Greth grinned at Jason as the human reached with invisible hands for fire. He had seen this when they first had met, but it still amazed him, and he only jumped a little less than the Zith.
“Yes,” he said with a broad grin, “I would very much like to learn how he does it, too.”
Secretly, though, he was one day going to ask Jason to teach him. Maybe the thirst for knowledge ran in him as much as the rest of his kin, after all. It wasn't that he was not made for knowledge; it was just that he hadn't found things that were worth learning. Yes. That was it. And now, he had found it. His smile widened even more; he had found a new purpose. Now, the next step was to get Jason to teach him. Somehow. Could he even teach him?
Thoughts went quickly through his head as they always did when he was excited. He put them away, and promised himself to go through them later.
“How do you do it then?” He asked, as the Zith finished asking the same question. He leaned forward, excited and expectant.