Training Day (Talen)

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Training Day (Talen)

Postby Faylon Kwanda on October 14th, 2011, 4:12 pm

[Once again Faylon would play the attentive student as Talen continued to instruct him on swordplay. Faylon was starting to realize more than he had previously but there was still a lot more for him to learn and it seemed as though Talen was the type of thorough teacher that would ensure he received a complete education. As Talen told him they would spend more time of soft guards Faylon would nod his head once and listen as he continued.]

[Eyes were focused as Talen told Faylon to strike a blow at him and nodding Faylon would have done just that. Following the instructions that he was given Faylon, gripping his longsword right hand over the left, would lift it over his head and strike a blow from his right shoulder to left hip. It happened much the same as he envisioned. Talen caught his sword and parried it and the next thing Faylon knew he received a knee to the side that winded him unexpectedly.]

[Kneeling down after the blow Faylon would use his left hand, drawn away from the hilt of his sword, to press against his where the knee had struck him. Usually he wouldn’t have been winded as easily but he hadn’t expected Talen to actually hit him yet. Actually Faylon felt kind of embarrassed considering the number of pugilist events he’d taken part of and how it usually took a bit more to rattle him but not this time. He’d remember this though and be ready for it the next time that Talen tried something.]

[Looking up at Talen as the man grinned down at him Faylon would not his head once and reply...”Yes, I see what you mean by soft counter now. It make sense to me.”...he smiled as he finished his acknowledgement of what Talen was teaching him and thought that he had a fairly good grasp on the concept now. Bruises would make remembering this lesson easier as well it’s true. After he had replied to Talen he would climb back up onto his feet and stand straight before taking his sword in both hands again, ready.]

[Watching as Talen demonstrated what had happened gave Faylon a better appreciation for what had occurred too and he would nod his head again. “Yes, I see what you mean. You’ve used all of the attackers momentum against him.”...he said when Talen had finished showing him both the attackers and defenders view points. When Talen told him the trick to defending was to deflect a blow rather than simply block it Faylon saw the wisdom in this as well; it actually would take more energy to block a blow rather than redirect it. Nodding once more Faylon would wait until Talen told him to play his part while he re-enacted his role as attacker.]

[As Talen made the huge blow in slow motion then Faylon, mimicking what he had been shown would raise his Longsword to catch the attack. Angling the Longsword at forty-five degrees with the tip left and back he would catch Talen’s blade as it was descending before pushing it left so that he could deflect it aside and off balance the man. Naturally if he preformed it correctly it should open Talen to a counterattack the same as it had opened Faylon to one moments ago but he did not strike. He would step backwards, drawing his Longsword away, after completing the defence and say...”That works great. I’d always thought that blocking steel to steel was most effective but I see how deflecting is much better now that you’ve shown me.”...Faylon would reset his sword at his midsection with tip upward and angled ahead as he finished his comments.]

[Now that he had preformed a lead into a soft counter by deflecting Faylon was curious as to what the next lesson would be. They’d covered a lot of ground so far but there was still so much more to learn and Faylon was always looking to expand his current repertoire. He’d wait and take a breath before asking a question that came to mind...”Does this type of defence work with all weapons? What I mean is a two handed Axe or Sword is inherently so large that I’ve heard their weight alone will carry them through a block and into their target. Do you think footwork is your greatest asset in fighting a weapon like that or is there a specific way to defend against a larger weapon that might be too heavy to block or deflect safely?”...he didn’t want Talen to think that he wasn’t paying attention, he was, but he couldn’t shake the idea that some things it was better just not to be in the way of too. Regardless of the answer he received Faylon was all ears though, he made a good pupil as far as listening went, and continued to be very observant.]

OOCNo worries. I thought the post was great! Sorry for the delayed response; I'm getting ready for vacation on tuesday.
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Training Day (Talen)

Postby Talen Stirling on October 21st, 2011, 7:38 pm

"That's alotta questions at once... This type of defence can always works, in theory the bigger the strike the better. Soft counters hard, hard counters soft." Talen let those words hang for a moment, and stepped backwards with several even steps. "But, as you touched upon yourself, this is sorta where footwork comes into play. Everything we have trained 'till now has been done separately. But what if you move while you attack, step back when you guard and then forward to cut? Footwork is everything in a swordfight. If you move and he doesn't, you win."

Talen stepped over to the wooden swords, carefully putting away his longsword within the scabbard, switching the sharp metal blade out for the weighted wooden ones. He turned and waved over Faylon, handing him the hilt of one of the swords. "I thought about this, and I don't know how you can practice footwork exclsuively... Which means we'll combine it. I'll attack, you guard, and counter. And you keep moving. At all times. The last was said as a hiss, as he launched into a relentless assault with a vicious smile. Each blow came from a new angle, alternating between high and low, one side and the other. After each blocked blow of Talen's own he stepped back and parried Faylon's blade, and resumed his attack.
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Training Day (Talen)

Postby Faylon Kwanda on October 26th, 2011, 4:42 pm

[Nodding his head once Faylon had considered what Talen had told him for himself in that the type of defence he was shown could always work. Maybe Faylon was a bit of a sceptic but he had no intention of merely trusting that a defence could always work, Boxing had taught him a few things and amongst them was that it was advisable not to trust in a defence for too long, however Talen did know better than him in this particular field which is why he remained tight lipped about his misgivings. As Faylon heard the words footwork is everything in a swordfight come out of Talen’s mouth he found himself smiling though as this validated, at least partially, what he believed. Nothing was said but by the way Faylon was watching Talen, a smile spreading across his features, it was clear that something he enjoyed hearing was said.]

[When Talen moved towards the wooden swords and sheathed his Longsword Faylon would have likewise followed a similar suit and buried his steel in its scabbard. Accepting the wooden sword that Talen handed him after moving over towards the man and then listening to what he had to say Faylon would have time to briefly answer...”No worries. I know a bit about footwork.”...but he didn’t have time to elaborate as Talen hissed his last words and then launched himself into a vicious assault. It was clear within moments that Faylon was outmatched with a sword as he moved backwards while blocking and parrying the blows of Talen as best he could though anyone observing him could tell his movements were hardly as confident or as fluent as those of the man teaching him.]

[As Talen attacked from different angles and heights Faylon clearly worked to keep up with him and it was at no time easy for the man to do so and he realized he’d need to make some changes if he wanted to last much longer. Soft countered hard and hard countered soft, Faylon’s arm was starting to throb from some exertion though. Wrist cuts and elbow and arm seemed to be the most frequently used by Faylon when he attempted to counter Talen. In his own mind he saw each of his successive counters easily parried or blocked by Talen, it almost seemed as though the man knew what he was going to do before he did it but that’s why they call it experience and being able to read your opponent too.]

[It was likely when they were nearing the halfway point in their match that Faylon switched his tactics to incorporate some of what he could do and making himself lighter on his feet, like he’d have done in a fistfight or boxing match, Faylon began to let his own footwork help him to defend as much as his Longsword. Bobbing and weaving as he lift his blade on an angle to parry Talen’s he would still suffer setbacks when it came to attacking but in his own opinion defending became much easier. Dodging a sword wasn’t actually much different than dodging a fist, save that a sword hurt more, and so Talen may have noticed that Faylon could actually move out of the way, or duck aside of, his most pronounced and heaviest blows; the easiest to clear were probably the Shoulder and Arm strikes if Talen made any.]

[At one point Faylon would have even tried to incorporate his footwork into evading and then following with a counter trying to dodge a blow of Talen’s, who he hoped would overextend himself, before striking at his forearm with his own sword. Did it work? Probably not. No harm in trying to improvise though especially when it comes to practice and even if Faylon paid with a lump for his endeavour he would have considered it a learning endeavour.]

[Faylon definitely had the heart to continue with this awhile longer and if Talen didn’t signal for him to stop he would have continued a back and forth well after a light coating of sweat started covering his body. When he finally stepped away and the fight was done Faylon did have a few more bruises, he wasn’t quite as apt at defending especially in the beginning of the spar and he paid for it, but taking these in stride Talen would see an appreciative smile on the man’s features before he was heard saying...”You’re quite the swordsman Talen. Were we really fighting I think you’d probably have disarmed me close to a dozen times.”...there was a bit of laughter that followed seeing as how Faylon knew he had lost even though this was only a training bout. Looking at Talen then he would continue by inquiring...”How did I do?”...and waiting to hear the criticism of his teacher who would likely be able to point out any of the errors he had seen, the ache he still felt in his arm told him there had been a few.]
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Training Day (Talen)

Postby Talen Stirling on October 31st, 2011, 4:57 pm

Talen smiled as he dealt out punishment to Faylon whenever he made a mistake, and grinned even wider when he did something right. An occasional word was spoken, mostly about how keep up his form and a rushed remark about what he should have done instead of what he did.

Yet most of the fight was fast, vicious and physical. If Faylon slipped a parry or lowered his guard, Talen's sword struck the opening with enough force to bruise. Whenever the wooden sword connected, he stepped back and took a moment to let his opponent recover, and told him what had gone wrong. "Your stance was too low. Your parry was too soft. You swung too high. You met the blade at an awkward angle." Perhaps the next time he'd get it right, or perhaps he didn't. Soon, both men were panting and sweating, but a wild joy of battle seemed to have come over the young guardsman. His eyes shone, and he moved with a fervor that none saw but those that met him with arms in hand.

When Faylon attempted his surprising dodge and counter as Talen did an upwards slash from below, the guardsman suddenly laughed as the jarring force and pain found it's way up his arm. "Be-a-utiful." The words were said in earnest, and followed by a grand smile - And a flurry of blows all the more vicious for besting him.

The fight ended suddenly though, when both men were already sweaty and hot with exertion. Talen sidestepped a blow of Faylon's and aimed a heavy blow at Faylon's wrist strike, with which he intended to disarm him. He took a few steps back and put down the tip of his blade on the ground to his right instead of continuing his assault, and wiped a free hand through rampant locks of hair.

"You did well. We should do this again some time.. I've one thing I forgot to tell you." He smiled a cheesy smile, the gleam of fury and pride that had been in his eyes throughout the practice match fading away to a more peaceful look.

"When you hold your sword, do you know how to hold it? Not like a servant to use, or like a child to carry, but like a lover. One that you will never let go, and never crush. Some call it a dance, and even if the picture is sometimes flawed because a sword is brutal, it is suitable for the concept. You hold your sword like a lover that you will dance with, and never let her fall." He laughed brightly, the quote of a teacher long gone flying off his tongue like only a sentence etched deep within his mind could do.

"So... How about them fists?"

OOCFeel free to take over and write assuming that Talen will follow your every directive. Do not hesitate to assume an action or fault. And let's try to put more action into each post so that we might finish the thread without it being too much of a bore to grade =)
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Training Day (Talen)

Postby Faylon Kwanda on November 2nd, 2011, 11:31 pm

[During the spar Faylon had tried to take every piece of advice that Talen offered to him as the gospel seeing as how his partner was much more experienced fighter though this didn’t seem to stop him from taking a thorough thrashing even though he met momentary success when he struck Talen in the arm. A flurry of blows was his reward and several more bruises to follow though Faylon had taken everything in stride and as the fight seemed to stop abruptly he finally took in a deeper breath and started to breathe more easily. Once it was over Faylon only listened to the last piece of advice that Talen had to impart on him and, wiping his brow with the back of his hand, smiled viciously as Talen asked about the fists.]

[Unlacing the armour from his body he’d slide it up over his head and off before setting it on the ground alongside the wooden practice sword that he had been using and watching Talen he would rise up onto the balls of his feet and begin to limber up. Rolling his wrists several times and craning his head from one side to the other a few times as he did this. “Well when it comes to learning about fists it’s all about getting in there and throwing them.”...he would laugh before continuing on by saying...”Boxing is as much a science as it is a style of combat though and just like swordplay it has its own ins and outs.” sounded funny that he would be telling these things to Talen now after the man had thoroughly schooled him with the sword but this was a different arena.]

[As he watched his friend Faylon would widen his feet so that they were shoulder width apart and raise his arms. His right foot was about a pace and a half behind the left which he lead with and Faylon had raised his arms so that the left was vertical about six inches from his eye and the right was held beside his chin with elbow tucked in to protect the ribcage. He tucked his chin downwards to minimize the target as well. “This is an upright stance.”...he began by saying...”Before you throw any fists you should learn it because in my experience it’s the most common stance you’ll see. You lead with the side with the side opposite to your preference so that your power hand is always held in reserve. Try it out.”...then Faylon would wait for Talen to take a stance similar to the one he’d shown him before continuing.]

[Nodding his head once he saw something that he liked Faylon would continue by remarking...”Good. Now we’re going to try a little back and forth. I’m going to throw a few punches at you and I want you to block or parry them.”....Faylon would let the idea sink in before continuing on... ”Blocking sounds fairly easy but parrying is another story. You’re going to use your lead hand to try and swat away my punches or catch them on your palm. Parry too soon and I’ll hit over your hand, parry to slow and it won’t matter at all.”...then, resuming his own stance, Faylon would widen his legs again and begin to move towards Talen.]

[Moving closer to Talen he would wait before popping out a quick jab meant to fall just short of the man’s forehead, Faylon wasn’t actually going to hit him every time, he wanted to show Talen that he could hit him if he wanted to. Actually the bulk of Faylon’s jabs, coming one at a time to begin with, would fall short but every time Talen may have let his arms lower just a little bit Faylon would remind him to keep them up by actually popping him one. Not hard but he wanted Talen to realize you could never drop your arms. “Never drop your arms. While you’re alive they stay up!”...he’d say several times as he popped jabs ahead for Talen to either block or parry, whichever he wanted to try.]

[After about a dozen or so times Faylon, light on his feet, would bounce backwards and continue. “Good. Good.”...he’d begin by saying...”Now that jab is just the basic punch just like blocking and parrying are basic defences but the basics are all you need to win a fight. People who get to fancy get beaten to bloody pulp by a person who knows how to work behind a constant jab. Likewise a person who knows how to defend can set up counters and pummel an opponent who’s to aggressive.”...he hoped that made enough sense for Talen to follow and then he raised his hands again.]

[“Alright now you come at me. Try to land a few jabs. Hit me hard if you can. Remember the jab is with your lead hand, it’s a quick in and out not a power shot.”...then drawing his lead hand backwards Faylon would smack himself in the forehead once to remind himself that arms were always up before waving Talen on and saying...”Once we get this down I’ll show you some Hooks, Crosses and a good Uppercut. Then we can go at each other. Now let’s see if you can hit me.”...then he’d wait for Talen to come and give it his best shot.]
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Training Day (Talen)

Postby Talen Stirling on November 7th, 2011, 4:12 pm

Talen's own armour hit the turf with a dull thud, and the shorter man twisted around to Faylon with a ready smile at his words about getting in and throwing punches. Mirth was in his eyes, that and pride, an energy and a challenge that didn't quite suit a pupil.

Even so, he dutifully copied Faylon's stance, carefully following the other with a zealous focus. He was a challenger, competitive and spirited, and if the only way he could win was by learning then that was how he would do it. Arms up, elbows in, crouch faintly and chin down.

He bounced abit on his feet, swaying faintly to test out the feel of the position. "Allright, bring the heat big man." white teeth snarled a smiling challenge, a smile that soon faded away to bitter concentration as half the hits he tried to block were never thrown, and the other half seem to whip past his parry. His wrists hurt, and his arms felt heavy from the unfamiliar positoning, but mad pride kept the youth from backing down or pulling back.

It was hard to catch the punches, but soon enough Talen's movements became a little more natural. The speed and force of a jab was much as with a sword either met with equal force or directed away by a parry away from his body, although everything went just that little bit faster to throw him off. There was little space, and the unfamiliar style had him flustered within minutes.

As Faylon pulled back, Talen's gaze seemed dark and held a bitter humour, and he shook his head as if to shake something off. He took a few steps back and listened to the other with a focus, then resumed the position and attacked.

He struck with his lead hand first as told, trying to angle it to sneak above Faylon's parry. The followup however, was another quickjab with his other hand, as he pulled his lead back. He tried moving while attacking, although it was hard to keep it in mind as he threw one jab after another, mostly with his lead but occasionally shifting between the two. He tried to change the angle suddenly, but mostly succeeded in making the blow easier to parry or opening up a counter.

Still, even with his shortcomings he kept coming at Faylon, as if he had taunted him or done something to cause his wrath. Talen didn't smile now, but had a focused hard expression as he threw a pair of false jabs, sidestepped and threw another at Faylon's side. What practice he had in unarmed combat was not much compared to Faylon's boxing experience, but at least he knew how to fight.[framepic=][frametrans=black,7]
Last edited by Talen Stirling on November 12th, 2011, 11:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Training Day (Talen)

Postby Faylon Kwanda on November 10th, 2011, 3:43 pm

[As Talen came in at Faylon he impressed him with the zealous nature of his attack. Parrying his first jab Faylon hadn’t actually been expecting a quick one, two combination so soon causing the follow up to almost catch him unaware. Leaning backwards though, away from Talen, Faylon would move his head away enough to lessen the blow he received; the technique was known as Fading or Swaying and was always employed defensively. Afterwards Talen would see Faylon blink his eyes a bit, he knew he’d been hit with a good shot, and as his footwork carried him back so that he could reset his stance he’d have said...”Nice combination.”...before he had to defend against another barrage of blows from Talen whom was quite persistent.]

[Recognizing the hard and focused expression settling across Talen’s face Faylon would wait for the man to come in at him again. Parrying his blows Faylon waited intentionally now and then when Talen jabbed once he would bob to the side, leaning laterally so that the blow passed over his head, and then sensing his opening Faylon would throw a short semi-circular punch from the outside towards the midsection and ribs of Talen’s body. It was a Hook. Once Faylon had righted himself Talen would see him smiling then and the man followed the power shot with a combination of jabs. One, two from his lead arm and then a third from his back.]

[By now Faylon recognized just how much heart Talen had too. It made him smile when he sparred with a man that had this much drive and determination. Throughout the spar Faylon would have shouted a few pointers at Talen the same as the other had when they trained with swords telling him things such as –Get your hands up! Work your jab! Faster, faster! Bob and weave! Move your body and your feet!- while also throwing out the occasional comment, or grunt if Talen hit him, as they worked back and forth with one another.]

[During the fight Faylon would throw out several other punches as well. As he did this he would periodically shout things at Talen naming them. Cross, a powerful straight punch thrown from the read hand towards the chin and often cross the body to do so which derives its namesake. Hook, a powerful semi-circular blow that comes in tight towards the body or head. Uppercut, a vertically rising punch thrown from the read hand and often meant to connect with the jaw, a knockout blow in many cases if you hit your opponent on the button of his chin. Throughout it all he would parry blows that Talen threw at him and pop out several of his own to make the man work for whatever he landed but whenever Talen caught him with a stiff shot Faylon seemed to become that much happier, it was a pugilistic enjoyment.]

[Now as the match was winding down Faylon, light on his feet, would hop backwards a few strides and shout a last set of instructions...”Good. Now try a quick and easy combination. One, two with your jab and then three with a hook or cross from your rear hand.”...before raising his arms high again and waving Talen closer to him. As he did this Faylon would use his right hand to wave Talen on briefly, a bit of taunting to get him roaring to go even more than he was, and then he’d begin to move forward so that he could meet him half way while snapping out a few jabs so that Talen had to continue working. By now Talen should know that if he left himself open Faylon would throw a heavy shot at him.]
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Training Day (Talen)

Postby Talen Stirling on November 12th, 2011, 11:51 am

Talen wiped sweat from his brow as Faylon bounced back, panting heavily and looking at the man before him with renewed respect, and a fiery zeal. His eyes followed Faylon's gestures, and he nodded faintly before he bounced forth on his own two feet.

One high aimed jab, fast and furious with his left and another slightly softer followup from his right darted towards Faylon's head as per request. Even as the second blow was swatted away, Talen slid closer and crouched, attempting to deliver a heavy wide blow to Faylon's side.

If he were parried, he stepped right with two quick steps, jabbed twice and let a cross with the weight of his shoulders behind it fly towards Faylon's head.

He took a few steps back, and rolled his shoulders as he felt for some of the faint bruises he had received throughout the fight. These would be memorable later today... A bright, fiendish grin slid across his lips. "That good? How'd I make it better?" He swayed faintly as he stood, blood flow and adrenaline causing stillness to feel awkward and stiff.
Last edited by Talen Stirling on November 12th, 2011, 4:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Training Day (Talen)

Postby Faylon Kwanda on November 12th, 2011, 4:11 pm

[Watching as Talen came ahead, bouncing on his feet, Faylon recognized the fiery zeal of a competitor burning even brighter in the man and he couldn’t help but offer a small smile denoting his recognition. It was as though a certain kinship existed between both men that could only be shared between fighters of their respective trades, one of swords and the other of fists, who learned from one another and worked to better themselves and their respective crafts. Blinking though Faylon shook himself from what had almost become a momentary reverie and readied as Talen came within striking distance, his eyes focused, as he waited for the attack with fists ready to respond in kind.]

[As Talen began the initial combination Faylon was able to block easily. It stemmed from what Talen had done. Using his lead hand, which was his left, Faylon parried the initial jab from Talen’s left and then brought his arm backwards so that he could press Talen’s right off course while bobbing his head aside incase some of the blow slipped through. When Talen finished by sliding closer to deliver a hard and wide blow to the body Faylon would smile, lower his reserve arm to cover his ribs as the blow came in wide, and the pop off a quick straight with his lead arm to snap Talen’s head backwards.]

[However Talen stepped right and this time popped off two quick jabs in succession, it caught Faylon a little off guard, but the real icing on the cake was the beautiful cross that Talen finished with that caught Faylon across the side of the mouth as he started to lean backwards and away from Talen. Bouncing on his feet Faylon backed away a pace the same as Talen before lowering his arms and exclaiming...”That last one was amazing. Crisp, clean and great footwork.”...he said praising Talen’s execution of the second combination and how he had set it up. Nodding his head once Faylon would then turn it aside and spit a bit of blood from where Talen had connected before wiping his mouth with his hand.]

[He smiled, widely, as he looked back at Talen before saying...”Your first combination was a bit predictable. You should always set it up with two quick jabs from your lead hand and finish with a power shot from your reserve, that way you keep your opponent guessing a bit.” actually sounded like it might be the other way around but Faylon explained...”You see no matter what you decide to do if you lead with two jabs from the same hand your opponent is left guessing. Will you jab a third time, try a cross when your arm comes back or hammer home a power shot that’s been lying in wait.”...even as Faylon said this though he’d raise a hand and also state...”Now your second combination was a thing of beauty, quick jabs and a nasty cross. You set it up like a master Talen.”...and Faylon would have the fat lip and sore jaw to prove it the next day.]

[Along with that last shot Faylon had also received an assortment of bruises, many from sword training and the rest from boxing just now, and he felt as though this day and the sparring between both men had been quite productive. “Well I think we’ve covered a lot today. Thank you for the lesson. Why not retire for the rest of the afternoon and the evening and we can add to each other’s bruises another time?”...he’d have said now that he bounced lightly on his feet, letting the adrenaline slowly subside through his body as he took in deep breaths. Like an amazing workout Faylon knew that when he made it home he would likely fall face first onto the most comfortable thing he could find and pass out for a few hours now.]
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Training Day (Talen)

Postby Talen Stirling on November 15th, 2011, 3:52 pm

Talen bounced back, panting but with a vicious smile across his lips that only widened as Faylon recovered to praise him. He ran a thumb contemplatively along his own jaw, his grin receding faintly into thoughtfulness as his new teacher spoke.

"Allright, keep 'em guessing and create the opening. I can relate to that." He stretched, muscles aching satisfyingly, and smiled at Faylon's welcome suggestion.

"Yeah... I think I've had my share of beating for today. You're a good partner, Faylon. Few stick to it for so long." He nodded, fatigue catching up to him quickly. Alongside his companion, he packed up his gear quickly and started on the road back home, calm banter and discussion about both fights beginning between the two men.

OOCSorry about the terribly short post... Shift key stopped working, and I wanted it done now, damnit :(
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