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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Screech on October 24th, 2011, 5:54 pm

Basic Information

Name: Screech
Race: Zith
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Birthday: Winter 42nd, 496 AV
Height: 5'
Weight: 80 lbs


Screech's body is covered in fur of a soft, fine texture. It is black in colour but also bears subtle red undertones along her forearms and shins. Black claws curve from her dark hands, useful for ripping into prey as she attacks from above. Her hair is long and darker than the night sky. It's tinted with a subtle indigo shade that contrasts the red of her longer fur.

Matching Screech's initial appearance is the colour of her eyes. They are completely black and lack any sense of true feelings other than passion, hate, lust, and hunger. Fangs line a jaw behind dark lips, serrated and perfect for tearing flesh from bones.

Screech's wings are large and give her a greater grace. They fold to her back or around her body as a leathery cloak lined with short, soft fur. These wings can extend to over double her height from tip to tip and are easily capable of carrying her body from place to place with relative ease.

In terms of clothing, Screech generally goes without. She may deign to wear a harness to carry her few belongings, but she is more likely to go without in order to hunt easier. She is not above taking clothes from her prey.

Character Concept

The current meaning for Screech's existence is to investigate the workings and subtle nuances that affect the lives of the slave-kin. She left the colony of her particular breed of Zith in Eyktol to study humans and other related species in order to return to her colony with a wealth of information that no other colony could compete with. She plans to investigate the heiracrchy of humans, their mating patterns and seasons, their infants and the way their internal organs work. Killing her subjects is not something she minds although she does acknowledge that it would be difficult to successfully measure how a human heals if she accidentally kills him.

Sunberth was chosen by Screech because it was the one place she couldn't be shot down from the sky. To her mind, Sunberth is a hovel but a haven. She doesn't mind having to deal with the disgusting humans and their fellow scum as long as she ends up succeeding in the long term.

For Screech, Gods simply do not exist. Her colony taught her that the Rending is the creator of the world that exists and that if Gods exist, it was before the Rending destroyed them and their chosen followers. This frame of mind drives Screech to study the mentality of those that do believe in the Gods. Once again, killing her subjects is perfectly reasonable and this is especially so since believing in Gods can hint to some mental deficiencies unknown to the population as a whole.


Fierce and territorial are great descriptors of Screech and her personality. She is possessive and quick to provoke. Currently, she has no love of other people nor their ways and seeks to end the suffering of any and all of the "slave-folk" she meets in the streets of Sunberth.

A self-proclaimed Huntress of the Sky with no love of the Gods or their ways and a taste for fresh blood have given Screech the ability to create enemies even among the immortal and wise. She doesn't demonstrate fear and can be assumed to be utterly without the crippling emotion.

Coupled with her fierce nature is a sensual passion that only other Zith can understand. Even for her vicious fights can turn into passionate coupling but rarely has she ever allowed her battles to go so far. She believes in holding a clear head even when it is nigh on impossible for her to do so and is absolutely not above killing whatever stands in her way.

In Screech's opinion, everyone but her own fellows from her colony are either food, slaves, or enemies. She distinguishes friends as one of the three as well (currently she has none) and keeps most of her sensuality disguised behind cruelty and malicious intent. Love is something of a myth to her as well as peace and kindness. She doesn't believe in any of the three and will most certainly argue with whomever disagrees.

People who encounter Screech are saved only by her curiousity. Once sated, Screech is at ease with ripping off limbs or hunting someone to exhaustion and death if they can't give her something that will benefit her.


Screech was born in a colony within Eyktol along with an older twin sister. It was the Winter Solstice that she and her twin, whom the slaves would name Talon, came into life and they were celebrated by their mother and her mate at the time.

At a young age Talon and Screech were introduced to the slaves and hunting. Eypharians and young Dhani that had been captured by the colony littered the cave floor where they were kept. The Dhani, the sisters were told, had an annoying habit of eating the other slaves and fighting amongst themselves and proved to be too hard to control. Screech and Talon were told to kill the snakes wherever they were found so their hopelessly worthless race could not become too populous. They were warned, however, that these snake-beings had a venom that would kill their kind within minutes of injection. Lessons on how best to kill a Dhani were instructed to Talon, Screech, and the other young Zith as they grew up.

Talon and Screech began to show a defference in skills and strengths. Where Talon was best at attacking straightforward and ripping an opponent to shreds without warning, Screech demonstrated a much more patient, long-distance view. She was taught archery by a slave she was particularly fond of and employed it in her hunts. Talon taught her how to fight with her natural weapons, leaving many scars across Screech's body as they clawed and bit at eachother.

Eventually, Talon lost her life in a particularly bloody battle with a Dhani from near Ahnatep. Her body was recovered after the fight for the Dhani had left it in the sands to make an impression on the others of Talon's colony. For this slight, the Zith started a blood-feud with the Dhani in Eyktol, slaying them and any of their Eypharian friends whenever they are able to. Screech participated and brought down two Dhani before she decided to leave the colony with the desire to learn as much about any human-formed race she can so she can return the knowledge to her colony and begin an even bloodier battle with the Dhani peoples.

Screech's travels took her through Cyphrus and into Sylira. She found Syliras too guarded to enter and didn't desire to get shot down by the archers of Ravok. Instead she settled for the slums of Sunberth and the chaos and anarchy that presides there. She lives there now until she gets all the information she can and returns to her colony.

Skills and Arcana

Detection - 10 (10 RB)
Unarmed Combat - 15 (10 SP)
Hunting - 5 (5 SP)
Acrobatics - 5 (5 SP)
Archery (Longbow) - 5 (5 SP)
Medicine - 5 (5 SP)
Intimidation - 5 (5 SP)
Poisons - 10 (5 SP)


Lore of the Zith
The Taste of Humans


Zithanese - Fluent
Common - Basic
Snake-Tongue - Poor

Belongings, Heirloom and Housing

Starting Package -
One Set of Clothing (harness)
One Waterskin
One Backpack which contains:
One Set of Toiletries
Food for a Week
One Eating Knife
Flint and Steel

Purchased -
Composite Longbow (100 gm)
20 Longbow Arrows (1 gm)
20 Barbed Arrows (10 gm)
2lbs of Beef Sausage (4 gm)
2lbs of Pork Sausage (2 gm)
Herbalist Toolkit (20 gm)
Portable Poisoncrafting Kit (150 gm)
Climber's Quiver (50 gm)

A four dose vial of Bloodroot procured by Screech after an encounter with a human in the Sylira Wildlands. Taken after destroying most of the poison crafter's other supplies and carried in Screech's Poisoncrafting kit.


Starting Package - 100 gm
Income - 500 gm (sold housing)
Purchases - 317 gm (starting package)
Remaining - 283 gm

Last edited by Screech on November 2nd, 2011, 9:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
User avatar
Blood on my claws means I'm happy.
Posts: 27
Words: 18007
Joined roleplay: October 24th, 2011, 5:50 pm
Race: Zith
Character sheet

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