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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Arrow on November 16th, 2011, 7:39 pm


"It's been so long since the moon has gone, and oh what a wreck you've made me"

RACE: Ethaefal
AGE/DOB: ageless/fallen approximately 400 years ago
GENDER: male

Physical Appearance:

ImageBy night, Arrow takes on his Ethaefal form, tall and willowy and with a surreal beauty. His face become a bit longer and thinner, his skin opalescent, his hair long and shimmering. Two horns sprout from the sides of his head, above his ears, curling backwards and reflecting the light of the moon with an iridescent glow. As the seasons change, so too does his coloring, as follows:
Winter: hair – silver; horns – violet
Spring: hair – silvery blue; horns – white
Summer: hair – black; horns – pale green
Fall: hair – rust; horns – butterscotch yellow

ImageBy day, Arrow resumes the form of his last incarnation on Mizahar, before he was taken up by Leth. He is slightly shorter, but still as lithe, a young human man in his early 20’s, with pale hair and skin, green eyes and a long, angular face. Though his current occupation requires some physical exertion, previous centuries of hard physical labor have sculpted what little muscle he has into long, hard lines.

Character Concept:

Arrow is an Ethaefal, a child of Leth. His name derives from the eponymous constellation, seen in the northern skies of Mizahar during the fall and winter. He fell from the sky not too long after the Valterrian, and he has lived in various places around Mizahar for the past four centuries or so. Though definitely human, he can not recall with any exactitude what his former self did or where he lived or how he died, beyond vague memories of training to be some sort of warrior and using weapons. The few images and impressions of that former life that he has experienced lead him to believe that he was perhaps a soldier, or one training to be a soldier, somewhere in the north.

Character History:

Arrow fell from the heavens a very, very long time ago, shortly after the Valterrian. Like most of his brethren, his rebirth was traumatic and quite a shock. His existence in the company of his deity, Leth, had been blissful and rapturous. To return to earth and take up its worldly toils all over again was a sad burden. For a long while, his sorrow overwhelmed him. He roamed about Mizahar like a ship with a broken rudder, with no purpose and little motivation to attempt or achieve anything. Each night, in the form which he felt Leth had bestowed upon him, he would gaze up at his father, tears filling his eyes, beseeching the visible embodiment of his god to reclaim him. By day, he worked at menial tasks for a myriad of masters, trying to eke out a corporeal existence. Occasionally, he would run into one of his own – a brother or a sister, a child of Leth or of his lover, Syna. There was much sadness in such encounters, but one which occurred perhaps several decades after his fall was to change his outlook forever.

Aurelia was a daughter of Syna, and had fallen during the final stages of the Valterrian itself. She told Arrow that she, too, had at first questioned the reason of her goddess, her abandonment and her betrayal. But ultimately, Aurelia had come to consider the possibility that her fall had a purpose. Perhaps it had not been intended, but she could give a meaning to her new existence. When she bore the mark of the sun on her features and form, she had faint and shifting recollections of long ago knowledge of healing. It might have been that she was a healer in some other existence, or it might not. But she resolved to use this life to seek out that lost knowledge and preserve it, use it, provide what she could to those who had survived and build upon that which had been salvaged. Search for your purpose, she had counseled Arrow. If this is your lot, put it to good use, if not for yourself than for others.

Taking her words to heart, Arrow tried to focus on whatever internal stirrings he could detect. They were faint, but slowly he pieced together a new path for his new life, one which might have echoed a former life. He couldn’t be sure of that, though. Like a few of the other long lived races that survived the cataclysmic events of the Valterrian, Arrow realized that he could bear witness to history, record it and preserve it, and perhaps others might learn from it. A forlorn hope, maybe, but one which he could at least attempt to assist. He began by reading, everything and anything that he could get his hands on. He also traveled to live with some of the more long-lived races, the Jamoura, the Konti, and the Akalak, to learn all he could from the oldest of their numbers. Then he took up a pen and began to put his own thoughts to paper. Not only history, as he was witnessing it as the current state of affairs wherever and when ever he lived, but also his own personal reflections on the meaning of what went on about him. At the same time, he still needed to keep body and soul together, at least his day time form. So he continued to work at manual labor and odd jobs, though now he had a plan. Bit by bit he scrimped and saved, and ultimately he settled down and opened a copy shop. By day he laboriously copied out texts and traded in books. By night he wrote his own material. After a while, he decided to take on a few students, to learn both copying and whatever history and philosophy he could teach them. Arrow also picked up some of the art of brewing, and makes a little on the side with home brewed beer and ale. In this way, he manages to scrape by and does well enough not to starve. That’s about all he needs.


Common (fluent)
Kontinese (basic)
Tukant (poor)

Astronomy – 10 (racial bonus)
Brewing - 26
Copying - 19
Teaching - 5

Herblore of Kalea
History of brewing beer


1 Set of Clothing [cloak/coat & footwear included]
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains: 1 Set of Toiletries, Food for a week, 1 eating knife, Flint & Steel
1 basic 20x20 single room cottage (400 sq feet) with a hearth, bunk, chest, chair, and small table


100 gm

Thread List:


Name: Trouble
Race: Kelvic
Age/DOB: 1 ½ years/Summer, 510 A.V. (exact day unknown)
Gender: female

Trouble is a sparrow kelvic. Her parentage is unknown, as is her true birthdate. Arrow was merely rescuing what he thought to be a common house sparrow from a stray cat. Upon bringing the injured fledgling home, however, he discovered that she was kelvic. Oddly enough, the cat followed them as well. Perhaps it thought it would get a meal after all, when the Ethaefal’s back was turned. Arrow kept a close eye on the little bird turned girl, though, and tended to her wounds, while at the same time feeding the half starved cat and bringing them both round to a better state of health. The kelvic settled into his house and his routine, and he called her simply “Sparrow.” It amused him that their names rhymed. The cat was dubbed, naturally, “Cat.”

Sparrow seemed to much prefer her human form and in the intervening year or so since Arrow found her, she has grown to the semblance of a girl ten years of age or so. She is not particularly cute or pretty or charming, but Arrow has grown very fond of her. He has tried to teach her basic reading and writing, but with little success. She isn’t interested and shows no aptitude for it. She has, though, become something of a dab hand at cooking and helping him with his brewing endeavors. And though he in no way looks upon her as a servant, she seems to have a natural inclination towards “nesting”, making their small home as neat and comfortable as his meager means will allow. After a month or so of being called “Sparrow”, when the girl discovered that it meant no more than her generic animal form, she was a little put out, and asked Arrow to give her a “proper name.” As a joke, he suggested “Trouble”, not that she really was any. She immediately adopted it as her own, despite Arrow’s protests and at least a hundred other suggestions of “real” names. She does tend to be a bit stubborn, though she is also easily distracted. She is energetic and lively, and loves to sing. Cat, on the other hand, has grown to enormous proportions and reached an uneasy detante with the girl, though it eyes her with a quite wicked look from time to time. Whenever Arrow leaves the two alone together, he is careful to tie a leather cord about Trouble’s wrist, lest she forget and shift, despite his warnings.

In another two years or so, Trouble will be a young woman and Arrow sometimes wonders what he will do with her then, though he would hate to see her leave. Trouble says she won’t ever leave him, and that may in fact be what comes to pass. For a being who is destined to live on and on, the love of a shorter lived creature like a kelvic is bittersweet indeed.

Cooking – 10
Brewing – 10
Singing - 10


"This Lullaby" , QOTSA
Last edited by Arrow on November 23rd, 2011, 12:38 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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long ago, how did I forget . . . holding you
Posts: 45
Words: 43972
Joined roleplay: November 16th, 2011, 7:14 pm
Location: Alvadas
Race: Ethaefal
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