His mind far removed from his surroundings, he worked on manipulating his form while he urged his image a few feet in the air. Time among the friendly folks of the Sanctuary was good and peaceful for the most part, but it was these times alone that he found himself most blest for away from the living his mind tended not to wander to more unpleasant things. He still had to keep himself busy to be sure, and that was why he had decided to work on his materialization in the foyer of the Sanctuary, steadily concentrating on giving himself a more solid looking body, before trying to work out the minor details of his form.
With but a thought his white sea faring shirt, a simple tunic of cotton, flared but a moment and soon was covered in minor tears, and stains. A phantom wind fluttered at his tan breeches, tossing them this way and that, and concentrating he added a rope belt that could usually be found tied securely about his waist in the days he had need of clothing. Simple twine sandals adorned his feet, his toes well kept and trim but yet no calluses that he bore in life colored the sides of his feet. Focusing his mind there his mind worked on bringing rough ridges of skin to his feet, focusing on brining a more thick look to the skin there but straining his mind so he failed to bring about the desired change besides a simple slash of off white that colored the sides of his feet.
It simply brought a sigh from him, after all it didn't much matter as it was just ascetics. How good it would be to look like he had in life when his wife and children where brought here though. Concentrating on his hair, and the memory of how it looked blowing in the wind as he stared down into a water basin, he tousled his hair slightly to the side, the thick locks falling at odd angles almost naturally. The air around him suffused with a salty brine like twinge in that moment and for a moment he felt like he could almost hear the wind in his ears.
All too suddenly it was gone and his concentration faltered as he felt a alien sensation pass through him, eliciting what would be akin to a shudder for the living. There was a voice, a man's soon after before Ragnor could even investigate and startled he did the first thing that came to mind after experiencing something wholly strange, and unnatural, he blinked. Ragnor was quick to reappear only a few steps away, but he had done it behind himself, putting him just behind the man who had spoken up giving him a full view of the man's tangled mass of hair. "I'm Ragnor, I've been here more than a season, the better question is who are you stranger?" He rumbled, not caring weather or not he startled this man who dared to intrude on the safety of the Sanctuary.
At his side his ethereal fist clenched, and his eyes narrowed as he watched the man carefully, not yet noticing the young girl in the man's arms from his angle. "Choose your words carefully friend"