Carving out a new Future (Open)

Banir entering Avanthal, alone and not sure what to do

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

Carving out a new Future (Open)

Postby Banir Ironwood on October 21st, 2011, 3:12 am

Fall 22, 511 AV.

Tall, silent, shrouded in his dirty green coat. Standing at six feet tall he filled out that dirty green coat quite while. Armour adorning his shoulders and right arm. The fingers clad in metal to be more like jagged claws of iron. It wasn't much, but it would survive a fight that was all that mattered to this man. Standing against the cold breeze that struck against his face he looked around the city of Avanthal. His ruby red eyes saw so much at once it was almost overwhelming. Fear, intimidation, breathlessness, he felt all these and behind the red where slight echo's of darker blues, emerald green, and a subtle orange that would be missed at a glance. He had arrived and felt many different emotions, some he had yet to grasp. As his heart thumped in his chest he took a step forward the snow crunching around his footstep.

"What should I do? Where should I go? What is there for me here?" These questions leap around his mind with every step. Thoughts of his mother appeared in his mind, a woman he loved deeply, a woman he never met. This was where she was born, where she was from. He knew nothing of her or her culture, other than the goddess that she worshiped. Doubt and fear rose again, swirling in his eyes, he felt need. He sat down, out of anyone's way, and took out a small piece of wood. Slowly using one of his metal clad fingers, he began to scrape away at it. Attempting to be gentle, yet strong, he carved the wood with rough shapes. Loosing his mind in the attempt to create and distracting himself, at least for a while, from the emotions he didn't wish to feel*
Last edited by Banir Ironwood on October 23rd, 2011, 3:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
"Where life leads me, is where I shall go. The greater question is, who is willing to accompany me on such a long travel?"
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Carving out a new Future

Postby Aiza on October 23rd, 2011, 12:20 am

Aiza had been walking along the road that day, her head in the clouds. She felt little warmth towards her new home and felt like a little break would be nice. It was just before winter so a walk in the fresh, yet still cold, air would lift her spirits.

Something odd caught her eye today however. A rather large man sat off to the side twiddling something in his hands. She blinked curiously watching him. She slowly walked towards him, arching her neck to see what he was doing, but at the same time, attempted to do it with out his noticing. Of course, with her attention on him, she failed to notice the rather large rock in her path. She promptly tripped and fell forward with a loud squeak.
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Carving out a new Future (Open)

Postby Banir Ironwood on October 23rd, 2011, 3:16 am

Upon hearing the sound of a young woman's cry, his head snapped up from his carving. His heart pounded in his chest, a moment of fear in his eyes as he raised the armored right hand. Rising with his arm he was prepared to strike down what his first thought was someone trying to harm him.Those sharp ended bits of metal shining against the slight sunlight. His red eyes had a slight shimmer of black, but seeing the small young woman he lowered his hand to her. Offering her help up, and back to her feet.

"A-are, are you alright?" His voice was gruff not used to speaking, his bulk was large and it seemed he had pulled his hood more over his face and the scarf up just a bit more. Seeming to fear her slightly he did what he could to keep his eyes away from meeting hers. Looking over at her sometimes his red eyes showing only slight emotion behind the dominate red in his eyes
"Where life leads me, is where I shall go. The greater question is, who is willing to accompany me on such a long travel?"
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Carving out a new Future (Open)

Postby Aiza on October 23rd, 2011, 1:43 pm

Aiza's face flushed red with embarrassment, she sat up, not yet taking his help to stand. "S-sorry... I was..." She mumbled under her breath. "I was trying to see what you were doing...[/b" Her voice was like a tiny mew, the feline kelvic in her dominant over the human form. Her bright green eyes big, but her pupils were just slits in low light.

Aiza looked far off, avoiding eye contact. She apparently was just as shy as he was. Her small mousy voice trailed off at the end of her sentences, and her faces was red with blush. "[b]I'm sorry... I didn't mean to bother you.
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Carving out a new Future (Open)

Postby Banir Ironwood on October 23rd, 2011, 6:13 pm

He stood stone still like he was a carved statue himself, in his earlier commotion he had dropped the carved wood. The brown face of the small cylindrical piece, had slowly taken the shape of a face. It was just at the base of his foot. Almost in reach just as much as his had was.

"It-Its alright, nothing to be s-s-shamed for." Looking over at her with a side glance his red eyes, his gruff voice harsh and almost menacing as he kept trying to get regular use of it. Doing what he could to keep his face hidden from her. The hand of help still extended to her. As he waited to either be refused or his help accepted upon the slowly freezing day. His brutish figure standing tall over hers slumped upon the ground.
"Where life leads me, is where I shall go. The greater question is, who is willing to accompany me on such a long travel?"
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Carving out a new Future (Open)

Postby Aiza on October 23rd, 2011, 7:07 pm

Aiza blinked and took his hand, she pulled herself up to a standing point. She was much short and much tinier than the large man. He had a rough voice and a brute like figure but he seemed gentle, almost shy. She cocked her head to the side, her long hair falling off her shoulder. "Uhm, thank you..." She tilted her head more, her curious round eyes peering under his hood, to get a better look.

Under the hood's shadow she could barely see two red eyes, deep within a large face. Aiza blinked and her eyes shifted to the wooden figure at his feet. She picked up the doll and ran her fingers gently along it's curves and crevasses, studying it for a moment. "This is really good... I wish I had some kind of talent like this..." The kelvic looked back up at the man. "You look new... I mean, I have never been here before, and I have been here for three years." She mewed, her eyes looking away as she spoke, that was just a habit of hers, she didn't like looking people in the eye.
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Carving out a new Future (Open)

Postby Banir Ironwood on October 23rd, 2011, 8:22 pm

He let his hand dropped to his side, the moment she tried to see more of his face he pulled up the scarf hiding it once more. His gruff voice cut through the cold air as he snatched the carving from her. He did it out of embarrassment, though surely it would look like an act of rage. Tucking it away and out of site into a pocket of his coat he looked at her with his eyes.

"I-It's nothing! It's just....garbage...there is hardly sill in it" Turning from her he stood tall. His bulk standing there he had hoped she wouldn't fear him like others did. He was already regretting his actions already, he didn't like causing such things. His heart pounded in his chest worried of her reaction to him.
"Where life leads me, is where I shall go. The greater question is, who is willing to accompany me on such a long travel?"
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Carving out a new Future (Open)

Postby Aiza on October 23rd, 2011, 8:41 pm

Aiza frowned pulling her hands back quickly. She felt offended, more than frightened. She looked down her hands clutching each other. "Sorry..." She mumbled before walking past him. What a jerk! I was just complimenting him... She thought to herself, not looking back at the tall man.

Aiza took her hood and pulled it over her head with a sigh. She didn't want to offend him, but it seems like that is what she did. She looked back over her shoulder, seeing if he was glaring at her, or cursing her for her rudeness.
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Carving out a new Future (Open)

Postby Banir Ironwood on October 23rd, 2011, 8:58 pm

He lowered his head feeling shamed for his actions, he sat down on the ground. Taking out his wood carving he fiddled it in his hands staring at it, he sighed and just tossed it aside feeling he didn't deserve to finish it after most likely causing someone a bad day. Slumped upon his rear, eyes looking towards his feet as he remained on the cold ground. Wordless, regretful once more, of an action he had done in his life.
"Where life leads me, is where I shall go. The greater question is, who is willing to accompany me on such a long travel?"
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Carving out a new Future (Open)

Postby Aiza on October 23rd, 2011, 9:07 pm

Aiza watched him sit back down, his head down, carving at the wood again. She felt bad, he didn't seem mad, or upset... maybe lonely. Thinking for a moment an idea popped in her head. She ran down the street the bakery and bought a muffin. She came back to the man and held it out to him. "Here, you might be hungry..." She gave him a soft, warm smile, hoping he would open up now.
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