I know this is a day early, but hopefully it'll get those creative juices flowing.
Stuck writing and don't know where to go from there, or just feel like incorporating a little challenge into your writing? Feel free to grab one of these prompts and see where it takes you!
I'll be updating this with new prompts hopefully several times a week. Feel free to add your own as well.
I'll start everything off with a few pulled out of my proverbial hat here:
- Encounter with a wolf, double the fun if you are in a crowded city square
- Include a modern day movie reference in such a way it does not contradict with the lore.
- Teach your character how to cook, if this is their first time this should be quite interesting indeed.
- Use the phrase: "No, I do not want to have your child. Why would you think I would?"
- Give your character a fever dream.
- Monkeys...double the fun if you are no where near the Spires.
- If your character is a storyteller (Vantha here is looking at you) have them spin a lovely tale about one of our founders (no names and remember to stay within the lore) and their adventures here.
- Give your PC an imaginary friend for the day.
- Learn a new skill, make sure it is a useless one and spend all day tracking down an NPC to teach you said skill. Ex: underwater basket weaving.
Keep an eye out for more updates and weekly challenges. Even if I can't make my word count...I will sure as heck help you reach yours.
Today's writing challenge: Spend 10 minutes free writing about your character's personality and traits. Would be a good time to really get to know them. Don't worry about content, just let the words come. Afterward review what you have written and think about what traits you want them to have. Pre-plan a way to make this happen.
Happy writing!
EDIT: If you use a prompt, if you feel like it please include a thread with it. I would love to read them!!