[Temple of All Gods] Perusing the Gods (Closed, Goss please)

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[Temple of All Gods] Perusing the Gods (Closed, Goss please)

Postby Alistair deGrey on March 20th, 2010, 9:25 pm

22nd of Spring, 520 AV

I'll just put where I'm trying to lead the thread here. 1) Have Alistair possibly contact Eyris. 2) Get Eris some information on Locke so she may progress her hunt/search. :D

A sheet of copper was extremely versatile in deGrey's opinion. Its potential was limited only by the metalworker holding it. However copper did not necessarily need to become a complex device to be useful. Today, it was a writing surface. Alistair walked towards the great Temple of all Gods, the copper clutched in his hand along with several sheets of parchment and a piece of sharp charcoal. Since the ordeal at that pre-Valterrian castle, deGrey's mind had been wrenched back to the topic of magic. The practice of magic still didn't appeal to deGrey, but there was something interesting about the concept now. The intellectual benefits of personal and world magic were beginning to materialize before Alistair,it was curious.

Alistair moved through the portal of the Temple of All Gods, marveling at the astounding architecture and carpentry. The countless rows of polished wooden pews and arching ceilings. He looked around, expecting to see hundreds of altars to the various gods. However none were apparent. He blinked his eyes, looking for a church official. While his eyes scanned the quiet people milling about the church, deGrey's mind began to wander. This is better. The Temple is quite possibly the most ideal location to begin research. The very concept of Gnosis was more impersonal than other magics, deGrey thought. It seemed to be a field of magic guided by the wisdom of the gods, not the mad hands of men. It still did not sit comfortably with deGrey, but it was a start.
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Re: [Temple of All Gods] Perusing the Gods (Open)

Postby Eris on March 24th, 2010, 1:24 am

Eris let her fingers glide over the cold wood of the benches as she moved along one of the side aisles. How many years must have gone into the planning and building of this architectural marvel? The work was exquisite. She was tempted to touch every stone and every pillar, rather like a little child. Architecture has fascinated her ever since Joel took her to the grand mansion of that lord. The detail around the windows, the tall archways…

Eris hadn’t yet made up her mind on why exactly she was here. She was not a devout person, certainly not one who would waste valuable time in prayer. There were better uses of her time than wandering around an old temple. And yet, she didn’t feel inclined to leave. The atmosphere was serene-a welcome break from the collection of mayhem her life had become. This was her first day in the city and as she saw no prospective “jobs”, she could certainly afford a little break.

Eris inspected the people around her. Some were busy in prayer, others speaking with each other in hushed tones. Everyone fit perfectly into the vision of the somber temple, a sanctuary for those seeking religious guidance. Everyone except… There was a man not too far from her. There was something off about him, something that made him stand out. He couldn’t possibly be here for prayer. Eris’s hand went to her dagger and she mentally chastised herself for automatically thinking the worst. She would stay in the temple for a little while, if only to admire the architecture, Eris decided. And she would keep an eye on the odd fellow, just to be on the safe side…
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Re: [Temple of All Gods] Perusing the Gods (Open)

Postby Alistair deGrey on March 30th, 2010, 3:53 am

While certainly not the most appropriate of tasks for the moment, and not the most sensible, Alistair found himself sketching out what he saw. The grand arches towering before him materialized on his paper, warm brown pews huddling beneath them like cold soldiers. The pews were a bit awkward as they appeared on the paper; he had never drawn something quite like a row of pews before. His eyes flickered from the pews, down the aisle to the portion of the chapel where preachers spoke at their charges, huddling in the pews as the pews huddled beneath the archways. Reasonably, most of this area was obscured, so it remained naught but a foggy detail on this sheet.

Moving onward, his eyes fell upon the people quietly milling about the church, one second, who is that? A woman was taking her eyes off of deGrey and her hand off the sheath of a blade. It is rather pathetic when one does not realize a female is interested in oneself, even if she is only interested in spilling blood. deGrey remembered similar situations in which a dangerous female had threatened him, memories of Kamalia Timandre with her vicious reimancy came to mind. Alistair did not enjoy confrontation, and despite not knowing why this woman disliked him, he moved across the Church to a darker section. There he leaned against the wall and attempted to finish the last details of his sketch, which was rather difficult considering the modified angle. After nearly a minute of bare fruit trees, Alistair left the drawing unfinished and began examining the temple for signs of deities. Where does one even begin exploring the gods? Perhaps a priest would be necessary.
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Re: [Temple of All Gods] Perusing the Gods (Open)

Postby Eris on March 30th, 2010, 10:58 pm

Eris followed the man with her eyes as he moved across the floor of the Church. There was something familiar about him, but she couldn’t quite place what. She was sure that she’d never seen him before, but he certainly resembled a man from one of Joel’s stories. She was most likely mistaken; it was so long since she’d heard her teacher’s accounts. But if she was right, then this story was connected to one of her father’s escapades. Now that she’s admitted to opening up her search for him once more, she couldn’t just let a possible lead pass her by.

Never taking her eyes of the man, she drifted closer. She couldn’t just ask if he’d had dealing with Locke outright. That wouldn’t get her any information; she needed a more delicate approach. Perhaps what she’d learned about religion from her mother could finally be put to some use. She walked up to the man, making sure he was aware of her presence before speaking, “You look to be searching for something. Am I right to assume that you’ve come to the temple to seek some sort of religious relief or are you here on a more scholarly basis?”
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[Temple of All Gods] Perusing the Gods (Open)

Postby Alistair deGrey on April 2nd, 2010, 3:05 am

It had not taken long to forget about the woman, Alistair had begun listing the deities he did know of. It was a decidedly short list, but gave him a place to start. There was no real point to this, but to allow him to put off contacting a priest. The thought did not appeal to Alistair's sensitivities, a man who was used to needing others being reduced to a position of ignorance. Not at all. The issue stirred a sense of insecurity in Alistair, but urged him to remedy the situation. He was doing just that, when the woman surprised him.

deGrey started slightly, but attempted to smother the reaction, as the woman who had been watching him spoke to him. When and how long ago she had approached him was unknown and irrelevant; now he had to deal with this stranger. "Err, greetings madame. You would be correct to assume I am here to search, but for what I would much rather keep cryptic until I am better informed as to your nature." Hesitation played across Alistair's face, did he really want to drag out this ordeal? Indubitably, deGrey's curiosity would overtake his desire to be rid of her. He wanted to know why she had approached him. "Who exactly are you, and why did you deem it necessary to seek me out? I confess, I have naught a clue." deGrey stared intently at the woman before him, his gray eyes peering intently at hers, decoding her intent.
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[Temple of All Gods] Perusing the Gods (Open)

Postby Eris on April 5th, 2010, 4:23 am

Eris tilted her head to one side, a slight smile playing on her lips as she looked over the man. Well-mannered, but direct – a rare combination. “I confess I’m quite happy to skip the small talk,” she said, deciding in a few seconds pause how much to tell the man. “I approached you because I believe you might have been acquainted with a certain gentleman who passed through this city a few years ago. He was of medium height, with short red hair, and might have gone under the name ‘Locke’.” Don’t lie when it’s not absolutely necessary, but don’t reveal the truth all at once. It was a rule Joel had drilled into her, but one he rarely bothered to follow himself.

After a beat, she added, “Though I am also quite intrigued by whatever it is you are searching for. You stand out among all the devout worshippers here and I learned from a young age to take an interest in anyone who stands out in a crowd.”
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[Temple of All Gods] Perusing the Gods (Open)

Postby Alistair deGrey on April 5th, 2010, 5:57 am

Certainly not the most abrupt statement I've heard, but it ranks. deGrey crossed his arms across his chest and brought his right index finger to tap against his pursed lips. It was a habit he had when considering a situation, though not many knew him well enough to know as such. It was apparent to Alistair that this woman wanted information from him, whether the alternative interest was feigned or not deGrey did not have the social intellect to determine. But it was becoming clearer by the fractional seconds that Alistair would not be rid of this determined girl quite as easily as he had planned. No plan survives contact with the enemy.

"Off the top of my head I cannot recall a man named Locke. If I was, it would have been in Zeltiva. I have only recently come to Syliras." deGrey considered how he would learn from this girl, it was always enjoyable to learn new things, and it was one of the few events that made contact with people sufferable. "Was he ever at the University?" deGrey decided not to launch more questions at the girl, well, not regarding her agenda at least. Alistair's calm voice addressed her again, "Do you worship a deity? If so, who and why?" A few seconds, and Alistair realized his mistake, the ever important introduction had once again slipped out of deGrey's social tunnel vision. "I am Alistair deGrey." One of these days he would recall that tricky part.
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[Temple of All Gods] Perusing the Gods (Open)

Postby Eris on April 5th, 2010, 9:36 pm

Eris waited for the man to make up his mind, hoping that he would have at least a tidbit of information to offer. In the past few months, her search has been unproductive, every clue leading to a dead end. When he finally spoke, Eris mentally crossed off yet another lead. She hoped her disappointment didn’t show in her voice as she spoke, “I wouldn’t know if he visited the University, but Locke was a rather…curious man, so he must have gone there at some point. Though seeing as you haven’t been in Sylaris too long, I doubt you ever met him. He tended not to stay in one place too long.”

Eris smiled slightly, realizing that she’d forgotten to introduce herself once again. Introductions always came as secondary to her, seeing as in her field of work, the less people knew her name the better. “A pleasure to meet you. I’m Eris Serlen,” she replied, with a slight inclination of the head.

She found the man’s questions a little odd, but interesting nonetheless. She paused for a minute, collecting her thoughts before speaking, “I consider myself to be skeptical about religious worship. I’ve never strongly believed in the deities, perhaps because my mother was so religious. She took me to the local temple every day when I was a little girl and the only books in our house were religious texts. She prayed three times a day, mostly to Rak'keli. Seeing as my mother died of a rather common illness, I find it hard to believe that the Goddess of health ever had the means or desire to help her.” Memories of her mother caused some bitterness to seep into Eris’s voice. She had no desire to remember the woman. “At one time, I was quite interested in the histories of Akajia and Ionu, but nowadays I rarely have time to dwell on the workings of the Gods.”
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[Temple of All Gods] Perusing the Gods (Open)

Postby Alistair deGrey on April 5th, 2010, 11:21 pm

A shrug. A shrug was always a way to indicate nonchalance, or at least that was what Alistair had observed. So he shrugged. "Locke sounds as if he is an interesting man." deGrey was curious as to this mysterious figure's import, but had decided it best to not press her at the time. She was clearly searching for the man, and the ambiguity was beginning to cause a stir in Alistair's curiosity. "If you require assistance in regards to Locke in the future, you may contact me at Mechanical Marvels. I am the proprietor."

He listened intently to the girl's words regarding her faith, nodding quietly before he spoke, and effectively changing the subject entirely, "May perhaps you would walk with me, I have heard many a great tale of Glav Navik. He may be the one you should seek for answers." Truthfully Alistair did not have the foggiest as to what Navik looked like, or if he could provide answers for Eris, but it was apparent he would learn nothing more by standing idly. Regardless of whether or not Eris was prepared to walk, Alistair commenced his search.

The front of the hall brimming with pews was the stage where Navik would supposedly administer his religious balm to the masses. On the platform deGrey saw several people conversing, one in particular stood out in his isolation and garb. To deGrey's senses, he was clearly a church official. Alistair stepped up to the stage and approached the man, "Greetings my good sir. I am Alistair deGrey," after his introduction, deGrey held his hand out in greeting. Quickly forgetting that he was supposed to allow the man a chance to introduce himself, the inventor spoke again "I confess, I have not researched religion before this, and I find myself rather lost. Could you perhaps direct me to the one named Glav Navik?" The inventor turned to look at Eris and slightly nodded his head in silent affirmation, Alistair was confident they was at least on the correct path to finding Navik.
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[Temple of All Gods] Perusing the Gods (Closed, Goss please)

Postby Eris on April 6th, 2010, 5:30 pm

Eris followed beside him, slightly weary of this new turn of events, but curious nonetheless. At this point, she would welcome any help in her search, even if it be from a priest. While she was glad to have the chance to learn something about Locke, she was also quite intrigued by this strange man’s religious search.

The man to whom deGrey had spoken seemed to access the two of them for a moment and then spoke in a quiet, raspy voice, “I can arrange for you to meet with Glav Navik if you are indeed intent on your research, but he is a busy man and should not be bothered with trifling matters. What is it you want to ask of him?” As he was speaking, the man began to slowly walk towards a door at the far end of the hall, motioning for Alistair and Eris to follow. It seemed to Eris that the man had already made up his mind to take them to Glav Navik and was now simply taking care of formalities.

The door was tucked away behind a row of columns, barely visible from the angle they had been previously standing at. But as they came closer, Eris realized that the entrance resembled an archway more than an actual door, with the double doors barely serving as a barrier between the hall and the next room.
Last edited by Eris on April 19th, 2010, 10:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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