OOCIf I get some prices wrong, let me know quickly so I can fix it.
Alea laughed slightly at the stag's enthusiasm as she put her own coins back into her pouch. "You have to count out the right number," she explained. "Let's see, the boots are worth 3 silver, yes?" She looked at the clerk for confirmation before continuing. "Then there are the breeches, which are, what, 5 silver? And then the cloak is also 5 silver. Then since 10 silver mizas is worth the same as one gold miza, you pay 1 gold and 3 silver mizas." Alea smiled at Yuros, hoping he understood. He seemed to know a few random things about human culture, and he'd gotten coin from somewhere, but she had no way of knowing if he knew how to count. After explaining the prices to him, she counted out the money for him and paid the clerk.