Syfec Morbus

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Syfec Morbus

Postby Syfec Morbus on August 10th, 2009, 6:56 am

So You Want To Know Syfec Morbus...


...Are You Sure?

Basic Information

Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Human

Birthday: 9th Day of Fall, 490 AV
Birthplace: Zeltiva, Sylira Region

Physical Attributes

I'm not the most manly man, standing at a height of five foot eleven inches and weighing in at a mere 150 lbs, but that doesn't mean I can't beat your father into the ground. I wear my hair long; the tips reach down to just the middle of my back. Just in the last year or so have I decided to grow it out. Partly due to my laziness in getting a haircut, partly due to my sudden affinity for the look. My eyes exist in a constant blue-grey limbo, it's exact hue changing day by day. I have a facial structure that the ladies would consider quite handsome, well... one lady did... but that's a story for a another time.

Overall, I'm rather unremarkable. I have pale skin, earned by many a day indoors, though I plan to change that soon. I maintain a few muscles, which I've recently gained from the modest traveling I've engaged in. I have no tattoos. No piercings. I supposed my only real defining trait is my scars. Up and down my arms, from every angle, there are 1-2" scars. They cover my both of my arms, going all the way up to the shoulder. A small price to pay for the worlds that they unlocked. Another story for another time.

Character Concept

I suppose one might call me ambitious. That would only be a half truth. I was born to lead, born to control, born for power. And I know it. I'll settle for nothing less than world changing. I will change the world, it's just a matter of how, and more importantly: why?

I been bookish since a young age. I once was told that "Knowledge is power' and I took it to heart. I was raised by tutors, always learning as much as I could, even going outside the curriculum to keep ahead. I supposed reading is just a part of me. Though, as of late I've been trying to get out more. You can't truly experience the world by sitting in a room with a lamp. I'm just starting to realize that.

I don't really align myself with a particular god or moral system. It's all just subjective anyways. Evil is just a point of view. And it's always the other sides point of view. I look out for myself and myself only. After the world hits you, you realize that you are the only one who will look out for you. It's a truth a learned just a few years ago.

I have somewhat of a weakness for the fairer sex, though I have paid for it. It leaves me with a strange dynamic. A sort of hole that I want to fill desperately, but at the same time it's almost better to leave it empty, because if I keep giving it up to women, the hole will only get bigger.

I've recently started thinking more about my life and my direction lately. I really have no true guiding force. No ideal that I will hold fast and defend with my life. I almost envy those that have a certain god or belief system that they will not give up. I almost envy the Syliran Knights, who selflessly worry about the general populace rather than their own well being. I almost envy the Ebonstryfe, who blinding follow their God through death and destruction. Almost.


My story? Ahhh, I suppose I knew the time would come for my story, though that doesn't make the memories any more pleasant. Before we begin, we need to get a couple things straight. I'm going to split it up into to parts; Ancient History and Recent Happenings. Ancient History is just that: Ancient History. That means you don't ask about it, talk about it, tell other people about it, or ever ever bring it up to me. Ever. The other parts are up for grabs. Anyways, let's get this over with...

Ancient History

Where should we start? The beginning? Sounds good. Well, I suppose the technical beginning was on the 9th Day of Fall, 490 AV when I was born. I was (un)fortunate enough to be born into a wealthy Zeltivan merchant class family. I had everything I ever needed or wanted, which was a great blessing and a terrible curse at the same time. It left me with a pampering that no young boy should ever have. I became spoiled, horribly spoiled.
Last edited by Syfec Morbus on May 25th, 2010, 4:56 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Syfec Morbus
Freelance Reimancer
Posts: 67
Words: 13441
Joined roleplay: August 4th, 2009, 1:14 am
Race: Human
Character sheet

Re: Syfec Morbus

Postby Syfec Morbus on August 11th, 2009, 1:06 am

Last edited by Syfec Morbus on September 30th, 2009, 3:41 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Syfec Morbus
Freelance Reimancer
Posts: 67
Words: 13441
Joined roleplay: August 4th, 2009, 1:14 am
Race: Human
Character sheet

Re: Syfec Morbus

Postby Syfec Morbus on August 17th, 2009, 5:11 pm

Thread List

Timestamp Link Overview XP Awarded
5th day of Spring, 504 AV Techniques of Persuasion Syfec learns about Ethos TBD
2nd Day of Summer, 509 AV Apartment Purchase Syfec makes a deal for an apartment N/A
7th day of Summer, 509 AV Practice Makes Perfect Reimancy Practice 2 pts Reimancy
8th Day of Summer, 509 AV Lost Arts Syfec meets Voreasos Alisier N/A
10th Day of Summer, 509 AV An Ancient Art Syfec finds a book on Glyphing and the ancient language and also procures an odd collection of maps. 1 pt Investigation
1st Day of Fall, 509 AV Fall Lease Renewal Syfec renews his lease at Travelers Row N/A
5th Day of Fall, 509 AV The Job Search Syfec looks for a job N/A
8th Day of Fall, 509 AV A Dangerous Craft Syfec Meets Kanzora TBD
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Syfec Morbus
Freelance Reimancer
Posts: 67
Words: 13441
Joined roleplay: August 4th, 2009, 1:14 am
Race: Human
Character sheet

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