The sarcasm in his voice was suddenly evident, as if planted there. "Oh, yes, so informative." His voice got darker soon after, it wasn't often he found a zealot who refused to give him information. "You offer me nothing but excuses and death, while not offering me any incentive to follow through your very commands. Dira controls death, takes your will, and hates me for what I have become? Fear, as you say, and yet all you have done is spread that very thing that you claim keeps me from her. As you will not make answers, I will make my own. She is tied to the cycle, and does she then have control of it? She controls this cycle you mentioned, and hates me upon my eventual return to it? What good could come of traveling to something that hold no love or compassion twords me? What good would it do to return, if only to have everything turned against me? Fear is a bad choice of tool, for you. Why simply drive me from Dira all the further? Do you really wish us to stay so far away? Do you want Dira all to yourself then? I'm rather surprised she hasn't marked you for your work, negatively. Making Liam linger in this world all the longer, and any other number of ghosts. Threatening me and my kind, spreading the very fear that you claim holds us from Dira. I don't see your god, I see you. All I see now, is someone who cannot possibly understand what it is to fear death. Check yourself, girl, before I do. You'll gain nothing but enemies like that." He shook his head, but kept his eyes locked on her.
"Speaking of enemies, I think I will impart something to you, knowledge you so desperately need. Uldr, is the name of your enemy Dira. Uldr is the god who tries and selfishly hold onto all that is dead. He finds death better then life, and who can blame him if all your life holds is fear and hate. They are nothing more then two sides of the same coin, from your very words. The only difference I see is Dira lets go, but she gets mighty angry when they don't come back, doesn't she? Like a dog playing fetch, at least Uldr doesn't pretend to give us choice. I see something different from life then you, I saw it back when Sylir held the world, and I intend to show it to whom I can. Maybe, one day, your children may see it, too. That, or you can try and prove me wrong."
"You think your fate from the gods holds everything? Then ask yourself, why did fate give me the upper hand here? If all you intend to give me is threats and injury, maybe I'll call the guard and simply state your intentions here. You intend to kill me for Dira, hardly something that would work well in your favor. Your Dira can believe what she wants, as can you, but do you really want to make an enemy of the most powerful god around? I think, you owe me some proper answers now, or those in power here will get them for me. As powerful as Dira is, she holds no power on the living here." He hadn't planned on using that card, but she was far from accepting. Treating all undead as monsters simply for being undead, the very plague he wished to cure from this world. If Reaver was to be a monster, he would do so with his own power, not because someone refused to understand his differences.
OOCI love the thread, by the way. I think this is the first time Reaver has openly planned to use the guard against someone. Worse yet, he just made a friend in the governing body... making that treat of his far more credible. |