Timestamp: Fall 68, 511 AV Location: Grassy Little Park Area Who: Nowa Status: Closed Troupe M.A.R.T.Y.R. had told Shkara that if she wanted to further her career with them, she would need to get into helping them design costumes, since that was what the last Yearning did in addition to Shkara's current responsibilities. But they said before she could do that, she would have to learn how to draw. So they sent her off to buy a sketchbook and some charcoal and told her to start drawing. Which is why she was sitting on this stone bench staring at a flock of crows eating bugs, or seeds or something on the ground. She didn't know they were called crows until some kids starting throwing rocks at them. Shkara ran the kids off, who yelled back at her for being the "Crow Lady." She ignored them and sat back down. Learn by doing. Dad's teachings were once again coming back to haunt her. She opened her book to the front page, picked up her charcoal, and realized she didn't know what she wanted to draw. Well I suppose a crow lady would draw crows. She started off with the head of the crow. She put the charcoal to the paper, and dragged it in a slight curve to be the top curve of the head. When she felt she had reached the beak, she made a straight, well straightish, slant. She then slanted it back down giving the beak a very triangular look. She then attempted the inner curve of the the neck then the outer curve of the belly. It ended up looking like a snake trail in sand. She then pulled the charcoal along the bottom to be the base of the legs. She hadn't mastered a straight line or a solid curve, but she kept on at it. She made another triangular point as the tail feathers, and then did the final curve up the back of the bird to the... well she'd missed the curve she had made as the top of the head. She added eyes and legs and felt it was a good starting piece. Maybe I need to watch the crows more. She went over to a nearby tavern and purchased a loaf of bread for two coppers. She stepped back out and thanked Alvadas for not moving the park. She sat back down and began tossing pieces of bread for the crows. Many of them ate the bread, and she held one larger piece out, "Here little crow, come here, let me get a better look at ya." Skills :