Siofra's Scrapbook - Tales of the Winter

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Siofra's Scrapbook - Tales of the Winter

Postby Siofra on November 7th, 2011, 10:25 pm

Did I tell you that you are awesome yet? Because seriously, you deserve another gold star.
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OOCIt is now December, officially Winter in the Mizaharian calender. Siofra is no longer available to thread with for anyone after the end of Fall.
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Siofra's Scrapbook - Tales of the Winter

Postby Goshawk on November 8th, 2011, 6:10 pm


This rant is about the unholy terror known as "My Immortal", the senseless massacre of the English language, and the hereafter banishment of all things Harry Potter Fanfiction related from this Scrapbook.

Like. Seriously.

I cried in Chapter Nine of My Immortal. Why?



If this story is truly based off of Tara (the author) and her friends living the life in hogwarts then Voldemort MUST be based off of a particularly unique English teacher that our beloved writer didn't like!




Fourteen year old girls have always been forbidden from making nineteen year old girls cry. It's just demeaning to the laws of nature! You senselessly butchered my adoration of Lord Voldemort, the rating once known as PG-13 (seriously, I think you should have used an iPhone to text this story out so all your f***s and f***ings could be changed to ducks and duckings. A thirteen/fourteen year old girl with THAT kind of potty mouth can totally ball up and say, dare I say it, c*** instead of "his you-know-what").


Another thing: Please, pleeeease, i beg of you, try to get what you are saying correct.

For instance, Dumbledore apparently constipated the camera "Loopin and Snap" (I think she means Lupin and Snape, but I can't be sure because later on she makes a point to ensure that we know Snap is NOT named Severus and Loopin can't be Lupin because Serious (Sirius?) is enjoying torturing him) were using to take nude pictures of the main character (whose name may be Enoby, or Ebony, or Enony, OR Eboby (depending on who says it) because she is just that dope) while masticating (wth?).

A young teenager, recently breaching the cusp of adulthood and sexuality, should have NO IDEA what it means to be urm... "masticating". At least until they get a decent sexual education class!

Masticating could, after all, be the side effect of a dangerous sexually transmitted virus!

But I have digressed from my point. In fact, I lost my point.

Poor Shakespearean Voldemort. If he had ever learned of this story, he would have found a bloody good reason to kill all of the muggles in the world.

Oh, btw, your character IS a bloody Mary Sue and, sadly, you just CAN'T be a pureblood witch and a vampire at the same time. You are NOT a goth, or I suppose a "goff" (I apologize to you, noble Goth peoples. This is our mistake. Sincerely, the emo population of North America). and those poor bands you troll in your fic may have sued you (I hope they did. In my universe, Gerard Way is sobbing his eyes out and Tom Felton is scarred for life) are emo/punk, however a person wants to describe them.

Here's a pretty picture for you, "Ebony".
I'll even try and get you a class at a top notch school for English, or I'll buy you a book.

Note from the AuthorI pretty much just trolled a troll. I'm sorry.
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Siofra's Scrapbook - Tales of the Winter

Postby Siofra on November 8th, 2011, 7:24 pm

Okay, well I totally changed my mind about Pashka. She is now a Konti Called to serve the Symenestra peoples and help them to repopulate themselves. :3 Sorry, Denvali peoples! I still love you~
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OOCIt is now December, officially Winter in the Mizaharian calender. Siofra is no longer available to thread with for anyone after the end of Fall.
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Siofra's Scrapbook - Tales of the Winter

Postby Screech on November 14th, 2011, 4:49 pm

I feel like my themesong should be that of Team Rocket. As in, the original theme. With the whole Meowth thing and when I get defeated I can be like "Omg! I'm blasting off again and I'll come back again because no matter how high I end up flying I'll land without harm!"
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Siofra's Scrapbook - Tales of the Winter

Postby Siofra on November 14th, 2011, 10:46 pm

My New Favorite Word Is...


Seriously. "Terribad". It has to be the most badassedest word out there NOT in the dictionary (because really... best word in the dictionary, hands down, is "antiquing").

See, my newfound friend in Scotland uses that word to describe his internet connection. I totally became a fan of it then and there. Like, come on?! Terribad?! OMG.

And now I believe I just read it in Lassie's scrapbook.

Lassie being Laszlo, just so you know.

(That's just me being a doofus. I call him Lassie because it sounds WAY better than Lazzie, and he can distinguish me for it. Laszi goes good, too, I suppose, but Lassie just ends up funner)

I should really get to replying to his post, as well as Ethan's, though.

So yippee!!!

Oh, I suppose I'm out of NaNo unless I ball up and nuke the world.
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OOCIt is now December, officially Winter in the Mizaharian calender. Siofra is no longer available to thread with for anyone after the end of Fall.
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Siofra's Scrapbook - Tales of the Winter

Postby Aran'Skia on November 16th, 2011, 9:35 pm

Today's Rant

Yeah. I said rant. And I put this post in some luridly grotesque colour just so it'd snag all y'all's attention. First off, I have to figure out what I want to rant about, and then I will proceed to the ranting part of our discussion.

Just to hold your fancy, I'll talk about my shiny new Konti pc, whom I've just chosen a model to. My model's name is Evanna Lynch, but a lot of people may know her as "That Crazy Chick" from Harry Potter, namely the only crazy chick who is a good guy. Luna Lovegood.

My character, just so you all know, is a Konti. What better for a race built to be unuasual than to have a model who's one notable career made her into a "loony" girl? She certainly suits a Konti from my opinion and I won't regret using her...

I also won't regret introducing Harry Potter to Mizahar, as I earlier did for Narnia. ;) It's good to know that Jadis now has Mr Tumnus and Prince Caspian to keep her company in this alien world.

Ah yes, my rant. It's going to be long winded and about many different things, but I just want to lay down some opinions before I get to the fun stuff, if fun stuff there exists here in my Scrapbook. By the way, I've decided to name my scrapbook Bob. Generic? Maybe. I once had a christmas tree named Bob, and then a baby fir tree, and then I named something else Bob (might've been the oven, really).

I was just called a troll in chat. /:


Moving on before I decide to express my displeasure, end up insulting someone who has no business being insulted, and have to edit my post just to assuage his apparently wounded ego.

I wish to rant about winter and the idiocy of my fellow Canadians during this, the liveliest of Seasons.

See, it snowed here only recently (last Sunday) and the snow as well as the ice has remained on the ground, and it probably will remain until Spring rolls around. When it first snowed, I was listening to the radio and the man speaking was commenting on the weather and the drivers. This is, word for word, what he said.

"Today's that day where everyone trying out for Canada's Worst Driver decides they have errands to run... You know what I mean. Everyone who drives out there becomes transfixed, hypnotized by the beautiful falling water crystals that they forget they've lived in Canada their entire lives."

I remember this because it amused me so much, so greatly. I lol'd as people would say and told my mum, who also lol'd.

OMG. Cheshire just made me lol so badly. xD

Okay, I can't rant about anything. This wasn't even a rant. This was a piece of randomness straight from that horribly convoluted piece of magic that is my brain.

I'll have to get back to this later after I ogle Laszlo's scrapbook a bit more.
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Siofra's Scrapbook - Tales of the Winter

Postby Aran'Skia on November 16th, 2011, 9:48 pm


Yeah. James McAvoy swag. <3property of Cheshire~

I have such a ridiculous crush.
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Siofra's Scrapbook - Tales of the Winter

Postby Siofra on November 23rd, 2011, 8:38 pm


It seems that very soon I won't be able to post as Siofra much anymore. ;) There is a very good reason for this, but if you are one of the few who don't know, I won't tell you because chances are... you'll soon find out.

Siofra is my first PC. She is who I joined Mizahar as, and she is why I like Ethaefal so much (well, her and Eridanus. Like really... Sometimes, I wish my model was Noctis). I am gonna do something I saw in Macabre's Scrapbook, that I was enabled to trace back to Victor Lark's, and now I will copy that here after posting the link to Siofra's last Fall thread... Or at least the last on I'll be opening.

Dreaming Your Dreams

And now, for SIofra.

Siofra, the Cracked Mirror
The title is there just to grab your attention.

So, Siofra. She's tragic, broken, angry, passionate, cold, distant, obsessive, hungry, and lost. She is chaotic, desiring only to spread laughter in the world, and neutral at the same time.

She believes that the world she was born into is a cruel dream.

Siofra has always been suicidal. I can't adequately explain her, because I don't fully understand her. She is different from me, reacts and responds to stimuli in a very different way than I would ever think to. I have seen only glimpses of her mind, pried into only the first edge of her psyche, and have found her to be disturbing.

She could be evil, if she tried. There exists in her that possibility, however faint. She has no reason to be good, she has no hope of even hoping to be whole and well. Once, I thought Siofra would be equally likely to stab someone than save them, but now I am unsure. She is different from everything I truly anticipated for her.

I have to get ready to say goodbye to her.

See, as I said this is nothing but a dream for her. She believes that Nysel is mocking Leth and that, every night, Nysel takes the form of the Moon and laughs at her. She is paranoid to the point where I just have to fake her side-affects because I don't understand them. She would have tried to kill herself on the 1st of Spring, an almost romantic day as it is the one year anniversary of her Fall to Mizahar.

I changed my mind.

This is because Siofra obsesses. She obsesses over the dream world she lives, she obsesses over the man she gave her body to one regretful night, and she obsesses over the House of Broken Mirrors. By her obsessions, can you guess where this is going? Can you guess on how Siofra plans to kill herself, and who she plans to kill if she gets a chance?

Well, if you don't, you'll have to wait and see.

Wow, that little thing wasn't impressive at all. x-x I'll have to do better when I write Goshawk's interpretation.
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OOCIt is now December, officially Winter in the Mizaharian calender. Siofra is no longer available to thread with for anyone after the end of Fall.
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Siofra's Scrapbook - Tales of the Winter

Postby Siofra on November 23rd, 2011, 8:46 pm

Because I'm stupid and mean to myself, when Siofra dies I'll be starting my new PC in Alvadas as well and flashbacking myself to death in Denval, because I owe Talen just this small little thing for being such an awesome person. :3

And yes, to all you nay sayers out there who keep telling me to play a guy and a human, I will be playing another female Ethaefal born of Leth, but however: her form during the day will be that of a pre-Valterrian Chaktawe. So, you know what that means...

Well, at least this PC won't be insane, right? Just old. And, if I'm lucky, marked by Leth.

PS: I have to make up my mind, seriously. Like, what the hell? First I want to start her in Syliras and meet Poison's alternate. And then, I want to try for Sahova, and then Lhavit or Denval and travel to Alvadas (I seem to have become attached to Laszlo and Alvadas. Woe is Me.). Now, I want Alvadas.

All together now:

We're part of a story, part of a tale
We're all on this journey
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Where ever it's going
What is the way?

OOCIt is now December, officially Winter in the Mizaharian calender. Siofra is no longer available to thread with for anyone after the end of Fall.
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Siofra's Scrapbook - Tales of the Winter

Postby Goshawk on November 24th, 2011, 7:15 pm

This is where I'll rant about last night.
Last edited by Goshawk on November 24th, 2011, 7:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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