Timestamp: 10th Day of Fall, 511 AV
The wave cracked the rocks in the bay into little pieces that glimmered inside like all the gems of the earth. The salty scent of the sea tickled the inside of Sterling’s nose as he squinted through the dawning sun. Syna’s rays cast his shadow long and then across the sands beneath and behind him. The breeze cut through the waves, making them choppy and violent, a majestic sight. Clear, crystalline waters iced with foam washed up to his feet. It was with a heavy high that Sterling closed his eyes and stepped out into the water so that it washed up to his mid-calf. His dark leather riding trousers were rolled up to his knees, his forest green shirt un-tucked. A set of riding boots, a quiver with a shortbow, a belt, and a couple other accessories were strewn in a pile in the sand. The warm air was cut with the recurring cool breeze, blowing the spray from the ocean off of his clothing.
Inching out a little further into the water, he could make out a scene of thrashing Striders in the ocean foam. The vision brought a smile to his lips as he rubbed a stubble-crusted chin. It had been a good five or six days since he had last shaven. The time was nearing again.
The rocks that had splintered with the force of the wind and water floated on the surface of the sea like glitter. The multi-colored dust caught the sun and reflected rainbow prisms into the water in every direction. It cast swirling images on the golden sand below, something unlike anything he had ever seen. Reaching down into the water with a calloused hand, he felt the comfortably cool water soak into his dry skin like water into desert soil. The diamond dust of color was virtually without any texture or weight differing from that of the water itself.
Standing back upright, Sterling placed his hands in his pockets, his shirt billowing out around his frame. A wondrous sight to behold stretched out before him like a platter fit for a king.
The wave cracked the rocks in the bay into little pieces that glimmered inside like all the gems of the earth. The salty scent of the sea tickled the inside of Sterling’s nose as he squinted through the dawning sun. Syna’s rays cast his shadow long and then across the sands beneath and behind him. The breeze cut through the waves, making them choppy and violent, a majestic sight. Clear, crystalline waters iced with foam washed up to his feet. It was with a heavy high that Sterling closed his eyes and stepped out into the water so that it washed up to his mid-calf. His dark leather riding trousers were rolled up to his knees, his forest green shirt un-tucked. A set of riding boots, a quiver with a shortbow, a belt, and a couple other accessories were strewn in a pile in the sand. The warm air was cut with the recurring cool breeze, blowing the spray from the ocean off of his clothing.
Inching out a little further into the water, he could make out a scene of thrashing Striders in the ocean foam. The vision brought a smile to his lips as he rubbed a stubble-crusted chin. It had been a good five or six days since he had last shaven. The time was nearing again.
The rocks that had splintered with the force of the wind and water floated on the surface of the sea like glitter. The multi-colored dust caught the sun and reflected rainbow prisms into the water in every direction. It cast swirling images on the golden sand below, something unlike anything he had ever seen. Reaching down into the water with a calloused hand, he felt the comfortably cool water soak into his dry skin like water into desert soil. The diamond dust of color was virtually without any texture or weight differing from that of the water itself.
Standing back upright, Sterling placed his hands in his pockets, his shirt billowing out around his frame. A wondrous sight to behold stretched out before him like a platter fit for a king.