Luke felt like an ass when she commented on his jokes. She was a horse, of course she wouldn't get the joke. He was truly thick at times. But it mattered little to him. She accepted his offer and he grinned happily. It seemed he was still handsome enough to cover up his clumsy tongue. ”That's about the same direction. Lead me to your tent and I can find the way.” He grabbed Keetah's reigns and gently pulled her along. She wasn't limping as bad as she was before. This Kelvic really knew her stuff. ”I haven't heard a harp before. In the bronze woods you hear little music besides the rain. Did family teach it too you?.. Bond mate maybe?” Luke said as they walked. Making sure to keep an eye on her expressions. If she was bonded then he might be walking some trouble. Last thing he needed was some Drykas spitting cud at him. |