by Gossamer on October 24th, 2011, 7:35 pm
Welcome to the NaNoWriMo Registry! If you want to earn yourself the 2011 NaNoWriMo medal you must register on Nov 1st or soon thereafter to begin your word count. Word counts will only go from the initial post in this forum and count +50,000 from then on out to win the medal. Here's how we are going to do this. Post your PC's name in this forum WITH your PC account and state your pc's word count. I will use myself as an example. People checking the thread can then verify you've posted your CURRENT to that moment word count and you can then increase your word count from there. Example:
Gossamer Words: 1420448
This thread will be unlocked Oct 31st/Nov 1st at Midnight PST. You may begin registration then! Registrations can happen all throughout November, but remember your word count only COUNTS from the date you register and that current word count on until Nov 1st. Late registrations are at a distinct disadvantage. |