[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Revy and Zandelia set out upon their adventures together

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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Zandelia on November 20th, 2011, 5:56 pm


57th Spring, AV 511

Zandelia awoke to both pleasantry and negativity all wrapped into one bittersweet bundle, her skull throbbing from the inside as if its internal pressure were near to causing it to explode as memory percolated through the cracks of her knowledge and pieced the disparate fragments together once again. The first true sensation was of arousal, pure and unyielding, as her nose became suddenly aware of the scent of another laying next to her. Then touch played its part in the series of sensations and made Zandelia aware that the said person was decidedly feminine in nature, their legs entangled with her own and their breasts pressing against one another as her vision became the last sense to be restored and a blurry outline coalesced into the beautiful bar maid from the nights before. Memory clicked together and she became a ware she was at the tavern, had stayed the night and had enjoyed the thrill of a most excellent tumble for most of the evening, and morning too.

No wonder my muscles feel like they’ve been put through their paces, they’ve been thoroughly tested she thought to herself with a smile as the dull ache of the morning spirited its way through her, replacing the pain in her head with something more akin to a satisfied aching sensation.

“Good morning my lovely, how did you sleep?” she asked Drysalla, the name she had been given she remembered now.

The girl merely stirred a little to nuzzle upon to Zandelia’s neck and draw her a little closer. She smiled in her sleep and Zandelia chuckled, regretful that she would have to leave the warmth of the cosy cocoon they had woven together so expertly. Drysalla’s body was a furnace to her, bathing her skin and sore muscles with a healing light that she reluctantly shrugged away, slipping gently from underneath the woman so as not to unnecessarily awaken her, leaving Drysalla to curl up again and pull the covers closer by instinct, seeking to preserve the now empty space where Zandelia had been. As she pushed herself to her feet she was aware of burning sensations across her skin, scratches upon her back and reddened welts upon other portions of her body. She smiled remembering the wild, uninhibited lovemaking they had partaken of and knew there would be many bruises, on both sides, for some time to come. Stretching, she located her clothing scattered about the room in various places and began to dress. Undergarments followed by her trousers, boots, blouse and corset.

I’ll leave my cloak for now, not going to be leaving for a little while at any rate she thought, merely hanging its form upon the hook at the back of the door. As an afterthought she grasped at the barmaid’s clothes and draped them nicely upon the back of the single chair in the room.

“I’ll get us some breakfast pretty, you deserve it after all” she whispered, stroking the hair from Drysalla’s eyes and planting a gentle kiss there, actions of sensitivity she was not outwardly known for upon the streets of Sunberth.

Stepping out of the door and closing it gently behind her she was confronted with a sight that she had most definitely not expected to see. Crumpled outside the door, bucket next to her, Revy Hiroe lay in full view – full being the operative word. Zandelia shook her head with a smile, noticing once more the powerful muscles and attractive curves, bound as they were. She heaved Revy into a more comfortable position lest she scare the other guests and descended the stairs carefully, hands using the walls for support. Entering the main room she noticed it was empty, the smell of fresh cooking wafting from the kitchen. Deducing it was still very early she followed her nose and found the cook doting away at what would becoming the morning’s repast for all comers.

“Excuse me cook, would we be able to get some breakfast please? Some cold meat leftovers perhaps? Fresh bread with butter and mild cheeses? A long day leis ahead of us all I fear” she enquired, politeness being the weapon of choice and levering much out of the affable woman.

She had to wait a little while, water being put before her to ease her dehydration, but eventually it was all ready to be taken upstairs. The cook was a shrewd woman and passed three plates to her with a little wink before laughing it off and setting about busying herself once more. Zandelia blushed slightly, but remained as composed as she could as she returned to her rooms. She left one plate by Revy Hiroe’s side before pushing the door open with her hip and being given a beautiful sight – the barmaid now up and walking about the room in the nude.

“I brought us breakfast, but the feast you’ve given me already is more than enough” she grinned at Drysalla, causing her to flush and look at her shyly. They shared a small embrace and kiss before they set about breaking their fast.

It was over all too soon, Drysalla leaving to help downstairs in the kitchen and Zandelia lowering herself to sit beside the snoring Revy, holding out the woman’s plate before her nose in an attempt to wake her, Zandelia’s plate now heaped with leftovers from her meal with the bar maid.

“Come now Revy, you don’t want to miss breakfast do you?” she crooned in a tone that would cut through even the densest of sleeper.

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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Revy Hiroe on November 20th, 2011, 8:26 pm

The mercenary didn't have, what most people would call, a pleasant dream. What she was dreaming about, were the women, children and husbands that lost their family to her. While she did not care who she slew, making children homeless and women widows was something that she did hate. The last woman she had made a widow before she even got married, was still very present in her memory.

As Zandelia had put Revy in a more comfortable position, the necklace with the ring slipped out from under her armor. "Stop haunting me. It wasn't my fault, I was just doing my job. You can't blame me for that!", she yelled at the picture of what she believed to be Ruth.

Her skin had gotten slightly sweaty as Zandelia returned, making it glimmer a little. But as she waved the plate under Revy's nose and then talked to her, the mercenary slowly opened her eyes a little. A groan escaped from her mouth as she sat straight. Placing a hand against her head, she asked: "Wha.... where?"

Noticing a woman in front of her, Revy then said: "Listen Ruth, it wasn't my fault. I just did my job." It was apparent that she was still not completely awake, or that she just couldn't remember where she was right now. All she did was close her eyes again, trying to shut the light out. Her hangover was pretty bad.
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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Zandelia on November 20th, 2011, 11:17 pm


Zandelia was an observant woman by nature and as such noted the necklace she had seen fall out of Revy Hiroe’s clothing before glitter upon the ground before her hand, all but begging her to observe from a closer distance. It was only when she reached out to pull it closer, quietly and slowly, that she saw it was a ring held in place by the chain, rather than some form of pendant. That was strange in and of itself, speaking of something that the muscled warrior held dear to her heart, something she would not have thought possible with the surly and cantankerous woman laying on the ground next to her, dead drunk and quite obviously in the throws of a nightmare or two. Her skin was soaked with sweat, the stale smell radiating outwards from her form. Zandelia brushed her hair a little and placed the ring back within her garments, extricating her hand merely moments before the woman rose up to sit against the wall.

There’s that Ruth again, whoever she is. Or was, by the sounds of it. A Strange woman indeed to be haunted by her own actions but outwardly uncaring of what she gets herself into. Perhaps I should reconsider lest she become further damaged by my own vendetta she thought to herself, eyeing the warrior as she held her hands to her head in pain. It was a passing sense of altruism, one which left when she remembered what she was up against and why she needed to use Revy Hiroe – the pebble that would knock the cart of slavers from its travelling rut.

“I do not know who this Ruth is, but I would suggest that you eat something before your body becomes more toxic to itself Revy Hiroe,” she spoke carefully, not wishing to anger the woman further than she may already be, “ale is not a good substitute for food I fear, though we wish it was so” she finished, placing the plate on the woman’s thighs, letting her fingers brush the muscle there a little out of curiosity before leaning back upon her haunches and studying the warrior woman further.

She did indeed look the worse for wear, dark circles around her eyes and her purple-brown hair stuck to her forehead or wetted into rat’s tails. Her clothing must have been damp at the very least Zandelia thought, judging from the way it stuck to the contours of her body so delightfully to her single green eye. She knew now that her bosom was ample enough too, though bound savagely to her body which must have been painful. Zandelia found herself wondering what this woman had gone through to turn her into the woman she was now. She was beginning to realise that, whilst Revy and herself seemed similar on the surface, they were two disparate personalities. Whilst Zandelia knew her role, her place and at least believed in something to anchor her sanity, Revy Hiroe seemed to believe in little, if anything. It was not surprising to Zandelia, then, that the woman seemed to experience so little inner peace. She could find a slither of pity within her for the woman, though did not voice it out loud.

I do not want another kick, not after last night’s activities. Might just break me she joked mentally as she watched the warrior start to come around a little an notice her surroundings further. Zandelia took a bite of crusty break, smeared with a thick layer of salty butter – a luxury she hoped Revy would appreciate. It paid to treat hired hands well as it meant they were less likely to stray, something she had learned whilst studying the motives and uses of intelligence gathering.

“We have a big day today Revy, one which I hope will pay for your wages several times over in spoils. It’s just the beginning as well. Still, I hope you’re not feeling too terrible today. You should have joined the bar maid and myself, you might have been shown a good time” she grinned in remembrance of that which she would not soon forget.

“Still, bucket of cold water and some action to get your blood pumping and you’ll feel better. Leastways you’ll be able to take out your anger on people who probably deserve it this time,” she continued to pitch her tone in a gentle manner, trying to rouse the woman further with her words, “but I see you got into a fight already. Who hit you?” she asked, leaning over now to trace her thumb across the bruise along the woman’s jaw.

Bastards, hitting my employee. Might have to have a word methinks she cursed to herself, making a mental note.

“Why did you call me Ruth?” she asked finally, after several moments of silence the involved Revy finally coming around and pushing her hand away with a toss of her head and Zandelia sitting back down on the ground next to the large woman, picking at some left over cheese now as she waited for a reply and hoped she would not encounter rage so early on in the day.

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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Revy Hiroe on November 21st, 2011, 5:18 am

After the mercenary woke up completely at the mention of food, she blushed slightly because of her slip up. It didn't happen often that she mistook other people for those she had orphaned or widowed and each time she did, she had been in a similar situation as this. The fingers of Zandelia against her thigh did calm her mind, however strange it was. But at least it wasn't a bad feeling.

The first thing she did was pick up a buttered slice of bread. Zandelia probably didn't know, but it was actually Revy's favorite breakfast. That's why she dug in with joy. But her face had returned back to the cold and hard one, not showing much emotion anymore. "No doubt you had a nice evening. I can't remember much. Whatever happend after you left is all a blur."

Why was it that the voice of the woman across her, sounded so gentle, unlike yesterday? And why was it that Revy felt alot calmer? She couldn't figure it out the whole time she was eating breakfast. What she said was true though. It would help her over her hangover quite easily. Probably even make her forget about Ruth for a while again.

Feeling the thumb of the halfbllind woman running over her cheek, she twitched a little. It felt good, but painful as well. It was probably painful because of the bruise on her cheek. Either way, the woman sat back down next to her before Revy could figure out why she was feeling like that. "Ruth is just a woman I widowed before she could even get married. Her husband was stupid enough to try and steal stuff I had to protect. That's about all. I made a promise with the guy as he breathed his final moments, to never forget about her. I still carry that ring around my neck.", she decided to confess. "Why the petch am I telling her this? I've never told anyone stuff like it before. God what is this woman? And how did she get under my shell?", she thought
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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Zandelia on November 21st, 2011, 4:56 pm


Zandelia watched Revy Hiroe come around fully, appreciative of the lessons she had been taught long ago in the use of one’s voice. It was a powerful thing, the tone and pitch of your words, the precise inflections used and the emotions behind them – feigned or otherwise. She was glad that it had helped to keep the situation a calm one, anger not ever rearing its ugly head in so far as she could observe. The warrior seemed more open today, though whether it was due to her weakness from being caught in the throws of what Zandelia could only imagine was a gruesome hangover, or due to her being more accepting of Zandelia herself she could not gauge altogether too well. Still, the woman did not brim over with age at her touches and that was a good sign, touch being an important tool in building trust and several other bonds with others. If Revy Hiroe could learn t let herself be touched physically, then she could learn to let Zandelia into her life enough to become fully useful.

After all, you cannot know a person’s true strengths until you know them, at least a small amount she noted to herself as she finished the cheese upon her plate and began to pick at the leftover salted meats, cold and deliciously tangy to her tongue. Some would call her manipulative perhaps, but she preferred the term realist. She knew how the world truly worked, ugly as it was, and for the both of them to survive they would need to trust each other.

“Well, I can’t say that I can help with that particular problem Revy, I am sorry to tell you. However, I could perhaps help in other ways,” she responded as her moods built upon sensitivity was pulled at by the woman’s words, “I could help, should you desire it, with the looking after of said woman. Once we are done with our tasks we shall have enough money to set her up nicely and I would not begrudge that fact. I am not fighting for the money” she smiled at the woman, a smile that told of deeper meanings but ones she would not reveal just now.

She was beginning to see somewhat of an inherent fragility to the woman before her now, one which gave her a softer reflection than the uncouth woman she had assumed her to be. There were feelings there behind the cold and emotionless words, she was sure of that. What those feeling were, however, she could only speculate upon and was not willing t risk her auristic skills to fond out – it was not a necessity. She would ferret out the information soon enough perhaps and then could build a more complete picture of the warrior woman. Not that the picture was found wanting at all as it was, her form becoming far more appealing to Zandelia as she found the depth of character she had not known of before. Mysteries attracted her, drover her ever onwards – and here was a small living one for her to untangle. It was almost a dream come true in that sense, a walking puzzle she could find much pleasure in solving, and solving well.

If only half the women I knew were as interesting I wouldn’t need to leave my home she chuckled to herself as she finished off the rest of her own food and came up onto her haunches in front of Revy Hiroe, watching the woman finish off her own meal with gusto. She suspected she would need to buy more to satiate her mercenary nature, but that would have to wait for now.

“I may not know much Revy Hiroe,” she began as she placed her hand upon the woman’s shoulder gently, “but I know that it is our past which makes us who we are. Still, we can direct those events in differing ways, channel them into many areas of ourselves. Do not be so quick to judge yourself over happenings that may not have been fully under your control. I know too well the price of such things” she finished, touching the scar upon her face with a sad look in her eyes.

“Come, I need to have a talk with whomever hit you earlier and lay down some rules” she stated, bringing her hand to the side of Revy’s face that now sported a bruise, leaning forwards and brushing a kiss to her forehead, and then upon the bruise upon her cheek, which she was sure would make the woman incredulous but was her own small custom from years gone by.

It was a delicate touch of the lips, one which perhaps pushed boundaries a bit too far and too quickly, but she would not have Revy Hiroe think she did not care if she became injured in the line of Zandelia’s duty. She would know that Zandelia did care, though how much she wished to go further at that moment was only hinted in a brief glance at the warrior’s eyes and lips before pushing herself upwards and offering her wrist to help the woman up and to her feet.

oocFeelfree to freak out and such! have revy watch with satisfaction as Zandelia cusses out the owner ofthe tavern and then our mission shall begin. I didn't think a full on kiss to the lips would be as stirring to Revy as ones with actual caring behind them. But I can edit if you wish :)

Last edited by Zandelia on November 22nd, 2011, 12:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Revy Hiroe on November 21st, 2011, 6:11 pm

The mercenary just listened to her contractor. It wasn't as much that she needed help or anything, she just wanted to get rid of the guilt that still haunted her. Normally she would've just shaken it off, but for some odd reason, this just managed to stick with her. It only returned at the times her walls started to weaken, namely when she was getting drunk. But that was just something she herself had to deal with.

Noticing the smile with deeper meanings, Revy frowned only slightly. What would that woman be smiling about? The meaning completely eluded her. "There's no need to help me with that. I'll shake off the feeling of guilt sooner or later, just like the others, but thanks anyway.", she simply replied, there was a slight hint of what could be recognized as a little bit of despair.

Zandelia couldn't know it right away, but her placing her hand on Revy's shoulder did calm her down completely. It was still a complete mystery to herself why she relaxed under those touches. But as the other woman spoke of her own experience, Revy did feel a little pity towards her. She had lost her eye apparently because of a mistake she made and it wouldn't heal for a lifetime.

The next thing caught Revy offguard completely, her eyes going open with shock. A kiss with such gentleness and caring, it was the first time she got kissed like that. Heck, it was the first time she ever got kissed by someone else besides her family. What was that woman thinking? Of all the things she could have done, she embarrassed Revy like that.

As the head of the mercenary turned beetred from embarrassement, she almost yelled as Zandelia had pulled back: "Whu.... Wha........ what are you thinking? I..... Why....... what..... Why'd you..... kiss me?" Her whole body was shaking a little from the shock. Perhaps it was a bit too much to give two kisses at once, but what was done, couldn't be undone.
While Revy wasn't a prude or anything, in the meaning that she could just walk past a couple that was making love to eachother, things that happend to her did turn her into one. It was visible that she was still a virgin, just from the reaction she gave.
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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Zandelia on November 22nd, 2011, 1:33 am


Zandelia could not blame the woman for her reactions, the slightly raised and hysterical voice, nor even the accusing words, as if she had committed some gross violation of existence itself. Truthfully she could not bring herself to care too much and had she admitted it to herself she would have kissed the warrior woman somewhere far more intimate. She was not as stony as many assumed she was and her evening’s proclivities had brought about the revelation of her softer side, something few people saw. Revy Hiroe should have seen herself as honoured, but Zandelia did not force the issue as she saw little point in doing so. The warrior was clearly not used to much physical contact outside of scuffling, though Zandelia fancied she could change that somewhat if she dared to. She merely let a small smile light up her lips as she looked down upon her new compatriot.

I would not be surprised if she had even been kissed before outside of her family, and by her reaction I’d say that might be by choice as much as by accident. No one goes through life so alone as one who wishes to do so she thought to herself as she let her hand fall to her waist for a few minutes, hand upon her hip and hips tilted to the side ever so slightly. An old trick to draw attention without the mark knowing she wished to, usually at least.

“Think nothing of it Revy Hiroe, it is merely a custom of my family and passed down to myself. It is a gesture to show those that need it, that they are not alone. Too intimate perhaps, but it is the way it is” she stated simple truth, or rather truth bent to explain away her desires somewhat getting the better of her. “Besides, you are an attractive woman my hired sword, I could not resist. It will not happen again” she finished.

She again extended her hand, this time leaning down further to give the warrior a decent view of her cleavage, to pull at Revy Hiroe’s hands. She braced her feet, bending her knees in anticipation of the weight to be put upon them and helped to pull the woman to her feet. She let out a grunting sound as she did so, the weight of armour and flesh almost too much for her muscles, but she was not about to let a hung over and distraught woman heave herself upwards when she did not have to. As Revy Hiroe came to her feet she stumbled a t little, something Zandelia expected, and was there to help her stand up before she was pushed away incredulously – clearly the warrior not wishing to experience much more physical contact for the time being. She nodded in understanding and glanced to the side, hiding her disappointment at having probably destroyed what little bond she had forged with the woman by her own rash and unthinking actions.

Well, what’s done is done. Perhaps we can do something to mend it when she sees the glint of gold enter her purse she thought to herself as she cocked her head to the side in consideration.

First thing was first and Zandelia stepped down the stairs three at a time, landing lightly at their bottom after a small jump. She let her partner following her won time, leaving her with her thoughts for now as Zandelia sought out the innkeeper. Once found she learnt that Revy Hiroe had been knocked out after fears of her rage destroying the tavern’s property became too much to risk her consciousness further. She had assumed as much and listened attentively and apologized for the actions that were not her own. Still, she did explain in no uncertain terms that none was to harm her comrade in the future lest they want a knife in the ribs, assuring the owner that they would be letting rooms for some time to come and that Zandelia would keep Revy’s temper in check where necessary. Walking away she merely hoped that she would be able to follow up on such promises. That done she joined the warrior, leant against the wall and watching the spectacle as she was, and gave a nod.

“You will not be hit again, not whilst you’re hired by me. But I would ask you not to destroy the furniture lest you bankrupt me before the end of our dealings” she jested, running her hand through her hair and ruffling the back as she went through the plans for the day.

How do I explain what we will have to do and convince her to do it? she asked herself as she looked around the room in temporary despair.

“Come, let’s take in some fresh air and I can set about telling you what our plans are today” she began, walking to the door and breathing in the fresher air a few time, her eyes closed, before beginning her trail down the street.

“Today we will be getting ourselves some disguises and some rather pretty ones too. Now, to do that we will be combing the Castle Commons area for some very…particular…targets. Why? Well we will be taking their clothing – their dresses to be exact,” she looked at the warrior for any reaction but could not read her pensive face that well, “because we will need them later. They will become important for infiltration purposes” she tried to skim over the fact that Revy Hiroe would be wearing one of them at that time.

“First, however, we head for the dockyards. We will be looking for some slavers wearing red and blue colours. They are the ones we will be tracking. When we have the opportunity we will strike and then you get to have some fun with them until they tell me what I want to know. I’m sure that will help you work through your pain rather well” she finished with a snorting chuckle.

She patted the warrior upon the arm companionably and led her into the dockyards. She would most probably have better luck than Zandelia in spotting their targets, taller and possessing of two eyes as she was. She merely hoped the woman would stick to the plan and only strike when they had the advantage and could slip away with the bodies to somewhere more secluded.

“Keep your eyes open and if you see them tell me. We will have to wait until the right time to strike lest we call dozens of others upon ourselves” she all but whispered as hey entered the busy crowds of people.

oocRight, I skimmed over the kissing reasons as it seemed better to let Revy think it over herself in term of character development. If you want me to add more then I will, no problem. Feel free to use your initiative in finding the men (we need two) and control Zandelia however you wish to develop your own things personally. Hope you like!

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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Revy Hiroe on November 24th, 2011, 10:09 pm

The mercenary listened emotioneless to the whole plan, though on the inside she was completely confused. She had to wear a dress? Those things that restricted movement by like...... alot? What was that woman thinking? Didn't she see how much of a tomboy her hired sword was? Or did she come up with that right there on the spot, having a second objective with that, besides the infiltrating?

Either way, she couldn't figure it out, even as they reached the dockyards. She memorised at least what she had to look for. Two guys in red and blue. Well that wouldn't be a problem. All she had to do to lure them in was promise a good slave. Of course, the woman next to her would fit that description perfect. She wouldn't agree however, that much was sure. For that the woman had too much pride, or that's what Revy thought.

After walking around for about an hour, Revy spotted some slavers wearing blue. Perhaps she should put her little plan of revenge to work. All she did had to do was be fast. Otherwise it would get dangerous. The two of them getting caught wouldn't be the least of their problems. But pissing off the slaver's division would. It wasn't the first time for her dealing with them and she knew that they'd start causing trouble for herself, trouble she'd rather avoid.

After making sure that Zandelia hadn't seen the slavers yet, Revy let her plan go into action as she told the other to wait in an alley. Then the mercenary walked over to the slavers. "Ey guys, could one of you come with me. Would like to... discuss a small trade of coin with you. And you see... I don't like others seeing what 'wares' I have.", she said.

One of the slavers laughed and nodded. He had heard of the reputation of this woman, but only slightly. Most of the slavers did remember her face as she had taken down a rather... big player in the slavers business before. And at the same time, they also knew that she had saved another big player from death. "Sure I'll come. Hope your 'wares' are in good condition.", the biggest of them said. He easily reached 6.6 feet and looked just like the tough guy she threw out of the bar last night.

Once the two of them had reached where Zandelia was waiting, Revy simply said: "This is the girl I was talking about. Too bad she has a scar on her face. Does lessen her beauty a bit. Well what do you say?", she said to the slaver.

"No bounds, nor cuffs. You're insane woman. She could've......, was all he could say before he got knocked out from behind by Revy.

"Here you go, one knocked out slaver. Let's drag him over to... the back a bit more. Then people will see it less.", she smirked. She imagined that the woman across her should've gotten scared at least a bit when it seemed as Revy was about to sell her out. And as to give that thought form, she had a wide grin on her face.
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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Zandelia on November 25th, 2011, 3:09 am


Zandelia had to admit that the warrior woman had managed to convincingly unsettle her for a good few moments, stating to the massive slaver that she wished to sell Zandelia to him with a broad grin smeared across her countenance. Her heart at all but leapt out of her chest that second, sweat breaking out upon her brow as her teeth had gritted and her number fingers had clenched as if she could have punched one of them in the face. The memories had flashed back, a callaoedoscope of humiliation and despair that Revy Hiro would have no idea Zandelia had experienced. Still, she had felt the adrenaline flood her system, preparing her for a fight or flight response and seeing as there had been no escape she would have fallen in the middle of fighting tooth and nail for her freedom. She had earned it at a high price and had no intention of returning to her previous life whilst she had strength left in her body and mind. When she had watched the brutish slaver fallen, a slamming punch to his face rendering him unconscious, she could have fallen to her knees weeping as the situation turned from terrible to triumphant in seconds.

Bloody bitch of a woman! Vengeance is sweet for you I suppose, just next time choose a different petching way of making a point she raged to herself mentally, her strength not really behind the musing however. She was merely glad things were not turning sour just yet.

“Alright Revy Hiroe, you have proven your point. I won’t bloody kiss you again,” she grunted as she helped the woman drag the body to a nice and secluded spot in the rabbit warren of side alleys branching out from the dockyards area, “just next time do so in a different way please. Slavers make me…uncomfortable” she finished, her tongue not finding the correct words but the tone of her voice partially revealing her fear all too clearly to the woman, her hand straying subconsciously to her scar – a link a smart person would notice indeed.

It took them both a few minutes of silent dragging, the man weighing far more than Zandelia thought would be possible for a human, until they had found an ideal location. Once found Zandelia let his arm drop to the floor and signalled the muscled Amazon that was her hired hand to heave him into one of the corners of the small square whilst she researched their location for security. There were three other alleys branching off from where they stood now, she did not count the direction they had entered from as a quick glance showed her what she already knew – they had not been followed. She quickly set about leaning against the corners of the other three and scouting out the passages beyond, taking each task carefully and in a considering manner until she was satisfied they were well and truly alone, for now at least. Her gaze swept the rooftops also, knowing personally how one could traverse them with ease, but saw nothing there either. Breathing a sigh of relief she walked over to the slaver and rammed the toe of her boot into his left kidney to rouse him with a mighty groan. Once he was partially awake she squatted in front of him, her dagger ready for the lunging out she anticipated and pricking the flesh of his chest enough to cause pain as he stopped his forwards movement.

“Well done, that’s the first smart thing you’ve done all day you bastard,” she growled at him, her gaze piercing his own as she scowled down at him, “and if you keep seeing what’s smart you might end up living through the rest of it too” she finished, pulling her father’s dagger away now but keeping it in her grip firmly.

“Now, my friend here is going to be asking you some very important questions each time I ask you mine and I don’t think you’re telling me the truth,” she continued, her voice molten honey now, sweetness being far more intimidating than a shout in some cases, “and I warn you I am very good at telling if you are. If it carries on too long then I might have to treat you to something of my own thinking, and it will not be as pleasant. Understand?” she asked the slaver, knowing whether he did or not did not matter.

“Very well,” she stood up now, walking to place her hand upon Revy’s shoulder, her bust brushing the woman’s arm, “be gentle with him my dear, but have some fun. I know how you love to release your anger. Just try not to break anything…yet” she looked into Revy’s eyes and then back down to the slaver at the last word, surely a chilling spectacle for the man. She strode a few paces away and leant against a wall, using the tip of her dagger to clean her nails.

Sometimes just seeing a weapon is enough to get them to imagine what can be done with it. Getting information from people unwillingly is like sucking poison from a wound, a delicate task. You have to break the mind first, the damaging of the body only a method of wearing down their mental walls she thought to herself as she let silence reign for a few moments, stretching out like eternity itself as Revy smiled down at her next victim.

“Now, your master, goes by the name of Kelgar the Branded, where does he lay his head these days? My sources say he no longer favours the Slaver’s Paradise. Speak” she hissed the last word at him, snaking them out like a whip.

She did not expect him to break, not at first, but he would do so soon enough and the two women working on him had a couple of hours to spare.

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[Flashback] Two Women, One Mission (Revy)

Postby Revy Hiroe on November 25th, 2011, 2:47 pm

The mercenary still chuckled a little as she heard Zandelia promise not to kiss here again. "Good, don't surprise me like that again. I don't like.......... being confused like that.", she replied. It didn't escape her attention that her contractor had touched the scar on her eye as she spoke of the slavers making her feel uncomfortable.

Revy just listened and watched as the scarred woman woke the guy up and threatened him. All she did during that time, was look down on him with a cold stare. It was enough to keep him still.... at least for now. He'd soon regret not taking the chance to run away or even fight his way out.

Of course, the slaver didn't give them an answer as they asked. He knew better then to betray his boss. If Kelgar found out, he'd be in serious shyke. Death would be a reward then. His boss could drag out someone's death extremely well, making them beg for it later during the torture.

That was also the time he started regretting that same answer as Revy's foot connected painfully to his knee. He screamed in pain as he felt it break. "I thought that a wrong answer would get you injured, so again: Where is your master sleeping?", Revy asked him with a cold voice. Her face went completely emotionless, which was a dangerous state for the slaver as she could grow unpredictable now.

And yet again the slaver refused to give them an answer, instead he spat right in Zandelia's face. It lured out a punch to his face, a kick in the same kidney Zandelia had kicked before and a rather hard kick with the tip of Revy's foot to his most private parts. "Final chance or I will start removing some unnecessary parts from your body.", Revy told the guy again.

Now the scared, beaten up slaver was willing to cooperate. Much faster then both of the woman had anticipated. He revealed that his master, Kelgar the Branded, resided in the Pig's Foot Tavern. After that he started begging the two woman for his life, using the argument that almost anyone used, namely his wife and kids.

Revy turned to Zandelia and walked up to her so she could whisper in the other's ear without letting the slaver hear. "Ey, want to get revenge on this guy? Thought I saw that you had some trouble with slavers in the past. Otherwise I'll finish him off right here and now.", she whispered to Zandelia, allowing her the pleasure of meaningless torture and killing.
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