1. Name - Those of you that know me call me Dan. Those of you who don't - will soon enough - so call me Dan
2. What sort of RP experience do you have if any? Wow ... how many years do you need me to go back in order to answer this?
3. How did you find us? Jen
4. What sort of RP style is your favorite? I don't have a favorite. I have RP'd most everything out there from adventures to politics from good to evil from the sword to magic. I like diversity.
5. What do you like to write about - not write about? I'm not a fan of the love stuff. I like reading it, but don't care much for RPing it.
6. Whats your favorite thing about Mizahar so far? The fact that the world is not unified under one government banner.
7. What, if anything, has frustrated you about Mizahar so far? The lore items not yet finished. I know you all are working on it, so I think frustrated is not the right word.
8. What would you like out of the mizahar experience? fun!!
9. Is there anything you'd like to see expanded? The other orders outside of the syliran knights
10. Anything else you want to talk about? Nope