This Shimmering Sea [Caoin]

Another dream featuring Caoin and Sterling

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Herein lies the realm of dreams, where dreamers who are scattered all over the world in the physical can come together in the mysterious world of dreams. Remember, unless one is a Dreamwalker, there is no control over dreams. Ever. Anything can happen, and by threading a dream, you are subject to whomever can walk dreams and the whims of Storytellers.

This Shimmering Sea [Caoin]

Postby Sterling Brody on November 19th, 2011, 6:12 am

Timestamp: 10th Day of Fall, 511 AV

The wave cracked the rocks in the bay into little pieces that glimmered inside like all the gems of the earth. The salty scent of the sea tickled the inside of Sterling’s nose as he squinted through the dawning sun. Syna’s rays cast his shadow long and then across the sands beneath and behind him. The breeze cut through the waves, making them choppy and violent, a majestic sight. Clear, crystalline waters iced with foam washed up to his feet. It was with a heavy high that Sterling closed his eyes and stepped out into the water so that it washed up to his mid-calf. His dark leather riding trousers were rolled up to his knees, his forest green shirt un-tucked. A set of riding boots, a quiver with a shortbow, a belt, and a couple other accessories were strewn in a pile in the sand. The warm air was cut with the recurring cool breeze, blowing the spray from the ocean off of his clothing.

Inching out a little further into the water, he could make out a scene of thrashing Striders in the ocean foam. The vision brought a smile to his lips as he rubbed a stubble-crusted chin. It had been a good five or six days since he had last shaven. The time was nearing again.

The rocks that had splintered with the force of the wind and water floated on the surface of the sea like glitter. The multi-colored dust caught the sun and reflected rainbow prisms into the water in every direction. It cast swirling images on the golden sand below, something unlike anything he had ever seen. Reaching down into the water with a calloused hand, he felt the comfortably cool water soak into his dry skin like water into desert soil. The diamond dust of color was virtually without any texture or weight differing from that of the water itself.

Standing back upright, Sterling placed his hands in his pockets, his shirt billowing out around his frame. A wondrous sight to behold stretched out before him like a platter fit for a king.
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This Shimmering Sea [Caoin]

Postby Caoin on November 19th, 2011, 7:58 am

Caoin sat on one of the many rocks that jutted out into the bay, staring out at the expanse of sea that stretched out before her. The water and the sky met at the horizon and seemed to meld together seamlessly, and she wondered what there was beyond that point. Her head tilted back and she drew in a deep breath as she took in the smells of the coast, the salty sea and slimy weeds. These scents were carried to her on the warmest ocean breeze, a breeze that pushed the water into choppy ways and picked up her hair so that it was like a dark brown banner waving in the wind behind her.

The waves came crashing in, the foam seeming to take the form of the striders that she loved so much, as if their spirits were even in the sea. Or maybe it was her own mind, piecing the spray together into the shape of striders simply because she wanted to see them. She was admiring the foam striders when something at the corner of her eye caught her attention, a flash of light on the water and something moving in a more deliberate manner than the waves of the water. Caoin’s head turned and her gaze rested on another figure that was wading out into the water. She watched the tall male, in his leather pants rolled up and his shirt billowing in the wind. It was a deep, emerald green that reminded her of the Sea of Grass and the Emerald clan pavilions. The man in general seemed familiar to her, but she could not quite place him when his back was turned to her and there was a bit of distance between them. Perhaps it might help if she closed the distance.

Caoin pushed herself to her feet, their bare bottoms cooling as they rested against the cold surface of the rock. She started to run towards the end of that line of rocks, to where the deepest water was. Anyone who saw her might assume she was crazy, considering she was half-naked, wearing underpants and her white blouse, and running towards the end of the rock wall that jutted out into the sea. Of course, it got even crazier when she reached the end and she didn’t stop, she simply pushed herself off, her arms swinging up over her head and coming together as she dove into the choppy water below. She took a deep breath just before her body slid into the water with a loud splash, water spraying up around her as she disappeared into the depths of the sea.

The Drykas woman pushed herself through the water with arms and legs, moving through the cool blue of the ocean until she could hold her breath no longer. With a loud, gasping breath, she broke the surface of the water, pushing herself upwards and tossing her head back so that her hair would fall behind her and out of her face. She was closer now to the stranger; whom she realized wasn’t a stranger at all. It was none other than Sterling “Bear” Brody. A sly grin slid across Caoin’s face. “Hello again, Brody-Bear,” she called out in greeting to him, her voice laced with a teasing undertone.

This was the second time she’d met this man in her dreams, an odd occurrence if you were to ask her. Surely he couldn’t be real if she’d met him in a dream twice; it would be ridiculous to think that a real person whom she had never met could appear in two of her dreams. It just simply couldn’t happen. That thought disheartened her a bit. He had promised her the last time they met that he would find her when he returned to Endrykas, had asked her to wait for him… but if he was just a man of her dreams, then how could she possibly wait for him? She would be waiting forever for someone who was never going to come.

She pushed those negative thoughts to the back of her mind, realizing that there was no point in dwelling on them in a dream that was meant to be enjoyed. The woman decided instead, to wade closer to the man, so that they wouldn’t have to shout at eachother in order to have a conversation. As Caoin neared the Emerald clansman, she felt her ankle snag in a patch of seaweed, and this combined with the force of the waves and the pull of the ocean threw her off balance. Her body tilted forward and she felt herself falling back towards the water, gravity lending a hand to the other elements that had started her forward and downward motion. Gravity, why did it still exist in dreams? Caoin’s arms flailed wildly and she struggled to regain her balance, even though she knew that it was in vain since she was too far gone. ‘Smooth move’, she thought to herself, feeling embarrassed that she was going to fall flat on her face, or as flat on one’s face as one can fall in water, in front of Brody.

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This Shimmering Sea [Caoin]

Postby Sterling Brody on November 19th, 2011, 11:27 pm

The loud splash of a body colliding into the water reached Sterling’s ears, thought it didn’t register as being anything other than that of the waves crashing against themselves. It was not until out in the distance he saw a dark mass break the surface of the crystal clear water. With a majestic swoosh, the dark strands swung through the air and plastered to the back side of the woman’s head. A woman, out in the middle of the ocean.

And not just any woman, but, ”Caoin?” He stared out at her with an incredulous expression marking his face. What was she doing out here? As she waded through the water, the waves fell to a lower, less threatening frequency, calming in her wake. A smile lit up his face, but it was one that soon evolved into an even more pronounced one of astonishment. She was practically naked this time. Bless the God of Dreams, whoever or whatever that may be, for constantly placing this scantily clad creature of beauty into his dreams. And even better, two for two, she was soaked, her clothing (or lack thereof) clinging helplessly to her skin. The sight made him shiver excitedly.

Pushing off with one foot to greet her out in the water, he saw the patch wriggle its way around her ankle in the undertow. He lunged forward and snatched her wrist up, saving her from falling completely into the water. Her face splashed the surface, causing chunks of hair to fall back into her face. Gently, he brought her back upright, supporting her weight.

”You okay?” Sterling laughed, his baby blues squinted shut. ”Fancy seeing you here, miss. Especially under these circumstances.” He brushed the hair from her face, pushing it back out of her eyes so that he could study them once again.

It was odd. This was the second time he had seen the same woman in his dreams. And here, she had even remembered his name! Or, was it programmed into the dream sequence? Was she merely made to remember him? He still wasn’t entirely sure as to what her purpose was, or if she was even real. But then again, they had had this conversation once before. Though it seemed settled, this was simply too coincidental to be real and true.
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This Shimmering Sea [Caoin]

Postby Caoin on November 20th, 2011, 8:55 am

Caoin’s body fell forward and her face hit the water, breaking the surface once again, her hair flowing out around her in the waves. Before she could fully sink, she felt Brody’s hand on her arm, pulling her up so that she didn’t fall any farther. As she was pulled back up, she sputtered and coughed out the water she’d taken in when she’d breathed in after breaking the surface without being prepared for it. “Yeah… yeah, I’m fine,” she muttered as he laughed at her, her lips forming a bit of a frowning pout as she looked him in the face. The pout faded as he reached up to brush away the wet hair that was stubbornly clinging to her face. He looked into her eyes and she couldn’t help but stare back into his. She was particularly fond of those eyes, such a beautiful light blue, comparable to the sky or light ocean waters, when they were clear.

“I could say the same about you,” she commented. Twice now they had met in this dream world, which wasn’t an unpleasant result. In fact, she seemed to enjoy Brody’s company. He certainly had a way of sweeping her off her feet and making her feel things she never usually felt. The last time they had met had been a rather interesting encounter. Their bodies had been so close together there at the end, his head on his shoulder. She had been disappointed when it had come to an end, she had wanted to know more about him, even if he was merely a figment of her imagination. He seemed to be the man of her dreams, and if he truly was real, well then the gods must be smiling on her… or perhaps laughing at her, considering she had only met him in her dreams and there was no telling if they would ever see eachother outside of those strange night time rendezvous. Then again, if he was a figment of her imagination, then that was also a rather cruel joke to play on her, considering he had asked her to wait for him.

“This is a rather pleasant place to meet though, it’s quite beautiful here,” she smiled and sighed happily as she turned her head to indicate the sea and the shore around them. It was rare that she actually visited the beach or the ocean; it was simply something she didn’t have time for in her reality. She had a family that needed her help, a job, a business of her own that she wished to start. Taking unnecessary trips for pleasure was something she simply couldn’t afford to do, time and money wise, not if she wanted to earn her independence from her family. However, standing there with Brody, she felt free of those obligations. There were no expectations with him, no responsibilities. She could simply be herself. She could be a woman. Caoin didn’t have to be the responsible heir, the businesswoman, the caretaker, the worker. She could just be and no one would judge her for it, in fact, Brody seemed to like everything about her. Though, she was sure her personality outside of the strange dreamscapes might be a little off-putting. If Skram didn’t put him off first, of course. She should probably warn him about that at some point, just in case he did come calling one day.

The cool water lapping at her bare legs brought her back to her surroundings and one corner of her lips lifted as she smirked a sudden, playful smirk. His hand still gripping her arm, she twisted and gripped his, pulling him towards her as she threw all of her weight backwards and downwards towards the water, hoping to pull him down into the water with her. She was already soaked and she had already fallen in once, there was no point in bothering to try and stay dry, was there? So why not have a little fun, they were in the ocean after all, and the ocean was for swimming and playing in. Besides, the cool water felt good against her skin, it was different than the rivers of Cyphrus in every sense. The ocean held so many mysteries in its dark depths; it was like a whole other world in its own right. Some day, she wanted to go for a short trip on the sea, just to see what it was like, to see what wonders it had to offer out on the open waters, far from shore. For now, she was content to play with Brody in the shallows though. The shimmering sea would be their playground for the evening, and it was sure to be a most interesting playground for their second meeting. She couldn’t have picked a more stunning spot that offered more things for them to do and enjoy.

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This Shimmering Sea [Caoin]

Postby Sterling Brody on November 20th, 2011, 5:16 pm

As Sterling opened his mouth to converse about their surroundings, he felt the tug of Caoin’s grip on his arms. He panicked at first as she pulled him down towards her. They fell into the glimmering water, cushioned by the weightlessness underneath. Strangely enough, when he opened his eyes, he could see perfectly. He had expected the blurry vision that often came with opening one’s eyes in water, but in fact he could see quite the opposite. It was clear as day, except everything was a glassy blue-green. The mineral dust above cast sparkling prisms in every color imaginable. Caoin was beneath him, and beneath her, the endless sea. There was no sand that had once provided footing. Instead, it was as if they had swum out into the deep. Below were rails and castles of coral, like a dangerous fortress. They came in every color, every shape, every size.

”Wow,” Sterling paused, watching the the bubbles float up towards the sky. ”Whoa, wait… I’m… Talking? Underwater?” He breathed the water in as if it were air. The slightest salty taste coated the inside of his mouth.

Sterling began to sink past Caoin, his leather pants and cotton shirt weighing him down. His shirt clung to him like a sticky substance. He peeled it off from the bottom hem, pulling it up and over his head. The sleeves suctioned to his arms, so he drew up a foot for extra help. When he was at last free, he let it go to float in the water. It drifted off, dissolving from sight.

He swam over closer to Caoin, pulling her by the wrists towards him. ”You’ve got some strength in you for such a tiny girl.” His movements were slow due to the resistance of the water, the only realistic thing so far, but he poked her stomach. The wall of well-kept abdominal muscles did not shrink from his touch. He smiled at her, the water seeping in around his lips but not strangling his airway.
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This Shimmering Sea [Caoin]

Postby Caoin on November 20th, 2011, 8:11 pm

Weightlessness. That was what Caoin felt as she and Brody fell into the water, water that seemed deeper than before as the sandy bottom disappeared beneath them to be replaced by the dark depths of deeper waters and walls of coral reef. As Brody had, Caoin soon realized that she could both see and breathe despite being in the water, and this seemed to amaze her as much as it did him. Of course, the fact that he actually spoke to her was even more amazing, and she stared at for a moment, watching him and the bubbles that floated out and up. “It would seem that we can talk, and breathe, and see. It’s hardly like we’re underwater at all,” Caoin commented, tasting that same slightly salty taste in her own mouth that Brody tasted. Her tongue slid along her lips, tasting the salt of the ocean on them.

Caoin watched Brody as he started to pull his shirt off, turning her head away from him momentarily, though she couldn’t quite place what it was that made her do so. Her gaze turned to the shirt as he let it go and she watched it disappear from sight as it floated away. Finally she looked back to Brody as he approached her, taking her wrists and pulling her to him. There was no resistance from her other than that which was caused by the water. Then she felt his finger poking her stomach and she couldn’t help but grin. “What was that for,” she asked as she poked his shoulder in retaliation before sticking her tongue out at him playfully. Each time she poke, and even when she stuck her tongue out, bubbles burst forth to float up towards the surface. Caoin felt like one of those bubbles, floating under the water.

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This Shimmering Sea [Caoin]

Postby Sterling Brody on November 22nd, 2011, 3:05 am

Sterling watched her turn her head. Why? He looked down at his stomach. There was no gaping hole, no gruesome creature, no disgusting contortion. What was it that made her avert her gaze? He laughed and shook his head at her, but laughed even harder when she took that pretty little pink tongue out at him. Gemlike bubbles spouted from her mouth, their shapes curling and swirling as they lifted high. He swatted at them like a child swatting at butterflies.

”That,” He said, ”Was for you pulling me underwater. Though, I’m glad you did, I like it under here.” He looked around, less than concerned with the weightless feeling that consumed him. Weightless, yes. Unbound, no. It was as if they were standing on land, unhindered by the undertow and buoyancy that water offered. There was a sense of hovering, more or less. No gravity, no buoyancy.

Raising his arms above his head, he cupped his arms and brought them down by his sides. The movement propelled his body upwards, above Caoin. Straightening out his body, he shifted his weight to roll over onto his back and placed his arms under his head. He closed his eyes and savored the warm and cool sensations of the sun beating down through the ocean water. He arched his back and looked down at Caoin.

”So welcome back to lala-land. I’ve been thinking since I last saw you. Tell me what your life is like, outside of here. Do you have a Strider? A family? Children, a husband? Siblings?” He paused. ”What do you like to do?”

His curiosity raged within. He was intrigued by the woman, and nothing would do until he knew everyone about her, whether it be through dreamstate or not. Whatever she was willing to share, he was willing to listen and ask more. And whatever she wasn’t willing to share, he would leave it be, and answer her questions, if she had any. Maybe one day, assuming she was real (the infinite question, it seemed, nowadays for him), he would meet her, already knowing everything about her.

And how perfect it would be.
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This Shimmering Sea [Caoin]

Postby Caoin on November 24th, 2011, 6:33 am

Caoin watched him swat at the bubbles that she made and smiled, so much like a child. It was such an adorable sight, watching him play with the bubbles. She couldn’t help but not her head in agreement as he commented on how pleasant it was being underwater, her hair flowing up and down in gentle waves with each nod. “It is nice here,” she responded, “Quiet and peaceful. I much prefer this sort of thing to other less pleasant types of settings…” She shivered for a moment as she thought about some of the nightmares she’d had in the past. These dreamy landscapes were far more inviting than the darkness of nightmares. The shiver passing, she turned her attention back to what was in front of her and watched as Brody moved up, stretching out in the light of the sun that broke through the water as if it were breaking through glass. Brody’s back arched and he looked down at her, she looked up at him in return.

“It’s good to be back,” she commented with a genuine smile to show that she meant it. She didn’t get to say much after that since he let loose a string of questions related to who she was and what her life was like in their home city, the moving city of Endrykas. Caoin laughed again at his child-like curiosity. She could be very much the same when something interested her, her mind racing with a million questions that she wanted to ask all at once, just like a child.”Woah, woah, slow down,” she said as he finished his string of questions, “one at a time now.” Shaking her head, her arms moved to pull herself through the water, so that her body was perpendicular to his and she could look him in the face more easily. “First off, I do have a strider. His name is Liath,” she began, “he’s a beautiful dark dun stallion. Full of energy and stubborn as any man,” the last part was spoken with clear affection, the kind of affection that one would display for the older brother that was always picking on you. “He saved my life when we bonded. I would probably be dead if it weren’t for him, I owe him my life,” there was no mistaking the deep love she held for her bonded when she spoke of the debt she owed him. It was clear that she would die for the strider.

“I live with my father’s family, and have no husband or children of my own,” Caoin paused momentarily, taking a deep breath. “Though, I believe my father hopes to change that soon. He is in need of an heir to take my brother’s place, and because I am the only remaining child, the next Ankal of our pavilion would be my husband,” judging by her facial expression, it was evident that she was clearly not happy with this prospect. “I don’t know how many suitors he’s paraded before me thus far,” she snorted in annoyance, more bubbles issuing forth and drifting up toward the surface. She had deliberately not mentioned much about her brother; the topic being a painful one for her, and whether he caught it and decided to press it remained to be seen. She would wait to see if he brought it up.

“As for what I like to do… I don’t know… riding, playing with my dogs,” these were all things that interested here, and there were many more things that she enjoyed doing, but being with the horses and dogs was what she loved most. “I suppose I’ve buried myself in trying to start my own business lately… I’ve neglected to socialize very much.” It was a kind of sad thing to admit, though she wasn’t really sure that she cared that much that she lacked a social life. There was plenty of time for that, later, right? Well, provided she wasn’t eaten by a glassbeak or picked up by slavers.

“But what about you, Mr. Brody Bear,” she questioned, “what sort of activities do you enjoy in that enchanting, ethereal city in which you reside?” She knew a little of his family, that he had a mother and father, so she would start with a different question, and perhaps ask for more details on other things at a later date. Though, she did want to ask him what he had said his family name was again. Perhaps she could ask around Endrykas to see if there was really a family by that name, if they had a son named Sterling. It would be interesting they did exist and had a son by that name, though, there was no guarantee that the Sterling of her dreams would be that son, it could just be her mind pulling up little tidbits of information she’d heard of other people’s lives together to create an image for her to interact with. Still, it was worth looking into, and so she tucked the thought away for a bit as they talked together.

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This Shimmering Sea [Caoin]

Postby Sterling Brody on November 25th, 2011, 3:39 am

Caoin’s smile stretched across her face like Syna’s rays broadening on the horizon, and warmed him inside as such. She gestured for him to slow down and began answering his questions. He couldn’t help it. He had been entirely too excited to see her again. Too excited? Well, maybe there was no such thing. In his mind’s eye, he pictured her gallant Strider, with his shiny dun coat. The swirling of the foam on the ocean’s surface made its way down in Liath’s form, in hues of sea green and pale blues. He galloped around them before dispersing into the water. Her passion enveloped him in each and every word, her eyes full of truth. Her dedication was unmistakable, undeniable. It made him smile in return, full of pride for her.

Her smile faded, taking Sterling’s with it. She grimly expressed her situation within her pavilion, seemingly linked back to the loss of her brother in some way or other. His head cocked to the side as he brought himself back right side up. When she paused, the reflection of a fresh nightmarish memory surfaced in her eyes. He swallowed, glancing away awkwardly. He supposed it was in his best interest not to push.

When asked what he was interested in, he cleared his throat. ”Well, I, too, have a Strider. His name is Kilo. He’s… Well, seems a lot like Liath, actually! I wish I had dogs. One, at least. I love them. Uhm… As for what I enjoy doing in Lhavit, I’m not sure. I walk the streets during the day, visit Kilo in the stables, take him out for a run. There’s a bunch of strange people and sights compared to Endrykas. I think I’m ready to come back though. I’m ready to come home. It just isn’t the same, you know? It’ll take me almost a year to make it back if I travel by horse, the way I came. My best bet is to take to the sea, via boat. It’ll take a couple seasons, but like I said, I’ll be back.” He offered her a smile, hoping that she would understand. ”Look, I… I know this doesn’t seem likely, but I’m telling you the truth. I will come back. While I’m in Lhavit, I’m going to look for an explanation for all of this. There has to be someone, somewhere who understands how and why we have met each other twice in our dreams, and distinctly remember one another. It doesn’t seem likely, but… If I’ve seen you twice, I’ll see you again, I’m sure. And I will report to you what I find out each time.” He reached out and twisted a piece of her hair around a tan, calloused finger.
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This Shimmering Sea [Caoin]

Postby Caoin on November 25th, 2011, 7:53 am

Caoin remained suspended in the watery world around her, and her attention was drawn from Brody to the foamy image of her strider as she spoke about him. Her gaze followed the foam horse along its course as it galloped around them and eventually became one again with the water that had birthed it. It was a beautiful sight to behold and for a moment, she’d almost forgotten that Brody was even there as she was reminded of the home that waited for her when she woke. Though, the beauty of the foam horse along was enough to distract her, with the swirling colors of the sea and the sunlight glinting off of it as it moved through the water, it was like watching the sunlight on Liath’s own coat, his sweat sparkling in that very same light. It was amazing the way the world around them could shift and produce such strange and interesting images. Caoin couldn’t help but wonder what sort of things one could do if they had the power to control their dreams, another thought that was greatly intriguing to the woman. It could potentially help her to avoid even the things she didn’t wish to face in her dreams, the nightmares that sometimes plagued her sleep.

With the image of Liath gone, her gaze turned back to Brody as she continued to talk. Caoin watched as he righted himself in the water and looked at her, she knew he would be hard pressed to miss her facial expressions when she spoke of the things that angered and pained her, but she found, to her relief, that he did not press those issues. When she thought of the nightmares, she was too unfocused to notice that Brody even looked away from her awkwardly, a physical sign of his acknowledgement that broaching the subject of her discomfort was likely not a good idea. However, him answering her question was. Caoin gave her fellow Drykas her full attention as he spoke, angling her body back slightly, almost as if she were reclining or leaning against something. She listened to him talk about his own strider, a male like hers. He mentioned wanting to own at least one dog, which was a plus in her book. Perhaps he wouldn’t mind owning more, especially if he wasn’t made to take care of them all. The longer he went on, the less satisfied he seemed with the city of Lhavit though. He wanted to return to Endrykas, even going so far as to say that he was ready to return.

Again, Brody indicated that he wished to see her in person, and also that he wanted to investigate the reason why they had met twice in such a strange manner. She couldn’t help but agree with him, it was odd, these dream meetings that had occurred. She too would like to know if there was anything behind it, or if it was all just some big coincidence. Sterling even suggested that they would surely meet again in their dreams, and she was also inclined to agree with this deduction. If it could happen twice, it could happen a third time, and a fourth. It could happen any number of times. Then again, it could never happen again. Caoin found herself displeased by that particular thought, but her attention was drawn back to Brody as he reached out to her, pulling at a strand of her hair and twisting it around one of his rough, tanned fingers. Her hand twitched at her side as she almost reached up to brush the back of his outstretched hand, but she hesitated. She was not in quite the same euphoric state she had been in at the time of her previous meeting. This environment was more calm and relaxed, allowing her to think more clearly and rationally. Rational thought kept her from allowing her body to respond naturally.

“It sounds like a good idea to me, perhaps we may actually be able to get some answers to all of our questions,” she responded, following it up with a smile of her own.

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cause it's almost like
your heaven's trying everything
to keep me out
-- Far From Home by FFDP

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of the Amethyst Clan
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Joined roleplay: September 26th, 2011, 10:26 pm
Location: Endrykas
Race: Human, Drykas
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