Seven could not have anticipated or acted properly to such an event if he had been trained – all that flooded his mind as the beast reared and its front left the ground was panic. Panic and then wild confusion as his burning legs left the horse with little to hold on to but the thick saddle blanket that slipped off beneath him. There was nothing but air, the sound of a whinnying mare and the crunch of a tiny life beneath startled hooves for what seemed like an indeterminate amount of time – though likely this only lasted a second at most – before Seven landed hard against muscle and waiting arms. “Aah!” he exclaimed, world tumbling in utter confusion as Dimitri ducked with him and rolled away to safety from the bolting horse. Seven was thusly flung to the dirty ground and laid on his back, staring wide-eyed at the cloudy sky, terrified to move.
Was anything broken? Toes wriggled, fingers twitched at his side and he finally took in a deep gasping breath to compensate for the wind that had been knocked from his lungs after the fall. Rather than exhaling, he flipped over onto his side and curled into a fetal position to sputter and choke the air back out. No searing pain overwhelmed him when he breathed, so he could only guess that nothing was gravely wrong inside of him. If the halfblood had been a complete Symenestra the fall likely would have broken him – Seven silently thanked the gods for the awful and wonderful predicament of his birth.
Seven could only watch as their mount grew tiny with distance as it bolted mindlessly across the field. And for what? A tiny creature that lay crushed and bloodied from the idiot beast’s careless hooves. Seven wrinkled his nose, a look of contempt staining his garnet countenance before he slowly and shakily sat up. “That was,” Seven paused, taking another deep breath and murmuring a silent prayer before he teetered to his feet. Despite bruising and the sick feeling of abating panic, it seemed he was going to survive. He finished the thought from behind a furrowed brow, “Interesting.”
Seven turned slowly to face the squire that had absorbed the brunt of his impact. “Are you okay?”