Timestamp: 57th of Fall, 511 AV
Location: The Sanctuary
Purpose: K'Sabe wants a job.
Status: Open to Sanc Folks
Kavala was bloody. This wasn't an unusual thing, but what was unusual was the birth that had just taken place in the exam room emergency style because an Akalak had failed to bring his pet in until it was almost too late. When the door chimes sounded as a Konti slipped through and called out that she was seeking employment, Kavala grinned.
"Thank you Rak'keli!" Kavala whispered then popped her head out of the exam room door and beckoned with a bloody hand.
"Wash up. Get in here. I need a hand. Keep your dog out in the reception!" She said, pointing to the sink to one side just past the reception desk. It had a nice well-head with a handpump on it that allowed the healers to clean their hands before and between patients. "Got a Kiparon in here that might not make it. And there's nine or more puppies that need attention immediately. With just me here today its either her or them. Your hands can make all the difference. Get over to that basket, tell me what you see, and tell me what needs to be done." Kavala said, her hands back inside the dog's open stomach, pulling free yet another puppy. She cleaned out its eyes, and used a sort of seaweed bulb to suction out its nose and mouth. Then she set it in the basket with the rest of the squirming bloody puppies.
Turning back to the bitch, Kavala went back to work on her. Various bloody tools lay beside the dog in a clean tray and the dog herself looked as if she were drugged within an inch of her life.
Location: The Sanctuary
Purpose: K'Sabe wants a job.
Status: Open to Sanc Folks
Kavala was bloody. This wasn't an unusual thing, but what was unusual was the birth that had just taken place in the exam room emergency style because an Akalak had failed to bring his pet in until it was almost too late. When the door chimes sounded as a Konti slipped through and called out that she was seeking employment, Kavala grinned.
"Thank you Rak'keli!" Kavala whispered then popped her head out of the exam room door and beckoned with a bloody hand.
"Wash up. Get in here. I need a hand. Keep your dog out in the reception!" She said, pointing to the sink to one side just past the reception desk. It had a nice well-head with a handpump on it that allowed the healers to clean their hands before and between patients. "Got a Kiparon in here that might not make it. And there's nine or more puppies that need attention immediately. With just me here today its either her or them. Your hands can make all the difference. Get over to that basket, tell me what you see, and tell me what needs to be done." Kavala said, her hands back inside the dog's open stomach, pulling free yet another puppy. She cleaned out its eyes, and used a sort of seaweed bulb to suction out its nose and mouth. Then she set it in the basket with the rest of the squirming bloody puppies.
Turning back to the bitch, Kavala went back to work on her. Various bloody tools lay beside the dog in a clean tray and the dog herself looked as if she were drugged within an inch of her life.