Fall 37, 511 A.V. With talk of being young, Xelhes turned his gaze away from the Symenestra. He did not like to think of being considered a child; it made him upset, and angry. Yet, maybe it was that reaction that made it so he was still a child, because something so insignificant could affect him so much. Questioning how Xelhes would know when he reached the desire mental age made Xelhes think on it as well. There was only one way he knew how to tell when this occurred, yet even then it would vary as others had varying intellect. "How one would gauge such a thing would be based on a personal preference, I guess. To me, when I am able to stand as an equal to one that is my age; to engage in a conversation and possess equal intelligence. When that happens with someone I respect, then I think I will have reached the mental age I desire." One of the main reasons he wanted to become mentally older was not simply to act like he was suppose to, but also so others would not look down on him for his lack of knowledge. He wanted others to treat him as an equal, and improving himself would bring that about. Simply nodding at Veldrys' comment on halfbloods, the Ethaefal let the subject die. From how Veldrys had spoke, he had assumed that the man did not possess such negative views on them; odd based on how he spoke of his people's view on them. Then again, Veldrys being here could be considered odd as well, coming to Denval and acting as a priest rather than staying in Kalinor. It did not matter though, not to Xelhes; they were not things for him to ask or become a part of. The obvious discomfort that the topic of Veldrys having children brought to the Symenestra was apparent and made Xelhes look at him for a moment. Did he not like children? Odd, considering his job as a priest and healer would have him around them. If simply bringing the subject about made the Symenestra act like that, asking for a reason would only make a worse result. Deciding to keep silent, Xelhes pondered the idea of asking why it made him uncomfortable at another time, if the two ever became friends. The moment Xelhes realised what the Symenestra asked him, the Ethaefal gave the man a glance of venom. The childish side of him came through again, this time more prominent. Maybe Veldrys would be able to see just how young the Ethaefal truly was. "Because that is how things are." That was all he said on it, his words cold thought the venom completely gone. Spitting fire at the Symenestra would do him any good, but his discomfort had changed to being upset. In order to avoid getting angry he acted cold instead, just like a child who had grown beyond yelling, and instead had a quiet tantrum. It would be no surprise if Veldrys found it amusing; almost anyone would. His eyes looking away from the Symenestra and voice still cold, Xelhes began his reply, though it lacked the enthusiasm from before. "I may have been a Symenestra, it is impossible to know in this form. As for understand; I find that be an overstatement. When I try to learn things, or come up with justifications, I look at the situation with an open mind." Looking out the window once more, the Ethaefal stood up, brushing himself off. "One could say I may even admire your people for being able to understand the situation of killing for food; most humans are completely beyond understanding the importance of such a thing. Yet always remember, sometimes admiring something can be one of the furthest things from being able to understand it. It is just like people admiring an Ethaefal. They find us beautiful and divine, but do not understand us." With that Xelhes began to move towards the door, not answering Veldrys' last question. With a slight bow, he looked at the Symenestra again, trying to be polite and show respect towards the man. "It was nice to meet you Veldrys. You spoke of wanting to eat and I have taken much of your time. I had best allow you to do so, as well as give you some time to yourself; or others. I will return here at sunset. You may have already, but not many get to witness an Ethaefal change form; though it is not as wonderful as some may believe." Taking his leave, Xelhes began to walk away again, though stopped just before the exit. Leaving like this, without answering the man's last question was improper. The least he could do was provide an answer, and did so without turning towards him. "I have been given another chance at life with knowledge of the past. Even more so, I allow myself to live. From my perspective, so long as one wishes to exist and tries to stay alive, there is some part of them that is happy. I just need to find where that part is hidden." With that the Ethaefal left the Chapel, to give himself time alone, as well as Veldrys. The idea of having his blood consumed still made Xelhes nervous, and he also had to try to digest everything Veldrys had told him of the Symenestra. Also, he wanted to find some paper and a writing utensil. If he wrote the memories down when in his other form, he could at least have some recollection of them. No images, but the story in his brain, like how one could memorize parts of a book they read. Despite that, Xelhes also needed to calm down and try to come up with an apology. Acting so childish was horrid, and it showed just how young he was inside. At this rate the Symenestra would never view him as anything close to an equal; at best maybe a young adult. He had time though to prepare; there was still time. He wanted to become an ally to Veldrys; he knew he could with time. Yet, the real question he had was would he be permitted to be one, or if all he would find was rejection. |
OOCDo you want to write a short blurb of Veldrys eating/thinking on everything and then I write with Xelhes coming back at sunset; or if you want I can just write another with Xelhes coming back. Yes, being difficult is a lovely talent I have; this exit is proof of it.