The prospect of having a cake made of those delectable berries was enough to elicit a big grin from the Isurian. He nodded his head as he looked to where the rest of the raspberries were hanging and then glanced back up to the Symenestra with a little chuckle. If Vanos had any ability to bake, he would definitely be trying to make something with those berries inside of it. Though he did imagine himself having a hard time doing anything of that, as the temptation to the eat all the berries himself before they were put into the cake would be very great. "Sounds good. Vill have to find baker to try and make one for me. Maybe you try some too - berry vith vake. Milk too?" He said and tried to think of the taste of milk with a hint of that sweetness. "Isurian food good, but very different from all this food in Denval. Very sweet here, very ... good." Vanos nodded his head at the warning about taste; it was slightly disappointing that it wouldn't be so easy for him to distinguish between things that were safe for him to eat and not eat, as it made his knowledge that Veldrys was teaching him all the more important to memorize. At the idea of a ship being safer, Vanos let out a grunt as he thought about how his travels were "okay" in that they were safer, but his stomach was not quite settled with the motion of the ship that kept rocking back and forth. It made the stability of land all the sweeter when he landed in the port in Denval. "Ocean safe, perhaps, but rocking and moving and vater and moving..." At the mere thought of that movement Vanos appeared to be getting slightly queasy. "No more talk of moving, please. Stomach vill not be happy. Ship trip safe. Ship trip not safe for stomach food." The easy answer to Vano's question about the harvest was enough to satisfy his curiosity; it was that simple. The Symenestra merely harvested what they needed to survive, it was something that Vanos could understand. Though the tales that he heard about the scary Symenestra, the killing and other deviations from what Veldrys said made Vanos think that they simply got the wrong idea about the Symenestra. There was nothing scary about the man standing beside him. "Perhaps ve take trip just outside city, so you can introduce food, berries, dangers that I might see out there. Hands on knowledge, good. Vill learn fast that vay. As thanks, I find way to get berry cake for us? Does this sound like best plan?" |