Date: Summer, Day 48, 506 AV
Location: Ironworks
Caoin pressed herself against the nearest wall, her palms flat against the cool stone, it was a small bit of relief. The crowd of people, citizens and visitors alike, moved through Syliras, going about their daily lives and business. There were so many people that it was nearly impossible to move about corridors of the citadel without bumping into someone at least once, and the mass of moving, breathing bodies made it hot. The place reeked of smoke from the torches that lit the city, and every now and then Caoin would give a small cough as she got a lung full of smoke when passing one. She’d had to start trying to hold her breath when passing them just to avoid breathing in the smoke, but it didn’t help much since the stench clung to the walls around them. The corridors also smelled strongly of human sweat and in some places, of waste. With all of the citizens packed together in what was basically an indoor city, the smell of their presence was impossible to miss. It was almost enough to make Caoin gag and she was beginning to wonder why she had volunteered to accompany her father to the city for their annual trading run.
After she had finished helping her family with the livestock they had brought for trade, she had decided to take a walk around the city and familiarize herself with it, for the trips she knew she would have to make in the future. It wasn’t exactly her first trip to Syliras, but it was the first time she had ventured into the citadel, she wished she had stayed outside of the walls of the actual city, where there was open, clean air and she didn’t feel like an animal in a cage. For someone who was used to the wide open grasslands of Cyphrus, the walls of Syliras were suffocating. The smell of the city, while comprised of scents that she was familiar with, was not at all like the scent of sweat and dung from the livestock and workers of Endrykas, because in Endrykas, it wasn’t all contained in an enclosed space with little air to clear the scent away. She’d seen quite a bit of the citadel since she’s started her tour, and was almost ready to go back to her family for a brief respite from the crowded corridors, when the sound of metalworking caught her attention. Now that was an interesting sound and she pushed herself off of the wall and back into the throng of people, making her way towards the alley where the Ironworks was.
As Caoin approached the front of the Ironworks, she took in a deep breath. It certainly seemed to smell better out in the alley, outside of the citadel. She reached the entrance and poked her head in cautiously, looking around for someone who might be able to assist her in her endeavor, which was to find herself a bladed weapon that she could carry in case she wasn’t able to use her bow, or she just needed something better than a knife. The Drykas girl moved out of the entrance way and into the ironworks proper. She’d never been in an establishment quite like it, all of the forges, the heat and the smell of the metal. It was interesting and new and she couldn’t help but look around with wide, curious eyes. She wanted to move away from the entrance, to investigate and touch things, but she was far too polite and afraid to do so. As an outsider, the Knights of Syliras terrified her and she was afraid to do anything that one might construe as being an illegal activity or impending illegal activity. So, Caoin simply waited until someone noticed her and came over to help her.
MizNo Word Count638
Location: Ironworks
Caoin pressed herself against the nearest wall, her palms flat against the cool stone, it was a small bit of relief. The crowd of people, citizens and visitors alike, moved through Syliras, going about their daily lives and business. There were so many people that it was nearly impossible to move about corridors of the citadel without bumping into someone at least once, and the mass of moving, breathing bodies made it hot. The place reeked of smoke from the torches that lit the city, and every now and then Caoin would give a small cough as she got a lung full of smoke when passing one. She’d had to start trying to hold her breath when passing them just to avoid breathing in the smoke, but it didn’t help much since the stench clung to the walls around them. The corridors also smelled strongly of human sweat and in some places, of waste. With all of the citizens packed together in what was basically an indoor city, the smell of their presence was impossible to miss. It was almost enough to make Caoin gag and she was beginning to wonder why she had volunteered to accompany her father to the city for their annual trading run.
After she had finished helping her family with the livestock they had brought for trade, she had decided to take a walk around the city and familiarize herself with it, for the trips she knew she would have to make in the future. It wasn’t exactly her first trip to Syliras, but it was the first time she had ventured into the citadel, she wished she had stayed outside of the walls of the actual city, where there was open, clean air and she didn’t feel like an animal in a cage. For someone who was used to the wide open grasslands of Cyphrus, the walls of Syliras were suffocating. The smell of the city, while comprised of scents that she was familiar with, was not at all like the scent of sweat and dung from the livestock and workers of Endrykas, because in Endrykas, it wasn’t all contained in an enclosed space with little air to clear the scent away. She’d seen quite a bit of the citadel since she’s started her tour, and was almost ready to go back to her family for a brief respite from the crowded corridors, when the sound of metalworking caught her attention. Now that was an interesting sound and she pushed herself off of the wall and back into the throng of people, making her way towards the alley where the Ironworks was.
As Caoin approached the front of the Ironworks, she took in a deep breath. It certainly seemed to smell better out in the alley, outside of the citadel. She reached the entrance and poked her head in cautiously, looking around for someone who might be able to assist her in her endeavor, which was to find herself a bladed weapon that she could carry in case she wasn’t able to use her bow, or she just needed something better than a knife. The Drykas girl moved out of the entrance way and into the ironworks proper. She’d never been in an establishment quite like it, all of the forges, the heat and the smell of the metal. It was interesting and new and she couldn’t help but look around with wide, curious eyes. She wanted to move away from the entrance, to investigate and touch things, but she was far too polite and afraid to do so. As an outsider, the Knights of Syliras terrified her and she was afraid to do anything that one might construe as being an illegal activity or impending illegal activity. So, Caoin simply waited until someone noticed her and came over to help her.
MizNo Word Count638