[Flashback:Coren] Library Daze

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

[Flashback:Coren] Library Daze

Postby Antar on September 3rd, 2011, 10:57 pm

oocFinding an auristics book, after a long search was approved by: Aspen :)
6th of Fall, 510av
Location: Stories in the Snow (library)

Noth was still stumbling around Avanthal, making his way too and fro to learn the area when he heard about the Library within avanthal. Ever curious, and willing to get out of the cold, the non-vantha asked his way along town for directions to get to the building and eventually the wintry stone building came to his eyes. He'd been thinking for a while, after his run in with a young man the other day using a bit of magic he was unfamiliar with that he might peruse the book selections and attempt to study to figure out just which ones might be helpful to him. Not just in identifying what magics others used, but rather one he'd heard vaguely about- auristics, would be most useful to his goals of tracking down the spider he was here to catch.

But first it was a matter of finding the right tome or text to study. He well thought books on magical subjects (due to the severity of the present peoples views on mages) would be quite difficult to find but Antar intended to search the library throughout in order to do so. After all, Avanthal had been around since before the valterran, surely something was still here , hidden beneath the dust. Perhaps he might find more then one tomeie. get a start on gaining knowledge on shielding as well to occupy his time, and he would return here diligently to read and gain enough knowledge to help him theorize a better grasp of his own unwanted burdens or find something useful to offset them.

Entering the door, he made sure to be respectful enough to wipe his feet and hang his cloak upon one of the waiting hooks before reading a small pamphlet on the library's organizational system. Finally, unable to find anyone willing to help him, he began to wander the confines of the larger public room, scanning the books upon the shelves as he began to browse.

There was a set of chairs over by a window, and if the rogue found one that caught his eye, he'd take it there to read...
"I am the Shadow and the smoke in your eyes, I am the ghost that hides in the night."
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[Flashback:Coren] Library Daze

Postby Coren on September 5th, 2011, 10:08 pm

Coren awkwardly pushed the door of the library open with his right hand, trying not to drop the three filled scroll cases he had shoved underneath his left arm in the process, they had cost him a reasonable amount of money so he was loathe to damage them, and walked inside giving a cheerful nod in return to the weird stare he got from the young vantha behind the counter. After that he walked along the bookshelves, searching for the section of the library that held the storybooks.

It didn't take to long for Coren to find the specific shelves and began to look through the books there for a collection of tales that didn't sound to hard to translate, while still being intresting enough for him not to fall asleep halfway from boredom. After a few chimes of digging through the shelves he finally found a storybook that looked interesting and took it from the shelf and walked towards a few chairs and a small table situated by a window. Silently dropping the book and his scroll cases on the table before taking his rumpled but serviceable quill and a vial of blank ink out of his pockets and sat down. Pulling a scroll out of its case and opening the book. Ready to start improving his grasp on the old language.

"I'm speaking vani"
"I am speaking common"
"Me speaking nader canoch!"

Real life is kicking me in the can at the moment. posting is delayed. sorry for the inconvienience.
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[Flashback:Coren] Library Daze

Postby Antar on September 7th, 2011, 4:08 am

Within the library there were many shelves, and he was quick to realize they were arranged by subject and then by alphabetical order. He found many books of interest, and started collecting a pile of what he could find useful...

On the first shelf to catch his eyes, he pulled a well thumbed language book on learning Vani written in a common to basic format of course. Noth's eyes glinted at the treasure in his hands: the spoken language of the Vantha people would be a useful tool in his reasons for being in avanthal and studying up was a surefire way to improve his chances. This selection was soon followed by another small book about the history of avanthal, the icewatch and the structure of the vantha' populace into several 'holds' which were run by like minded skill sets. The last book he found upon was a seemingly religious sort of tome to Morwen, and a few notations of how the vantha viewed her to be. All three books were carried along as he continued searching. Shelf by shelf, subject matter by subject matter.

In the travel section , he found the most famous book still in print: An Account of the circumnavigation of Mizahar. Even more, it was in two different languages: Vani, and common. Antar took one of each, figuring that the vani one was much larger, with the spine of the book at least a bit thicker. He guessed the stories of Vani language was true- one syllable could be lengthened out to an entire sentence.

As he continued he spotted an introduction book on hunting and taldera flora and fauna he couldn't pass up and promptly took it for his own ends. The prior day he had tried to impersonate someone a little knowledgeable of snow owls and had probably made a fool of himself in the process. But that was alright, the impersonation business was so you could sound like you knew what you were talking about. But it would be best to back it up a little with factual knowledge.

With four books in his hand, he continued his arduous task of searching high and low.

Chime after chime passed, with him finding only a slight text on medical bandages and braces for novices, which he also added to the pile before continuing his search.

He finally found something of worth inside a small curtained over glass cabinet that was located under the windows. A series of unmarked books with faded spines, and a set of leather gloves sitting on top of the shelf. Thinking these were probably the more fragile tomes, he borrowed the gloves and placed them on his hands to reach inside. Picking one at random he opened it to take a look. To his amazement he noticed the flowerly scrawl of the vani language, with only a few words of common interspersed between them. But from the snippets of what he did note inside the book, faded scrawlings of a third language were apparent. Words he couldn't make out from the rest. Thinking of it of interest to come back to later, Noth put it away to reach for the next book on the shelf. What he found was an old worn copy of the Treval Codex.

With these thoughts in mind, Noth picked the book up and took it over to a small wooden stand, where he reverently placed it upright. He then returned back towards the cabinet to look at the other volumes. Finally, one which was titled, Magic and I, and a smaller nondescriptive tome marked by a telltale waterproof cover of skyblue silk drew his eye.

Looking inside its pages, he spotted clearly written in common and Vani a double sided book. If one was to read it left to right, the pages would be in common. However, printed and worked in upside, if one was to turn it around and read it from cover to back, the second book copy would be completely in Vantha. Peering down at the works, he saw the title written in small block formed letters. "Auristics Theory, Techniques, and Practical uses of the Art's usefulness in the Engineering and the crafting of dwellings and items." By T.A. Iceglaze.

'Paydirt.' Noth thought as he considered his find, reaching towards the book on the holds he skimmed through to where he had found a reference to the Iceglaze, well known craftsman tasked well versed in the arts of building and crafting useful items. For some reason the idea of not only knowing auristics, but the basics on building useful things... appealed to him. It whispered of what a life away from the killing and murder might be like and he wanted to explore it thoroughly, gathering up the books in hand, and moving the reading stand he made his way to the table on the far side of the library's first room.

There he spotted none other then Coren sitting in a small chair nearby.

Sighing inwardly, Noth intentionally paid Coren no mind as he set down the rest books at the nearby table. Figuring it was best to start the learning process with a grasp of the local language he picked up the Vani Language book and opened the cover to the table of contents. The two books on magical theory and auristics he let sit on the stands unopened, as he began to read the starting chapter of the book...
Last edited by Antar on November 5th, 2011, 4:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
"I am the Shadow and the smoke in your eyes, I am the ghost that hides in the night."
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[Flashback:Coren] Library Daze

Postby Antar on October 6th, 2011, 9:37 pm

Ah... the language of the Vantha, Vani. It was a floral language, with a variety of long and short vowel sounds that derived into event greather phonetic combinations to describe something as plain as the color , "white." There were thirteen combinations of the word 'white' describing the various shades of white, and the texture which was implied in. There was snow white, beach-white, whale-white, but that was just one example. Vani, was a fascinating language of study to be sure.

Sound identification involving the Intial sounds, the medial, and the final sounds before venturing into Digraphs and dipthongs. His mind began to absorb it all like a sponge. Muttering a few words in vani himself, he turned towards Coren, book in hand, "Ho- w are- you- today."

The man seemed to ignore him, intent upon his own work and scrawlings but for a moment, Noth wondered what he had done wrong.

The words had came out longer sounding then they should, but he wasn't a vani. He didn't have the innate cultural capacity to fire the syllables off at a thousand words per minute like a chattering chipmunk that all of them seemed to be born with. He figured it must be something like the part of their brains that let their bodies have icewater in their veins. Though , if truth be told, if he was part of a culture ice locked in the sterile sights of the boonies in the north of the world it would be no wonder the language, garments, and crafts were all so endemic to try to beautify their surroundings and attract the eye like a butterfly's wings. Especially in the choking grip of snow and winter where ice and snow only had so many hues. The only thing he'd seen remotely colorful was the auroras in the sky. But it was truly a key to understanding the vantha, and their Vani language. They'd have to become long winded irate people just to keep themselves sane at times!

Suddenly, Noth had an intrinsic revelation on why Cara, Darren, and maybe even Coren seemed to be the way they were...Thumbing through the pages, he started with the Vani alphabet, trying to imprint the way the squiggles of the page meshed and equaled certain written parts of the Common dialect's sounds. Soon, as time stretched on, Noth found himself understand a bit more of the written and verbal language of the Vantha as he strove to attain a basic comprehension of the languages word order.

Many languages were not ordered like common, where a simple sentence would have a noun- and then verb with a subject following after. Like - The Cat ate the mouse . Some languages would portray that same sentence as "whiskered rodent catcher's tummy was filled most adequately." Or some strange nonsense like that. But at least the vani dialect followed the same simple grammatical rules of common. Even if it was capable of spreading out a single syllable into thirteen different words with slightly different connotations or meanings. There were over thirty six permutations between the word 'friend' which could change friend into 'lover' or dear- hearted one.

It was an absolutely fascinating thing to read, and an even greater joy to understand. Soon enough he was playing word games with himself, memorizing the words for day, evening, dusk, and dawn before heading onto the days of the week, and the calendar of how the vani language marked their months and seasons. Willing to try to talk to Coren again he pondered how to form his simple sentence, thinking carefully on which symbols to postulate and coordinate the meaning of his next attempt to gain the man's attention. "I see that winters here in Avanthal must be cold. In fact- all season-" He stumbled over the word for seasons, a dreadfully complex twisting of the first syllables of each vani word month coinciding into a tongue twisting verbage that would assault the senses of any outsider without the lilting tone the Vantha seemed to sing it with. ''eason-on-ons are quite cold. Aren't they?"

This time there was a response from the man in the form of a glare in Noth's direction before he stopped to glance back at his work. The rogue sighed and picked up the book on auristics and engineering he'd found on the shelf to open it upon his lap. Using the dictionary as a guide, he began to translate syllable by syllable the basics of engineering, of how an equilateral triangle, or an arch was the best means to distrubute the weight of a structure around a gap such as a window or a door.

He took that piece of information to heart as he flipped through to see other engineering principles describing weight calculations, and how some timbers could be kept moist if used in the foundations of the ice palace if they were ensured running water at least once a season by an ice reaver. He wasn't quite sure what an ice reaver or ice reaving was, but it seemed interesting enough to read and translate onto the basics statistics of how Auristics could be used to assess and understand damage to a structure.

Then his gaze settled onto one word of the passage that seemed to jump out at him. Noth foolishly spoke the word aloud in Vani, as that was what his mind was trying to learn... "Auristics".

Whatever the reason for it, his utterance of the term caused Coren to look at him, and then down to the dictionary, and the book Noth held across his lap. And not only that but to the following pages with a few scribbles in another language that was neither vani or common but rather if he could understand would have been clear to the mage that it was the runes of the old language. And beside and under it, a rosetta stone of sorts, transcribing the basics of auristics was split between the three languages present in a manner the author probably believed only a vantha fluent in common and in vani might understand if they had a poor smattering of the ancient tongue... or if one knew a bit of the ancient tongue of nadar canoch already, the information might lead them to piece together the aspects with common. Grasping a greater understanding of all three langauges.

A person reading the book would only be required to know two of the three languages to begin the task of learning, and Noth was sure he'd puzzle it out on his own if need be. It was a like a puzzle or a cryptographic secret. And he loved to figure out secrets... Turning to Coren who was still staring at him, Noth asked again. "Can you help me? What does this mean?"

He paused a moment to puzzle out the words written phonetically next to the runes, and the sentence it formed."Djed-Abaset, Gligatl-Djunn Capos-cha-Hea Pon-Pechi-Korad Kapos?"

ooc<<Beginning backbone/ Craft -joine/ ocean-of-colors-see / Thoughts-bonded and tied together with colors>>

Searching to the back of the book he found a list of the strange syllables and beside it a listing of their vani equivalents. If necessary he could translate the language longhand from vani to common with the dictionary as an aide to discover why "Auristics" seemed to be capable of seeing a weakness of a structure. A fascinating concept he figured might also help him complete his other tasks here in Avanthal this season...
"I am the Shadow and the smoke in your eyes, I am the ghost that hides in the night."
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[Flashback:Coren] Library Daze

Postby Coren on October 31st, 2011, 11:35 pm

Coren was focusing on translating the text right in front of him and tried his best to shut out the man trying to talk to him, becoming a bit more irritated every time the man tried again. Couldn't the man see that he was busy and leave him alone? Like every person with even a shred of manners would have? When the man called out to him for a third time he was about to give him a piece of his mind and tell the man that he should leave a working man alone. But that idea was kicked out of his mind when he heard the familiar but at the same time very strange sounds of nader-canoch.

He looked up form his work, a slightly confused look on his face and focused on the man who he had met a few day's ago in the park... noth was his name, or at least it sounded like it.
“Well, Djed means backbone, though its also the name for the energy that fuels magic, abase can mean a lot of things, but its joined with djed here, so its either beginning or that which moves. I honestly don't have an idea what that word was, could mean but its a past tense. I'm sure djunn means something that is made by man..... art or craft. Chapos-cha-hea is a combination of ocean, colors and seeing. So those parts form. Beginning djed, the past thense I didn't know what it meant, crafted, sees an ocean of colors”
He paused for a moment as he mulled over what the rest of the sentence could have meant. He couldn't really make sense out of what he had found out righ tnow.
“Well can I see the book your reading from for a moment? I am not that good in the old tongue myself and translating by ear is fairly difficult. And without the last part of the sentence we probably aren't going to understand any of it.” He held out his hand. Hoping that the man would comply. "I'll give it back after I'm done with it of course."

"I'm speaking vani"
"I am speaking common"
"Me speaking nader canoch!"

Real life is kicking me in the can at the moment. posting is delayed. sorry for the inconvienience.
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[Flashback:Coren] Library Daze

Postby Antar on November 2nd, 2011, 9:20 pm

oocI'm going to assume you were having your PC speaking in vani :)

Sighing a moment as the other man finally seemed to have perked up enough interest to at least speak to him, Noth nodded and paid attention as the other man began to speak. It was difficult for him to understand what the man was saying at first, something about colored bones and some such, but when the man asked for the book it became clear enough.

Noth and Then he tried to reply in broken vani, as well "The book is about construction, I think." He switched back to the common tongue as the words failed him, "Just about the uses of Auristics in the construction of the holds and other forms of structures in Avanthal. Discusses something known as 'morwen's gift' too from what I can skim off it. One moment please, I'll give book to you soon."

Puzzling a moment he surmised the man wished to look at the rest of the sentence in this third toungue, set aside as a strange mixing of three language blocks. The 'Old tongue' at the top, the vani language on the bottom right, and the common language on the bottom left. Perhaps he would read the sigils that seemed to phonetically spell out in vani the third language to be said aloud. From what Noth had thought, a few of the more ... primal languages of the old mizaharan world were made before the written language.

At least he knew what djed was... it was the stuff inside him that allowed him to begin summoning his res... a part of his spirit if you would. But what would Coren know of such things? Sure... he had seen the man lift something without hands... perhaps the vanthan knew another set of magic then his reimancy. Perhaps after time; Noth might convince him to be more open about such things. He knew how unlikely that was of course, the rogue himself was overly paranoid about anyone knowing about his curse.

Standing up he went back to the glassed shelf and gathered a second large set of white gloves to procure for Coren's use and when he returned, Noth held them towards the other man. "Please wear these. They were where I find book. Perhaps as you look at it, you can tell me?"
"I am the Shadow and the smoke in your eyes, I am the ghost that hides in the night."
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[Flashback:Coren] Library Daze

Postby Coren on November 3rd, 2011, 1:29 pm

Coren raised an eyebrow when noth said that the book was about construction, why would a book about construction be written partially, or even completely, in the old tongue? Just watching the man as he tried to explain as he struggled to say what he meant in vani. Before he just gave up and switched to common. Well, he didn't know anything about what the heck that auristics thing was, but if it involved djed it was most likely a kind of magic. And the book spoke about seeing colors and seeing stuff. So it probably was a magic that was based on vision.

And as Noth left to get the book Coren couldn't help but feel a bit of curiosity pulling on his mind, he was about to find out about the existence of a whole new way of manipulating his djed. He quickly reigned in that enthusiasm though. He didn't even have an inkling of information about what the magic did and how it could backlash if it was done wrong or if he used it for to long. Not to mention that the book might not even include how to learn the art. Or didn't have anything else on it besides the uses in construction work.

When the man came back and handed him a pair of white gloves, asking him to put them on he just nodded and put them on, probably the book was old and valuable if they had to wear gloves to handle them.
“Also,” Coren piped up in his heavily accented common, thinking it would be easier for the man to communicate in a language he was more familiar with. “Morwin's gift means a gnosis mark from morwen.” He pushed a bit of his work to the side before carefully taking the book from the man's hands, laying it down on the desk. Quickly looking over the page for the same sentence he had just tried to translate. Though he raised his eyebrows as he saw the text was translated both in common and vani. The person sounded as if he was a native in common, so why did he need him to translate a piece of the old tongue if it was already translated right besides it? Well, unless he was interested in also learning nader canoch.

“So your also interested in learning the old tongue are you?” Coren offhandedly mentioned as he continued to read through the page, looking for the sentence he had been trying to translate by ear.
“oh right here is the sentence. Lets see. Pon-Pechi-Korad Capos. Rhoughly would mean, thoughts tied to colors.” He paused for a while. That piece of the sentence did confirm his little theory, it was a type of magic that had to do with vision, looking at thoughts more or less.
“Well from what is written in nader-canoch I would say it meant that you could use dejd to look at the thoughts of others, most likely noticing them as colors or something like that. But if we look at the translated version.” He pointed towards the same sentence, though this time translated in vani.
“It uses aura's instead of thoughts. So its most likely talking about a magic art how to read aura's.” He turned towards the man standing next to him.
“Tell me one thing, are you planning to learn that magic from this book?” He gave the man a scrutinizing stare.

"I'm speaking vani"
"I am speaking common"
"Me speaking nader canoch!"

Real life is kicking me in the can at the moment. posting is delayed. sorry for the inconvienience.
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[Flashback:Coren] Library Daze

Postby Antar on November 3rd, 2011, 5:29 pm

"That would be good learning, yes?" Antar said a little before making his way to sit. "Very good learning to have, maybe if useful to find people and things," The rogue paused a moment to stay in character of what he had related to Coren before like a bubbly airhead, Using the dictionary as a reference he slowly began putting his thoughts together. "and birds, definitely useful to find birds. But perhaps it used for other things? I know many people not like magic, but at least here in Avanthal it tolerated some. Some have uses of good. Uses to build. This book about construction, auristics said useful to help in that. I'm curious about how's , and why's. Want to learn this, yes I do. Want to learn vani, and nad--eeer Canoch so find more knowledge about old times and learn this auristics. Perhaps all, good for finding things."

With a bit of hesitation in his voice Noth did place a small tone of worry in his voice, "But some say; magic is hurtful to yourself with no control. Can this book tell one how to control such things?"

Gazing over at the book's upside down form he glanced down to the next passage in common and vani, and then the third spelled out in vani phonetics. "This Nadeer cannotch no have words of its own, just spelled out close in syllables. Interesting."

He began to sound out the next passage and then looked at his notes to transcribe what it all meant, translating things that made little sense to him now, but perhaps with Coren's knowledge might assist him to understand after it was finished...

Pond Djas-Pond Djun-Korad Pond-radjud Daeq-djun gug-chapa-Capos

It took him twice as long to translate it back into vani and for a few minutes of scribbles all he could convey was, "Balance/Self's scales/ Craft/ ties together/ broken thoughts/ Shaped made by men / many colored oceans." His brow furrowed in thought as he tried to glance over to read the common translation. "The balance of the mind is key to see auras, as they tie together the broken thougts of men. Though not in the direct sense. You will not be able to actually see another's thoughts. Just the impressions they leave in their auras."

He moved onto the next sentence and did the same.
Nader-ranuri/ isikai-nader rozas/Roza-Ranjaq-nader/djed-radjud-gug/ gligroza-djun/ djun-ranuri/ ruwe-pond

"Our desires interrupted we-believe /End our chains/ Backbone-broken many paired with craft's end/ craft's desires(sweet whispers ;) ) under thoughts(unconscious) . Taking a glance at the vani and the common tongue he noticed a bit difference of words in their separate passages. "Beware the craft's backlash and sweet whispers can cause one to go unconscious, have pains in one's head, or even be damaged in one's mind and memory if the whispers are bad enough. Meditation and control may be key to using this craft well."

The vani language translation was different, it was not a translation at all, merely a more indepth warning and he puzzled it out by translating it back into common, but spoke it softly in Vani to the other man. " Over giving in auristics is common for one just starting, so is the pain it may bring to your mind. Do not use in crowded rooms or situations."

Sitting back, Noth shot a puzzled look at the other man, "Interesting, so man who wrote book saught to keep the words clouded so not everyone could read. Very interesting. What say you Coren, do you hate magic too or are you like some vantha and view it as tolerable? Even if some may help find secrets?"
"I am the Shadow and the smoke in your eyes, I am the ghost that hides in the night."
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[Flashback:Coren] Library Daze

Postby Coren on November 4th, 2011, 12:57 pm

Coren let out a deep sigh as noth gave his most important reason to learn this kind of magic. Looking for things, birds in particular, and only had a vague idea how dangerous magic could be.
“Noth.” Coren simpely said in his heavily accented common. “Please listen very carefully right now, Magic isn't only hurtful to yourself with no control, every time you use magic it has the chance to screw yourself up so bad even rak'keli herself might not be able to piece your djed-wracked body back to its former state. And that is if your lucky. If you want to learn any magic at all, please think it over a bit more and be sure that you really want to take the risk of insanity and an early ,most likely horrible, death.” He paused for a few moments, hoping that his words would get through to noth.
“Now just forget about learning magic from this book right away for a while and lets just find out if there are any instructions to learn it from this book at all, and if those instructions make sense or are safe.” He didn't know anything about auristics aside from the vagua idea he just found out about but he guessed he could at least know when something was going to be downright suicidal.
“Also its nader-canoch, not nadeer cannotch.” he helpfully corrected the man's butchering of the words pronunciation.

Coren just listened as noth slowly tried to translate the book while it was upside down, causing him to carefully twist the book a bit so that they could read at the same time without to much trouble.
He didn't bother to try and translate most parts out loud for the man's benefit, still unsure if the man would be right capable of handling using magic, but the man was able to read the more extended version in common anyway. So no problem there.

At Noth's question if he hated magic he just shrugged, before answering in the most neutral voice. “I have nothing against magic, nor do I have anything about teaching people teaching other people magic in a responsible way and some secrets deserve to be dug up and taught the world.” He looked Noth back in the eye. “Others however should either only be taught to people who can handle it or stay buried for the rest of time itself. Just like giving magic to people who cannot handle it is irresponsible and most likely only going to come back and bite people in the arse later.”

"I'm speaking vani"
"I am speaking common"
"Me speaking nader canoch!"

Real life is kicking me in the can at the moment. posting is delayed. sorry for the inconvienience.
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[Flashback:Coren] Library Daze

Postby Antar on November 8th, 2011, 5:02 pm

"Nader-canoch, nader-canoch." he muttered repeating the man's words. It was a good name, if names were of any sort to go by. Yes, a decent name enough for an ancient language.

He waited patiently as the man made his explanations and finally his warning towards him. Noth smiled a little at reply, thinking that the man's choice words were far off their mark. But only because he was acting the part of a ditzy animal lover around the other man. Nodding his head solemnly and appearing to be chastised he responded, "Yes, of course Coren. I'm aware of such things. I would think Auristics has its perils just like any other magic. I might sometimes be a fool but I'm not completely in the dark about learning something new. It's not like I haven't learned similar things before..."

At his words, Anthony slowly took off one of the gloves he was wearing and surged his djed to his hands, and his palms released the smallest weeping fluid of Res to bring to light it above his finger for the briefest second before using it to light a nearby candle to read. It puffed out of existence before he turned back towards the other man, "Oh don't worry, I don't attack people or anything with it, reimancy as they say. I'm barely started after all. I just find it useful in the event of an emergency to start a campfire. Like if I was freezing in the tundra or something. Best creed I follow- only as a last resort." He turned towards the other man, "Don't you think that's best?"

His brow furrowed a moment, and his tone got very serious. "But aside from that... I think you said something that might be important to me. Something about Morwen. I respect Morwen greatly you know. Tough choices she made back during the cataclysm of the Valt. But I don't know much beyond that. Could you tell me more? What is this Morwen's Mark? What does it do? How do you vantha know Morwen as?
"I am the Shadow and the smoke in your eyes, I am the ghost that hides in the night."
~Back, but slow. :)
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"A thousand voices screaming in unison..."
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