Lenonrie (To Hell With You. Here's To Me.) ~Basic Information~ Race: Human Birthday & Age : 494 AV 39th of Fall (Eighteen) Gender: Female Companions: Tazelle (Horse) Height: 5'5" Weight: Housing: Languages Common: Fluent Pavi: Basic Tucant: Poor Physical Description Lenonrie was blessed with beautiful white blonde hair the waves and spirals down to her elbows in shimmering strands. She does not lack grace, in her physical aspect anyways. Her skin is smooth, honey colored, and soft to the touch, that brings out her crystal like emerald eyes amazingly. Small framed, and standing at about 5'5", Lenonrie walks among her people with a sway and grace of total confidence. She wears loose clothing, that barely hangs on to her shoulders and hips, thanks to her lack of money for better clothing, but that just makes her seem more comfortable with the world around her.~*~ Character Concept ~*~ Lenonrie never feels out of place, no matter where she goes. She has seen the kindness in people, as well as the evil, and takes it all in stride as she travels along the roads from town to town. Not one to dwell in a single place long, she has no problem unnattaching herself from others nor starting a conversation when the time comes. Strangers are only a danger if you don't try to talk to them, in her opinion (though that may be why she has gotten into a lot of trouble over the years). She is calm most of the time, though you never know when something might trigger the more...deranged part of her personality. No, it is not a split personality, no, she is not bipolar. When she enjoys something, it takes itself to the fullest of bliss in her mind, and the outcome of her mood...varies. Her entire life she has been plagued with strange episodes, where everything around her seems to twist and swirl in strange patterns. She can normally keep it to herself since it doesn't really ever cause her pain, and goes on about her life as if nothing had even happened. Character History ~*~ To tell a person's life would bring the need to reveal how said person had originated. Lenonrie, in this case, was the result of the two sea farers trapped in an unholy love. Neither of the two were Svefra, but both were born to travel the Sea. They've been everywhere, more than once, loving to see the sites. They also stole more than their fair share of...valuables. (Will be continued) Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore) ~*~ Tracking - 15 Points (Racial Bonus) Dancing - 15 Points (Starting Pack) Acrobatics - 15 Points (Starting Pack) Seduction - 20 Points (Starting Pack) Equipment and Possessions ~*~ 1 Set of Clothing (cloak/coat & footwear included) 1 Waterskin 1 Backpack which contains: ■ 1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap) Food for a week or 1 bottle of embalming fluid (for Nuits) 1 eating knife Flint & Steel Crystal Stone Necklace With A Leaf In The Center (Family Heirloom) 1 large tent (4 person), large tarp, 100 ft of rope, flint & steel, lantern, 2 torches, bedroll, blanket, fishing tackle & hooks, a riding horse, a full set of tack, and a large set of saddlebags. Ledger ~*~ 100 Gold Rimmed Mizas Thread List |