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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Goshawk on October 24th, 2011, 7:55 pm

Basic Information

Name: Goshawk (Aquila Tynan)
Sex: Female
Age: 16
Birthdate: Summer 15th, 495 AV
Race: Human
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 100 lbs


Solid onyx irises gleam from a pale face framed by fiery red hair. Long, dark lashes brush high cheekbones and coral lips are almost always turned up in a gentle smile that belies the cruel intent that shimmers within those dark orbs.

Goshawk is a stunning human of long, delicate limbs and an aristocrat's lovely features. The product of selective breeding between siblings in an old Ravokian family have created a young woman of quick, sharp wit and bearing a rage that flashes out unexpectedly. She is like a delicate rose with thick thorns hidden beneath her blossoming petals.

Graceful are Goshawk's movements, fluid is her alto voice, and quick is she to lash out in anger at the slightest insult to those she emulates. When she smiles it is with the right mixture of innocence and threat. Her eyes barely reflect her smiles, keeping cold or wrathful at almost all times.

In terms of her personal style, Goshawk is fond of wearing dark dresses underneath a cloak partnered with a vibrantly coloured scarf and a pair of dancing slippers. She dresses as though she still fits into the grand scheme of nobility even when she lacks the money required for the caste.


Goshawk was born as a member of the former Tynan household in Ravok. Her name was Aquila and she was the younger of a set of identical twins. Her brother was named Anser and he was immediately shown to be stronger than Aquila due to her weak cries.

Born to a mother who was half Inarta, both Anser and Aquila were gifted with the characteristic red hair of the subrace, but while Anser also received glittering emerald eyes, Aquila’s darkened to be blacker than the deepest pit. Her features were immediately a disappointment to her mother, whom had grown up in the incredible city of Wind Reach and had found beauty in the features emulated there. Black eyes to Aquila and Anser’s mother placed Aquila among the Dek. The father of the twins, much to Aquila’s future issues, shared their mother’s opinion (only due to not wanting to anger her) and eventually he, too, came to resent her for not embodying all that her mother saw as beautiful in the world.

As Aquila and Anser grew, both showing strengths and weaknesses in vastly different areas, disappointment was heavy in the hearts of their parents due to Aquila’s lingering, long-term illnesses. One memorable incident was when Aquila had fallen into one of the canals in Ravok, was saved by a passing man driving his Ravosala. As punishment for being careless and because she was soaked, Aquila was left outside to dry before being brought to bed without her supper. For a long while afterwards she was ill and, even now, she suffers anxiety at the thought of falling into the canals of her hometown.

At the tender age of twelve, Aquila began to grow resentment for her parents and developed a second voice that would whisper in her thoughts, interrupting her interactions with others as it chided and encouraged her to do better, get better, and eventually show them all what she could do. It was this voice that took Aquila from a weak, sickly young child into a cold, beautiful young woman. It was this and the disappearance of her family that brought her to the brink of insanity and eventually pulled her back.

Aquila had discovered the secrets of her father’s library the same time that the voice manifested and in secret she read the information on the art of Familiary and, eventually, Hypnotism. It was from this book about Hypnotism that Aquila learned the magic and used it against her own family while they slept. Having been tutored in the Ancient Language by richly dressed men and showing an aptitude for the manipulation of djed, Aquila latched on quickly to Hypnotism, hungrily devouring every word she could in the book. On one occaision her father found her trying to summon a familiar and had beaten her for the attempted use of the magic. Her mother got to her later and even Anser was less happy to be in her company. Aquila learned then that she couldn't use magic without being prosecuted for it, and so she started to conceal herself every night in her room with the Hypnotism book, learning everything she could in secret.

As years passed and Aquila slowly grew stronger in Hypnotism, her desire for power turned into a full obsession that began to drive her into Overgiving, granting that paranoid, ceaseless voice to whisper even more intently than usual, begging for more knowledge. Aquila began to call herself Goshawk, she began to see her family as nothing more than a lie, and she began to see destroying them as a way out of a meaningless life.

With prayers to her God, Rhysol, and his Voice, Goshawk began the year-long venture of corrupting her only sibling and one of her favorite slaves into the murder and desecration of her parents and then, after everything was done, eachother.

Once it had ended, Goshawk fled the bodies decaying in her home and came to inhabit another, smaller building. She registered with the Black Sun, payed her respects to Rhysol and his religion, and continues to seek to bring Rhysol to newer and greater heights.

Character Concept

Goshawk's goals are many. First of all, she desires to have the love and affection her dead family never gave her from Rhysol and the Voice. Because of this, Goshawk is bent on destroying their enemies and clearing the way for her God to be the God of Gods. She isn't above murder, but she udnerstands that murder is not a part of Rhysol's power and so instead seeks to break hearts, destroy resolve, and ultimately weaken the Knights of Syliras with Rhysol's divine influence. She wants everything against Rhysol to be caged and trained to obey.

Another such goal for Goshawk is the accumulation of more djed disciplines. Goshawk wishes to be the strongest woman ever to walk Mizahar and wants to be able to wield all forms of magic to terrify hers and Rhysol's enemies into defeat. Physical strength may not be hers to bear, but Goshawk has shown proficiency in using her appearance to distract her "prey".

Goshawk is loyal to none but Rhysol and his consort. It is to them that she feels she owes her life and she desires for them to look upon her as a beloved child. She does not care for the lives of others, nor even herself, unless they interfere with any of her goals or ambitions.


Goshawk is a fragmented, broken young woman with anger and rage lurking ujust beneath every false smile and laugh. Due to her raising, Goshawk shows a tendency to violence and a taste for causing pain in lesser people. She pretends modesty and innocence, but beneath every smile is the intent to harm.

Like a rose with particularly long, deadly thorns, Goshawk is a threat to herself as well as others. Her tongue, when she is angered, is sharp and quick to demean someone the way she was also demeaned. Her black eyes rarely show anything in terms of an emotion but for a heartbreaking sadness or an utter, absolute, bottomless rage that can't easily be contained.

The fragmented nature of Goshawk's personality is only amplified by the second voice that buzzes its way through her thoughts at innoportune times, whispering to her about her past deeds and evaluating what is going on in cruel terms that Goshawk has no hope but to agree in. Overgiving has only increased the potency of this sly voice and Goshawk knows little else than obedience to it's whims, as it was the catalyst for her destruction of her own family.

Goshawk is dangerous.


Common – Fluent
Nari – Basic
Ancient Language - Poor

Skills and Arcana

Weapons (Iron Fans) - 25 (15 RB, 10 SP)
Hypnotism - 30 (30 SP)
Seduction - 5 (5 SP)
Flattery - 5 (5 SP)




Religion of Rhysol - Starting Package
Lore of Ravok - Starting Package

Belongings and Heirloom

Starting Package:
One Set of Clothing (black linen dress, dancing shoes, black traveling cloak, red wool scarf)
One Waterskin
One Backpack which contains:
One Set of Toiletries
Food for a Week
One Eating Knife
Flint and Steel

Average Dress (8 sm)
Cotton Breeches (1 sm)
High Boots (5 sm)
Linen Blouse (1 gm)
Yellow Wool Sash (1 sm)
10 oz Unusual Cosmetics (10 gm)
Cat (4 sm)
Companion Dog (20 gm)
Black Mask (3 sm)
Poor Washbasin (8 sm)

Dual iron fans once wielded by Anser. Goshawk took them from Anser after he had died, claiming them for herself. She has yet to name them. They are both made of silk written with lovely calligraphy in the Anciant Tongue with a scenic background.


A 20x20 house along one of Ravok's narrower canals. Goshawk is able to jump from one side of the canal to the other if she does so at a slight jog. Furnishing the house are: a hearth, bunk, chest, chair, and small table. An addition is a poor washbasin.


Starting Package: 100 gm
Income: N/A
Expenses: 33 gm
Remaining: 67 gm

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Last edited by Goshawk on November 2nd, 2011, 9:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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I feel.
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Joined roleplay: October 24th, 2011, 7:25 pm
Race: Human
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