Milk Was A Bad Choice (OOC Forum)

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The massive stretch of desert that overwhelms Eyktol. Here, a man's water is worth more than his life, and the burying sands are the unfortunate's mute undertaker.

Re: Milk Was A Bad Choice (OOC Forum)

Postby Colombina on March 24th, 2010, 12:02 am

I am stoked to have you here Nahali! I've been reading your thread in the Burning Lands (stalker status ;) ) and I'm impressed by your writing and descriptions of the landscape. If there's anything I can help you with, feel free to let me know.
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Re: Milk Was A Bad Choice (OOC Forum)

Postby Ke'sear on March 24th, 2010, 12:08 am

Hello everybody, I'm Ke'sear, looking forward to playing with everybody. Ke'sear roams the desert in solitude for no real reason, just thought that it would be fun.
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Re: Milk Was A Bad Choice (OOC Forum)

Postby Nahali on March 24th, 2010, 2:44 am

Colombina wrote:I am stoked to have you here Nahali! I've been reading your thread in the Burning Lands (stalker status ;) ) and I'm impressed by your writing and descriptions of the landscape. If there's anything I can help you with, feel free to let me know.

Awesome, I have a stalker! :) Thank you for the kind words about my lone thread.

At some point, I would like to do a thread where Nahali and her Tent visits Yahebah to trade wool, goat cheese and such. I'd be honored if you could mod that for me, once I start it up.
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Re: Milk Was A Bad Choice (OOC Forum)

Postby Malia on March 26th, 2010, 7:03 pm

Just a quick comment: I love the header for the Burning Lands! Very beautiful and very fitting, so kudos. :D
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Re: Milk Was A Bad Choice (OOC Forum)

Postby Colombina on March 26th, 2010, 10:30 pm

Thanks, Malia! You do a lovely job with images yourself so I am flattered.

Nahali, sure, I'll mod that. It won't be too long or complicated thread wise, but it will be nice to play some local color.

On a different note, if you guys have any cool images/ideas for a Yahebah banner that are not copyrighted, I'd love to see them.
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Re: Milk Was A Bad Choice (OOC Forum)

Postby Hirem on March 27th, 2010, 5:03 am

Hey guys!

Right now, I'm up for a thread with someone, mostly because Hirem's been stuck in one thread for months now and hasn't been roleplaying with anybody else. Thing is, it'd have to be a flashback, considering he's in Ahnatep currently.

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Re: Milk Was A Bad Choice (OOC Forum)

Postby Nahali on March 27th, 2010, 6:23 pm

Hirem, I would definitely be up for that, especially as there don't seem to be many other active Benshiran characters. I'm perfectly fine with doing a flashback, as it would help me get a better feel for playing Nahali.
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Milk Was A Bad Choice (OOC Forum)

Postby Rand on April 22nd, 2010, 11:03 pm

Hey to all, I just created a benshiran character and am super excited to start rping him. If anyine wouuld like to meet or encounter Rafi just let me know.
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Milk Was A Bad Choice (OOC Forum)

Postby Shena'doah on April 22nd, 2010, 11:56 pm

I would actually like to at one point, mostly because I want Shena to run across at least one devout Benshiran.
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Milk Was A Bad Choice (OOC Forum)

Postby Nahali on April 23rd, 2010, 12:02 am

Hi, Rand,

I'm pretty sure that you need to create a new account for a new character, rather than using "Rand" for both Rand and Rafi. I'm also a little puzzled about how your character sheet mentions a society of Reimancers in the Benshira, considering the write-up states that Benshirans are wary and superstitious about magic in general. Given how Sagallius turned out, I think the Benshira are more likely to shun magic than to encourage it and teach it. But I guess Colombina should have the final say on that.

P.S. Shena, I wouldn't mind writing a thread with you, as my character is highly devout. There's lots of opportunity for clashing personalities between them, I think. Though I do feel I should mention that Shena's already run across Hirem, who's pretty much a religious fanatic. :)
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