[Aspen/Renaria's Scrapbook] Frozen Wonderland

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[Aspen/Renaria's Scrapbook] Frozen Wonderland

Postby Phoenix on November 28th, 2011, 10:25 pm

Welcome back, Aspen and the piney fresh smell that you bring with you. It's nearing Christmas, after all, and it wouldn't be the same without the tree.....

<3 Kidding, of course. You're more than a tree, you human, you. :P (and because I don't really know what Aspen's smell like. Probably not like christmas trees.)

It's good to hear that you're letting whatever kept you from us stay in the past!

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[Aspen/Renaria's Scrapbook] Frozen Wonderland

Postby Aspen on November 28th, 2011, 10:31 pm

Thank you Jules <3

I don't think aspens smell like Christmas trees... they don't look like them that's for sure! I know that there's a type of aspen that smells like lemons though. Though I don't smell like lemons either!
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[Aspen/Renaria's Scrapbook] Frozen Wonderland

Postby Aidara on November 28th, 2011, 10:33 pm

Oh. They don't even look like Christmas trees? Damn. I thought I was being so clever *Sigh*

Well, Mizahar Christmas can have an Aspen tree instead of a Douglass fir. So there.

Edit: Whoops, switched Pc's and forgot who I was posting on :P
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[Aspen/Renaria's Scrapbook] Frozen Wonderland

Postby Aspen on November 28th, 2011, 10:38 pm

Aha nope! *pats*
Behold the aspen tree! The ones in my avatar are aspens too (:

But I'm totally fine with dressing up in fairy lights :D
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[Aspen/Renaria's Scrapbook] Frozen Wonderland

Postby Aspen on November 29th, 2011, 9:23 am

Well, I always said that I was going to ring back one pc with me when I started up again. I thought I knew which one it was going to be too, but I just can't decide. I love them all too much :3

But the two that I'm really torn by is Laria and Amaryhl.
Amarhyl was my first ever pc here, who I retired a while back. I missed her too much so I bought her back. She's the youngest of my pc's and she has a long way to go. I have a plan for her still written out somewhere, and I remember that there are so many people I wanted her to thread with. She's an apprentice tailor, and there are so many other skills I want her to find. Also she was on her way to Alvadas when I left... Seven, Victor, I'm so sorry for leaving you!

Laria is also quite young, but she's got a lot more maturity than Amarhyl. She had a great storyline going for her when I left, one of my favourites out of all my pc's.

I'm hoping that eventually I can take both of them back up, I just don't know who to pick first!
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[Aspen/Renaria's Scrapbook] Frozen Wonderland

Postby Aspen on December 1st, 2011, 11:51 pm

Most of you guys know by now that I'm at university.
It took me a while to find my feet, and now that I'm over (hopefully) all of the bad patches, things are going to be awesome. My town had all its Christmas lights turned on today, so spirits are really high. And all the birds are out at the moment for some reason, so I've got loads of picture opportunities.

I feel so lucky to actually be able to do the one thing I really love at uni. I'm not sure if I ever said this, but my course is a Natural History Photography course. So I basically take pictures of plants, animals and landscapes. Which is what I love doing anyways.

I'm going to save a picture spam and just link to the website I made. (yay for shameless advertising!)
Here it is!
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[Aspen/Renaria's Scrapbook] Frozen Wonderland

Postby Aspen on December 3rd, 2011, 2:25 am

It's weird to think that I've been living on my own for around three months now. I still feel as though I'm on some sort of weird holiday. My room is homey enough, there are photos and posters (and mess!) everywhere, so it's nothing to do with that.
When I say alone, I mean away from my family. I'm by no means alone. I share the kitchen with 3 other girls. One I don't see too much, but the other two are absolutely lovely. While we all tend to cook separately, we do have film nights. I'm the lucky one with a telly, so we bring it down to the kitchen along with blankets and popcorn and stay up till stupid hours watching DVD's.

I think it could be the fact that I know for certain I'm going back home. I only have a week left up here, then I'm heading back to see my family until January. It's not really a bad thing I suppose, because I do like it here and I've finally found my feet. But as they say, "home is where the heart is", and my heart is most definitely back with my parents and sister.

I'm really excited about going home for reasons other than my family too. I am loving my course, it's more than I could ever have wanted. Flicking through my presentation books I can actually see for myself that my photography is improving, and it brings me so much satisfaction. I mean, three months ago, I would never have been able to take this picture:

(yep, that's one of mine!)

So yeah, I'm all ready to go home now, armed with heaps of new photographic knowledge!
Oh, and my cooking skills. I totally made lasagna the other day. Go me :)

(Thought I would go for a more wintry avatar too. Snowy aspen time!)
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[Aspen/Renaria's Scrapbook] Frozen Wonderland

Postby Aspen on December 5th, 2011, 10:16 pm

I'm ridiculously happy and excited right now.
I mean, I'm going home to see my family in 4 days! Yay!
And just tonight I went for a walk with some of my friends. It was really dark, even though it wasn't late and it was really cold. And we were all bundled up in scarves and hats and gloves (the first time I've worn them this season!), and the town had all it Christmas lights on. And there were people singing and giving out hot chocolate.
It got me all excited for winter and Christmas.
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[Aspen/Renaria's Scrapbook] Frozen Wonderland

Postby Aspen on December 6th, 2011, 4:59 pm

I was poking through some of the Plotnotes that have already been posted up in the shiny new forum and I saw a couple had character traits, or diamonds, written up. So I did some more digging and the concept intrigued me. So much so that I took a shot at finding one for Amarhyl.
I have no idea if I've done it right, but it's my view anyway. I didn't put negative or positive, because I felt that all the traits could be seen as both in one way or another.

Constant Traits
Virtuous: Amarhyl has an extremely strong set of morals, and a thorough understanding of what is generally right and wrong. Being rather naive though, she can be easily convinced that something is okay if she has never experienced or come across it at all. With the things she already knows though, she is stalwart in her beliefs and will not be told otherwise.
virtuous (adj): 1. having or showing high moral standards 2. concerned with principles of right and wrong and conforming to standards based on those principles (syn: moralistic, good, ethical, pious, honest, righteous, principled)

Introverted: Amarhyl is quite content to spend time alone or in the company of only one or two others. She is not a very talkative person, much preferring to listen to others, and she rarely approaches strangers. Don’t be fooled though - if you catch her with a topic she finds interesting she can talk incessantly. She is by no means shy, she just feels happier and more comfortable in familiar situations. Of course, being this way, many people see her as a loner, not wanting to be disturbed.
introvert (n): 1. a person who tends to shrink from social contacts and to become preoccupied with their own thoughts 2. preferring the internal, satisfied with self, lacking comfort in social interactions (syn: wallflower, solitary, anomic, reserved, timid)

Situational Traits
Loyal: Amarhyl is extremely devoted and faithful to those she deems friends, and to her Deities. Once a person has gained her trust and taken the time to know her, she is unwavering when it comes to giving said person support. She will do her utmost to help and defend those she is loyal to within her capabilities. Her loyalty, or lack of loyalty to someone or something does affect her decisions and the things that she does. Say, is someone close to her had a dislike of a place for a reason, she would avoid it and decline any invitation to visit said place.
loyal (adj):1. giving or showing firm and constant support or allegiance to a person or institution 2. steadfast in allegiance or duty (syn: faithful, dependable, ardent, steadfast, unwavering)

Driven: Amarhyl thrives off the need to fulfill goals and wishes. She is extremely hard working, and having something to achieve only spurs her on further. Once she is set on a task, she tries her utmost to finish it, and she hates failure. She rarely gives up on something, unless she can see that it will be impossible to complete.
driven (adj): 1. motivated or determined by a specified factor or feeling (syn: compelled, motivated, energized)

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[Aspen/Renaria's Scrapbook] Frozen Wonderland

Postby Aspen on December 7th, 2011, 12:24 am

Sorry to those I owe posts.
I know that I have some moderated threads and a bit of grading that needs doing. You most likely wont be getting a response from me until tomorrow evening at the earliest.
One of my flatmates is really ill with the flu - he threw up blood today. We had to call the paramedics in to make sure he didn't need to be hospitalised. He doesn't, but I'm going to be staying downstairs with him tonight just in case.
I've had an hour or so to catch up on what I need to do, but that's been stuff for uni since I have lectures tomorrow.
So yeah, just letting people know where I'm at with regard to responses to threads and things.
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