So I know I'm new, but this thread caught my eye and I wanted to just toss in my two cents.
PvP fighting can be SO MUCH FUN (Ashwhoeverhowyouspellit, I will totally make an alt to constantly fight with your character, would be a blast) -- if, of course, you do it right. Which is what everyone is saying, I get it. But it doesn't sound to me like anyone just wants to go on a mad-PC-killing rampage. It sounds like there is a lack of interpersonal-conflict-leading-to-violence, which is totally different.
Character death is a big issue, but it's not everyone's issue. I'm okay with killing folk, and having my folk killed -- I just demand that they die well. And, really, if RP has gone far enough that you find yourself in a life/death fight with another character, chances are you know that player well enough to be like -- whoa, time out, let's just real quick talk about how this is going down. As much as I hate to admit it, there have been times where I really didn't realize how far a fight was going, and death was suddenly sort of imminent, and the other player and I stopped and actually sat down to figure a way around it that was satisfactory to both of us. Intent is just as dramatic as the actual kill, I swear. Barring a reasonable draw, well -- a character died, but that's when the fireworks went off and it was always a great send-off.
Trying to figure it out using specific weapons and fighting styles is going to give every single Mod in the place a gigantic migraine. That's pages and pages and pages of rules that your average player will have to figure out and make sense of, and I fear that we're far too lazy to determine who would win if I have a 45 rapier and someone else has a 45 cutlass. Or knows 45 Kung Fu. Or whatever.
In my (admittedly nerdtastic) experience in the world of RP, I've discovered these few inalienable truths:
1. Combat using complicated rules and dice sucks. It is time-consuming, hard to follow, frustrating, and overall: BORING. Every time I've had a character die because the dice-bot hated me, I have felt cheated. Even if it's more fair, it strips away the drama, the story, and the overall appeal of writing a fight.
2. We all want to be badasses. So let us! As I said above, sometimes you and your fellow player just need to get a little creative, and the results are often spectacular writing-wise.
3. PC death is always avoidable. Unless you've planned it ahead of time, and then it's always gonna be awesome. ...Unless dice get in the way and your final thrust of the sword pokes the guy in the eye instead of the heart and he dies a writhing mess of goo instead of a gently-sinking warrior. Oops.
I think you guys have a really great game here. And the player-base, so far as I've seen it, consists of talented writers and thoughtful players who want to wring the best they possibly can out of this experience. The idea that it should be up to those involved -- whether they write it out using an honor system or involve dice or have a mod overseeing -- seems to me like the best possible solution.
I'm never afraid of a fight if the goal is to write incredible conflict. I'm terrified of fights that involve rolling dice. I love playing generally mean-spirited characters who smack people they shouldn't and are cruel to everyone they meet. I've avoided that style of character here so far simply because I expected one would die pretty fast, lol. Tell me I'm wrong!
Also -- whoever said that their game had a "describing the attempt not the hit" rule is a genius. I've done that in previous games as well, and it really makes it easier and more fun, and so long as both parties are aware of how the scales tip, it can lead to interesting, creative role-play even in the midst of a battle. You feel required to make the other character look as cool as your own, and that makes everything much more intense.
I agree with Goss that the game is new, and people need time to build and grow and figure everything out, but I totally think it's possible to get some good violence on while we're at it.
Good luck!