by Miro on November 23rd, 2011, 9:53 pm
Miro saw Iliana's troubled expression and her difficulty speaking and knew instantly how she felt. He smiled warmly towards her and walked over to her, placing his hand gently on her shoulder. "It is okay Illy, I understand entirely. For years and years I slept near my mom. Night after night, always near. Then the same traveling with Kinneas. As soon as I had the option I chose to be alone for a change. Every night I get to go to sleep with peace and quiet as my room mate. No snoring or sleep talking, just the sounds of the night. I wouldn't want to take that from you, not that I am a loud sleeper or anything." Miro motioned to another door, leading to an empty room. He opened it up and turned to her again. "All yours...for now that is. Please feel free to use anything here, as if it were yours." He let out a long drawn out yawn and began stretching. "I am sorry, but I think it is time I take a nap. I will be going to my room shortly." Miro rubbed his eyes and walked past Iliana, waiting for her to go to her room. Taking a seat on the couch he sprawled out, not moving until he was sure she had taken to her room and was satisfied. "It has been some day. Perhaps I will dream of snow tonight. White fields as far as the eye can see. Someday I will see it again."