The place with the most books (Coren)

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

The place with the most books (Coren)

Postby Alea Davenport on November 3rd, 2011, 12:55 am

Alea cried out in pain when he grabbed her hair. The man was fighting DIRTY now! She had to do something unpredictable to upset the balance...HIS balance! First, with the hand that was caught, she twisted a bit to grab his wrist, so that their hands were holding onto each other's arms. With her other hand, she grabbed the hand that was pulling her hair. Then. she stopped supporting her weight on her legs and fell in an attempt to pull him completely off balance. For good measure, she kicked him in the shin with the heel of her boot. (She had the opening for a kick, but there are some lines you just don't cross.)
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The place with the most books (Coren)

Postby Coren on November 3rd, 2011, 5:53 pm

Coren didn't expect to have his foot kicked out from underneath him and just like alea wanted, he lost his balance. Luckely for him, and rather unfortunate for the little girl. He fell forwards landing with his full 175 pounds right on her, knocking them both towards the ground. Coren loudly cursing the little girl and her family tree with every single offensive word he could remember right at the moment. Trying to get back onto his feet without losing a grip on the the little monster. His patience was dangerously close to running out and he was only a few punches or bites away before he would just knock her out, put a soundproof shield over the brats face and just dump her outside.

"I'm speaking vani"
"I am speaking common"
"Me speaking nader canoch!"

Real life is kicking me in the can at the moment. posting is delayed. sorry for the inconvienience.
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The place with the most books (Coren)

Postby Alea Davenport on November 3rd, 2011, 8:13 pm

Alea felt a period of real panic when she found she couldn't move and could barely breathe with the weight on top of her. That had not necessarily been the smartest plan (despite it having worked). Her panic receded as quickly as it had arrived as he scrambled off of her, and she was able to grin at his obvious swearing, even though she couldn't understand a word of it. (Nor was she aware that he was inadvertently cursing much of Denval.) Unfortunately, he was still trying to hold onto her. Yeah, no, sir, that was NOT going to happen. Old (and not-so-old) instincts of escape rose in her, and she flailed her arms wildly, kicking up at his arms to try to get him to completely lose his grip.
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The place with the most books (Coren)

Postby Coren on November 3rd, 2011, 9:02 pm

Coren growled in annoyance as the little girl continued to kick at his arms, trying to force him to let her go. His thinly spread patience finally began to run out, and coren found that his earlier plan about knocking her out and shielding her face with a soundproof shield was looking better and better to him with every passing second. After a particulary nasty hit from the little girl on his left arm, the last little bit of patience he had for her just drained away.

“Okay that's it!” Coren grunted out as he brought his left foot down on the little girls stomach, putting most of his weight on the foot, pinning her her down to the ground, hopefully hurting her enough to get her attention. “Will you just petching calm down before I kick you to whatever rhysol cursed pit that spit you out!” Coren thundered as loudly as he could, happy that aside from felix and jack, who both where busy in the back, nobody else was around here. He gave the little girl underneath his foot a baleful stare. Trying to make it very clear, that if she didn't shut up and stop struggeling right at this very moment she would rue this day for years to come.

"I'm speaking vani"
"I am speaking common"
"Me speaking nader canoch!"

Real life is kicking me in the can at the moment. posting is delayed. sorry for the inconvienience.
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The place with the most books (Coren)

Postby Alea Davenport on November 4th, 2011, 2:24 am

Alea glared at the man, breathing angrily through her nose. She felt sick, and it wasn't because most of the weight of a grown man was crushing her internal organs. She was going to lose. There was no way to avoid that; she'd done everything in her power and it hadn't been enough.

But she was too stubborn to surrender. There was only one choice left: lose with everything she had. Her mouth broke into a feral grin as she grunted with the last of her breath, "Do your worst, old man." She didn't think he could get away with killing her. There was really only one place left she could reach to do any damage. It was a line she was going to have to cross. She coiled her leg and then kicked straight up.
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The place with the most books (Coren)

Postby Coren on November 4th, 2011, 9:32 pm

Even though coren was wearing a thick robe and a pair of pants underneath, which softened the blow by a tiny bit, he still doubled over and grabbed his injured man parts with a agonized moan, but he didn't move his left foot off the little girl, knowing that if she got free it probably wasn't going be good in the long run.
“Your... going... to … pay for that.” Coren gasped out in a pained voice as he shuffled his right foot forwards, getting his hurt privates out of the range of the little girls kicks and put all of his weight on the little girls stomach.
“Now, just be ...Petching... calm so I can... throw you out. Or I'll keep my weight on ya till ya faint ya damn brat.” He really had to curb the urge to just stomp her little annoying face into the floor with his other foot, but his balls where hurting a bit to much at the moment.

"I'm speaking vani"
"I am speaking common"
"Me speaking nader canoch!"

Real life is kicking me in the can at the moment. posting is delayed. sorry for the inconvienience.
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The place with the most books (Coren)

Postby Alea Davenport on November 4th, 2011, 9:55 pm

Alea couldn't breathe at all now. Her panicked mind tried to think of something else she could do to get out of this. Her legs flailed uselessly, not finding any targets in range. She tried pushing his leg off of her, but between the pain and air-loss it was a rather weak effort. With her face contorted in pain, she clawed at his leg with the last of her strength. Her mind was getting fuzzy, and her last thought before she lost consciousness was that she was not going to let him get away with this.
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The place with the most books (Coren)

Postby Coren on November 5th, 2011, 1:25 pm

Coren gritted his teeth as the little girl underneath his foot squirmed and tried to kick him, desperately trying to get his foot of him, after a few moments of the little girl desperately trying to get him of her her movements got weaker and weaker till she finally stopped struggling. Coren took his foot of the girl's stomach and glared down at her.
“Good that you thought to see it my way.” He ground out, still carefully cupping his hurt testicles in his hands. “Now get up and get out.” He waited for a few moments without any reply, his annoyance coming back into his mind he burskly grabbed the young girl by the collar and pulled her up. “Didn't you hear m...” He frowned as he saw the closed eyes, and put his hand over her mouth, well she was still breathing, so she wasn't dead... good enough for him. But to be completely honest, he couldn't kick the young girl outside, not when she was unconscious at the least, how the heck would that look for the people who where outside on the street? He let out an annoyed sigh and picked up the little girl as good and as bad he could, and quickly dropped her of on the chair in some corner of the library, far out of sight. He thought about using that djed shield idea, but when looking at it when not completely pissed of, he thought it was a bit overkill to use magic on somebody for something like this.

He pulled his mask back straight and went back to work, hoping that when that little horror woke up he was already done with his job.

"I'm speaking vani"
"I am speaking common"
"Me speaking nader canoch!"

Real life is kicking me in the can at the moment. posting is delayed. sorry for the inconvienience.
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The place with the most books (Coren)

Postby Cheshire on November 19th, 2011, 7:56 pm


Character: Alea Davenport
Experience: Stealth +1, Observation +1, Brawling +3
Lore: How the Library Works

Character: Coren
Experience: Interrogation +1, Brawling +3, Intimidation +1

Additional Note: Interesting thread. PM me with concerns.
Avanthal Lore | Vantha | Avanthal | Morwen
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They said I'd be a gem.
But now that I'm a Cheshire Cat,
It's odd how odd I am...
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