Cairis Beth

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Cairis Beth

Postby Cairis Beth on November 29th, 2011, 7:40 am

Name: Cairis Ann Beth (Cah-Reece)
Birthday: 28th Day of Winter 486 A.V
Age: 24
Home City: Denval

Physical Description
Cairis is just another normal human. She keeps her blonde hair short, scraping thin across the back of her neck, and at the front its longest strands reaching only her chin. Only occasionally does she dye her hair, choosing to use natural elements that slightly darken the shade into a soft brown.

Cairis’ face is lean and pixie-like, with a small snubbed nose high cheek bones and pointed chin. Her wide eyes are the softest lilac, with shots of blue. Her ears of of proportionate size, and are adorned with long dangling earrings of white feathers. Her skin is pale cream, with cheeks that easily flush with heat. In fact, most afternoons Cairis’ colour is so high she is sometimes thought to have taken fever. Around her long ivory neck sits a silver chain holding a pendant of moon-rock that sits close to her navel.

Being of average height (5”4), she is only slightly underweight, at 105lbs. Her lithe frame is petite and her clothes always frame it well. Cairis’ usual attire is a floor length skirt of dark blue or black, with soft boots (or more sturdy ones when on the road), peasent style blouse, and the obligitory hooded cloak in midnight blue. Around her waist is a low slung braided belt of silver, with several pouches hanging from various strands of braid. Inside each pouch is various healing herbs.

Character Concept
Cairis is something of an observer, preferring to stay quiet and speak only when necessary. She finds mild conversation naggatory, and would rather engage in meanigfu discussions that have purpose. She chooses to remain neutral in many situations, and is held in high regard as a confidante by many who cross her path. It may be her easy listening manner that enables strangers to share their life stories with this young woman.

Cairis is bound by a strong moral code of integrity, honesty and belonging. She believes that everyone has their place in the world, that honesty is the best policy, and that by doing as you say will get you far in life. She accepts however that there are many roads, and that each must choose their own. Her pragmatic outlook allows her to accept individuals for who they are, and rarely is she found to vocally judge someone. What she does in her own mind is no ones business but hers.

Cairis rarely laughs, but her inner peace allows a soft smile to never be far from her lips. With controlled emotions, and a wise outlook on life, Cairis could easily be a diplomat if she so chose. She devoutly follows Rak'keli, and hopes to one day be in the goddess' favour.

Character History
Cairis has lived a fairly non-eventful life. Raised to be a genteel and womanly type woman, Cairis had every whimisical question answered by her wise parents Choime (Chay-mee) and Hector Beth. Both were hard working farmers, and held tight to the idea of self-sustainablity. As a child Cairis took many pets, from sparrows to goats to cows, depending on what was available to her at the time. Choime and Hector encouraged their daughter to care carefully for her animals, and to respect all living kind. Her parents were the kind that delight in their children, and would give up anything at a moment’s notice for their well-being. Cairis was just 1 year old when her sister Eloise was born, and, being so close in age, quickly bonded to her as if she was her twin.

Cairis learnt very early on that she had a natural talent for natropathy and healing, and was given tutorage from the tender age of 14. At 20 Cairis decided to make her own path in life, with the full blessing of her parents.

In the four years since, Cairis has wandered only occasionally to different cities, choosing purposefully to settle where she feels safest. Forests and mountains scare her.

Equipment and Possessions
1 Set of Clothing (cloak/coat & footwear included)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
Food for a week or 1 bottle of embalming fluid (for Nuits)
1 eating knife
Flint & Steel

Family Heirloom - Silver Necklace and Pendant, which was her grandmothers, then her mothers, and then given to her on her Eighteenth birthday.

Home - basic cottage
iron pot (5sm)

Medicine - 30 (from starting pack)
Herbalisim - 15 (from starting pack)
Cooking - 5 (from starting pack)
Teaching - 15 (from race bonus)

Basic Care of Animals

Fluent: Denvali
2nd Language: Common

-5SM - Iron Pot
99GM 5SM

Winter 511 A.V
But to learn to cook
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Cairis Beth
Observing the Time, Quietly.
Posts: 7
Words: 22515
Joined roleplay: November 29th, 2011, 6:51 am
Location: Denval
Race: Human
Character sheet

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