A brief, half-smile graced her lips as she headed toward the shore, having caught wind of Soghar’s retort. She appreciated the Myrian’s sense of wit, that much was clear, but Yeva was not so inclined in sharing that fact with others. At least, she would not verbally acknowledge it, but those she favoured would become obvious to any who were keen of eye. Vatkir however, she often found to be an annoyance, his foolish comments starting the two off at the wrong foot (in her mind), for she was not one to change her judgements of others so quickly despite the flighty nature of her thoughts. Still, even if she did not want to admit it, he was starting to grow on her, albeit like a creeping, often unwanted vine.
Efficient as they were, the camp was situated not too far from the patrolled area, but at a distance adequately far from view, not that the diplomatic Charodae would even think of ambushing a Fang of Myrians. As she neared, Yeva crouched lower, growing increasingly close to the ground until her front settled on to the forest floor. She shuffled closer toward an already existing opening in the bushes, careful not to disturb other parts of her surroundings. To their clan, it was of utmost importance to remain as undetectable as possible, from hunting to gathering to scouting; their presence was not to be found. From youth, Yeva had prided herself in achieving just that, but now, in comparison to those of her Fang, she realized she was only of average skill level. It was not a major motivator in improving her abilities, but it did provide enough of an annoyance to give the occasional push.
Yeva did not bother take hold of her kukri, for she relied on the peaceful nature of the Charodae, but her hand was placed over top in anticipation for the more violent creatures of the wilds. She kept her eye low, hiding the pale blue of her tattoo behind a tangle of leaves, as she watched. As expected, there was no movement aside from the ebb and flow of the waters. The young Myrian remained patient for a while longer, but she did not have much in her to remain for too long, and was about the give up when a slight glimmer caught her eye.
It was the shine of smooth, rubbery skin.
A slow grin surfaced, her exposed eye showing the slightest sign of desire. Perhaps it was her still empty stomach, or the excitement of the new, but Yeva was overwhelmed with the inclination to act. Impulsive as she was, the Myrian was still not entirely confident in her ability to kill a sentient being, biting back the appetite as she began to slink away, her eyes still focused on the prize. She did not bother staying any longer to verify that it was in fact a Charoda that she saw, for there were only so many of her wants she could control at a time, her mind clouded by drive. There was a moment where her haste had caused her knee to brush against a few dead leaves and twigs, causing the slightest crackle of noise, but her quick reaction in freezing and holding her position proved to deter whatever she saw from noticing her. Careful not to make the same mistake twice, Yeva slowed her movements down further as she continued to back away.
Having made a bit more distance, the Myrian stood and began to jog toward camp, reaching the area within seconds. Her Fangmates were still conversing around the fire, but she paid their discussion no heed when she barged in, her steps slowing as she approached.
“Kotakbils both of you. Follow if you want a taste of Charoda.” |