improve their situation. The things that they had needed were being lent to them for this event and that was incredible in itself. Essik just wanted to make sure that the Circus didn’t let down the people who had lent them their needed supplies. He wanted to make sure everything went off in a grand fashion, making sure that the performances were incredible for people to watch. That way they could bring in more people each time. After all, this was the only time that the city came together to have some semi-civilized fun. The murder rates dropped dramatically this time of year, though muggings and pick pocketing often rose sharply. It was, by no means, a safe time for people, but at least you didn’t have to worry so much about dying every day. So it was the best time for people to come out and see the performances.

Essik stood in the middle of the Circus Tent, looking around at the interior. Everyone had done a good job cleaning it up before it had gotten moved over to the castle grounds for set up. It looked worlds better than it had when he’d first found it. It was amazing what a little work could do; or a crapload in this case. It had taken several teams of men to get the tent taken down, moved, and put back up where it had been wanted, but there hadn’t been any accidents, so that was a definite plus for the whole thing. Essik was amazed at how well everything was going so far. He had spent the morning checking over the tight rope and other fixtures of the tent, working to make sure that everything was in order for the performances. Everything was top shape, it seemed, so he knew things would go smoothly.

Outside, he could hear the festival in full swing, the sound of all of the people filling the different fields already. They had a couple hours before the first performances started anyway, and that was his first one. He was very nervous. Everyone had more time to prepare for their acts, but he was the first one to go on. He was going to set the scene for the whole night’s performances. From his act, people would make their first impressions of the whole circus. So he was going to have to make it good. He it all planned out though. His best act was going first. Knife Throwing in all its glory. Or at least as much glory as he could give it. He knew he was good at it, but he definitely wasn’t the best. Good enough to get a few volunteers from the audience to serve his needs, but not good enough to thread needles or other such finely tuned tricks. But he’d do his best with it. He knew everyone else would do theirs to. Bob had even agreed to do a performance while they were in Sunberth, so that made things all that much sweeter. And the Kelvics who had agreed to be part of the act made Bob’s job a lot easier, too. Everything was looking to turn out great. And that meant great things for all of them. All Essik really had to worry about is who all from the up class of Sunberth would rear their heads at their performances. But there was nothing he could do about any of that at all.

Essik was just waiting for everyone else to arrive, now. He had let them all know that he needed to see them before the day got too far into itself. He wanted to make sure they knew what times they were needed and what they’d be doing. He was sure they all still remembered from what he had told them before, but still, double checking things never hurt. Plus, it would be good for them to get a layout of how things were with the lanterns, set in a large circle in the middle of the tent, creating an arena for their shows. The bleachers surrounded the outside of the ring with two major throughways for people and performers to come and go as needed.

Essik looked over his things once more. He was resplendent in his elegant armor, but the only weapons he, currently, had strapped to himself were his throwing knives. They would be all he needed for now. And weapons were pretty much prohibited at the festival, so he’d have to doff any of them before he went out into the crowds, anyway. But he waited, patiently for the others to arrive and “check in”.
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Oktuberia, Oktuberia:why am I seeing two of you? OPEN/Circus

Postby Bob Barton on October 20th, 2011, 3:21 am

Castle Commons Grounds...

Bob came to the Oktuberia Fest for a job. He may not look like it but he was a very important man in Sunberth, really! A lot of people come to him for jobs or help. Alright maybe just run into him by chance and brings him to help but a job is still a job. That's why he brought Darik with him, the little swine of Sunberth who works with him in Killroy's. Bob and Darik did not really have a good relationship but Bob knew that Darik has been working with animal's for at least a season and that Darik was always out to get him for some reason. Which was why in a twisted sense he made the perfect assistant. Bob could rely on Darik's skills and rely on the boy to try and mess him out some way so he would always be expecting something to go wrong.

How did Bob convince this troublemaker to come along? Simple. Even if the boy worked in the kennel's, Bob knew that he hated animals especially after some of the things he saw happen. Some he was proud to say was part of his own designs. So the first thing he told Darik was "there is a circus. Why don't we go and see the stupid animals to laugh at instead of being forced to take care of them?" That was the first step to break the ice. The second would be to give a good reason like "I am going to probably make some money, so I will ditch you once we reach there anyway. I only need you to get there safetly" one of the most stupidest excuses for Darik unless you were building up to the finale. Yes Darik, "there is money to be made. What do you want some too? Then you need to do what I say today." Darik would probably kill himself before he ever took orders from Bob so Bob should also remind him that "did I forget to mention that it was a lot of easy money?"

Hopefully today Bob's instincts are sharper to catch Darik in time because everything cannot go wrong. This was probably one of those big days in Sunberth where everyone got drunk and went for merrymaking resulting in less of Sunberth's darker practices which the whole continent knew about. They walked all the way, with Jinsen to the Castle Commons Grounds getting ignored by pretty much everyone else since the festivities were in everyone's minds today. When they reached there Bob looked at the dog because it was more important to him and then to Darik telling them both to "try not to cause any trouble today until we finish?" because at least they get to run home with their money.

He really needed to learn how to use his own advice because as soon as Bob reached there he ran into a small brawl between Darian and some butcher. Like any good natured Sunberth person, Bob neither joined in or try to break them up. Instead he joined the other good natured people announcing that "I have five golds on the smaller guy!" Hey, it was special occasion and Bob knew that Darian was not without his abilities. He was also not going to trust this bunch of drunks with the money so he acted as the middleman telling everyone to "pool your money here" in this table in front of him.

The fight went on with Darian getting pummeled on the ground and Bob facepalming because of it. "Come on Craevan, you can do better than that. Where are those asskicking skills of yours?" Bob was going to lose his pot unless Darian "step up your game!" When it looked like it was all over with a decisive punch, Bob lost hope with his five mizas and muttered "who the hell every bets on the smaller guy in a fight?" but when he saw that the butcher was picking Darian up from the ground, he threw his body over the money to block all those other people with a snarl telling them that "how can you say he lost when your supposed winner is dusting him off?" Only losers do things for winners after a fight.

Bob was convinced of his win but the rest of the drunks were not. Who would ever readily admit that they just lost mizas? Some started to protest that Darian was the one who took the most blows and so should lose but Bob snapped back and told them "if you want my money, you can take on me..." which got a lot of laughs around even if he was armed with his cane "...and risk Jinsen eating your innards." He could have brought Darik in as part of his own but the boy was not that good a fighter and anyone can see it. Jinsen was his only hope and Bob pushed the dog forward softly with his foot and told it "stand and stare" before staring at the other drunks growling to instruct the dog what it was supposed to do.

Most of the drunks just staggered away. No surprise there since they can barely put one one foot over the other let alone throw a punch but three men. Three big burly men stayed behind demanding for their money and Bob told them one more time "you lost, end of the story!" before pocketing the rest of the mizas. That made one of them charge right for him and Bob yelled "EEK!" His dog reacted straight to that and leaped forward to bite on the man's arm getting an equally gruff shout to match Bob's shrill scream. Quickly seizing the chance, Bob ran to the side of the man and flicked his cane forward, hitting the man's foot and tripping him on the ground but Bob forgot that there were two people left. When he heard their roars he looked back and then went under a table for protection from them telling Jinsen to "run!" as well.

OOCNot really sure if using a walking cane is considered as a weapon but if it is tell me so I can change. Also Bob is going to lose this brawl and run away so just a heads up :D
Last edited by Bob Barton on October 21st, 2011, 3:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Oktuberia, Oktuberia:why am I seeing two of you? OPEN/Circus

Postby Jerico on October 20th, 2011, 4:47 am

Inside the Circus Tent...

Jerico slipped in through one of the openings in circus tent, quietly taking a seat at the front of the bleachers he removed the strap from his mandolin. He had spent the previous evening practicing and polishing the instrument. Today was the big day, they would be performing in front of a crowd. All of their hard work put into cleaning up the circus was finally going to be put on show for everyone to see.

Jerico was slightly nervous as he’d be playing along with a group. It was exciting to be in a group and work together with other musicians, but he hadn’t really met the others and had no idea just how well they played. All in all they knew the songs so he assumed it would go over well.

Watching Essik prepare from his spot in the bleachers Jerico strummed lightly across the strings of his mandolin. It was off tune so he started fiddling with the knobs to get it right.

“Excited Essik? If I‘m correct you‘re to be the first of us to perform?”

He continued to play lightly, constantly twiddling with the mandolin to find the perfect tuning for it.
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Oktuberia, Oktuberia:why am I seeing two of you? OPEN/Circus

Postby Leiwinn on October 21st, 2011, 1:01 am


Inside the Circus Tent...

Leiwinn entered the circus tent shortly after Jerrico did, spotting the both of them as they prepared for the day ahead. Unlike the two of them, Leiwinn was not particularly nervous. She had performed her act several times in front of an audience with the old circus. While she intended to create a new, more impressive, act eventually, she was going to stick to the basic script for the current performance. But that was not until later in the day, she had only entered to check in with Essik before heading back outside for what she would be doing during her down time.

Leiwinn crossed the tent, flashing Jerico a friendly smile before making her way to Essik. "Hey, Essik. Just letting you know I'm here. I'll be ready when you need me. And Carlo is already setting things up for me outside." Carlo was the name of one of the workers that had been loaned to the circus for the event. He had a loud booming voice, which was exactly why Leiwinn had chosen him to assist her. "I'll be right outside if you need me. You should come by and see how you fair when you get the chance." Leiwinn shot the man a playful wink before heading back outside the tent and over to Carlo and the mini-arena he had set up for her.

Leiwinn's act was good and all, but she knew she could earn more money for the circus if she put her mind to it and, well.. everyone knows that sex sells, so Leiwinn intended to take advantage of that. Leiwinn stepped into the ring as Carlo's loud booming voice rang out for all nearby to hear. "STEP RIGHT UP! Come tangle with our saucy Benshira! Think you're man enough to take a girl? Prove it! Just one gold miza! Last one chime in the ring with Leiwinn and you get a kiss. Beat her and you not only get a kiss, but DOUBLE your money back!"

ImageIt was simple, really. For just one gold miza you got to wrestle with the scantily clad Leiwinn. Stay on your feet for one chime and you won a kiss. Knock Leiwinn to the ground and you got a kiss, double your money, and probably managed to comp a feel in the process. Leiwinn was confident in her ability to handle most of the drunks who challenged her, and most of them were just after a kiss and a chance to touch the beautiful benshira anyway, they didn't care about winning. And most people were allowed to get the kiss, though for the sake of realism Leiwinn would take down the occasional challenger and make him loose. In the rare cases when somebody did beat her, it wasn't really a loss because the money would be easily earned back. And of course Leiwinn was dressed in her sexiest outfit. That alone was enough to draw a crowd.
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Oktuberia, Oktuberia:why am I seeing two of you? OPEN/Circus

Postby Darik on October 22nd, 2011, 1:19 am

Castle Common Grounds
Darik is exceptionally smart. As such he has an extreme distaste for stupid people like Bob Barton. The little man thought he was so clever. He was so stupid, he actually told Darik were he was going. And the information he gave wasn’t exactly undiscriminating. ”A circus Bob, you must be the main attraction!” He was head on. “You need a bodyguard now bobby wobby? I thought you were so strong.” Then something odd happened, Bob offered him a chance to make some money. This chance was much too good to be true. That’s why he didn’t believe it. ”Screw you Bob, go mess with someone else.” He distanced himself between the gambler till the last alluring sentence came out. Darik was going to regret this later, he just knew it. ”Fine, let’s go. If you’re lying, you know what I will do to you.”

They walked towards the circus in question. It was obvious were it was, on most days Sunberth streets barely contained one person but they were bustling everywhere. That’s why Darik kept almost all of his money home. Pickpockets could quickly steal the money without him even noticing. The few gold mizas he did bring were safely stored in his dagger. He kept the dagger on him, in case worse came to worse. He knew that this was the only day death was discouraged, but with lots of drunk Sunberthians things can get fickly.

When they got there Bob gave Darik advice. It was terrible advice. He should have known that bringing Darik anywhere would cause huge heaps of trouble. And Darik liked it that way. But luckily, it wasn’t Darik that caused a commotion over money, it was Bob. His argument was terrible, he should have known he was going to lose. Yet he still resisted against all odds. Darik had to admire him for that, he had determination.

His determination also led him to a fight. Big burly men went and confronted him. He somehow escaped leaving Darik in the dust. He gave a sigh, this day was going to be boring. At least he could get a bit of revenge. ”When your sober enough I hope you retain his name. His name is Bob Barton. As in B-O-B-B-A-R-T-O-N.” He wanted to make sure that they never forgot. After giving away all the smaller man’s personal information, Darik sprinted after him. He wasn’t going to let bob desert him this time!

Usually I wouldn’t waste my time describing what happens when Darik runs, because lets face it, it’s boring. I will be the first one to admit it. However, there’s time when it’s actually interesting. Such as this particular run. Mostly because there were so many things for Darik to interact with in such a short period of time. It also helped that into was condescended in a short area.

He ran through a great many of brawls. He veered around many of them but a particular one interested him. He had gained so much ground on Bob he figured he could take this slight detour. He turned right and saw the fight in mid swing. Up close he could see it was terrible, both were almost drunk to the core. It would be much more interesting to see less disorientated men fight. Being Darik his wishes would come true. He picked a partially sober man out in the crowd and jogged up to him. ”Look at him.” He whispered pointing to a white haired individual in the crowd. It was Lyth, one of Darik’s friends. He just loved getting him in trouble. After saying that, he had to run, he was starting to lose sight of Bob. His taunt probably wouldn’t work, the man may not even have a girlfriend. But if it did work though, Lyth would see Darik running away as a burly man approached him.

While running a brilliant idea dawned on Darik. Because of his momentum he could thieve someone’s purse. Now, all he needed was a good test subject. Not the armored people, they would most likely stab Darik. And Darik knew getting stabbed hurts. Next on his list were all the people with mugs. They wouldn’t work either, they must have been smart enough not to carry money if they knew they were going to get drunk. So he had a dilemma. It was solved he saw a robed figure, Darian, walking towards a stall. He couldn’t see a visible pouch but he figured it was invisible. He held out his hand as he passed him. But because of the air motion it didn’t go to the waist area, it drifted towards his butt. After he connected, he kept running. His cheeks turned a bright red quickly. Well that was awkward, he certainly wouldn’t try that again.

They say fate balances out every action. I have to agree with them. After that one act of gayness, Darik got lucky. A wrestling benshira in sexy clothing was giving kisses for knocking her down. So Darik “accidentally” drifted towards her. His shoulder tried to bump hers with full force. He stumbled and fell down, but regained his footing quickly. He didn’t see what had happened to her, but he figured he had won. ”Do I get a kiss? I think I earned it.” he almost puckered his lips when he realized Bob had disappeared from view. Dammit, gotta go.” He took off again. As he ran after the short man he shouted so she could here him. ”You still owe me that kiss!”
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Oktuberia, Oktuberia:why am I seeing two of you? OPEN/Circus

Postby Lyth on October 23rd, 2011, 10:40 pm

Lyth had rather enjoyed the little spectacle that had happened, and apparently so did the rest of the crowd. Even a little betting had gone on during the match. The half-blood didn't bet, wanting to save his mizas for something more worthwhile. What that was, he didn't know, but Oktoberia fest offered many things for those interested. Maybe he'd get another drink of ale...Or something soft to eat. Hopefully there was someone selling fruit of some sort, even with the food shortages.

His thoughts of food were interrupted as the betting went south, erupting in a fight that was relatively near him. Lyth tried to remove himself from the area, put was dragged in by a drunken brute all too eager to use this as a reason to pummel somebody into the dirt. The symenestra halfling brought his arms up as the man swung at him, deflecting the blow away from his face. He hissed at the pain that shot through his arms at the action, but he knew the damage could have been a lot worse.

Lyth struck the man's left temple with the heel of his hand, hard enough to disorient the man for a moment. Using that to his advantage, Lyth pushed the man off of him, and took off into the crowd. While he enjoyed watching brawls, when thrust into one himself, his best option was to run. He was just not made for fighting like that. This area of the grounds seemed to be fairly stable; only minor scuffles happening. The half-blood sighed, thinking he was safe.

Until a heavy hand gripped his shoulder, spinning his around. Lyth had expected to see the same drunk, angered by the blow to his head. But this was a different man entirely, screaming some nonsense about stealing his girl. Had Lyth even talked to a woman today? He might have said one or two words to a few, but nothing to warrant such anger. It was then that he saw the retreating form of Darik, and the grim realization hit him.

He really should have killed that kid when he had the chance.

"Look, whatever he told you, it isn't-" The angry man was having none of it, slamming his fist up into Lyth's abdomen. The syemenestra curled, spluttering and trying to catch hs breath after the hit. His attacker, seeing this, put Lyth into a choke hold, not allowing him to gin a breath. Frantic, Lyth dug his claw-like nails into the man's arm, able to pry it away from his throat. The man was relentless, forcing Lyth down to the ground.

Knowing that the man wouldn't stop unless he was in serious pain, Lyth decided he needed to inflict some non-lethal damage. With a hiss, he bit his fangs down into the man's arm for a quick moment. There would be damage from the venom, but nothing the man wouldn't recover from. With a pain filled yell, the man was off of him, Lyth scrambling to his feet and running. In the last direction he had seen Darik.

He would abide by the rules of no killing in the festival, but he was deffinately not going to let dark get away with that stunt. His eyes flashed bright jade, searching those he passed for any sign of the boy.
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Oktuberia, Oktuberia:why am I seeing two of you? OPEN/Circus

Postby Essik on October 25th, 2011, 4:51 am


Inside the Circus Tent…

The sound of strumming strings brought Essik from his revere in the middle of the ring, quickly drawing his eyes over to where Jerico now sat. Essik silently cursed himself for letting anyone get in without his noticing. But, there were people watching the doors to make sure that no one would be sneaking into the circus without paying the toll. Only the performers were allowed such privileges. Still, it was not a habit for Essik to let himself be caught unaware. The “ringleader” smiled to the man, nodding a little bit, “A little, to tell the truth. But that is the nature of it. I think that everyone should be a little nervous when they perform. That way, you always make sure to think things through properly. No mistakes that way. Don’t let the nerves overcome you, but definitely let them remind you of what you’re doing.” He smiled a little bit and sighed as he looked around, “I still can’t belive it really. I know we don’t have a whole lot to go with for performances right now, but even with that, we still got this spot at the festival. I do fear the attention that it’ll bring, but we’ve got to start somewhere, right? And, with any luck, maybe we’ll be able to get some more performers to join once they see we’re up and running now. I can hope, at least.” Essik let out a good humored chuckle as he looked around the tent once more. Soon, people would start filtering in for the first performance of the night. Essik knew the callers would start their jobs soon, announcing for people to come to the tent for their show.

As he looked around again, Essik spotted Leiwinn entering the tent as well. His eyes widened for a split second before he caught himself and wiped the look of surprise from his face. She certainly knew how to dress to get the people’s attention. That was for sure. Essik smiled and bowed his head as she let him know what was going on with her acts. He chuckled a little bit once more, “Very good. You, of any of us, know how to go about these things. You’ll be up after my first show, so don’t get too engrossed into activities before your first performance tonight. I don’t need you going under the lights with a black eye.” As she walked away, Essik looked over to Jerico once more, wiggling his eyebrows a bit to the minstrel as he pointed to Leiwinn with his thumb. He couldn’t help himself, really. She did look incredible and he was sure that she knew it. Still, after that, he went about the last of his preparations for his first show that night. There were still a few things he needed to get lined up.

By the time that the criers started shouting for the first show, Essik had gotten everything how he wanted it, ready for the show. Outside the tents, next to Leiwinn’s small arena, the main announcer for the circus started drawing people in toward the show, “Ladies and Gentleman! Step right up and come and see the show that you have all been waiting for the First of the performances of the night for the newly founded Mizahar Circus! You’ve seen the fliers and heard the people! Only here in Sunberth through the end of Oktuberia Fest! The first show of the night will be starting in mere chimes! Step right up, only a couple miza to get in for the show! A few more will get you in for the whole day! Come in and see the shows to astound you! First show for the day, for your entertainment, is the daring knife throwing of Essik! Be the first in the tent for the first ever performance of the new Circus!”

Essik stood in the middle of the ring with his hood pulled up over his face, keeping the light of the lantern from his eyes as he watched the people entering the tent, carefully picking out anyone of importance that might walk in. Armored people, people with entourages and bodyguards. He tried to pick out any who entered and where they went as he stood motionless in the middle of all of it. Arrayed around him were crated of different sizes and different targets painted around them or on freestanding boards that were dangerously close to where the crowd sat. Some were even behind the crow, at the top of the bleachers where the spectators were arraying themselves on. Essik waited patiently to see just how many people were filtering in, seeing how full the seats got. He hoped they would be packed. The more people that came in, the more money that the circus brought in, the better things would get.

Once Essik saw the entrance to the tent close, he took a step forward before starting to circle around within the lit ring he stood in, “Good day, Ladies and Gentleman! It is my honor to greet you all and introduce myself. I am Essik, and I will be the first performance of the day and the first performance of this circus’s life. I thank you all for joining us today. I am sure that you will all enjoy the shows that we present to you today and tomorrow. We are here for your entertainment…” With the word, Essik’s hand flashed to his vest, letting his finger’s wrap around the handle of one of his throwing blades and, in the blink of an eye, sent it straight into one of the targets near the audience, sitting directly in between Essik and a rather large man who was sitting behind the wooden plank. The tip of the dagger could be seen on the other side, sticking out through the bull’s eye. Essik smiled at the quick gasp of the audience, letting the light of the ring show the lower half of his face dramatically. He wore a simple painted smile across his like in the fashion of a jester, “I assure you, though, that these acts can be dangerous. There are no safety nets or barriers! Be sure that, surely as you are here, you may very well witness the injury, dismemberment, or even death of any of our performers. So… keep your eyes peeled, stay in your seats, and WATCH as my troupe and I endeavor to entertain you tonight! But first, I would like to take one second to see if there are any of the magnanimous benefactors of this festival in the tent with us tonight. For without them, we wouldn’t be here tonight to perform for you all tonight! Would any of the organizers of Oktuberia please stand up and take a bow for us!” Essik smiled again, seeing if his call to stand would actually be responded to.
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